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Chapter 68: Bazaar

Datong Prefecture's education campaign is being carried out in an orderly manner.

The time for mutual trading agreed with the Mongols for the first time has also arrived.

On September 28th, the weather was beautiful, and there were no clouds in the sky inside and outside the grassland.

The soldiers on duty on the city wall of Datong Mansion looked into the distance and suddenly noticed a large shadow on the grassland, and immediately reported the news.

At the same time, scouts from the grassland have entered the city.

Zhu Gui had just finished breakfast and was watching the servants in the house practicing their bicycles.

Some of them are smart and can already ride very well, and most of these people are the female relatives of the palace.

Especially Zhu'er, I don't know if it's because she and Xu Miaoqing are often together, but now she can ride with a person very safely.

On the contrary, half of the men in the mansion can barely ride.

As for the remaining half, her nose was bruised and her face was swollen, which made Xu Miaoqing often arrogant in front of Zhu Gui, as if to say, "Look, women are not much worse than men."

"Can't you give me some credit? Look at the garrison at the guard station. They've all learned it. I'm really embarrassed."

Zhu Gui scolded angrily.

Zhu'er on the side suddenly interjected: "Your Majesty, I heard that General Xu did it through motivation."

"What kind of motivation method?" Zhu Gui turned his head and looked at Zhu Er.

Zhuer quickly hid behind Xu Miaoqing.

"I know this. My brother said that those who learn this bicycle first will have priority in using the firearms you provide to the guards."

Xu Miaoqing said with a smile.

Zhu Gui was stunned for a moment and then realized something.

Xu Yingxu had already 'schemed' him into his feelings.

However, he also had inspiration and immediately said to everyone: "In the future, people who learn to ride bicycles can shoot targets once every half month."

His words were indeed effective. The servant who had been sitting on the ground just now and didn't want to wake up immediately stopped having blurry eyesight and his head ached.

Zhu Gui's firearms are still very attractive to them.

It's no wonder that most of the many legends about him now involve these firearms.

Some people even believe that it was precisely because Dai Wang had these firearms that the Mongols suffered successive defeats.

At this moment, the scouts and the city defense messengers entered the palace together.

"Your Majesty, we have important military information."

Zhu Gui's personal soldiers immediately ran over and took the information, and then handed it to Zhu Gui.

Zhu Gui nodded after reading it, and then said to the soldiers: "Inform Governor Zhang and the people from the Datong Chamber of Commerce that the business is coming."

The soldiers went down to deliver the order, and Zhu Gui also changed his clothes, took the reins from the servant, mounted the black horse "Lightning" and rushed to the city gate with Xu Miaoqing.

Although Zhu Gui agreed to trade with the Mongols, considering that the Han people in Datong Prefecture were afraid of the Mongols, he set up the market outside the city.

When Zhu Gui and Xu Miaoqing arrived at the city, the Mongolian cavalry had already arrived outside the city, only a few kilometers away from Datong Prefecture.

There were quite a few people coming this time, thousands of them, but what was different from the past was that there were only about a hundred Mongolian cavalry capable of fighting here, and the rest were Mongolian herdsmen.

The leaders were none other than the leaders of several Mongolian tribes, including Hei Muhan, who had already annexed the Golden Horde forces.

Soon after, an excited Zhang Mao also came to the city.

"Your Majesty, the Mongols have come this time with so many people, so many cattle and sheep."

Zhu Gui nodded, and then asked: "Have you informed King Yan and that Sun Yushi?"

Zhang Maodao: "I have already informed you two."

"That's good. When King Yan arrives, let's go down together to meet these Mongols."

After half a stick of incense, King Yan and Sun Yushi finally arrived.

When King Yan saw the Mongols under the city, his expression changed several times. It seemed that he did not have a good impression of the Mongols.

"King Dai, do you want to trade with the Mongols? If you do this, the emperor will probably be unhappy."

King Yan said.

"That's right, our Ming Dynasty's mission to eradicate evil is based on the elimination of the Mongols. Doing this on behalf of the king goes against the teachings of our ancestors."

Sun Shangqing also agreed, obviously he already knew who was the big one after King Yan came.

Xu Miaoqing was about to open her mouth, but Zhu Gui stopped her with her hand.

Zhu Guidao: "Fourth brother, you are right, but now and then, due to natural disasters, the Mongols will not have an easy time this winter. If I don't sell them some food, I am afraid they will not be able to survive this winter."

"Wouldn't that be better? If we starve them all to death, we won't have to bother us anymore." Sun Shangqing said eagerly.

King Yan glared at him, then nodded and said: "I understand what the Thirteenth Emperor meant. Are you worried that these Mongols will attack Datong Mansion when there is famine in winter?"

Zhu Guidao said: "Yes, although the current defensive strength of Datong Mansion is stronger than before my king came, if the Mongols are determined to fight to the death, Datong Mansion will suffer heavy losses even if they can defend it, so it is better to block it than to open it up."

"It's a good saying, 'It's better to block than to open up'. I understand it, but the Thirteenth Emperor must grasp the degree of it, otherwise not everyone in the court will understand this."

King Yan Zhu Di nodded and said.

Zhu Guidao: "Fourth brother can understand what I am doing, and I am very happy. As for the others, let them talk."

Sun Shangqing's lips moved slightly, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Don't worry, if the emperor asks, fourth brother will also speak for you. By the way, next time the prince and the emperor have their birthdays, we brothers will be able to gather together. You can't spoil the fun."

Zhu Di said suddenly.

Zhu Gui was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that the birthdays of Prince Zhu Biaohe and Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang were both in October, which he could not avoid at any cost.

He could only nodded, and then said: "Fourth brother, let's go out of the city to meet those Mongolians."

"Okay, I have this intention as well. I have been fighting the Mongols for half my life, and this is the first time I have sat down to negotiate with them."

Zhu Di said with a smile.

The city gates of Datong Mansion opened outwards, and two thousand cavalrymen jumped out. This scene made the Mongolians packed with people nervous.

At the end of the cavalry, a group of dozens of people rushed towards the direction of the Mongols.

Zhu Gui's cavalry had already informed Hei Muhan and others of the place where the two sides would meet. The leaders of the other side discussed with each other and then placed the team in place, and they arrived at a mound to the east of Datong Mansion.


A small camp has been built here in advance, with a pavilion in the center.

Zhu Gui and others were sitting in the south waiting for them.

"I have met the King of Dai." Several Mongolian leaders said first.

This chapter has been completed!
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