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Chapter 19

Chapter 19 Being remembered

Jiang Zhiyue knocked down the two people with one punch, then quickly turned around and grabbed the other person's collar.

She smiled sinisterly and said, "Where do you want to go?"

Seeing that they hadn't run away, the three of them stood up from the ground and said, "Why are you stopping us? Get out of the way."

Jiang Zhiyue snorted coldly and said, "You want me to say no."

The three brothers looked at each other, a glimmer of light flashed in their eyes, and then they all rushed towards Jiang Zhiyue's position.

"Hey, you three bastards, Yuchao, hurry up and help you."

As soon as the old man was helped up by Jiang Yuchao, he saw the menacing looks of the three brothers. He was so shocked that he couldn't even care about the injuries on his body, and quickly pushed Jiang Yuchao to let him help.

Jiang Yuchao was not worried at all. He held the old man firmly and spoke to comfort him.

"Don't worry, old man. It's okay. I'll help you back in a moment."

The old man didn't believe it, and he was trembling with anxiety. In the end, he threw the crutch in his hand over in a hurry.

Jiang Zhiyue took it smoothly, smiled in that direction, and said, "Thank you, Grandpa, for the crutch."

After saying that, he picked up the crutch and hit the three brothers again and again.

The three of them were beaten so hard that they ran away, but no matter how hard they ran, Jiang Zhiyue would always hit them.

After a while, the three of them stopped running and knelt on the ground, begging for mercy.

"It hurts, it hurts...hiss, don't fight, don't fight, we were wrong."

But Jiang Zhiyue ignored them at all. After beating them a few times with her crutch, she walked behind them and handed the crutch to the old man.

"Grandpa, let's go back." Jiang Zhiyue walked over and said with a smile.

But the old man's eyes widened in shock, and he couldn't associate this innocent-looking little girl with the ferocious look she had when she just hit her.

It was Jiang Yuchao who called him again that made him come back to his senses.

Before leaving, the old man took another look at his three sons lying on the ground wailing, sighed, and then limped away with support.

When he was about to return to the resting place, the old man suddenly stopped and said with a long sigh: "Yu Chao, from now on I will trouble you with my half-buried old bones."

Jiang Yuchao and Jiang Zhiyue looked at each other and understood that the old man was disappointed in his sons, and they figured it out.

Jiang Yuchao smiled hurriedly and said: "Whatever my uncle says, you can follow it with peace of mind. I guarantee that you will enjoy your old age in peace."

Jiang Zhiyue also answered the conversation with a smile, asking the old man to forget about the unpleasant things just now.

The three of them quickly returned to the resting place. Jiang Zhiyue also found painkilling granules from space and soaked them in water for the old man to drink.

It looks like he has no problem walking, it's probably just pain from the fall.

The main reason is that there is no doctor in the team, so it would be difficult to treat someone if they get sick.

After a dreamless night, I was finally able to sleep peacefully until dawn.

The next morning, the Jiang family and their group got up early to pack their things. After eating a little something, they left before the people in Jiangjia Village in front made any movement.

One by one, they are looking for trouble every day. If you follow them, there will definitely be arguments, so you should leave early.

Without anyone blocking them in front of them, their pace became much brisker.

They have now gone a long way out of the county town. There are woods on both sides of the road, but they are all withered and yellow due to the constant lack of water.

The group of people walked and stopped, but the people from Jiangjia Village behind them never caught up.

What Jiang Zhiyue and the others didn't know was that the people in Jiangjia Village didn't catch up because they were causing trouble again.

The time goes back to the morning when the Jiang family and his family left.

Because they set off early, except for a few people who kept watch in the middle of the night, not many people knew that they had left at dawn.

After dawn, the people in Jiangjiacun also packed up and prepared to leave.

But not an hour after leaving, Mrs. Wu started making trouble again.

Even sitting at home today would make me sweat from the heat, let alone people like them who have been walking under the bright sun.

So before long, Mrs. Wu took the clay pot from her trolley and planned to drink some water.

But before she could reach out her hand, her daughter-in-law took the clay pot on the car into her arms, and Mrs. Wu didn't even touch it.

Mrs. Wu's face darkened immediately: "Bring the clay pot over and let me drink some water."

"Oh, you don't remember, you drank last night!" Mrs. Wu's daughter-in-law said angrily, but she was unwilling to let go of the clay pot in her arms.

