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Chapter 997 Battle, Murder

Asuka smelled.


Can even idiot Shinji unleash such a high-energy impact?

But this is inside a volcano.

It's gone too far.

What if a volcano erupts?

Just thinking about it.

A black shadow quickly flashed from behind.

Asuka turned around with difficulty in Unit 2, but missed the enemy perfectly.

The girl couldn't help cursing secretly: "This protection is really inconvenient."

Looking at Shinji, he has already taken a fighting stance.

It should be some kind of boxing technique.

It's just that the heat-insulating equipment is worn on the No. 1 fuselage, making it look like a Kung Fu Panda. It's strong but not imposing.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Asuka quickly started the team voice: "Idiot Shinji, I warn you not to mess around. If the volcano erupts, everyone on it will die!"

Shinji: "That's funny, you still need to remind me? Just take care of yourself!"

Asuka: "What's your attitude... No, that guy is here."

Halfway through the words, the Eighth Apostle was like a fish swimming in the sea, breaking through the magma at an extremely fast speed and coming straight to the No. 2 machine.

Asuka: "Damn it, don't underestimate me!"

While drinking, he swung the particle knife belonging to Unit 1.



The eighth apostle dodged dexterously and opened his bloody mouth.

"No, hey, this is in magma. Isn't this guy afraid that his internal organs will be cooked?" Asuka murmured to herself.

It's too late, it's too late.

Shinji rushed up and punched the eighth apostle in the head.

"Flowing water... rocks shatter... break!"

With one punch, the fetus angel moved.

Asuka took the opportunity to get out of the attack range.

Shinji succeeded with one punch, but showed no mercy and threw two more punches.

It's a pity that the Fetus Angel was already on guard. With a flick of its short tail, the entire body of Unit 1 was thrown away.

Shinji: "Are you mistaken? This guy moved too quickly..."

Magma itself has a certain degree of resistance, not to mention its own high temperature.

It can be said that this newly hatched apostle has the most incredible adaptability among all the enemies it has encountered in the past.

"The so-called desperate situation is probably this situation." Shinji took a deep breath and kept recalling the practice of these days.

Although his boxing skills are just a show, the sweat he puts in is not fake.

In this lava that resembles flowing water, the 'Rock Breaking Fist' is the most reasonable choice. Coupled with the excellent performance of Unit 1, as long as you can control the enemy's actions and find out the opponent's core, you may be able to kill him with one blow.


Thinking of this, Shinji said to Asuka: "Is there any way to make that guy be honest for a while?"

"Huh? Are you talking to me?" Asuka was anxious and angry after being tortured by the fetal angel, and her voice was subconsciously filled with some small emotions.

"What else? Okay, now is not the time to quarrel. I need you to control that guy for a while, at least five seconds. Can you do it?" Shinji became different from usual, with an indescribable aura.


Asuka was stunned and said unhappily: "Why do you need to say that? Of course! Who do you think I am?"

Shinji: "Very good, then I'll leave it to you, Asuka."

Being called out suddenly, Asuka still couldn't react.

Then she calmed down, silently observed the surrounding environment, and whispered in a voice that could only be heard by herself: "How arrogant, you dare to instigate me. It's obviously just an idiot Shinji..."

Say so.

But the girl still obeyed Shinji's plan.

As for Shinji, through the experience of their brief encounter, he recalled the full picture of the Fetus Angel.

First of all, what is certain is that this time the enemy is not humanoid, nor does it have the obvious exposed 'weaknesses' like the water angels and day angels.

The fetus was born with four eyes and looked like a catfish with two tentacles.

Those tentacles are extremely flexible, and the relatively short tail also has considerable destructive power, which can at least destroy the heat insulation equipment on the outside of the aircraft body.

"A difficult enemy." Shinji frowned.

But at this time, he thought of Mr. Jon's usual teachings: "Monsters will die if they are killed...don't show the health bar...it will take seconds to show up..."

A flash of inspiration flashed in the young man's mind: "In other words, attacking the eyes is the most cost-effective, right?"

I am certain in my heart.

Shinji clenched his fists.

He planned it well.

Unexpectedly, the eighth apostle did not play according to the rules at all.

Ignoring Asuka, she rushed towards Unit-1 driven by Shinji.

Shinji didn't have time to think too much, he used his arms and hugged him!

This is what ordinary people...


The hug is not very tight.

The fetal angel was like a slippery loach, nimbly passing through Unit 1.

Then he suddenly made a comeback.

