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Chapter 76: He Bie Tribe

"What are you still looking at? Hurry up and get ready, it's time to fight."

Xu Miaoqing patted Zhu Gui on the shoulder, and then went to notify the soldiers in the woods to prepare for battle.

"Wait a minute, these people are running away and someone is chasing them." Zhu Gui said.

"Even if someone is chasing us, it's the Ming army. Isn't our mission this time to destroy the Mongols? Besides, it would be dangerous if they expose our position."

Xu Miaoqing had already taken out his two guns and aimed at the fastest Mongolian cavalryman in front.

There was a gunshot, and the Mongolians on horseback fell down.

This sudden change shocked the Mongolians, but instead of slowing down, they rushed towards the woods at a faster speed.

It's almost like they don't care about their lives.

Zhu Gui did not stop him, no matter what the reason was, he still prioritized his own preservation.

After a burst of shooting from Dai Wangfu's soldiers, the Mongolian cavalry had fallen dozens of them in a row.

They finally realized that there was an ambush in the woods, so they had to stick to the woods to avoid it.

But the pursuers behind them obviously didn't want to give them this chance.

"Catch these traitors and go back to the Khan to receive a reward, one head and one stone of salt for each of them."

A voice echoed around, and suddenly, there was a burst of cheers.

"Wait a moment."

Zhu Gui raised his hand and asked the soldiers behind him to stop shooting.

"What's wrong?" Xu Miaoqing ran over.

"The ones chasing them are also Mongolians." Zhu Gui pointed at the Mongolian pursuers rushing over and said.

"So what's the matter? They are all Mongolians anyway." Xu Miaoqing asked with some confusion.

"There is a saying that 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'. It seems that the Mongols are not monolithic. This may be our opportunity. Everyone, follow my order and shoot those Mongolian pursuers."

Zhu Gui shouted.

A hail of bullets rained down, and the Mongolian pursuers who ran the fastest because of the bounty fell to the ground one after another.

The high-spirited Mongolian cavalry captain just now was shocked by this scene.

Originally, he saw the people in the woods attacking his target, so he thought it was from their side, but now, the other party actually attacked them again.

"Friends in the woods, which tribe are you from? We have something to talk about. At worst, if we catch these traitors, we will share half of the credit with you."

He immediately shouted towards the woods.

But he didn't wait for a reply, what came instead was a bullet.

The cavalry captain only felt a pain in his abdomen, but he was decisive and did not look at it. Instead, he rode back and ran back.

When the other Mongolian cavalry saw this, they were a little dumbfounded.

But nearly a hundred compatriots had fallen in front of them, and they didn't even see the shadow of the enemy.

Even though these Mongolian cavalry had strong beliefs, they chose to retreat in the face of this strange and terrifying scene.

Soon, the pursuers left the bodies lying on the ground and left.

Seeing this, the cavalry group that was chased at the beginning stopped.

The middle-aged Mongolian leader discussed with the tribesmen, sent three cavalrymen to the edge of the woods, and shouted from a distance: "I don't know who the friends in the woods are? Thank you for helping me just now."

"You guys wait for me here."

After Zhu Gui finished speaking, he rode out alone.

When the three Mongolian cavalrymen saw that the person coming was dressed as a man, they immediately turned their horses and ran back.

While running, he kept running: "Chief, no, it's an ambush from Akito."

The chief's expression changed drastically, and just as he was about to lead his tribe to flee this place again, he heard Zhu Gui shout: "Stop if you want to survive, otherwise they will be your role models."

Zhu Gui pointed at the corpse in front of the woods with his riding crop and said.

The Mongolian chief's expression changed several times. After discussing with several clan elders, he finally rode his horse and arrived not far from Zhu Gui.

"I don't know who you are? Why are you making it difficult for me to wait?"

Zhu Gui glanced at the anxious Mongolian cavalry behind him, including many women and children, and asked: "Which tribe are you from?"

"We are from the Hebei tribe," the other party said.

"Then why are you being hunted by your own clan?" Zhu Gui continued to ask.

"Because we have no cattle and sheep to turn over, and we don't have many warriors to participate in the war." The old chief said with tears in his eyes.

It turns out that the Mongols relied on squeezing the small tribes at the bottom to complete the war against the Ming Dynasty.

But if this method of fishing in the marsh fails, it will be doomed.

But this also shows the determination of the Mongols.

Thinking of this, Zhu Gui continued: "This king is willing to provide shelter to your tribe, are you willing to accept it?"

"King? Are you King Su?" The old chief was startled. No matter how dim he was, he still knew who the main target of their Mongolian action was.

"No, I am not King Su, I am the acting king from Datong Mansion."

Zhu Gui explained.

"Dai Wang? Datong Mansion? But that place is thousands of miles away from here. How did you..." the other party said with a surprised look on his face.

"You don't have to worry about why I'm here. Since I've saved you and promised to give you shelter, you just need to tell me whether you are willing or not."

Zhu Gui made a gesture behind him, and Xu Miaoqing immediately walked out of the woods with all the soldiers.

They pointed their guns at the Mongolians behind the chief. It seemed that as long as the other party disagreed, they would take action immediately.

As a result, the expression on the face of the chief of the Hebei tribe changed several times. Finally, he jumped off his horse, fell to the ground and said, "I hope the king will treat me kindly."

"Get up. Since you agreed, you will be one of our own from now on. I am not a cruel person. You will know it later. Now bring all your people over."

Zhu Gui said calmly.

The old chief walked back to the tribe and explained the situation, which caused a burst of exclamations.

They really don't want to believe Mingren's words, let alone rely on others.

But they seem to have no other choice but this road now.

This area is a battlefield, and there is no place for them in the grassland. It seems that they can only rely on this acting king.

So soon the chief led his tribe to Zhu Gui and knelt on the ground.

"Everyone, get up. I will take you to a safe place first. When this war is over, I will take you back to Datong Mansion. You will see that the Mongols there and I get along very harmoniously."

Zhu Gui said quite proudly.

"King Xie Dai."

Although these Mongolians looked disbelieving, they could only awkwardly thank them now.

So Zhu Gui and his party came to the east of Ganzhou City together with these Mongols.

Soon, they came across a small city located between two mountains.

This chapter has been completed!
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