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Chapter 18 What a shrew

Chapter 18 What a shrew

In fact, Mrs. Jiang, who was so angry that her head was smoking, did just that.

She threw the spatula into the pot, stood up, pinched her waist and cursed.

"Mrs. Wu, you're a scumbag with a sore on your mouth, who do you think doesn't understand the rules?"

Mrs. Wu (Hengrong's sister-in-law) is not afraid of her either. She has been kicked out of the team but she still dares to confront her. One day she will beg her.

She also stood up and imitated Mrs. Jiang, pinching her waist and yelling: "Hey, I will criticize whoever answers the question. You are all evil-minded people and you deserve to be kicked out."

Jiang Hengrong's mother-in-law, who was watching the excitement from the side, answered without taking it too seriously: "I also heard that girl said she wanted to beat you up too, but I can't spare her."

Mrs. Wu thought about it for a long time, but she didn't expect when Jiang Zhiyue said that she wanted to beat her.

But this did not stop her from using the topic to her advantage.

Mrs. Wu then looked at the children of the Jiang family and said, "It's nice to say that there is a scholar, but the girls he gave birth to are so uneducated. No wonder these boys are already twenty and no one has proposed marriage."

Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Sun couldn't bear it any longer while they were sitting there. When they heard this, they immediately helped Old Mrs. Jiang to scold her.

Her child didn't get married, it wasn't because he couldn't find someone to marry her, it was because the child said he wanted to take the scholar exam first and then talk about it!

Mrs. Jiang, her mother-in-law and her daughter-in-law each choked Mrs. Wu to the point where she couldn't speak. The three of them were so thirsty that they took the water bags hanging on their bodies and drank the water.

Mrs. Wu was fighting against three people by herself. No matter how good her tongue was, she couldn't stand it, let alone she couldn't speak at all.

What she kept saying over and over again was that Jiang Zhiyue was uneducated and that the Jiang family was a black-hearted person if they refused to share the food with the villagers.

The situation was different for Mrs. Jiang, her mother-in-law, and her daughter-in-law. Each of them told Mrs. Wu's family the scandal about Chen Sesame and rotten millet.

Her family, relying on their relationship with Jiang Hengrong, was a lot of trouble in the village.

Even those who didn't like the Jiang family didn't want to help Mrs. Wu after hearing the old stories told by Mrs. Jiang and others.

Not to mention that the reputation of the Jiang family in the village is already good, not to mention that the food many people are eating now is the life-saving food purchased from the Jiang family.

There was no one to help Mrs. Wu over there, but as soon as Mrs. Jiang, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law stopped, the scene instantly became quiet.

Mrs. Wu looked around and found that everyone was staring at her excitement.

He immediately glared at a circle of people angrily.

Seeing Mrs. Jiang and the others drinking water, their mouths suddenly felt dry.

She pulled the bamboo tube around her body and saw that there was no water in it. She grabbed the clay pot next to her daughter-in-law and started drinking from it.

She moved so fast that her daughter-in-law had no time to stop her.

After she had taken two big gulps, her daughter-in-law realized what she was doing and quickly stood up and snatched the clay pot from her hand.

A lot of water was spilled during the fight, but her daughter-in-law felt so distressed that her face immediately turned cold.

Old Mrs. Wu could not quarrel with Old Mrs. Jiang and her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and she was very angry at the moment.

Seeing that her daughter-in-law still dared to show off to her, she opened her mouth and began to attack indiscriminately.

She kicked her daughter-in-law on the knee and cursed: "You dare to glare at me, I'm really against you."

Because Mrs. Wu kicked her hard, her daughter-in-law was frightened and knocked one leg to the ground. The pottery pot in her hand accidentally became crooked, and a lot of water spilled out.

Her daughter-in-law was very angry when she saw that the originally full pot of water was now half full.

She said angrily: "We didn't bring much water to begin with. The water here is for us to use on the road tomorrow. You just drank all your share. You will be thirsty tomorrow."

Mrs. Wu was immediately annoyed when she heard this. When would it be her turn to arrange the things in her house for a married woman who lost money?

She raised her hand and wanted to teach this disobedient daughter-in-law a lesson.

As a result, people had already run to one side, and her son and grandson probably blocked them on the other side.

Mrs. Jiang watched them arguing and started fighting among themselves.

He continued to curse for a while without stopping, and finally sat down with a cold snort.

But the resting place in Jiangjiacun is not so harmonious.

Mrs. Wu originally wanted to teach her daughter-in-law a lesson, but she saw her son and grandson protecting her.

