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Chapter 608 Final chapter(8)

The ancient weapon 'Pluto', the crystallization of the highest craftsmanship in the history of shipbuilding, is a super battleship built by the Capital of Seven Waters that can destroy an island with one shot!

In fact, Im always knew where ‘Pluto’ was buried.

Deep in this remote desert, in an inaccessible place, the most powerful warship sleeps quietly, waiting for its true owner.

"Those shipwrights back then probably never dreamed that this ship, which was specially built to deal with me, would eventually be controlled by me."

Im walking in the yellow sand and felt very happy.

After rising to a new level, he is no longer as urgent about certain things as before.

After all, mountains are dead and water is dead.

People will die sooner or later...

In this case, why rush?

During the World War that year, the colonists led by Im launched a decades-long war with the local indigenous people (the D tribe).

Even though they possess advanced alien technology, the local power system cannot be underestimated. The various weird fruit abilities once put their colonial army into dire straits.

Fortunately, as a leader, Im learned how to learn from the foreigners and develop skills to control the foreigners.

After going through many hardships, they drove away the D clan who guarded the Devil Fruit Tree.

Im and his men couldn't wait to pick the devil fruits from the tree, and finally obtained the same magical abilities. Coupled with their own advanced technology, they won the war to determine who would dominate the world.

However, the power of the remnant forces should not be underestimated. In addition to the mermaid princess who can control the super-large sea king at will, local shipwrights who gradually learned advanced knowledge during the war also gathered together and worked together to develop this ship specially used to defeat the invaders.

Warship: Pluto - Pluto.

But now, this ship is about to fall into Im's hands, which has to be said to be a great irony.

Looking around, everything as far as the eye can see is golden.

The place where the final weapon is buried is no different from other places in the desert, except for sand and tumbleweeds, which looks extremely monotonous.

Im raised his palms expressionlessly, "Reappear in the world, Pluto!"

After two "immortality surgeries", the room Im can mobilize is enough to cover the entire world.

As soon as I took a breath, the rolling yellow sand disappeared.

What replaced it was a keel warship that had been polished over the years but was still strong and ferocious.

The shape of this ship is extremely strange. Although it is a traditional sailboat, the masts are arranged very unevenly. The bow is not a regular triangle, but is wrapped by a semicircle with very beautiful lines. The sides of the ship are already somewhat weathered.

The corroded gun barrel poked out ferociously. The most eye-catching thing was that there were eight round propellers at the stern of the ship, each propeller being as big as half an ordinary sailboat.

If the twenty colonist families were here back then, they would definitely be able to see that the shape of Pluto was borrowed from the most advanced aircraft they rode back then to a certain extent.

It’s just that the aircraft was made of parent star technology, and even Im, a half-hearted person, didn’t understand its principles. He only knew how to operate it like a fool, and in the end it was blown to pieces by the rebellious untouchables...

Shaking his head, suppressing the messy thoughts in his heart, Im teleported to the deck of Pluto.

After all, it is an ancient ship with a history of hundreds of years, and the deep traces of time can be seen everywhere.

Im caressing the rough boat string with his hand, feeling a little emotional and a little happy in his heart.

He did a brief check just now and found that Pluto's power system had completely collapsed, and it was something Xiudu couldn't repair in a short period of time.

Fortunately, the ship's weapon system can still be used, especially the hidden demon-slaying cannon. Because it is usually hidden at the bow of the ship, it has not been affected by the yellow sand at all. It is still 70% new.

"God help me."

Im nodded with satisfaction.

Power system collapse?

It doesn't matter.

He has the ability to teleport objects, and does not need the power of the ship itself at all, as long as the weapons can still be used.

With Pluto and Uranus in hand, coupled with his 'immortality' and his ability to travel quickly, who else in this world can stop him?

Jon Joestar…

The first target he wants to eliminate is that guy!

Thinking of this, Im stood on the deck of Hades and teleported directly to the Chambord Islands.

At this time, the Chambord Islands had become two different places from the Chambord Islands in Im's memory. The prosperity and joy here made him feel a little dazzled.

"It's time for us to settle old scores, Jon Joestar." The true master of the world government muttered to himself.