Shinji had no time to dodge, and the heat-insulating equipment on his back suffered some damage.

"Shinji!" Asuka's eyes turned red, "How dare a mere apostle be so arrogant."

Without saying a word, he swam over with his knife straight.

Feeling that the temperature in the cockpit had risen slightly, Shinji had an idea and quickly stopped him: "Wait a minute, let this guy continue to attack me, I have a way to control it!"

The No. 2 fuselage is completely out of shape.

The fetal angel really didn't want to let Shinji go, and launched attacks one after another.

The tentacles wrapped around Unit-1's arms, and Shinji felt like he was 'cross-tightened', unable to move left or right.

But this is exactly the result he wanted.

You have control over me.

From another perspective, it’s not like I have control over you.

According to Joe's theory of relativity "I speed up equal to you slowing down".

A glint flashed in Shinji's eyes: "Asuka, auntie (right now), poke her eyes!"

Asuka was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted and stabbed out the particle knife in her hand with a roar.

The fetal angel suddenly felt bad and wanted to let go of Unit 1, but was locked backhand by Unit 1.

The organism and the apostle are entangled.

For a moment, I didn’t know whether the Fetus Angel locked the Unit-01 or the Unit-0 locked the Fetus Angel.

Shinji said with difficulty: "Do it... hurry up... do it..."

During the struggle, many thermal insulation equipment were destroyed.

Unit No. 1 has now reached the extreme state of high temperature and pressure, and the temperature in the cockpit has also risen sharply.

"You don't need to rush me, I know what to do!" Asuka used all her strength to poke the particle knife into one of the fetal angel's eyes.

The fetal angel screams in pain.

Shinji finally couldn't control the rampaging apostle and was violently thrown away.

But while being thrown away, he quickly took away the particle knife inserted in the fetal angel's eye.

"Did you kill it?" Asuka asked excitedly.

Shinji looked solemn: "Not yet, we have to work harder..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the rampaging apostle threw down Unit 1, trying to drag this extremely dangerous guy deeper into the volcano.

Shinji quickly understood the Fetus Angel's plan and couldn't help but feel anxious.

"Idiot Shinji! Why don't you avoid it!" Asuka jumped hurriedly, but her movements were not slow and she dived forcefully.

In the command room, Misato Katsuragi's heart was beating wildly and she ordered loudly: "Asuka, don't go!"

Asuka didn't care.

Relatively speaking, the damage to Unit 2 was much lighter than that of Unit 1.

Leave Shinji alone.

Then, there is only one outcome——

Unit-00 slept forever at the bottom of the volcano, and the idiot Shinji was burned to the point where not even his bones were left.

"Stop it!" Asuka burst out at the fastest speed in her history.

At the same time, her synchronization rate increased strangely.

Shinji felt hotter and hotter, and the system's warnings continued one after another.

He was cruel and punched the fetal angel's injured eye socket with his fist.

It's sticky and disgusting.

Shinji couldn't care less and stirred vigorously.

If it were a normal creature, the brain plasma would be stirred up at this moment.

After all, the fetus angel is extremely adaptable. Even though it suffered such heavy damage, it still did not lose its ability to move, but its speed inevitably slowed down a lot.

This gave Asuka a chance.

Unit 2 quickly approached Shinji and grabbed one of Unit 1's arms.

Not to be outdone, the fetal angel wrapped two tentacle-like things tightly around the arm of Unit 1.

A tug-of-war began.

If it were a campus light comedy, it would probably be a harem male protagonist being fought over by a tsundere classmate and a mouthless school girl.


The appearance of the Fetus Angel and Unit 2 is really difficult to see.

Shinji was in excruciating pain, but he used his tempered willpower to stay awake, constantly stirring the eyes of the fetal angel.

"Die! Die quickly!" he shouted angrily.

I don't know if God heard his call, but the situation was deadlocked for a minute and thirty-five seconds. The fetus angel's strength stagnates and he gradually loosened his tentacles.

"Is it...successful?"

Asuka looked like she had been fished out of water.

Although she was soaked in LCL solution, she had the illusion of sweating a lot.

Shinji couldn't bear the heat anymore and pulled out his arm.

I wanted to surface quickly, but after thinking about it, I packed the fetal angel's body in a special containment device.

"Come on, hurry up! I'm going to be roasted!"

Hearing this, Asuka naturally had no objections, and helped Unit 1 move upstream by pulling and pulling.

The battle ends here——

Wait for Asuka and Shinji to return to their residence.

It's already the second day.

