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Chapter 525 Plan

"Okay, if that's the case, then you go down and hand over the work to the people below. Once everything here is over, you can take office immediately.

As for the refugees outside the city, you should let them go home first and don't stay outside any more, lest some rebels or the like might hurt them."

Seeing that Park Hengchen finally had no other ideas, Zhao Feng was relieved, so he let Park Hengchen do what he should do.

After Park Hengchen left, Zhao Feng sat in his chair and considered whether what he did today was right or wrong.

After all, if he does the right thing, then more talents like Park Heng-chen can be discovered.

He came to assist the officials of the Great Wei State in managing this land, but the reality is, how many honest officials like Pu Hengchen are there?

Zhao Feng knew that the expansion of territory was a good thing, but the things that followed after the expansion of territory were indeed numerous and very troublesome.

After settling the matter on Park Hengchen's side, Zhao Feng also began to quietly think about all the things that happened in Goguryeo.

Even if he can now clear up all this land, he will also include it in the territory of the Great Wei State.

But the question is, is this really as simple as Zhao Feng thought?

Even if this land can be managed well, will the same problem occur again?

And what should we do if communication problems arise again? In fact, for Zhao Feng, he hopes to expand his territory and expand his territory.

I also hope that I can open up more land in the future, but the problem is that opening up new territories will bring a lot of trouble.

The most obvious thing is how to manage the people of these lands, after all they have been ruled by another ruler for so long.

If you want to put them all into the Great Wei Kingdom, I'm afraid it won't be that simple.

But no matter what, if given the opportunity, Zhao Feng will never back down, and he will definitely open up more territories and expand the territory of the Wei Kingdom.

While Zhao Feng was thinking about it, Xun Yu finally finished writing his report and came back to report to Zhao Feng.

"Your Majesty, these are the supplies we need this time after I calculated them. Take a look here."

After Gou Yu saw Zhao Feng, he immediately handed the report he had written to Zhao Feng.

After Zhao Feng listened, he didn't say much. He took Xun Yu's report and others opened it and read it.

But when Zhao Feng read it, he was shocked because he didn't expect that the report made by Xun Yu would require so many supplies.

"Are you sure there is nothing wrong with the report you made? Why do you need so many materials and so many people? In this land of Goguryeo, you shouldn't need so many materials and people, right?"

After reading it, Zhao Feng really didn't believe it and randomly started asking Xun Yu about it. There were too many things that had been held for hundreds of years.

So he thought that Xun Yu might have made a mistake, or that there was something wrong with his calculation method.

"Your Majesty, I thought that my calculations were wrong at first, but after I recalculated three times, I found that they were exactly the same without any problems, so we really need so many supplies and so many people at the moment. "Although Goguryeo doesn't look like a big place, if you really want to manage it well, you need so many things."

Xun Yu knew she would ask this question, because he had doubts when he first made it and thought he had done it wrong. But after she checked it several times, she found that this was indeed the case and there was no problem.

So when Zhao Feng asked about it, he immediately told Zhao Feng the result, even if Zhao Feng didn't believe it.

Zhao Feng also fell silent after hearing this, because Zhao Feng really didn't expect that he would need so much.

"If so many supplies are all provided by the imperial court, the pressure on the imperial court will be too great. I think we should use other methods to solve the problem, or lower the standards of these supplies.

In terms of personnel, we need to be a little better, but I am afraid that it will be difficult for the imperial court to meet this personnel requirement."

After Xun Yu took Zhao Feng's order, he went to make statistics on the materials and personnel needed to govern Goguryeo.

I also feel that there seems to be some problem with these data. After all, the volume is too large.

Gou Yu was still a little unconvinced, so he recalculated several times and found that the conclusion was exactly the same as before.

Xun Yu knew that it would not be a simple problem to completely solve the problem in Goguryeo this time.

After all, this required too many materials and personnel, and he expected that Zhao Feng would definitely have questions about this.

But there was no other way. The facts were like this, and Xun Yu could only tell Zhao Feng all about the reality.

It's just that he has already prepared a centralized solution in advance, but he doesn't know what Zhao Feng is thinking.

Or does Zhao Feng have any other better way? If not, then we can only follow his way of handling it.

But it is not certain whether it will succeed in the end, or how much of the material and personnel problems it can solve.

"Your Majesty, I know your difficulties, and I also know that the imperial court will definitely not be able to afford so many supplies and personnel needs. I have several ways to deal with it, but I don't know what your Majesty thinks."

After Zhao Feng expressed his difficulties, Xun Yu immediately told Zhao Feng that he had a solution.

Although his solution may not work, it would be nice to have a solution now.

If it is possible, the two of them can only decide after processing it.

"Go ahead, tell me your plan first and let me listen to it. If there are any problems, we can discuss it together.

Then improve it, and if there is no problem, then directly implement it according to your suggestion."

When Zhao Feng heard that Xun Yu had a solution, Zhao Feng was quite happy.

After all, Zhao Feng has modern thinking, and the most important point in his thinking now is.

It’s not scary when a problem is discovered, as long as you can find the root cause of the problem and come up with effective solutions.

And now it was Xun Yu who raised the issue and found the root of the problem.

Moreover, Xun Yu happened to have a solution, which can be said to be very perfect.

"It's like this, Your Majesty, if all these materials and personnel are provided by the imperial court, the burden on the imperial court will indeed be too great.

Now, I estimate that Goguryeo still has a lot of gold and silver treasures in her royal city. If these can be taken out, it can relieve a lot of pressure on the court.

This chapter has been completed!
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