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Chapter 116 The Ball Game

Chapter 116 Football Game

Next, the Foxy Pirates sent out a new referee.

The new referee looked at Li Xiao and the others with fear, fearing that they would beat him.

"Don't worry, upholding the principle of fairness, we will not touch you, otherwise, you understand." Li Xiao clenched his fist so hard that the referee broke into a cold sweat.

The referee got smart. In order to avoid being accused of cheating, he had to use rock-paper-scissors to decide the right to serve.

Zoro was very confident in himself and started a rock-paper-scissors battle with the four-legged and galloping Strange Burger opposite him.

Surprisingly, Zoro actually won.

"I didn't expect your green algae head to be of some use," Sanji said.

"Stinky chef, if you dare to hold me back, I won't forgive you." The two began to bicker again.

The host said: "It is the Straw Hat team that has earned the right to serve. Please go to the center circle immediately. During the game, there will be one person from both sides wearing a ball mark to serve as the ball player. As long as the opponent's ball player is scored into the opponent's goal."

If you win, you win.”

"Ball man, hurry up and get in position!" Zoro said.

Sanji said with a look of displeasure: "Hey, this is just your decision. When did I say I wanted to be a football player? Who would want to wear such a silly thing?"

Sanji was very dissatisfied with the ball mark on his head.

"Hey! This ball is perfect for you!" Zoro said, staring at Sanji's ball mark.

"Stop trying this trick with me, you idiot!" Sanji said loudly.

At this time, Nami spoke: "Sanji, that ball is perfect for you!"

Hearing this, Sanji felt as if he had been given a shot of blood: "I'm convinced, I was born to be a football player!"

Li Xiao applauded Sanji from the side, he was indeed Sanji.

The game is finally about to begin. Unfortunately, weapons cannot be brought into this game.

The cheers from the sidelines were deafening.

"Crush them, Bhikkhu Panda!"

There were so many people in the Foxy Pirates that they drowned out the shouts of the Straw Hats.

The host said: "There is no time limit, one goal will determine the outcome!"

As the referee blew his whistle, the game began.

The first one to attack was Picurus of the Foxy Pirates, rushing towards Sanji like a tank.

Sanji stepped on Piculus's body and jumped up, jumping directly towards Bikupanda who was wearing the ball mark.

In the duel between players, Sanji wants to kick it directly into the goal.

It's a pity that this giant bhikkhu Panda is a loach man, and his whole body is extremely smooth. Sanji can't stand firmly when he steps on his body, and he keeps slipping on bhikkhu Panda's arms, which is very funny.

Immediately afterwards, Bhikkhu Panda struck with his palm, knocking Sanji away like a fly.

Then Captain Hamburg rushed to the place where Sanji fell, jumped up, and caught Sanji in the air.

Hamburg threw Sanji in his hand towards Picurus underground again, trying to finish it through Picurus.

Li Xiao jumped into the air, grabbed Sanji's shoulders, and brought him to the ground smoothly.

Picurus rushed over at this time, wearing a heavy shield on his shoulders, trying to push the two of them away.

Li Xiao and Sanji each kicked Piculus away.

Li Xiao looked at the big loach man Bhikkhu Panda. If he wanted to put his head safely into the circle, he would have to knock him out first.


Li Xiao jumped slightly, and Sanji understood.

Sanji stretched out his right foot and asked Li Xiao to step on it.

Then Sanji exerted force with his right foot: "Air Force Explosion Kick!"

A powerful kick sent Li Xiao into the sky and flew towards Bhikkhu Panda's chin.

"Give me a jaw-crushing kick!"

Li Xiao hit Bhikkhu Panda right in the jaw with an extremely powerful kick.

The nerves on the face were very sensitive. This kick not only shattered Bhikkhu Panda's jaw, but also knocked him unconscious.

Zoro was then sent up into the sky by Sanji.

Sauron followed closely and flew to Bhikkhu Panda's head, grabbed Bhikkhu Panda's teeth with his hands, and forcefully pulled him down.

Zoro grabbed Bhikkhu Panda, pointed his head at the goal, and dropped him.

At this time, Gorilla Burger rushed over, trying to stop Zoro.

Li Xiao took advantage of the situation and grabbed Hamburger's neck and finished him with an RKO.

The so-called RKO, whose scientific name is "facelock front face bulldog", is a three-quarters facelock, which means holding three-quarters of the opponent's head from the front, only showing his face, and then pressing him to the ground.

On the other side, Zoro pressed Bikupanda and successfully stuffed him into the ball circle.

"No, incredible, the ball went in!" the host shouted loudly.

"Well done, Li Xiao, Sanji, and Zoro!" Nami cheered.

"Okay! You are so awesome!" Luffy and Usopp shouted side by side.

Everyone in the Foxy Pirates looked shocked. The game they thought was a sure win ended less than three minutes after it started, and all three of them were knocked unconscious.

"Awesome, those three guys are so awesome!"

"Very beautiful!"

Many of them applauded, and some even whistled.

"Pig head, do you have anyone cheering for the enemy?" Foxy yelled.

At the end of the game, the Straw Hats won the second David Battle.

In other words, we still have to choose someone from the Foxy Pirates.


Luffy looked up to the sky and laughed: "Of course, how could Li Xiao, Zoro and Sanji lose!"

Sanji floated like seaweed: "Miss Nami, Miss Robin, have you seen my heroic appearance? Have you fallen in love with me?"

Robin smiled slightly: "You were so handsome just now!"

The host said: "The winner of the second round is the Straw Hat Pirates. They can choose a crew member from the Foxy Pirates. Who will they choose this time?"

When it was time to choose someone, Luffy looked around at everyone in the Foxy Pirates, but no one could catch his eye.

"I don't want to choose either one!" Luffy said helplessly.

"I don't think I have any choice." Zoro said.

Nami's opinion is to choose Foxy, which has slow light.

Because there is still a game.

Li Xiao had misunderstood before and thought it was a best of three games. In fact, the rule is that there will be three games. If you win or lose in each game, you can take away one of the opponent's crew members.

Li Xiao thought it was over, but was disappointed.

"I don't choose anymore, abstain!" Luffy raised his hand to signal.

"Idiot, choose their boss!" Nami said.

"I don't want to choose a boss!" Luffy's persistence made Nami helpless.

"You actually said I was the boss!"

Foxy lay on the ground, his confidence hit again.

"There is no abstention in the so-called David's Battle. The winner must choose one member from the opponent's crew to join," the host said.

Now Luffy was in trouble again.

"In this way, we will wait until the next game is over before making selections. The rules do not say that selection must be made immediately after the game is over." Li Xiao said.

The referee said: "Okay..., it seems to be possible. In this way, the Straw Hats have the right to select someone. Even if they lose the next game, they can still redeem them."

Luffy hit his left palm with his right fist: "Yeah, I'll choose again next round."

In the next round, nothing will happen to Li Xiao, and winning or losing doesn't matter.

So while they were playing, Li Xiao quietly left the field and headed to the Foxy Pirate Ship on the shore.

(End of chapter)

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