As soon as they entered the door, the two of them seemed to have collapsed and lay facelessly in the entrance hall.

At this moment, Rei Ayanami, wearing a school uniform and an apron, came out and said to the two of them expressionlessly: "Welcome back."

"Lingha-san..." After walking through the Gate of Hell and seeing Rei Ayanami again, Shinji was almost moved to tears.

Asuka said with a complicated look: "That's great, you don't have to take a bath in the volcano."

Ayanami Rei explained calmly: "This is an arrangement from the top management. If there is a suitable combat mission, I will not refuse it."

"Hey, that's what I said, you are so boring." Asuka waved her hands angrily: "Forget it, I have nothing to say to a boring gourd like you. I lay down in the rest cabin all night and I'm hungry.

Is there anything to eat at home?"

Upon hearing this, Shinji also said: "That being said, I'm a little hungry too."

Ayanami Rei invited the two of them into the kitchen: "While you were away, Mr. Jon and I made dumplings."



Is this dumpling serious?

Facts have proved that this dumpling is very serious.

Ayanami Rei cooked herself, cooking eighteen pieces first. When she saw that the two of them had almost eaten, she cooked eighteen more.

Asuka and Shinji were satisfied with the meal.

Only then did they realize that someone was missing from the house, and they couldn't help asking: "Where did Mr. Jon (that guy) go?"

Ayanami Rei answered truthfully: "The commander seems to have something to do with Mr. Jon."


Ikari Yuantang!

Shinji and Asuka suddenly became energetic.

Among them, Shinji even expressed that he also wanted to go out.

Ayanami Rei said calmly: "Mr. Jon has been away for five hours."

Shinji scratched his head: "That's it..."

Asuka spread her hands and said, "Really, those people at the top really don't get any lessons. They obviously have no ability, but they always want to make trouble for others."

Ayanami Rei remained silent.

Shinji thought for a moment and said, "Did Mr. Jon say anything before he left?"

Ayanami Rei thought about it for a moment and said calmly: "He seemed to say that he wanted to eat beef hot pot tonight."


Jon yawned.

He raised his head slightly and looked at the glass above.

"I said, you've been holding it in for so long, and this is what you came out with?"

Lasers, sound waves, microorganisms and bacteria, energy fields...

In a short period of time, Jon enjoyed the luxurious gift package prepared for him by Ikari Yuantang.

The meeting of the two.

It can be summed up simply in one sentence: there is no good wine without good wine, and there is no good feast without good banquet.

What is an open and fair conversation is clearly a deliberate murder.

Ikari Yuantang's face was livid, and he kept urging to the side: "Is there anything else? Preparatory Plan J! What is Preparatory Plan J?"

"No...no more..." The staff member was in despair: "We have no backup plan, Commander."

Ikari Yuantang clenched his fists and his eyes were about to burst: "Why don't you die?"

"Huh? I can't hear you." Jon stood up and shook the dust off his body.

He moved his neck, and the next second, he came to Ikari Yuantang: "Yo!"

Ikari Yuantang couldn't help but feel weak in his legs, but he still managed to cheer up: "You are more powerful than I thought. It seems that even if scientists from all over the world gather together, they won't be able to eliminate you."

Jon didn't say a word, but tapped Ikari Yuantang's eyebrows with one finger.


Ikari Yuantang instantly turned into a ball of blood mist.

The other staff in the observation room were so frightened that they lost their voices.

But how could Mr. Qiao let the man with glasses go so easily?

Time flows backwards, and Ikari Yuantang is back.

He was about to speak.

It turned into blood mist again.

Literally ‘life and death’.

Jon killed Ikari Yuantang as many times as he had prepared privately to deal with him.

In the end, the staff were completely dumbfounded.

He watched blankly as the commander lived and died.

The whole process lasted for five minutes, and Jon finally let go of the whimsical man in sunglasses.

"Actually, I'm very happy that you didn't give up the idea of ​​killing me. It's just that the foreign aid you found this time doesn't seem to be very good."

"Come on, come on, let me teach you that only if you master time, space, soul, reality, power, and spirit can you even have the slightest chance of causing billions of damage to my projection."

Jon patted Ikari Yuantang on the shoulder: "Come on, wait until you understand these conceptual powers. What kind of apostle... what kind of impact... are all problems that can be solved in minutes."

Ikari Yuantang:……

There was darkness inside.

There is no hope in life anymore.

Could it be that this guy in front of me is the real end of mankind?

This chapter has been completed!
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