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Chapter 288 The Laboratory Gate

Chapter 288 Laboratory Door

It didn't take long for everyone to arrive at the intersection of the Fire Land and the Ice Land, where there was a wide river.

Half of this river is still burning.

If you want to cross this river, you must have transportation. Luffy and Robin can't swim.

Li Xiao took out the somersault cloud, and everyone stood on the somersault cloud and flew towards the opposite side.

Looking down, the centaur that was knocked down by Luffy suddenly blew its horn.

"Boss, the invaders are over there, please kill them!" the centaur shouted.

Li Xiao then looked towards the cold land, and a group of people appeared on the opposite side, one of whom was very tall.

This group of guys is the Centaur Patrol. Its members are all the "Teabeard Pirates" who were destroyed by Supernova Badjiru Hawkins two years ago. They also became Centaur because of Luo's ability.

Zoro stared at the huge guy, because he was holding a big sword in his hand, Zoro was very interested in guys holding swords.

That big guy is the boss of the Teabeard Pirates, and is now Caesar's subordinate.

Teabeard laughed and said: "Wake up, I, Lord Teabeard, will send you to hell."

After getting closer to them, I could see clearly that they were all centaurs, and Teabeard was a centaur with the lower body of a large crocodile.

Seeing these guys, Luffy's eyes lit up and he wanted to make friends with them.

"Let's give it a try, no matter how menacing it looks, you'll want to fight!" Usopp said.

Robin asked: "Could that group of people be the companions of the person who sent the emergency signal for help before?"

Usopp felt that Robin was right, and it was best to clear up the misunderstanding before the war started, so he waved to the centaurs: "Hey, we are here to help you, let's talk first!"

Teabeard said: "Why are you so silly? Since there is a samurai among you, you are the intruders."

The samurai Teabeard mentioned was Zoro, but he made a mistake. The samurai he was looking for was actually Kinemon.

Usopp retorted: "This guy is not a samurai, but a swordsman. He is a simple-minded idiot with strong limbs. He sometimes quarrels with people without thinking, but he will not attack your companions."

"Who is the idiot!?" Zoro was furious.

"Help, I'm going to be killed, stop it!" Usopp exclaimed.

Teabeard looked here and felt that everyone was acting, so he gave an order to his men: "Attack!"

A centaur picked up a howitzer and fired at the somersault cloud in the sky.

Li Xiao fired a flying finger gun, and the shell exploded in mid-air.

Seeing that the shot had no effect, Teabeard continued to order: "Don't back down, keep firing!"

A large number of cannonballs were fired towards the somersault cloud.

Robin also complained: "Their minds are really not very good."

Luffy jumped off the somersault cloud: "Rubber Rubber Balloon!"

Luffy turned into a balloon and bounced all the cannonballs he hit.

Immediately afterwards, Luffy fell from the sky and stood in front of them.

Li Xiao carried the somersault cloud, carried everyone down, and came to Luffy's side.

"How dare you guys come in front of me? I am the pirate Teabeard with a bounty of 80.06 million!"

After finishing speaking, Teabeard expected to see everyone's shocked reactions.

Obviously, no one has heard of it, and only Li Xiao has heard of it. If he hadn't watched One Piece, who would know who this guy is? He only has 80.06 million.

"I don't know!" Luffy said bluntly.

Teabeard lay on the ground in frustration. After being depressed for a few seconds, he suddenly picked up a bigger cannon and said, "Take the move, an angry blow!"

Zoro stepped forward and cut the cannonball in half with a slash.

The few people who came ashore had just come from the Land of Fire, and the sudden cold caught them off guard.

As a result, several people focused their attention on the group of centaurs. They were all wearing thick clothes.

Seeing Zoro's move, and then seeing Luffy's straw hat, Teabeard suddenly remembered: "I remember, that hat belongs to the newcomer of the worst generation two years ago, the younger brother of Fire Fist, who has the crew of the Thunder King

Yes, 400 million pirates, Straw Hat Luffy!"

When Li Xiao heard this, he wondered why he was mentioned again. Is he very famous now?

What Li Xiao didn't know was that in the past two years, the fact that he turned his white beard into a younger man and that he survived four thunder tribulations has become a topic of discussion among many people.

The members of the Teabeard Pirates were shocked when they heard what their boss said. The 400 million pirates were so frightened that they ran away.

"A riot of purple and red!"

Robin used his Devil Fruit power to capture a female centaur, and then took her heavy clothes as his own.

Luffy and Zoro also rushed over, and after a scuffle, everyone found a pair of thick clothes that they could see through.

After defeating all the Teabeard Pirates, only Teabeard himself was left, so it would be best to let him lead the way.

It happened that at this time, I met Brooke, who had been looking for people on the shore since just now.

"Brooke!" Luffy waved his hand.


Brooke ran over, and he also found someone to take off his clothes and put them on himself.

"Lead the way, Teabeard. The defeated must have the consciousness of defeat." Li Xiao said standing on Teabeard's body.

Teabeard was a little angry, as several of his subordinates had their clothes robbed, but he did not dare to say anything, so he could only let everyone sit on him, and then ran towards the laboratory.

"Speaking of which, Brooke, you won't be cold without skin, right? Why did you grab a piece of clothing?" Usopp asked doubtfully.

"The atmosphere is great. I hope to meet you all safely. I want to have the same cold feeling as you all!" Brooke said.

Robin said: "It's so pitiful that Nami and the others were kidnapped dressed like that. It would be better if they didn't dislocate their hands and feet because of frostbite."

"Robin, the way you worry is a bit cruel." Li Xiao took out a pot of soju from the space ring, took a sip, and instantly felt warm.

"I want it too, is there anything else?" Zoro asked.

Li Xiao handed over the soju, and the two began to drink the soju and chat.

"Hey you two, you can still drink leisurely under such circumstances." Usopp exclaimed.

"There's no point worrying. We'll talk about it later. Come on, have a drink."

While Usopp wasn't paying attention, Li Xiao caught Usopp. Zoro smiled devilishly and poured a glass full of soju into Usopp's mouth.

"Ah~~so spicy!"

Usopp felt a burst of fire rushing into his body, and fire almost came out of his mouth.

Luffy laughed when he saw this: "Usopp is so awesome, he can even spit out flames when he drinks."

Teabeard kept running, and after more than ten minutes, he finally saw the huge steel laboratory, which was covered by the university.

There was actually a warship stationed at the river in front of the laboratory, and the navy was also here.

"Someone is there." Usopp said.

The man wore a chest-baring black hooded windbreaker with Corazon's name printed in capital letters on the back, a furry winter hat with leopard spots, and a large long knife on his shoulder.

"Trafalgar Law!" Li Xiao said.

(End of chapter)

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