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Chapter 77: Battle Against the City

"Zhu Gui, where is this place?" Xu Miaoqing asked.

"According to the standards on the map, it should be Tianshui City. Let's go into the city."

Zhu Gui stuffed the map he had read back into his arms and headed towards the city gate.

The soldiers behind him also raised the banner of the King on behalf of the King and shouted: "The King on behalf of the King has arrived at Tianshui City, open the city gate quickly."

But all the way to the bottom of the city, the gate of Tianshui City was not opened. Instead, many arrows were shot from above.

It's just that the purpose of these arrows is obviously to keep them away, not to hurt people.

A military general on the top of the city shouted: "Who pretends to be the acting king?"

Zhu Gui rode out and said, "Are you the guard of this city? You don't even know me?"

The general took out a portrait, looked at Zhu Gui below the city, compared it carefully, and said: "The bold thief dared to pretend to be the king and wanted to gain Tianshui City. He let go of his arrows."

This time hundreds of archers at the top of the city were aiming at Zhu Gui.

Zhu Gui was angry and angry, but he had no choice. Even if he wore a bulletproof vest, he could not resist the rain of arrows, so he had to return to the range of the bow and arrow.

"What should we do now? They don't seem to recognize you."

Xu Miaoqing said with a half-smile.

"It should be because of these Mongolian soldiers. Now we have to send people to Ganzhou City to explain the situation."

Zhu Gui immediately sent his own troops to Ganzhou City.

It's just that the distance between the two places is not that close, so it might take quite an hour to get back and forth.

The general on the scale has already mobilized more archers, and he looks like he is ready.

Zhu Gui ignored him and could only let everyone rest where they were.

But soon, a group of Mongolian cavalry came from behind, and their number exceeded two thousand.

The Mongolians from the Hebei tribe who were with Zhu Gui were frightened.

The old chief came to Zhu Gui and begged him not to abandon him.

Zhu Gui agreed repeatedly.

However, there was a huge disparity in strength between the two sides, and he could not guarantee that Tianshui City would not take the opportunity to make a sneak attack, so the only solution for now was to make a quick decision.

Thinking of this, he could only bear the pain and exchanged ten Hongyi cannons from the system store, and then placed them in order in front of the position.

Fortunately, the new recruits Zhu Gui brought out this time have received certain training, and there are also more than a dozen veterans, so operating these Hongyi cannons is not difficult.

But this made the Ming army on the city wall dumbfounded.

The guard rubbed his eyes hard and couldn't tell where the people below the city got the Hongyi cannon.

And he originally thought these people were spies for the Mongols, but why did they look like they were going to fight the Mongols?

But no matter what, out of caution, he decided to stay put.

You must know that up to now, several border towns have been captured by the Mongols because of spies working inside and outside.

These two thousand Mongolian cavalry were pursued by the previous group of pursuers after they were cannoned.

Now the Mongols are preparing to storm Ganzhou City. If other tribes know that someone has escaped at this time, it may cause a mutiny.

Therefore, in order to win this war and to scare the monkeys, they decided to take back the people of the Hebei tribe and punish them severely.

Two thousand cavalrymen chased two hundred old, weak, women and children, and there was no chance of failure no matter what.

But they didn't expect that these people from the Hebei tribe would actually mix with the Ming people.

They couldn't understand why the Ming people would protect the Mongols, but this also strengthened their determination to get rid of the Hebei tribe.

But the scene before them gave these Mongolian pursuers a bad feeling.

That black muzzle seems to have been seen somewhere?

"No, retreat quickly, those are Akito's cannons."

The cavalry captain running at the front shouted loudly.

But how could a cavalry charge stop so easily?

Once it stops, it will only cause a large area of ​​​​trampling, and it will die very miserably.

So even though the cavalry at the front had heard the order, they did not dare to slow down.

The smart ones also know to run to both sides.

But it's too late.

Following a series of shocking loud noises, several huge fireballs flew towards the cavalry team.

Then there were several more explosions, and the originally neat team suddenly had several huge gaps, as if someone had bitten them.

But the cavalry on the edge of the explosion didn't think so. They were already frightened by this sudden death.

The cavalry captain running at the front looked frightened.

But now he knew that there was only one way to survive, which was to rush into the opponent's position, and then the opponent's cannon would be useless.

"Charge at full speed!"

The Mongolian cavalry began to charge faster, and a torrent rolled towards Tianshui City.

The guard on the city wall was so dumbfounded that he even forgot to breathe.

He firmly grasped the battlements with both hands and murmured: "This is the Mongolian cavalry."

Zhu Gui, who was under the city, watched all this without changing his expression.

"The musketeers fired two volleys, and the Hongyi cannon fired at intervals of half a minute."

The rumbling sound of cannons mixed with the fire snakes of flintlock muskets soon filled the front position with smoke.

The long-term continuous design also caused the barrel of the Hongyi cannon to start to turn red, and finally began to twist and deform.

But Zhu Gui turned a blind eye to all this.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, the Mongolian cavalry on the opposite side was running back. There were only more than 500 of them left, and the rest had turned into flesh and blood on the ground. It was like a hell-like scene.

Even Zhu Gui, who was used to seeing this kind of scene, couldn't bear it. He took several deep breaths to suppress the feeling of vomiting.

There is no way, the scene of destruction caused by the cannon is too bloody.

The new recruits among the soldiers on the battlefield looked at this scene, and after a moment of silence, they began to cheer.

"We won."

Only the veterans were silently wiping their weapons, but they also had smiles on their lips. Such a victory was not easy for them.

The people of the Hebei tribe were so frightened that they knelt on the ground and knelt down to Zhu Gui one after another.

The chief even muttered something about 'god of the prairie'.

It seems that in their eyes, this is something that only gods can do.

At the same time, the gate of Tianshui City opened, and the guard personally greeted him with his people.

"See you, King Dai. Before, the general was blind and did not recognize the prince. He was despicable and derelict in his duty."

The guard half knelt in front of Zhu Gui and said with his head lowered.

"Okay, during this extraordinary period, your caution is understandable. You can send someone to clean up the battlefield."

Zhu Gui said calmly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your understanding."

The guard said happily.

"Oh, by the way, these are the Mongolians who have been converted to the king. Don't make things difficult for them."

Zhu Gui pointed to the people of the Hebei tribe next to him and said to the guard.

"Yes, the general knows."

The guard general took his people to clean up the battlefield, while Zhu Gui led his soldiers and Mongolians from the Hebei tribe into Tianshui City.

This chapter has been completed!
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