Turn off the lights
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Chapter 998 Stop the electricity

Experienced the torture of life and death.

Ikari Yuantang: Already honest


Everyone knows it.

This honesty is only temporary.

It can be seen from the look of hatred in his eyes.

This person has not given up the idea of ​​killing the unknown life form, codenamed 'Jon'.

However, due to lack of means, it had to cease operations.

Once he finds the opportunity.

He will pounce on him like a hungry wolf and eat up the enemy's flesh and blood...

Jon felt the same way.

But he didn't take it seriously.

If you can't stand me, you can't kill me.

This expression of helplessness and rage.

Ah, it's so delightful.

Seeing Ikari Yuantang's silence for a long time, Jon waved his hand: "Let's stop here today. I'll come and play with you next time."

Ikari Yuantang pushed up his glasses: "Don't underestimate human wisdom."

"What kind of human being? Ask yourself, do you care about human beings?" Jon turned sideways and said with disdain: "If you are really a holy mother who cares about civilization and all mankind, I will look at you more highly. A.

Hypocrite, you are not willing to go to any lengths to achieve your own goals, just pretending to be your mother here."

The words are very straightforward.

Because the straightforward words cut into the heart.

Ikari Yuantang's face turned pale: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

"Yes, yes, I don't understand, because there is something wrong with your brain. If An Lushan enters Chang'an, it will be all over for you." Jon waved his hand impatiently: "Let's go."

Looking at his retreating figure, Ikari Yuantang gritted his teeth.

When Jon disappeared completely, it was as if his bones had been removed, and he suddenly fell to the ground, gasping for air.

Unexpectedly, Jon actually responded: "There is one more thing..."

Eyes facing each other.

The atmosphere became a little awkward.

Jon is naturally not embarrassed.

Then it’s clear who is embarrassed.

Ikari Yuantang got up in a panic and pretended to be calm: "What do you want to say?"

"I don't want to say anything, I just want to see your ugly face of pretending that nothing happened even though you are so desperate." Jon chuckled, raised his phone and shook it: "By the way, you

I have already recorded the scene just now."

Ikari Yuantang:……

Oh shit.

Hateful unknown creature.

You enemy of all mankind, for the continuation of civilization, I will kill you a thousand times!

After teasing the man in sunglasses again, Jon finally left with a smile.

Ikari Yuantang's face turned green and red for a while, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

No one dared to disturb the commander in this state, and there was a dead silence in the command room.

I don't know how long it took, but Ikari Yuantang finally took a breath, pushed up his glasses and said, "Everyone with flowers on their shoulders, follow me to the conference room."

After a pause, he added: "Call Dr. Akagi over, make a copy of the combat record, and send it to her."


With an order, everyone in the department quickly started to move.

Don't know why.

These people actually developed a sense of admiration for Ikari Yuantang.

After being tortured and killed so many times, he still kept his mentality intact after being resurrected... Well, being tortured to the point of falling to the ground does not count as a mental breakdown.

In short, the commander is truly a god!

Not to mention Ikari Yuantang, who has a strangely rising reputation at the base headquarters, but Qiong returned to his residence.

As soon as I walked in, I smelled the aroma of dumplings and the light sour taste.

He raised his eyebrows and said deliberately: "The shoes in the entrance hall smell. Let me see who it is. Oh, it turns out to be Asuka."

The words fell, and there was a moment of silence.

Then there were footsteps of "dengdengdeng".

"No! Xu! Hu! Say!" Asuka was obviously anxious, still holding the bowl in her hand, "My feet don't smell!"

Jon sneered: "If I were a JIO controller, I would tell you to show off my mouth to prove my innocence, but unfortunately I am not."

Asuka was dumbfounded, she never expected Jon to say such a thing.

Give yourself a get-out-of-jail-free card first, and then tell your true thoughts, right?

Her eyes were strange and she said with great disdain: "Pervert."

Jon suddenly changed his appearance: "It's great! Such a scolding, Modo Modo (do more)~"

Asuka couldn't help but get excited and took three steps back: "I... I'm warning you, don't mess around!"

"Tsk." Jon returned to normal instantly: "It's really boring."

Asuka was stunned by his transformation and couldn't recover for a long time.

At this moment, Shinji and Rei Ayanami also came out.

When the two saw Jon, they spoke before and after:

"Mr. Jon, welcome home."

"You're back."