The next second, he activated the demon-slaying cannon on the bow of Pluto's ship without hesitation.

The navy has a disciplinary action called the "Demon Slaying Order", which is actually a replica of the demon-slaying cannon from that year.

It's just that what can be solved with one shot of the demon-slaying cannon, if replaced by naval battleships, it would take more than ten or twenty ships to clear the ground.


The arc of Pluto's bow cracked, and a lot of yellow sand fell into the sea.

Then, a thick and beautifully carved cannon barrel protruded from the crack.

By the way, Pluto's power source is none other than the inexhaustible sea water under the ship.

Im said coldly: "Go to hell with fear and regret being my enemy."

However, the next second, many cannonballs burning with strange flames fell from the sky.

Im was stunned, but he didn't dare to let the cannonball really hit Hades, so he quickly diverted these attacks from the sky.

No need to think about it, this must be the back-up plan arranged by Jon Joestar. But why is the flying battleship Ark Noah not in his perception?

"Damn it, what the hell is that guy doing?" Faced with a situation that he couldn't understand at all, Im felt a little irritable.

the other side.

On top of Noah's Ark, which had left the atmosphere, Jon crossed his legs, holding a glass of red wine in his left hand, holding Garrett in his right hand, and said with great comfort: "Sure enough, it's exactly what I thought. The scope of the room's effect is only

On this planet."

Is ‘immortal surgery’ powerful?

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Of course it is strong.

After two "immortality surgeries", you can almost become synonymous with being invincible in this world.

However, ‘immortal surgery’ has certain limitations.

That is - distance.

In the beginning, Im could only achieve immortality in Mariejoia. As long as he left this range, he would be no different from anyone else. After undergoing the second immortality surgery, Im finally expanded the scope of the room to the entire world, but it also

It's just "the whole world".

Once he left the atmosphere, there was nothing he could do.

To put it bluntly, Im has been deeply tied to this world and has lost more possibilities. At best, he is just a "local emperor".

Jon smiled and said: "But the fact that I can breathe in space still surprises me."

Although he had already read "The Adventures of Enero" from the title page of the original comic before, and knew that the outer space environment was not as harsh as it was commonly understood, he had really taken the first step in the aerospace industry in the pirate world.

I still have to sigh with emotion at the wonder of fate.

Foreign colonists are deeply tied to the colonies, but the natives of the colonies have unlimited possibilities to explore outside.

But it's still too far to think about this now. Before becoming the pirate king of the space, Jon still has to deal with Im properly.

"Jon Joestar, come out, I know it's you!" On the Pluto deck, Im was furious with incompetence.

In essence, he has always been a relatively cautious (timid) person. Otherwise, he would not have been able to hide behind the scenes and dare not show his face during these 800 years.

This feeling is as if you have been living in the cave for more than 800 years, finally reached the full level, and obtained the ultimate magical weapon through a series of plans. Just when you were about to be born to suppress this era, a drop of rain fell from the sky and penetrated your peerless magic weapon.


Anyone going through this must think it over carefully, let alone a naturally coward like Im.

To be honest, he is panicking now.

Especially when Jon never showed up, Im felt like there were enemies on all sides.

"It's impossible, I'm already invincible!"

"But where did that thing come from just now?"

"Where's Jon Joestar, where is that guy!"

"Could it be that……"

“Jon Joestar had two immortality surgeries before me!”

"Ah, I should have thought of that!"

Maybe Jon's abilities are too similar to Im's, or maybe in Im's subconscious, only those who have completed two immortality surgeries can be called truly invincible.

Unknowingly, he entered into some misunderstanding.

"Twice? No, he did it even more times while I was hiding under Mariejoia!"

Two immortal surgeries can expand the scope of the room to the whole world. What about three or more surgeries? In these 800 years, there are too many possibilities.

Im has sufficient evidence to prove that Jon Joestar, like him, is an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years (to some extent, his guess is indeed correct).

At this moment, the revolutionary army stationed on the island and Jon's own forces finally mobilized.

The battle flags are flying and the battleships are endless.

Because of Marie Joa's special force field, the Revolutionary Army stationed all its troops from all over the world here. Now it's just time to bring them over, and the soldiers will face the generals, and they will have a head-on confrontation with Im.

