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Chapter 163: Lucky Opening and Low-Price Food

Chapter 163 Good business, low-priced food

Because we drove the ox cart, the time to get to the town was shortened a lot.

It happened to be noon when everyone arrived in the town. They hurried to eat before setting off, and were now taken directly to the location in front of the grain store by Jiang Zhiyue.

Although the opening of a grain store is not as lively as when a restaurant or pastry shop opens, it is our own store after all, so we still have to cheer for it.

In addition to Jiang Zhiyue and his party, there were many other people standing on the street outside the grain store, but most of them just happened to be passing by and stayed to watch the excitement.

Whenever a new shop opens, the shopkeepers will throw wedding money in front of the shop in order to have a happy and harmonious meaning, so these people who stay here are not standing here for no reason.

Mr. Bai stroked his beard and said calmly: "Taiping Grain Shop, the name has a good meaning." "Do you open this grain shop?"

Jiang Zhiyue reminded with a smile: "It's A Ming's shop, and the people belong to him, I'm just a shareholder." Mr. Bai smiled, but didn't answer, and looked up at the place covered with red silk above the shop.

Now the plaque with the inscription "Taiping Grain Store" was covered with red silk, and there were a bunch of firecrackers on both sides of the large open door. Just after noon, Qin Jin came out with Feng San and Feng Si.

Qin Jin smiled and said a few happy words, and then asked Feng San and Feng Si to light the firecrackers.

When the firecrackers went off, they started scattering coins again, and those who moved quickly grabbed several.

Jiang Dalang raised his hand and caught a coin thrown towards them.

He wanted to hand it to Jiang Zhiyue, but Jiang Zhiyue stopped him and said with a smile: "This is a good sign. Brother, please keep it for yourself. When you get back, let your mother string it up for you with red thread and hang it around your neck."

Jiang Dalang laughed, how could he not tell that this little girl was teasing him.

"You naughty little girl."

Jiang Dalang nodded Jiang Zhiyue's forehead, smiled and took the copper plate into his palm again.

While everyone outside was still bending over to grab the copper coins, Feng San came out with a smooth and tall wooden board with the prices of various grains in the shop written on it.

When there was no more coins on the ground to fight for, everyone looked up and saw the board standing in front of the shop door. Immediately, the literate passerby read it in a low voice, and the sound became louder and louder the more he read it.

As for the reason, it is that the prices are at least 20% lower than the prices at the three original grain stores in the town.

Someone asked in surprise: "Shopkeeper, is this person telling the truth? Is the price of your food really like this?"

After saying that, he muttered carefully: "I'm afraid some young man came out to have fun and didn't inquire about the price in advance before opening the store."

Qin Jin and others were afraid that no one would ask, so he smiled and replied: "This price is just like what the young man said just now. You can never go wrong with the price."

In fact, the price written on the wooden board they brought out was not cheaper than in previous years. But compared with the current food prices, it was indeed a better choice.

This is already more than twice the price of food the year before last.

Someone laughed and said: "You named Taiping, couldn't it be because your food prices are cheaper than others?"

Qin Jin smiled and said nothing and did not answer this question.

However, the price of food in Taiping Food Store is so low, which has aroused many people's doubts.

Someone asked in confusion: "Your grain prices are so low, aren't they selling all grains mixed with old grains and moldy grains?"

As soon as he said this, other excited people calmed down and waited for Qin Jin to explain.

Qin Jin was not annoyed and said with a smile: "Everyone can check when buying food. Now the food is all in the shop. If you have any doubts, you can go in and ask for confirmation."

Several people walked in immediately, and Jiang Dalang also joined in the fun and went in to take a look.

The door of the shop was open, so people standing outside could see what was going on inside. Those who entered bent over and reached out to grab a handful of rice from the grain bag and put it in their hands to look at it.

The shop is so big, not everyone can go in and have a look, so those outside can only ask anxiously: "Is all the food moldy?"

The person inside did not reply, but excitedly walked to other open grain bags and grabbed a handful to look carefully.

In order to prevent the store from putting good food on top and inferior food at the bottom to pass it off as good, they even deliberately fished it down with their hands.

But without exception, the grains held in the palms of the hands were full of grains.

"How's it going?"

People outside couldn't help but ask again.

One person walked out excitedly and said loudly: "It's all good food. It's much better than the other food stores in our town."

Immediately afterwards, other people who entered also came out, and they all agreed with what the person said.

Some people immediately turned around and asked Feng San to weigh ten kilograms of grain for him, fearing that there might not be any. Jiang Dalang came out of the grain shop and returned to the Jiang family and his group.

Thinking about the food I just saw in the shop, it was indeed much better than what I usually see.

And it was precisely this kind of food that Jiang Dalang happened to see often at home.

