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Chapter 526 Gold and Silver Treasures

Chapter 526 Gold and Silver Treasures

In terms of personnel, we can actually promote some new officials through grassroots selection in Goguryeo, although they may not necessarily be able to play a big role at the beginning.

But if we continue to train, we will surely be able to cultivate a group of new officials sooner or later, and these new officials will be able to solve all the issues in Goguryeo for our court."

In fact, Xun Yu's method is also very simple, that is, first use the local resources of Goguryeo, whether they are materials or materials, focus on upgrading and utilizing them first, focus on upgrading and utilizing them first, after all, the wool comes from the sheep.

When Zhao Feng saw the report handed to him by Xun Yu, Zhao Feng was really surprised.

Because he did not expect that the report written by Xun Yu would require so many materials and personnel to completely govern Goguryeo.

And if all these materials and personnel were cleared by the Great Wei State, the burden would be simply too great.

After all, although the Great Wei State is now very wealthy, there are still many places in the Great Wei State that need people and materials.

In particular, there is a shortage of personnel, after all, there is such a large land and so many cities.

Each one needs to be managed by the imperial court, so there is such a shortage.

Otherwise, there would be no need for Zhao Feng to build any military academies and various schools.

This is also to create talents faster and more efficiently, but the demand is indeed in short supply right now.

Even if Zhao Feng came up with such a solution, he would not be able to solve the problem of talent shortage in the Wei Kingdom in a short time.

And now Goguryeo needs so many supplies and personnel, which is simply adding insult to injury.

So if it were really up to the imperial court to do everything, this would be impossible.

Fortunately, Xun Yu still has a solution, and his solution currently sounds feasible.

"You see, I am really fascinated by these recent events. Yes, we can use the supplies here in Goguryeo for emergency treatment first.

And I haven't had time to make statistics here, but people below came to me before and reported that there is indeed a lot of gold and silver treasures in this royal city, and Jin Wang himself has a lot of private treasures.

If we take out all these, then it will be enough to cover a large part of the staff. As for the personnel, I am afraid it is not too late to promote them now. We can first lower the demand for these personnel to some standards.

I think it should be too late to promote our managers after they are in place."

After listening to Xun Yu's suggestion, Zhao Feng also thought about it. Zhao Feng also thought about it for a while.

Then Xun Yu's suggestion was modified, and this modification was more in line with the current situation.

In terms of materials, it's okay, but mainly in terms of personnel, some standards really need to be lowered.

Otherwise, even if you promote so many people now, they will be of little use.

So it is better to lower the staffing standards first and just maintain a basic enough level.

"Your Majesty, what you said makes sense. I will implement this plan now. Then I will first go and count the gold and silver treasures in this royal city to see how much there is in total."

After hearing what Zhao Feng said, Xun Yu also understood what he was going to do next.

So I said goodbye to Zhao Feng immediately and went out to count the gold and silver treasures among Wang Song.

However, this is not known without statistics. After statistics, it was revealed that the gold and silver treasures kept in the royal city were really eye-opening to Xun Yu.

Xun Yu didn't expect that Jin Wang would hide such a large amount of gold and silver treasures, which really shocked him.

No wonder all the people in Goguryeo are living in dire straits.

It turns out that all the common people's properties were confiscated by Jin Wang and put into his private collection in the royal city.

After Xun Yu finished speaking, Zhao Feng also agreed with Xun Yu's plan, and then revised and improved the plan.

After Xun Yu's plan was revised and perfected, Xun Yu also followed Zhao Feng's request to go to the royal city to count the specific number of gold and silver treasures.

However, he realized from this statistics that Jin Wang was really very rich.

Although the treasury in the royal city is very empty, Jin Wang's own private treasure is really rich enough to rival the country.

I don’t know what Jin Wang was thinking, but he actually put so much property into his own private collection.

No wonder the ordinary people outside are miserable. It turns out that all the looted wealth has been hidden by Jin Wang.

What Jin Wang hid was only part of it, and most of it was embezzled by these officials.

And now most of the property these officials have embezzled has been squandered by themselves.

Fortunately, the property collected by Jin Wang was disposed of by Zhao Feng and others before he could squander it.

And these properties can just play their due role in Zhao Feng's governance of Goguryeo, so they can be regarded as returning to their original owners.

After all, all these properties were plundered from ordinary people, and it is only natural that they should be given back to these ordinary people.

Then Gou Yu made a list of these gold and silver treasures and brought them to Zhao Feng.

"Good news, Your Majesty, great news. You must not have imagined how much gold and silver treasures Jin Wang has hidden. Please take a look at this detailed list."

Xun Yu was very happy now. After he finished counting, he took the list and handed it to Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng also opened the list and looked at it with hesitation, but after seeing it, Zhao Feng was also surprised.

Because he didn't expect Jin Wang to be able to hide so many gold and silver treasures.

"Well, how come there are so many? Could it be that Jin Wang hid all the property that he collected? What's going on?"

When Zhao Feng saw it, he didn't understand at first why Jin Wang would hide all these treasures.

After all, even if it is placed in the national treasury, it is still his property. Why would he do this?

"I think Jin Wang has some other ideas, and I guess he hid these gold and silver treasures because he wanted to squander it, but we got rid of him before he could squander it, and I

I just did the math.

The gold and silver treasures that Jin Wang has hidden are enough for us to use to govern Goguryeo, and there is still a lot left. We can collect all the more precious treasures and transport them back to Da

Wei Guo, this can actually be exchanged for more money."

After hearing Zhao Feng's question, Xun Yu also told Zhao Feng his own thoughts and the solution he wanted to solve.

After all, there was no need for all the gold and silver treasures that Jin Wang had hidden to be used to govern Goguryeo.

Because he was indeed much richer, Xun Yu simply planned to transport all the extra things back to his country.

(End of chapter)

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