Suddenly, he was so angry that his head was about to smoke.

At this moment, a few spectators couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing.

Mrs. Wu's eyes widened and she looked towards the place where the laughter came from with a fierce look on her face.

She pointed at a few people and said, "Why are you laughing? If you laugh again, I will ask Hu Zi to kick you all out of the team."

Mrs. Wu said with an arrogant expression, feeling that she had great power.

There were a lot of people who laughed at her just now, so when Mrs. Wu said this, many people became unhappy.

Several people stood up and asked: "Uncle Henrong, what does this mean? She can chase people away whenever she wants, so can this team still be idle?"

"How about driving us all out? It would be easier for you two to leave together."

"That's right, we all go together, and if she gets upset, we will be kicked out. So if one day she wants to eat our food and doesn't give her, will we be kicked out again?"

The more they talked, the more angry they became. This morning, the Jiang family girl did nothing wrong and her whole family was kicked out.

Maybe one day it will be their turn. More and more people are unconvinced and ask Hengrong to give them an explanation.

Not far away, the Jiang family sat neatly in a row, cracking melon seeds in their hands that Jiang Zhiyue took out from somewhere.

The people in the village spoke loudly, and from this distance, their quarrels could be heard clearly.

Several people watched the excitement with great interest, and discussed while eating melon seeds.

Jiang Yulai said with a bad smile: "Do you think Hengrong will still turn to her if Mrs. Wu says this?"

Jiang Zhiyue shook her head and said, "No, if Hengrong is such a smart person, how could he make the whole village unhappy just because of her?"

Old Mrs. Jiang also joined the discussion: "She is so careless that she can offend all the people in a village in a short time. I really thought she could accomplish anything in the village by crying or causing trouble."

Several people stopped talking and listened carefully to what was going on in front of them.

And it's reached a fever pitch over there.

As soon as Hengrong sat down to rest for a while, he heard them arguing again, and suddenly felt his head was spinning.

Seeing that Heng Rong remained silent, the others also got angry and looked at the people sitting not far away and said.

"Why don't we just leave the team and follow Jiang Xiucai's family? We won't have to worry here every day, driving away one person and another. I really think I am the king of heaven."

After saying that, he took a sip in the direction of Mrs. Wu.

Jiang Hengrong glanced sideways at Mrs. Wu and said leisurely: "What nonsense are you talking about? Have a good dinner and then rest quickly."

Originally, Heng Rong thought it was neither a serious matter nor a serious matter, so he could just expose the matter.

But before anyone else could resist, Mrs. Wu started to make a fuss.

"Huzi, what do you mean? I didn't hear those people talking about me. We are still not a family. If you remember your elder brother, you can kick them all out."

For Jiang Hengrong to be where he is today, his deceased elder brother helped a lot.

That's why Jiang Hengrong turned a blind eye to what Mrs. Wu did, but if he didn't say something fair about this matter today, he might lose people's hearts.

He turned cold and scolded Mrs. Wu's sons: "If you don't take good care of them, you will go out on your own just like Jiang Xiucai's family."

They naturally knew what Jiang Hengrong meant.

I felt very unhappy being laughed at by so many people, so I pulled Mrs. Wu back.

Mrs. Wu is not afraid of anything but her sons at home.

Seeing that they were really unhappy, he sat down slowly without saying anything else.

"Okay, let's all take a rest quickly." Jiang Hengrong said seriously.

Although the others were very dissatisfied with Jiang Hengrong for not saying anything about Mrs. Wu, they also knew not to make things too tense and let the matter pass as it was.

But in the end, he and Heng Rong were separated from each other, and he felt that what Heng Rong did was really unfair.

Over there, when the Jiang family saw that there was no excitement, they dispersed to pack their things and prepare to rest.

They are also very tired after this day in and day out, okay?

After leaving the team, they had to make arrangements for the night vigil themselves.

However, everyone scrambled to say that they were willing to keep vigil, and finally we arranged for two people to stay in the first half of the night and two in the second half of the night.

Jiang Zhiyue and little Wang were still sleeping in the carriage, while the others spread straw mats and thin quilts on the ground to sleep on.

Maybe he drank too much water before going to bed, and Mr. Jiang Kangde woke up not long after he fell asleep.

He stood up gently, took the crutches aside, said hello to Jiang Yuchao and Dalang who were keeping watch, and then went further away.

What a coincidence, when Mr. Jiang Kangde was about to go back, he met his son.

He originally wanted to say a few words, but when he thought of what they had done that morning, he was so determined that he continued walking without stopping.

