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Chapter 438 The past history!

Chapter 438 The past history!

'Boom boom boom!!'

The final battle unfolded. Four figures collided together like streams of light, causing the entire area to shake. Torrents of energy hit all directions. The red earth continent in this area began to collapse because it could not withstand the aftermath.


"My lord, you have your own battle, and our battle is not over yet... I believe that your lord can win, but I will not allow others to intervene in their battlefield!" Ye Qi shouted coldly, facing the Seraph next to him.

Rob Lucci rushes!

"Hahaha, that guy, our battle just now is not over yet, let's continue!"

The other ten blades also took action at this moment, killing their respective opponents!

"Our navy can't just watch. After all... the order of this world still needs our navy to maintain it!"

The navy is also fighting with the commander of CP0!

The war is about to break out!

However, the battle here is far less intense than the battle between the four figures over there, but it is also a battle between the top powerhouses in the world, and the fluctuations in the battle are also extremely powerful!

"It turns out that the key to the immortality surgery is the devil fruit ability of Im-sama... No wonder our attempts failed..."

"The Quincy, Night Blade, they actually joined forces..."

"Don't worry, Lord Im and Uranus join forces, no one in this world can be his opponent!"

The three Five Old Stars did not join the battle, but looked at the battlefield between Yun Ye and Yi Mu from a distance, their faces extremely gloomy, as if they were waiting for a move!

And this scene was also seen by Morgans' image phone bug, which projected it to all over the world!

The Revolutionary Army, the Red-Haired Pirates, the Whitebeard Pirates, forces large and small in the world are all paying attention to the outcome of this battle!

Will the world government win, or... the Quincy's King's Palace?

This battle will determine the future of the world!

On the Fish-Man Island, the mermaid princess Bai Xing looked at the scene on the screen, her eyes filled with soul fire, as if she had recalled everything, and she murmured: "Ouranos, didn't you enter reincarnation that time?"

Firutari Im, the thief who stole the origin of "Mother", was the culprit responsible for the collapse of the Joyboy Kingdom... But... even if you two join forces like you did then, you can't be your opponent, because

...My lord, he... does not belong to this world, his rank far exceeds this world! Even if he only revives the strength of the tip of the iceberg, you are not able to resist!"

"Mother..." Bai Xing looked at Yangshu Eve, whose head was shining with light. There was a hint of sadness in her eyes. It was because of Neferutari Im's secret troubles that her "mother", Eve, became

It looks like this now!

Eve was once a huge tree, and its canopy could even cover half of the world!

There was a look of memory in Bai Xing's eyes, and the scene from the past appeared in her mind——

Before the Moonmen went to the Blue Sea, they had a battlefield with the space pirates "Black Hole Star Pirates". Although the Moonmen defeated the Space Pirates, and through technology, they copied the abilities of the Space Pirates.

However, due to technical reasons, they could only copy those abilities that allowed them to transform into animals to enhance their physical strength!

That is, people with animal abilities...

Most of the people on the moon have the ability to transform into various animals...

Also because of the years of war, the resources on the moon have been exhausted, and even the back side of the moon, which was the site of the war, was destroyed. Also because of the magical abilities of those space pirates, it can never be repaired!

The debris shot out turned into meteorites orbiting the blue ocean planet...

Later, in order to allow the remaining tribesmen to continue, Joeyboy, the leader of the Lunar people at the time, led the remaining Lunar people back to their former hometown, the Blue Sea Planet.

The moon people were the humans who survived the great flood that destroyed mankind, and they did not participate in the war against Eve, the tree of life.

Instead, on the eve of the war, they used their technology to go to the moon and settled there.

As time passed, they also broke away from the humans on the Blue Sea. They also grew wings on their backs due to the low gravity of the moon. After that, they called themselves lunar people.

Although they are also a branch of human beings...

Joyboy originally had longing for this beautiful and free planet.

However, after traveling around the world, he discovered that the world was not as peaceful as he imagined, but full of war and discrimination...

The "human beings" in this world are like a collection of barbarism, discrimination, hatred, killing, and war!

Just because they live in different environments, look different, and have evolved different civilizations, they discriminate and hate each other, and wars break out from time to time!

