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Chapter 327 Sweet Potato Banquet

Chapter 327 Sweet Potato Banquet

"So what if you don't believe it? Let's take a look first." Zhisi sighed.

Immediately, stubborn people from all over the country secretly added fuel to the flames, advocating that the Wei Dynasty was an army of justice. In order to help the Kushan people escape from the sea of ​​misery and prevent them from being exploited by the decadent Kushan monarch, they launched a war and promised that from now on,

, the people of Kushan no longer have to worry about food.

Because Dawei came here to solve their food dilemma!

As soon as this statement came out, the whole country in Kushan was in an uproar!

Zhisi sneered in his heart: "People of the Wei Dynasty, if you really send countless grains, what if our Kushan Empire surrenders to you? But if you can't fulfill your promise, you will be killed by our Kushan Empire in the future.

The people are targeting us together, don’t even think of fooling us again!”

Of course, the Kushan people did not believe that the Wei Dynasty was here to send warmth and love, but no matter how much they did not believe it, they could not withstand the sweet potato feast carefully planned by Zhuge Liang and the sweet potato donation ceremony that followed.

In fact, this thing was completely unimaginable even with Zhuge Liang's IQ. At this time, it all depended on a secret order from Zhao Feng thousands of miles away.

Soon after Zhuge Liang received the secret order, he summoned Zhisi to his official office.

"Zhisi, now I have to give you a task. In three days, I will hold a sweet potato feast here. At that time, regardless of gender, age or social status, anyone who can come will be able to eat it, and they will eat it openly.

, you must convey the news to the ears of everyone here."

"Moreover, at the end of this feast, there will be a generous reward from our emperor, and everyone who sees it will still be entitled to it!"

Zhisi didn't know what kind of medicine Zhuge Liang was selling, but he did it immediately.

To be honest, he has only seen and smelled sweet potatoes, but has never eaten them.

Every time Wei officials ate sweet potatoes, the sweetness made him envious.

But Zhuge Liang refused to give him food, so naturally he did not dare to ask for it.

After the news came out, all the people in Peshawar, the capital of Kushan, including the nobles, felt incredible.

Some people even think that this free sweet potato feast is probably mixed with ecstasy. After eating it, people will go crazy and become involuntarily loyal to the Wei Dynasty and become Wei's lackeys willingly.

In this regard, Zhuge Liang did not let Zhi Si give any explanation. Zhi Si also knew that any explanation now was pale.

Within three days, three views emerged on this matter.

First, most of the rich people think that this is a sign that the Wei Dynasty is attacking Guishang. These rich households have a lot of money and food, will not be hungry, and know all kinds of incredible abilities in Buddhism. From this, it is inferred that the Wei Dynasty also knows those weird magics, so

, in order to prevent my mind from being controlled, I refused to eat sweet potatoes.

The second type is those civilians and untouchables who are about to starve to death. They are now on the verge of death. They have food and drink. As long as it is not too scary, they are willing to do anything. Now I heard that they can eat for free, let alone

The people in Peshawari, including people from eight villages around ten miles away, also came one after another after hearing about it!

The third type is spectators. These people are of mixed composition and always like to observe. Some are wealthy people. Although they are rich, they have no ideas of their own and just watch out of boredom. There are also poor people who, although hungry, still feel that the meal is good.

It was too scary to eat.

Three days passed quickly, and by that day, the center of Peshawar was packed with people.

In addition to the hungry people who came here to eat the sweet potatoes, the wealthy people who did not come here to eat sweet potatoes also came in large numbers and stood behind, wanting to see what the Wei Dynasty was going to do.

In fact, since the sky had just cleared up in the morning, Zhuge Liang had ordered Zhisi and all his men to sit here.

Carloads of sweet potatoes arrived from the Wei army camp, surrounded by fires.

There are already hundreds of hungry people gathered here listlessly.

Seeing this, Zhisi immediately ordered: "Let's start now. As per your order, we will do this thing from morning to night today."

The surrounding soldiers immediately started to work. Some were roasting sweet potatoes, some were boiling sweet potato rice, and some were steaming sweet potatoes.

Not long after, a sweet scent came out. Because the quantity was so large, almost the entire Peshawar was filled with this scent, and it even drifted to the outside of the city.

The hungry people suddenly became excited and looked eager. Some people who were so hungry that they forgot their fear even tried their best to ask: "Sir, are these for us to eat?"

Zhisi nodded vigorously: "Don't worry, this is not only said by Lord Wei, but also by me! Today, you can all have enough to eat, and from now on, all of you can have enough to eat!"

When Zhisi saw the carts of sweet potatoes piling up here, he felt a kind of madness in his heart and decided to make his own promise!

The risk of doing this is very high. If he messes up, Wei can get rid of his feet, but as a native, he must accept sanctions.

However, if the bet is right, then he will gain the trust of the people in the future, and he, the puppet king, will be able to sit securely.

Soon, the roasted sweet potatoes are ready, and the steamed sweet potatoes are also ready!

"See that everyone has a share, take less and take less, eat until you are full, and refuse to waste."

Someone around shouted such words.

However, as the saying goes, when those hungry people came over, they all had two big sweet potatoes in their hands.

The hungry people were already dizzy with hunger. At this time, they didn’t care about moral integrity or thinking control. They only had one thought: to eat!

After the soft and sweet sweet potatoes enter your mouth, everyone who eats the sweet potatoes immediately sighs from the soul!

“So sweet!”

“It smells so good!”

The clumsy hungry man lacked vocabulary, and that was almost all he said over and over again.

However, everyone who didn't eat clearly felt what they wanted to express.

Some nobles sneered: "Apart from the psychedelic theory, I don't believe that the Wei Dynasty will really have such a large amount of food. Let's wait and see. After a while, as more people pour in, we will see how the Wei Dynasty ends.


Half an hour later, more people poured in. Especially at noon, tens of thousands of people gathered here one after another, and several streets were full of people.

Zhisi sent someone up to a high place and shouted: "Don't panic, we will have food to eat today. The place in the city is too small, let's go outside today!"

Many soldiers were already ready outside. When the people came out, they immediately lined up. There were long lines. The roasted sweet potatoes behind them could no longer keep up. They tasted too good and were consumed too quickly. In the end, they had no choice but to steam all the sweet potatoes.

Sweet potato rice to cope.

However, due to lack of containers for sweet potato rice, we had to queue up to drink it.

However, the supply of sweet potatoes has not been cut off from beginning to end, and large trucks from afar are still transporting sweet potatoes. Since the trucks are exhausted, we can only unload the trucks and turn back to come again.

After a large number of trucks unloaded sweet potatoes, the Kushan people who were watching were stunned!

"It's true, there are so many sweet potatoes!"

"Buddha, they are still transporting it here. How many of these crops did the people of the Wei Dynasty plant? Looking at this situation, it is really impossible to eat them all."

From morning to evening, more and more people gathered around.

(End of chapter)

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