Mrs. Wu raised her eyebrows and roared: "When did I drink it?"

Her daughter-in-law didn't answer, but she stood towards her son. Apparently she wasn't allowed to drink the water.

Mrs. Wu had never experienced such cowardice, and she immediately waved her hands to grab it.

But she was beaten back to death by her son.

"We don't have much water at home, so we have to use it sparingly," her son said.

Mrs. Wu curled her lips reluctantly, but she decided not to bother anymore.

After arguing for a long time, she didn't take a sip of water but wasted a lot of saliva cursing others. Mrs. Wu only felt that her mouth was even drier.

She took a few steps forward angrily, deciding to be out of sight and out of mind.

But things happened quickly, and when Mrs. Wu didn't drink water in the morning, she didn't drink water during her lunch break, and she still didn't drink water after walking for most of the day under the sun in the afternoon, it broke out.

"You son of a bitch, give me the water."

Mrs. Wu's throat was almost smoking, and her voice was hoarse when she roared angrily.

But the daughters-in-law in her family acted as if they didn't hear anything and kept walking forward while guarding the clay pots filled with water.

This time it was useless to say anything. She felt like her throat would burst into flames if she didn't drink water.

So she grabbed it without thinking, but she couldn't rob two daughters-in-law by herself.

In desperation, he just lay down in the middle of the road and cried.

Their family was walking directly behind Jiang Hengrong. The road was very narrow. If she lay down in the middle, no one could pass.

The team was forced to delay their trip and immediately started a quarrel.

Jiang Hengrong, who was walking in front, could only turn back to solve the problem.

In the end, Jiang Hengrong scolded Mrs. Wu's daughters-in-law and asked them to give Mrs. Wu the clay pots filled with water.

Her daughters-in-law originally planned to give her water when they rested at night, but they couldn't really make her die of thirst.

So I took advantage of Jiang Hengrong's words and handed over the pottery pot. Who would have thought that the pottery pot would not come back after it was in Mrs. Wu's hands.

When her two daughters-in-law were willing, they went up and started grabbing.

During the scramble, the pottery pot fell to the ground. With a 'click', the pot broke into pieces, and the water inside quickly soaked into the ground.

The family started fighting again, and the quarrel lasted for a long time before they continued on the road. The villagers also complained a lot.

But Jiang Zhiyue and the others don't care about these things, and they might even applaud them if they find out.

I have long disliked Mrs. Wu, and she deserves to be taught a lesson to remember better.

The Jiang family is also in trouble...

The Jiang family walked alone, and before noon, they were far away from the people in Jiangjia Village behind them.

But we also encountered trouble.

Nowadays, most of the people who have escaped are in groups, and few dare to come out alone.

No, the Jiang family, number 20, was targeted in the afternoon.

Not long after they had lunch, they continued on their way, but within half an hour they met another group of teams.

The other team seemed to have only sixty or seventy people, but most of their team were young and middle-aged men.

On the other hand, the Jiang family only has number 20, four elderly people, a pregnant woman and a few children.

With a small number of people and a weak position, he also brought three ox carts and a flat cart. Looking at the piles on top, he knew it was a big fat sheep.

Originally, when they saw the group of people in front of them, the Jiang family planned to get out of the way.

Although everyone from the Jiang family and a few people from the Zhang family have trained with Jiang Zhiyue for a long time, they have never fought with anyone with real swords and guns. Those in the village can only be regarded as petty fights.

But before they could stop moving forward, the people in front spotted them.

Then everyone in the Jiang family saw that group of people all stopped and turned around to look at the Jiang family.

Mrs. Jiang looked at the situation in front of them and comforted everyone: "They also have food, so they probably won't be interested in us."

Jiang Zhiyue looked at the people in front of her, her eyes darkened, and said, "That's not necessarily the case. Everyone, be careful."

Although they turned their heads away after taking one look, they continued to walk forward.

But the eyes of the people in front were extremely greedy. They were different from the group of people I met outside the city gate the day before yesterday. Their eyes were more fierce, as if they were looking at a fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

And they also slowed down, and the distance between the Jiang family and them gradually narrowed.

It seems that it is impossible to walk behind them, so we should go ahead and pass them.

Jiang Zhiyue did not dare to let down her guard at all, and said in a low voice: "Since they won't leave, let's go ahead."

"Everyone, please be careful. It's a good thing for self-defense."