"Stop bothering me, you damn bugs!" The fear of Jon Joestar in Im's heart reached an extreme level, but he had nothing to say to other ordinary people.

Waving his hand, he planned to use Room's power to wipe out the fleet in an instant.

But what horrified him was that just when he wanted to snap his fingers and fold the space here, he suddenly found that the tried-and-true room was actually affected by a mysterious force, canceling out the two and turning into nothingness!

Seeing this, Im was even more convinced of his suspicions - Jon Joestar had indeed undergone 'immortality surgery', and had done it more times than him!

Just like Trafalgar Law's room can offset the force field he set up before, Jon Joestar is also using his own force field to offset Im's power at this moment.


The mood is broken.

In a short period of time, Im went from "I am invincible" to "There is someone braver than me." The ups and downs made him a little nervous.

This kind of change was not achieved by Princess Lily hundreds of years ago. Joy Boy, who led the world's resistance, did not achieve this. After reaching the final place and watching the complete historical text, he was called the king by countless pirates.

Gol D. Roger didn't do it.

But today, a cosmic street kid floating in outer space, holding red wine and hugging a beautiful woman, did it.

Im suddenly didn't want to play anymore.

The key is, you can't play with others.

As long as the other party's room has a larger scope than his, he will never get ahead in his life!

However, the revolutionary army led by Monkey D. Dorag did not want to let the enemy go easily.

The enemy's morale is in chaos, follow me and kill him!


Heavy artillery fire!

And it is not a lead bullet artillery in the traditional sense.

What age are we, still smoking traditional cigarettes... cough, firing traditional artillery.

Egghead Technology, you deserve it.

However, even the most advanced Egghead technology seems a bit inadequate when faced with the strategic-level vehicles developed by countless shipwrights hundreds of years ago by integrating the latest alien technology.

Im was irritated by these mosquito-like provocations.


My own strength is restrained.

But if you treat me like a soft persimmon and knead me at will, isn't it a little too much?

Im reached into his wide sleeves and pulled out a simple short staff as if by magic.

At the same time, the demon-slaying cannon that had just been interrupted gathered energy again. The seawater around Pluto began to violently roll as if boiling.

Uranus, king of heaven, and Pluto, king of Hades.

Two of the three final weapons are in my hands. If I can still lose like this, I will swallow feces and commit suicide on the spot!

(Jon: No cheating for food or drink)


Suddenly, a slight sound came from the bottom of the boat.

At first, Im thought he was hearing hallucinations because he was too upset, but when he calmed down, he found that the sound was getting louder and louder.

At the same time, the entire Hades began to shake.


Then he realized that it was a super-giant Neptune-like creature hanging on the bottom of the ship.

On the shore of the Shampoo Islands, Bai Xing's eyes glowed with a faint blue light, as if he was communicating with something.

Beside her, King Neptune and three fish-man princes guarded her nervously, not daring to relax for a moment.

Sir Jon is not here. In order to repay this kindness, the fishmen must protect this island. Because this is not only a human island, but also the home of all fishmen!

"Resisting stubbornly!" Im was furious.

Before the super-large Neptunes who came out to cause trouble had caused any substantial damage to Pluto, he held up the King of Heaven with one hand and activated the demon-slaying cannon with the other.



All phenomena in the heaven and earth are completely eclipsed.

The King of Heaven and the King of Pluto alone can change the pattern of any country, let alone these two weapons that can destroy heaven and earth in the hands of one person.

Thunder and laser.

It's like an irresistible wave of momentum.

The nascent coalition government must be nipped in the bud.

Im laughed wildly, "Go to hell!"

In the midst of ecstasy, for no apparent reason, he heard a voice...

"So strong, so strong."

"Then, I activate the trap card and magic reflector."

A ‘door’ connecting two spaces, one goes in and the other goes out, coming back the same way.

Im's expression suddenly stiffened.

He watched helplessly as the thunder he had summoned and the demon-slaying artillery that destroyed the world hit him.

Before falling into darkness, Im murmured: "So this is also part of your plan? Jon Joestar."

(New volume tomorrow)

This chapter has been completed!
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