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Chapter 164: The Fish Takes the Bait

Chapter 164 The fish is hooked

After looking at it twice and finding it boring, the Jiang family went back and planned to go shopping and buy everything they needed to buy.

The Taiping Grain Store opened very smoothly, and soon word spread throughout the town and several surrounding villages that the grain sold there was cheap and of good quality.

At first, the other grain stores in the town didn't take this matter to heart, thinking it was just a ploy by the opening of the Taiping Grain Store.

But after a month of inactivity, the shopkeepers of several grain stores finally felt something was wrong.

Each family sent people to pretend to be ordinary people and went to the Taiping Grain Store to have a look, and the information they got was indeed true to the rumors.

After another half month without anyone coming to the store to buy food, those people finally couldn't sit still.

The three grain shops are usually disliked by everyone, but they maintain a superficial peace. This time, they have no choice but to come together for the sake of Taiping Grain Shop.

One afternoon, the shopkeepers of the three grain stores gathered together to discuss and then asked the boy to write a letter to Qin, saying that he wanted to have a meal with him to deepen their relationship.

Qin Jin took the letter and went to find Jiang Zhiyue. Both of them laughed when they read the contents of the letter. Fish, you took the bait.

Jiang Zhiyue took a sip of tea, which was not something she was used to drinking, and placed the cup on the table.

She asked: "How are shopkeeper Qin's arrangements going?"

Qin Jin said: "I bribed a few people, and after they see me tomorrow, I will let them whisper in the ears of those shopkeepers and let them take action."

The two of them came up with this idea, and they came up with this idea because they were afraid that those people would not take the bait.

Of those three grain shops, except for the fourth prince who was behind the Juxin grain shop, the other two also had people backing them, but their status was not as high as the fourth prince's.

But within a month, Ouyang Ming had already used all his power to investigate them thoroughly.

There are two other grain stores, one is Wangji Grain Store and the other is called Dushi Grain Store.

The biggest master behind Wangji's grain store is a third-rank official. That official has done many evil things in his area, and the people have suffered terribly.

As for the Du's Grain Shop, although the person behind it was not a high-ranking official, he was still a wealthy businessman who bullied men and dominated women, and used his financial resources to rob civilian women at will.

Ouyang Ming gave all the information found by his subordinates to Jiang Zhiyue, and Jiang Zhiyue immediately felt relieved about cheating these grain stores.

And what Qin Jin just said was about placing people next to the shopkeepers of three grain stores.

But it was difficult to get to their trusted positions by hurriedly inserting a person, so Qin Jin tried every means to bribe a few people.

In the more than a month when the other three grain stores did not come to trouble them, Jiang Zhiyue did nothing.

Because she knew that a small grain store in the town could not save many people in the Wu Dynasty.

So Jiang Zhiyue and Qin Jin discussed pushing the Taiping Grain Shop to other surrounding counties and counties. As for the base area for transporting grain, the small yard in the town is still being customized.

They have already purchased three additional shops, and Ou Yangming has prepared the manpower. They just need to wait for the right time to open them one by one.

After the final discussion, they realized that their intention to benefit the people was good, but they would not deny other grain merchants a way to survive.

So in the end, a price was set that gave both grain merchants and ordinary people a way to live.

However, those grain merchants will definitely make less money.

Soon it was noon the next day. Jiang Zhiyue booked a room in advance next to the box where Qin Jin was going, ordered a few dishes and ate them slowly.

The next moment, Jiang Zhiyue heard the sound of the door being pushed from next door.

Jiang Zhiyue radiated her spiritual power and could clearly hear what was going on next door.

"Brother Qin Xian has been here for so long, and we seniors haven't asked you to have a meal. It's really not enough to take care of you. We'll have to punish you with three cups each in a while."

A voice came, his tone full of sarcasm.

The meaning of those words was obviously to say that they were at fault, but in reality it was an insinuation that Qin Jin opened a grain store in this town but did not take the initiative to visit them.

Another voice also echoed: "Brother Du is right, Brother Qin Xian will have a good drink with us later."

Qin Jin didn't seem to hear the sarcasm that each of them said, and replied with a sincere smile: "It's no wonder that these brothers are responsible for this. It's normal for brothers to have such a big business that they forget about a small person like me."


Listening to Qin Jin's words, the smiles on those people's faces could hardly be held back.

This Qin Jin was so shameless, he really thought it was their fault.

But the three shopkeepers didn't dare to say anything. They thought Qin Jin was a wise man and would burst into tears after receiving their invitation.

Who would have thought that someone so ignorant would dare to say this to them.

However, because they still needed to figure out who was behind Qin Jin's grain store, the three of them held back their breath and walked in.

The conversation between the few people and Qin Jin was all about business situations, and Qin Jin, an old fox, could handle this with ease.

Jiang Zhiyue lazily took two chopsticks of fresh fish and put them into her mouth, chewing slowly.

The flames of war in the room next door did not diminish. The three people were trying to squeeze Qin Jin overtly or covertly, trying to get something useful out of him.

But they were all blocked by Qin Jin. The expressions of the other three became darker and darker, and they couldn't even hold back their initial smiles.

After asking but not being able to tell, and trying to get drunk but not getting drunk, the three of them were about to get angry.

One person slammed the wine glass he was holding in his hand onto the table, causing the wine in the glass to slosh out. "Brother Qin Xian is so unsophisticated, but he is so powerful backstage."

Qin Jin said with a smile: "Brother Sun is joking, it's just business, there is no backstage to talk about."

The man said angrily: "Every family's grain prices have always been consistent, but Qin Xiandi broke this rule when he came. Does he want to go against our three families?"

Qin Jin said lightly: "It is really difficult for Qin to understand what Brother Sun said. The prices of various grains in Qin's grain shop are already more than twice the price collected from the people, and the profit is already enough


"I know you guys have good intentions, but Qin is not greedy, so these profits are enough."

Then there was a loud bang, and the table shook violently. "Are you saying we are greedy?"

"Qin didn't mean this.'

The three of them stood up angrily and said: "Humph, you are a little too young to go against us. I think your food store with no foundation can last for how many days!"

What a shabby Taiping Food Store, it’s just a place I’ve never heard of.

If he wants to go against a time-honored brand like them that has a deep foundation or someone behind them, he is not qualified!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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