Asuka was surprised that Ayanami Rei had such respect for a certain guy, and quickly stopped her: "Don't be fooled, this guy is a pervert."

"Only a true pervert would talk about being a pervert." Jon spread his hands and said, "To say the least, even if I am a pervert, I am just a gentleman in the name of a pervert."


Ayanami Rei:......


Asuka turned her head, saw Shinji's admiring eyes, and immediately said angrily: "You are so worshipful of heresy!"

Before Shinji could reply, Jon said first: "You talk about shit and shit, are you the only one who can be considered a lady?"

Asuka's defense was broken, and she returned to the kitchen glumly, holding the bowl.

She has realized that verbally, even if she is ten, she cannot take advantage of Jon, so she might as well shut up.

It’s just this meal that I can’t eat anymore.

Everyone came to the living room, and Shinji excitedly told Jon about his experience fighting in the volcano.

I heard that the No. 1 machine punched out Angel's glasses...oh no, eyes. Jon showed a pleased expression: "It's not in vain that I teach you boxing. You guys are so up to date."

Shinji scratched the back of his head and chuckled.

Asuka said unhappily: "It's just a flower stand, it's of no use."

Shinji knew that he was a showman, but he said it was okay, but others, especially Asuka, said no!

With a sharp look in his eyes, he immediately threw out a series of moves without any explanation.

"Huh? (Block) I don't know who lost the weapon he carried as soon as he entered the volcano (reflect)."

Asuka was suddenly speechless and turned her head away as if she was embarrassed.

Shinji was satisfied, and then said: "It can be regarded as taking advantage of the magma. The Flowing Rock Shattering Fist should have extra bonuses in this environment. Otherwise, I would not be able to break the apostle's eyes so easily."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Asuka's ears twitched and she asked curiously: "What is the Flowing Rock Shattering Fist?"

Jon: "In my early years... that is, when I was young, I acquired a boxing skill and practiced it to the extreme. It is considered to be the top martial arts among human beings."

Asuka: "Then why do you only teach idiot Shinji? Why don't you teach me!"

Jon was surprised, "We are not related, so why should I teach you?"

Asuka blinked and suddenly changed her expression: "Mr. Jon~"

Jon: "I'm sorry, I don't do this."

Asuka's expression suddenly collapsed: "I don't care, I must do what Shinji can do!"

Jon thought for a moment and did not refuse: "Okay, then you and Shinji can come to my room together tomorrow morning and I will teach you how to practice."

early morning.

The sun has just risen.

Asuka suddenly opened her eyes before the alarm clock rang.

After a simple wash, she tied a ponytail for easy movement, then opened the door full of energy and came to Jon's room.

After a while, Shinji also came yawning and complained: "What happened? There was a power outage..."

Asuka frowned slightly: "Power outage? But isn't there a separate power supply here? How could there be a power outage? Forget it, let me ask you, what do you usually train for?"

Shinji said truthfully: "Well, enter Mr. Jon's spiritual world and fight with him."



Did you just say ‘spiritual world’?

Can that guy even do such a thing?

The girl couldn't help but swallow and spit.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered something and said to Shinji: "Wait for me for a while, I will go change my pants."

Shinji was puzzled: "Short skirts make it easier to move, right?"

Asuka thought of the previous 'handstand incident' and hurried back to the room without saying anything.

Ten minutes later, she and Shinji saw Jon.

Jon did not stand on his head this time, but lay on his side on the bed, half-smiling but not smiling: "You are here."


Although but.

This scene is really like those weird uncles and round-cornered girls meeting for the first time.

"No, no, how could I think about this? Damn it, if I had known earlier, I wouldn't have been curious about those colorful magazines in the supermarket." Asuka complained secretly.

When Jon saw that the two of them were ready, he didn't waste any time. He just thought and pulled the two of them into his 'Spiritual Time Room.'

"Here, the flow of time will be sixty times slower. In other words, for one minute of your exercise here, only one second will pass in the outside world." Jon crossed his arms and stood in the center of the martial arts field: "In the past, Turtle and I

When the fellow disciples of Senryu were practicing, Master Wutian often said that only through hard work can you drive a Land Rover. Although you have already driven an EVA, it is public property after all and cannot be counted."

Shinji and Asuka were confused.

Asuka was impatient: "Okay, there is no need to say anything unnecessary. Now that we are here, we must have a certain consciousness. No matter what difficulties and obstacles, we can't stop me..."

