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Chapter 287 Red Dragon and Centaur

Chapter 287 Red Dragon and Centaur

Walking in this burning land, there are cracks everywhere, and if you are not careful, you will step on the magma below.

After walking for a while, I saw the ruins of a burning town, with former government facilities inside.

"Hey, is that guy here? We're here to save you!" Luffy shouted loudly.

However no one responded.

Suddenly everyone heard a strange sound.

A huge figure appeared in the flames. When everyone saw clearly, it turned out to be a red western dragon.

This dragon is much smaller than Alduin, and its mouth is drooling.

"How come there is a dragon here!" Usopp exclaimed.

"So handsome!" Luffy also drooled.

Immediately afterwards, the giant dragon tightened its mouth, and flames overflowed from its mouth and nostrils.

"It looks like it's going to use flame spray." Li Xiao said.

Sure enough, a thick flame breath came out of the red dragon's mouth, but Luffy easily dodged it.

The flames hit the distant hills and reduced them to powder.

Immediately afterwards, the red dragon flew into the sky.

"Are you also partners of the Shichibukai?" A voice suddenly came from the giant dragon.

"Did that dragon speak?" Sauron asked doubtfully.

"I gonna go see."

Li Xiao turned into lightning and came to the back of the giant dragon. He saw a man with only the lower body stuck on the back. It turned out to be Kinemon.

This guy can still run like this, but he was obviously cut by Trafalgar Law.

Li Xiao drew out the sword of bravery, stood on Hong Long's head and pierced it with the sword.

The red dragon howled and then fell quickly.

After falling to the ground, Todoroki was already dead, and the lower body of Kinemon on its back was struggling continuously.

This red dragon is just an artificial creature created to guard this island, so it is not very strong.

"What is that!?" Luffy looked at Kin'emon's lower body and asked in confusion.

Usopp dragged his chin: "It must have hit the inside of the dragon's body. It shows that his head is very hard."

"Harvest carrots!"

Luffy raised his arms and shouted, then grabbed Kin'emon's body and started to pull it out hard.

"Who is it? Let go quickly!" Jin Weimen said.

He can still talk like this. Where is the sound coming from?

With Luffy's efforts, Kin'emon's body was finally pulled out.

Everyone took a closer look and saw that there was no upper body.

Usopp's face immediately turned green: "No...no!"

"there is nothing?"

Luffy stood up and looked at Kin'emon, but his upper body was missing.

"It broke, I'm sorry!" Luffy apologized loudly.

Usopp said: "Idiot, can you just apologize? Just kill him!"

Suddenly, Kinemon's body jumped up and stood steadily on his feet: "It's gone!"

"The lower body is talking, what is this?" Luffy and Usopp were shocked again.

The rigorous Robin took a closer look at the dragon's body and found that there was no dent in the place where it was connected just now, which was very strange.

"Who is here and what are they doing? Although I can feel the breath, I have no eyes or ears." Kinemon said.

"You have such a personality." Luffy marveled.

"Get out of the way for me. I can't die here. The Shichibukai won't let you run away!"

After saying that, Kinemon ran away.

Li Xiao threw out the demon-tying rope and tied his legs.


Kinemon was tied up with the demon rope and came in front of everyone.

Kinemon kept struggling, but he couldn't break free.

Li Xiao untied the rope and placed Kin'emon's lower body on Luffy's back.

Luffy looked at the body behind and was very excited: "Centaur, oh ho!"

"Let me go!" Kin'emon wasn't strong enough to break free, as if he was stuck to Luffy with glue.

Immediately afterwards, everyone used the flames to roast the banglong, and Li Xiao took a bite and it tasted pretty good.

After eating, everyone came to the top of a building and looked into the distance. Opposite them were snow-capped mountains.

"Sure enough, as Li Xiao said, there are two layers of ice and fire. This is the strength of a general." Sauron tightened his grip on the handle of the knife.

The flame zone and the iceberg zone are separated by a river.

The person who called me earlier said it was very cold, which meant he was in the ice and snow area on the opposite side.

"It's such an interesting island. It's so hot now. I want to go there and eat shaved ice!" Luffy said.

"Idiot, you're freezing to death over there! And it's too far, so go back first!" Usopp complained.

However, Luffy had already yelled for shaved ice and rushed over there.

Li Xiao looked around and followed Luffy calmly: "Hey Usopp, if you don't leave, the flame demon will appear behind you."


Usopp was so frightened that he ran away and quickly surpassed Li Xiao.

After walking for a while, Luffy, who was leading the way, met a centaur whose lower body was like a leopard.

The centaur originally thought it was an intruder, but when he saw Kinemon behind Luffy, he felt that he had mistaken the person. The other person was also a centaur.

So Luffy happily chatted with the centaur on the spot, and the two became friends.

"Luffy is making friends with strange people again." Zoro said.

The two chatted happily, and then started a race to see who could reach the burning tower first.

The centaur actually agreed, and the two centaurs galloped on the Island of Fire, which was embarrassing.

Suddenly Brooke turned on the phone.

"What, Nami and the others are missing?" Usopp exclaimed.

Brooke said that when he woke up, he was alone, with snowflakes floating around him. He was also very surprised and didn't know what had happened, and all the supplies on the ship had been taken away.

Li Xiao recalled that Nami and the others were knocked unconscious by Caesar's men with gas and then taken away.

Since Brooke is a skeleton, the opponent did not take Brooke away.

Moreover, Brooke also said that after he woke up, he saw a group of guys wearing gas masks, and he killed them all.

Robin asked Brooke to look at the surrounding environment or buildings. After all, when everyone left before, it was still the location of the Burning Island.

Brook looked at the surrounding environment. Under the white snow, there was a majestic building.

In other words, they drove the Sonny to the cold island opposite.

After hanging up the phone, Li Xiao looked at Luffy. The centaur suddenly charged towards Luffy, and was knocked down by Luffy's punch.

Luffy was very confused: "Is it rare to become friends? Don't attack me!"

Then another centaur appeared and planned to attack Robin, but was strangled and knocked down by Robin.

After telling Luffy the news about Brooke's phone call just now, everyone's destination became simple. They headed to the extremely cold island opposite. The most important thing was to rescue their kidnapped companions.

In fact, Li Xiao felt that with Nami and Sanji's current strength, they could escape easily.

Usopp shouted: "Go to the land of ice to save our friends!"

Robin was a little worried: "I wonder if there is anyone selling winter clothes on the way."

(End of chapter)

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