For Joeyboy, who yearns for peace, this is simply an extremely ridiculous thing.

Obviously they have a common ancestor...

Joyboy wants change, revolution.

So, he started to take action, using the abilities he got from those space pirates and his own personality charm, he quickly gathered the leaders of "human beings" with different looks.

He wants to create a world where all races can live together under the sun, without borders, without discrimination and war!

His ideas convinced countless people, and these people formed a huge kingdom, exchanging what they had with each other, and conducting trade...

This country has existed for many years, and peace has appeared in this world for the first time...

However, due to the existence of the red earth continent that separates the two seas, Joyboy's ideas did not spread throughout the world.

So he went to the two gods who caused all this, the King of Heaven and the King of the Sea, and asked them to unblock the barrier between the Red Earth Continent and the Windless Belt, so that peace could spread throughout the world!

Poseidon, the king of the sea who advocated peace at that time, recognized Joyboy's ideas so much that he was even willing to untie the windless belt so that humans could trade through the windless belt and contribute to peace.

However, the King of Heaven does not agree with this. He believes that human beings are still the same human beings and there will never be such a thing as peace.

Moreover, in his eyes, human beings are food. A bunch of food actually wants to trade with him, a god?

Don’t even think about it!

Without the help of King Uranus, it would be extremely difficult to remove the wall of the Red Earth Continent that blocks all races.

For this reason, Joey Boy also has a huge headache...

However, the evil space pirate leader, after his own group of star pirates was destroyed, used his own abilities to change his appearance and hide among the moon people.

He even became one of the top leaders of the Moon People.

He hid the secret from Joey Boy and started his secret actions...

First, he deceived Joyboy, saying that he could create a weapon that could control the movement of the ground, which could bypass Ouranos's ability, collapse a corner of the Red Earth Continent, and allow the two sea areas to communicate with each other, thus achieving Joyboy's dream!

But in fact, what he made was an extremely powerful weapon, which he used to take revenge on the moon people!

Because he is one of Joyboy's trusted subordinates, and Joyboy is not a suspicious character, he was asked to try to create...

Thus, on the Seven Islands of Water, the weapon named Pluto began to be manufactured...

Then, this space pirate also made a secret deal with a human careerist above the blue ocean. This person is Im!

Using their own hidden abilities, the two of them touched the tree of life Eve, using the technology of the moon people and the abilities of the space pirate leader himself.

They extracted the origin of Eve, the tree of life, and created a fruit that contained some kind of original power!

That's the devil fruit...

That space pirate leader has the ability to extract the origins of other worlds!

That is - the predecessor of the Dark Fruit, the Black Hole Fruit!!!

Therefore, Im successfully obtained the first Devil Fruit, the Life Fruit!

Other scattered origins also escaped the control of Eve, the Tree of Life, and flew to all parts of the world. In people's wishes and expectations, they were "added" with special properties and turned into different types of abilities!

This is the origin of Devil Fruit!

And because World Tree Eve had a large amount of "origin" extracted, she became what Yang Tree Eve looks like today, losing her former splendor...

Later, this space pirate joined forces with Im, used the technology of the moon people to control the king of Uranus, and broke out the war that swept the entire world...

In order to stop Im and Ouranos, and to restore peace to the world, Poseidon, the King of the Sea at that time, also took action...

However, they still lost...

Facing Im's coalition forces, she joined forces with Joey Boy, but they were still defeated!

The reason is that Im bewitched an island creature that ate the Elephant Fruit. At the last moment, the island creature carrying the most evil warship pointed Pluto's cannon at them...

That shot killed their hopes. Although the island creature woke up later, it was already too late...

Subsequently, Im defeated Joyboy, established a world government, and buried everything in the huge kingdom. Even the Tree of Life Eve was renamed Sun Tree Eve. He buried everything!!

Poseidon, the king of the sea, fell into reincarnation, and most of those moon people with fighting power were killed in that war!

Only a few escape the pursuit of the World Government...

Most of the dead moon people have not dissipated their abilities, but are constantly being reborn in various parts of the world under the laws of this world!

Their fruits, as if they have their own consciousness, are engraved with hatred for the World Government. They will subconsciously avoid people from the World Government and will not be easily obtained by the people of the World Government...

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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