Before he finished speaking, Jon suddenly appeared in front of Asuka and punched the girl in the eye.

Asuka couldn't avoid Jon's fist and squatted down: "Ah!!! My eyes!!!"

"Your situation is quite special. Rather than training your boxing skills, I still think it's better for you to train your body skills to avoid eye injuries." Jon looked at Asuka rolling back and forth on the ground and said with a smile.

Asuka was anxious: "Why? Why should we avoid eye injuries? Ah, my eyes!"

"There's no reason, I'm just doing it for your own good." Jon spread his hands and said, "I have this Qiao family's ancestral running experience. If I think it's destined for you, I'll sell it to you for ten yuan."

"Why do you have to pay...ah, my eyes..." Asuka was going crazy.


She is indeed crazy.

It's because you're crazy that you want to learn skills from a real madman.

Shinji scratched his head and looked aside, not knowing what to say.

Jon created a clone and pointed his finger at Shinji: "Come on, boy, let me see your progress during this time."

After hearing this, Shinji put on his posture on the spot: "Yes, Mr. Jon!"

Ayanami Rei is cleaning.

Entering the new environment, her living habits have changed a lot.

I am cleaner than before.

When she arrived at Jon's room after cleaning, she saw Jon half lying down reading comics.

Shinji and Asuka fell to the ground, looking as if their life or death was unknown.

"Yo~" Jon greeted.

Ayanami Rei nodded, took a small broom and dustpan, and started cleaning seriously.

"Why not use a vacuum cleaner?" Jon asked.

Ayanami Rei didn't even raise her head: "There's a power outage."

"The base does not have internal power supply... Oh, I seem to understand, it's okay." Jon waved his hand and said, "Then you must be ready for battle?"

Ayanami Rei looked confused: "What?"

"You'll find out soon." Jon didn't say much.

As expected.

About half an hour later, Misato Katsuragi led a group of people to fight here, and without saying a word, she ordered Shinji and Asuka to fight.

As a result, when I heard that the two of them were temporarily trapped in the 'spiritual time room' and could not get out, the beautiful first lieutenant was immediately dumbfounded.

Fortunately, there is Rei Ayanami.

The situation was urgent, so I had to turn a dead horse into a living horse. I pulled Ayanami Rei and asked: "Is your body okay?"

Ayanami Rei gave a positive answer: "It's okay."

Misato Katsuragi: "Soon, you and I will come and go to the combat preparation room..."

Before he finished speaking, Jon suddenly interjected: "Forget it, I'm here to help."

After finishing his words, he clapped his hands: "Immortal Law Luo Sheng... Sorry, I got distracted. Anyway, open the portal for me."


A translucent portal suddenly appeared in the room.

Misato Katsuragi is stupid.

What the hell is this.

Jon explained: "This portal leads directly to the combat preparation room. You know space jump, it's almost the same thing. In short, go in, I don't think it's so troublesome to hurt you."

Misato Katsuragi wanted to say something, but the current situation was indeed taboo, and every second of delay would result in countless losses. She had no choice but to bite the bullet and rush in.

Unexpectedly, Ayanami Rei was one step faster than her, and Misato Katsuragi was so frightened that she hurried to catch up.

As soon as the two people left, the other civil servants in the base couldn't sit still. One by one, they entered the portal with their heads down.

Heaven and earth change.

Before Misato Katsuragi realized what was going on, she came to the battle preparation room.

The tablet in Ritsuko Akagi's hand, who had been waiting for a long time, fell to the ground with a 'snap', and said tremblingly: "You... what are you doing?"

"Spatial jump, even if I tell you, you don't understand." Misato Katsuragi waved her hand, and for the first time in her life, she despised her friend who had known her for many years in terms of knowledge.

Ritsuko Akagi:???


What on earth is going on with space jump? Can anyone explain it to her?

Ayanami Rei still looked silent, she came quietly, quietly changed into her combat uniform, quietly got into the cockpit, and quietly adapted to the LCL solution.

Misato Katsuragi finally finished explaining the situation to Ritsuko Akagi.

Ritsuko Akagi's beautiful eyes were filled with brilliance.

But now is not the time to delve deeper, so I can only suppress my inner curiosity and introduce this enemy to Ayanami Rei.

"Zero, listen carefully, the codename of the apostle coming this time is 'Rain Angel'."

This chapter has been completed!
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