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Chapter 117 Leaving Long Chain Island

Chapter 117 Leaving Long Chain Island

The cheers on the other side of the stadium were deafening, and Li Xiao walked alone on the grass.

Not far away is the Foxy Pirate Ship, which should have some good stuff on it.

Unexpectedly, Nami changed her ways and became a little thief cat herself.

By the way, it shouldn't be illegal to steal from pirates.

Li Xiao came to Foxy's pirate ship and took a walk around.

There weren't many things of interest, so all the treasures were taken away.

The only thing worthy of identification is a black eye patch.

I held the eye mask for identification, and the results were unexpected.

"Ding! The identification is successful. The eyepatch is identified as Sargeras' cursed vision. Even if you close your eyes, you can still perceive the world around you!"

What is this?

Li Xiao put on a black blindfold, and sure enough, he couldn't see anything.

However, a 360-degree picture of the surroundings appeared in my mind, similar to thermal imaging.

This kind of thing is suitable for blind people, or for use in special circumstances. It is not needed for the time being, so Li Xiao put it away.

Standing on the deck of the Foxy pirate ship, Li Xiao looked at the sea.

After thinking about the subsequent plot, I was about to face Admiral Aokiji, one of the navy's highest combat powers.

After thinking about what to use to fight him, for the time being, there seems to be no way to defeat the blue pheasant.

Returning to the playing field again, the game is coming to an end.

Luffy stepped on the roller skates and successfully crossed the finish line, helping the team win.

In this way, the Straw Hats can choose someone from Foxy.

This time, Luffy continued to choose to abstain.

The host said: "No, you must choose two people, otherwise you will be cursed by David."

Li Xiao came to Luffy and whispered: "Choose two at random and let them disband on the spot."

"Yes, that's it, I'll choose between Grotto and the orangutan." Luffy said.

The host exclaimed: "Captain Straw Hat suddenly enlightened and chose our leader Foxy and his right-hand man Hamburger. They are the backbone of our Foxy Pirates."

Foxy half-knelt on the ground: "We lost unexpectedly. Since you chose me, I will reluctantly join your Straw Hat Pirates..."

Hamburg covered his mouth and kept snickering, laughing at the boss's embarrassment.

"Okay, now I'm going to issue the captain's first order, you two, disband on the spot." Li Xiao pointed at Foxy and Hamburg and said.

Foxy froze there, unable to recover for a while.

Hamburger continued to cover his mouth and snicker.

"It's been disbanded. You can do whatever you want. You can go to other pirate groups, or you can return to your own pirate group. You can make your own arrangements." Li Xiao said.

Foxy's eyes were dull: "It's so sad to lose the pirate mark and be disbanded on the spot."

"Goodbye, Splitter!" Luffy waved.

The game with the Foxy Pirates is finally over, but Foxy still doesn't give up and wants to continue the game.

Luffy, this guy, almost accepted it again, but luckily he was stopped by Li Xiao.

Li Xiao directly covered Luffy's mouth and dragged him back to the ship with Zoro.

"The more games there are, the more fun they are." Luffy said naively.

"What's so fun? It's just a waste of time." Sanji said.

"I'll give you a blindfold to play with. It's much more interesting than that."

Li Xiao threw Sargeras' cursed vision to Luffy.

Luffy curiously put on the blindfold.

"Wow! What is this? I can see you, but it's a little different from what I see with my eyes. It's so magical." Luffy exclaimed.

Usopp was also very curious: "What is this? Let me wear it and see it."

Usopp put on the eye patch: "Wow! Li Xiao, your body is like a solid-color oil painting, and Chopper, eh! I saw the fish wandering around in the surrounding sea. Fishing is much easier now, haha


"I want to wear it too, I want to wear it too!" Chopper said jumping up and down.

Before I knew it, it was already evening, and the sunset illuminated the sky.

As the saying goes, the setting clouds and the solitary swan fly together, the autumn water is the same color as the sky, but it is a pity that there is no solitary swan.

After saying goodbye to the old man on stilts, everyone took the Meili to the next destination.

Sanji prepared the meal, everyone ate and drank, and had a good sleep. The fatigue of the day was relieved.

Early the next morning, Li Xiao woke up and took his fishing rod to go fishing.

Usopp didn't know when he had climbed onto the mast.

"Brothers, we saw the island." Usopp said.

Not far away, there was another small island. Unexpectedly, I encountered a second small island in just one night's journey.

Looking from a distance, this small island has many plants and beautiful beaches on its edge, which is very suitable for camping.

Nami walked out: "It looks like an uninhabited island."

Luffy shouted: "Get ready to drop anchor and log in."

After a while, the Meri docked near the island.

Sanji said: "Then let's go look for ingredients, there are not many things in the refrigerator.

"Okay!" Luffy and Chopper cheered.

Nami said: "Listen carefully, I definitely don't want mice and frogs."

Zoro said: "She is such a willful woman. She will be the same whether she enters her stomach or not."

This was followed by a critical punch, followed by Zoro's wailing, and a big bump growing on his head.

Luffy stepped directly on the somersault cloud and rushed into the forest with Chopper in search of food.

Li Xiao rode a motorcycle and drove Robin around the island, looking for interesting things.

Originally, Li Xiao planned to go alone, but Robin wanted to ride a motorcycle with Li Xiao.

According to Robin, riding a motorcycle on the empty island last time was quite interesting.

"Li Xiao, if something happens to Miss Robin, I will never forgive you." Sanji said through gritted teeth.

"You're just jealous, stinky cook, bye bye!"

Li Xiao pressed the accelerator, and with the roar, the motorcycle sped away.

Sanji was left behind, who was smoked black by motorcycle exhaust.

"Asshole, wait for me." Sanji stamped his feet angrily.

We walked around the island with Robin, but there was nothing special. We just treated it like a ride on a bicycle.

"Mr. Xiao, your back looks very reliable." Robin said suddenly.

"That means you can lean on my back." Li Xiao said.

"It's getting greasy, Mr. Xiao." Robin smiled slightly.

"Who asked me to do what I want to do next? It's the erudite, gentle and beautiful Miss Robin."

Li Xiao turned around and winked at Robin, making Robin giggle.

On this island, I saw some fruits, and Robin could easily collect them using her flowery fruit ability without getting off the motorcycle.

In addition, a wild boar was seen.

Li Xiao threw out a rope to tie up the wild boar, knocked it unconscious and tied it to the back of the motorcycle.

After collecting almost everything, we returned to the beach. Sanji had already started to light a fire to cook.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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