After saying that, he asked Mr. Jiang Kangde, Xiao Wang and Wu Lang and Liu Lang to sit in the carriage.

After leaving the team in Jiangjiacun, Jiang Zhiyue distributed the knives made in the town to everyone.

Just to prevent this.


Everyone responded and quickened their pace. The few people who were not driving the car guarded the left side of the team and looked at those in front of them defensively.

Getting closer!


The Jiang family walked to the side of the group. Jiang Zhiyue followed the group and looked at them warily.

But those people didn't make a move when the Jiang family walked past.

But they didn't dare to stop. After passing that group of people, they accelerated their speed. Jiang Zhiyue and Dalang had to take a long step to catch up.

When they were finally several hundred meters away from the people behind them, they took a long breath and found that their backs were soaked with cold sweat.

Even though they were so far away, everyone still didn't dare to speak loudly. Ding Hehua said in a low voice: "It seems that our worries are in vain. They don't seem to have any ill intentions."

Even though he said this, no one believed it.

Although they didn't do anything when they just passed by, their coveting eyes couldn't deceive anyone.

Not only the food in their car, but also the look in Jiang Zhiyue's eyes made people feel inexplicably uncomfortable.

"Don't let your guard down, they probably won't just give up." Jiang Zhiyue made arrangements and continued to leave.

And the group of people in the back were also discussing them.

"Brother Hu, why didn't you let us take action just now?" A man with small mung bean eyes looked at a middle-aged man covered in flesh and asked.

The middle-aged man named Brother Hu said: "They all have knives on their bodies, maybe they have some skills."

The man with green bean eyes said viciously: "What are you afraid of? They are a bunch of old, weak women and Confucian people. There are so many of us afraid of them."

"That's right, Brother Hu, if we hadn't snatched all the people from a village we met a few days ago, these people are nothing to be afraid of."

The village that this man mentioned was robbed was the village of Old Hengrong that Jiang Zhiyue and the others met outside the city gate.

They didn't have much food to begin with, but it was a blessing in disguise that they received food and water from Jiang Zhiyue.

Brother Hu turned around and glared, and those who questioned him did not dare to speak.

He continued: "Let's follow him first, wait until they take a rest at night, and catch him off guard.

That girl and those women looked good, so they robbed the food and those women, and killed the rest!"

Crazy and excited expressions appeared on their faces, and they licked their dry lips, feeling that they couldn't wait any longer.

At this moment, the people walking in front did not know that the group behind them had clearly arranged for them.

They didn't dare to relax and kept walking, but the team that was obviously very slow just now also quickened their pace.

There was always a short distance between them, and they couldn't be pulled away even if they wanted to, and everyone's hearts started to rise again.

What do they mean? They are following so closely. Could it be that they are not well-intentioned!

It's getting dark, and even if you don't want to stop, you have to find a place to rest.

Sure enough, when they stopped, the group behind them also stopped on the spot and started to make a fire to cook.

"What can we do? It's not a problem if they keep following us." Old Mrs. Jiang muttered quietly while cooking, feeling extremely worried.

Others have the same idea, but they can't escape what is coming.

Jiang Zhiyue whispered: "Grandma, you and the third aunt will go into the carriage to rest at night."

She frowned and thought for a moment, then simply asked Grandpa and the others to go in, and then continued: "Grandpa, you, Grandpa Zhang, Wu Lang and Liu Lang should also go in."

Mr. Jiang and the others refused without thinking: "No, we also trained at home. How can we hide and let you women do the work outside?"

Mrs. Jiang and the others quickly agreed, clearly disagreeing.

In the end, after a long discussion, Xiao Wang was allowed to take Liulang and Mr. Jiang Kangde to take shelter in the carriage for a while.

They didn't object anymore. One of them was pregnant, one had bad legs and feet, and the other was a ten-year-old child. Even if something happened inside or outside, it would only cause trouble.

Jiang Zhiyue also gave them psychological construction for a long time in advance.

"You have to remember, if you don't kill them, they will kill us and take away our food. Maybe the women and children will not end well."

Everyone's hearts trembled, and they all said that they would not hold back.

Jiang Zhiyue didn't say anything else. When the time came, she still had to pay more attention to avoid being frightened and causing an accident.

Two people were still arranged to keep vigil tonight, brothers Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yulai.

But other people couldn't sleep peacefully, so they were woken up when there was a little movement in the middle of the night.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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