At noon, the three brothers found out that the Jiang family might have found so much food in the city. They were very upset and wanted a piece of the pie.

The three brothers, who were not asleep, happened to see Mr. Jiang Kangde getting up at night, so they followed him.

Just as Mr. Jiang Kangde wanted to leave, he was stopped by three people.

The old man's face was complicated, and he asked somewhat unhappily: "What are you doing?"

The boss immediately licked his face and said with a smile: "Dad, are you okay at your second uncle's house today? They didn't bully you, right? If they did, tell me and I will definitely seek justice for you."

The second child and the third child also nodded quickly, each smiling more sincerely than the other, as if they were not the cruel people this morning.

The old man didn't understand what he meant and said: "They are good to me, why can they bully me?"

The three laughed even more sincerely when they heard this, and quickly answered.

"Yes, yes, my uncle and his family are the most kind-hearted, and they will definitely not treat you badly."

"Well, dad, I heard that my second uncle's family found a cart full of grain in the city. You see how good they are, why don't you order some? How many boys at home can we eat with this little grain?"


The other two brothers nodded quickly.

"Second uncle has the best relationship with you. If you ask for it, he will definitely give it to you." they encouraged again.

The more the old man listened, the more surprised he became, and the more he listened, the more unbelievable he felt.

He could no longer hold back his anger and excitedly tapped the ground with his crutch several times.

"You bastards, your second uncle's family sells so much food to the villagers, but our family doesn't have as much food now. You don't want to help with more food for your own, but you actually want to take advantage of their family's food."


The three brothers were not happy when they heard this. They had a lot of food, but they also had a lot of people. We didn't know how long it would take, so why not keep more food around?

"Dad, why do you say that? Didn't my second uncle's family find food in the city? It's more than what our family has. So what's the point of giving half of it to us? They can't finish it anyway."

The old man was so angry that he struggled with his hands and could hardly hold his crutches. He gritted his teeth and said, "They didn't find any food in the city."

After saying that, the old man wanted to leave. If he talked to these three bastards again, he might not be able to help but beat them.

The three brothers obviously didn't believe it and stopped in front of the old man, trying to force him to agree.

Pushing and shoving, the three brothers accidentally used too much force, and the old man fell to the ground uncontrollably.


A cry of pain came from the old man's mouth.

The three of them also knew that they had done something wrong, and they said with some guilt and shortness of breath: "I...we didn't push you, it was you who fell down because you didn't stand firm."

"Yes, yes, we didn't push you."

The old man sat on the ground and couldn't stand up. He broke into a cold sweat from the pain and became increasingly sad.

The three of them spoke in a lower voice. Seeing the old man sitting on the ground taking a breather, he felt guilty and short of breath.

"This...this, this, what should we do? How about we go back quickly?"

As soon as they said this, the three of them turned around and wanted to run away, but they met Jiang Zhiyue and Jiang Yuchao who had come to find them.

It turned out that Jiang Yuchao and Dalang saw that the old man never went back, and they were worried that his legs and feet would be weak and it would be difficult to walk at night, so they wanted to look for him.

Jiang Zhiyue was woken up and followed her.

As a result, I saw the old man sitting on the ground and the three brothers who looked panicked.

Jiang Zhiyue saw that the old man's face was not very good, he must have fallen, so she asked her father to help the old man, but she blocked him in front of the three brothers.

The three of them were very panicked. They were afraid that if they stayed any longer, the old man would tell him what had just pushed him, so they wanted to push Jiang Zhiyue aside.

How could Jiang Zhiyue let them go so easily? After kicking each of them, she asked, "Grandpa, weren't they the ones who pushed you down?"

Before the old man could answer, the three brothers had already defended themselves: "It's not us, it's not us. He fell down because he was unsteady when walking."

Jiang Zhiyue didn't look at them, but still asked: "Grandpa, if they weren't the ones who did it, just say something."

If the old man was asked to say that they were the ones who hit him, he probably wouldn't be able to open his mouth. If he simply asked this question, as long as he didn't answer, they would definitely be the ones who did it.

When the old man didn't answer, Jiang Zhiyue and Jiang Yuchao understood what was going on.

Jiang Yuchao was still holding the old man unable to free his hands, so Jiang Zhiyue pinched her fingers and walked towards the three brothers with a sneer on her face.

Little did they know that Jiang Zhiyue at this moment was like an evil ghost in the eyes of the three brothers.

Regardless of the pain in their bodies, the three brothers got up and wanted to run away, but how could Jiang Zhiyue let them have their way.

(End of chapter)

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