He rarely saw his family members buying food, and the food in the jar would gradually increase before it was almost gone. The women in the family basically knew it, and no one asked about it.

Then I think about Jiang Zhiyue also saying that this shop belongs to Ouyang Ming, so what else is there that I don't understand.

It must have been something conjured up in my sister's little treasure chest and sold under Ouyang Ming's name.

When Jiang Dalang thought about this, he thought a little more, but the food Jiang Zhiyue brought out was of good quality and the price was lower than the current price. It was also a matter of benefiting the people, so he didn't care about it anymore.

The fact that the man turned around and bought ten kilograms of grain just now really shocked them, and they were wondering, is it really that good?

Seeing this, everyone wanted to squeeze in. Qin Jin could only stand up and stop the noisy crowd.

What a joke. The price he set attracted other grain farmers to attack them. If the grain would be gone before the 15th of this month, how could he carry out his plan?

Qin Jin apparently forgot what Jiang Zhiyue said about not having to worry about food when implementing the strategy they mentioned.

He loudly said: "Don't worry, everyone, the price of all the food in the store will not increase, and there is enough food."

"Everyone just needs to wait until there is a shortage of food at home."

Qin Jin's words did appease some people's hearts, but a few people looked at the gratifying and full food and bought three or two kilograms back.

There was a lot of noise in front of the grain store for a while, and the Jiang family left after seeing the excitement.

They came to town not only to watch the fun, but also to clean up the house.

Jiang Zhiyue brought her mother and second aunt here because she wanted to be the hands-off shopkeeper and leave the house decoration to them.

As for Jiang Dalang and the others, they will naturally be treated as messengers carrying bags.

The third time they entered the house, it was on the street behind the grain store. Jiang Zhiyue led everyone around and arrived at the place. Jiang Zhiyue took out the key, opened the big lock hanging on the door, and led everyone in.

This house occupies a large area, and Jiang Zhiyue didn't look around carefully, so she and the Jiang family walked around the houses.

As everyone turned around, they made arrangements: "This main courtyard will be cleared out for parents to live in. Mr. Bai and uncle will also live in this courtyard, and a small courtyard will be cleared out as a guest room. We will clear out the remaining courtyard and live in it ourselves."

Every time Zhang and Sun entered a room, they would look at it carefully and discuss what objects they wanted to add. Jiang Dalang and the others took turns to write down the objects they mentioned.

Because they had helped Jiang Zhiyue record scripts in the past, Jiang Dalang and others were very good at this task.

The courtyard has all kinds of rockery walls and rocks, and it looks quite elegant. Even Mr. Bai said that Jiang Zhiyue got a bargain when she bought this courtyard.

Mr. Bai said: "You have left such a big yard here, so you should buy some more servants to do the daily cleaning and cooking."

Jiang Zhiyue nodded in agreement, "It is indeed necessary to buy a few more people, and also help the eldest brother and the others buy a servant each. They will have someone who can run errands when they are studying on weekdays."

Everyone agreed and planned to go to the dental shop soon to see if there is anyone suitable.

But before that, they still have to make a big purchase.

After the yard is cleared, Jiang Yuchao and the others can live here directly without having to run in both directions.

There are beds, desks and desks in several rooms in the main courtyard, as well as in the neighboring courtyards, so they only need to buy some necessities such as bedding and bedding before moving in.

After walking around to the back, Ms. Zhang looked at the closed door in confusion and asked, "Is there also a room behind this door?"

As Zhang said this, he pulled off the door bolt and entered another courtyard.

Qin Jin and Feng San and Feng Si were both in the shop in front, so at first glance it seemed very quiet here.

Mrs. Zhang asked: "Hey? This courtyard is well kept, but why do you use such a wooden door?" After all, other adjacent small courtyards are separated by crescent-shaped hollow doors.

After taking a second look, I felt something was wrong. It looked like someone lived here.

Jiang Zhiyue quickly stopped her mother's hand, which was about to push Qin into the bedroom, and explained: "This house and the grain store are connected together, and the connection is the small door."

"Hey, that's it."

"Then we came in without saying hello, wouldn't it be bad?" Jiang Zhiyue said with a smile, "Just tell shopkeeper Qin later." "Can we see the inside of the store from here?"

Except for Jiang Dalang who went in just now, none of them were able to go in and take a look.

Although this grain store was no different from other grain stores, after all, Jiang Zhiyue had invested in half of his own store. This aroused everyone's curiosity, and they all walked around to take a look.

The situation inside the shop could be seen from the small door connecting the shop front to the courtyard, so everyone lowered their voices and took a look.

Although Qin Jin said that, there were still many people in the shop, and everyone would buy more or less when they came in.

After looking at it twice and finding it boring, the Jiang family went back and planned to go shopping and buy everything they needed to buy.

(End of chapter)

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