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Chapter 636 Today’s Church of Fools (1)

Step onto the steps made of light.

Klein felt a little uneasy.

Taking a deep breath, he resolutely walked through the clouds of gray mist.


Klein saw cocoons of light.

"Ha~" He twitched the corner of his mouth and couldn't help laughing.

how to say.

Unexpected or reasonable?

As his horizons and knowledge gradually improved, Klein had long been doubtful about his identity as a 'traveler', and he silently built a psychological defense line in his heart.

And this was the reason why he recognized the cruel reality but still did not collapse.

"So, I really can't go back." Klein muttered to himself as he looked at those light cocoons.

Men, women, old and young.

The expressions of those who were still sleeping were lifelike, as if they were immersed in some kind of fantasy.

Klein didn't say anything, just watched silently.

After an unknown amount of time, he finally adjusted his mentality and returned to the main hall along the way he came.

After sitting down at the main seat, Klein fell into deep contemplation.

Through the pictures I just saw.

He learned that he was not the only one thrown into the real world.

Russell, fellow countryman Huang Tao preceded him.

As for earlier...

A face flashed in Klein's mind.

But soon.

It was completely denied by him.

Jon Joestar can't be from Seibu Castle.

how to say?

Yuan Castle is not worthy.

Then, he thought of the goddess of the night again.

Klein frowned, "In this way, many things will become clear."

For example: why did he gain the favor of the goddess, become her favored one, and receive countless help from the Church of the Night in the early stages of his growth.

Even now, Klein Moretti's public identity is still a member of the Church of the Night.

"Favor means 'you help me and I will help you'."

Klein narrowed his eyes and began to ponder his value to the goddess of the night.

But this thought only lasted for a while, and he smiled to himself, "It's just a demigod. What are you thinking about? It's true."

Shaking his head, Klein did not hesitate, and his consciousness returned to the real world.

In the bathroom, the fragrance is still there.

Klein had to praise his sister Melissa's taste.

After washing his hands and arranging the unruly hair on his head, he returned to the living room as if nothing was wrong.

This is the 'Moretti House' located in the Jowood District of Backlund, only three streets away from St. Mussel Church to the north.

Although the land is not as valuable as Queens, it is still a rare and good area.

Today is Saturday, and my brother Benson and sister Melissa are both at home.

Benson is already a civil servant in the Backlund City Government and has a stable income.

Moreover, after coming into contact with the extraordinary world, even his slightly bald hairline was cured by the extraordinary medicine. Then he put on an elegant suit and sat there. He could be said to be 'young and promising, with a very talented appearance'.

Melissa is a famous top student at Backlund University.

She is smart, rational, cheerful and lively.

Deeply loved by professors and classmates.

"That's great." Klein sighed inwardly.

Once upon a time, their family still had to rent a house and pay careful attention to their daily bread and gas bills.

And now...

To paraphrase a line from the movie, 'Caviar, one jar for each person!'

The main theme is a prosperous life.

"Hi, Klein."

When she saw Klein, Melissa put down the mechanical model in her hand and said hello with a smile.

Klein smiled back.

My sister likes to make machines, and she chose the 'General Knowledge' for the Extraordinary Path. She will never forget anything she has seen, and is quite practical for ordinary people.

"You just came back from the Southern Continent, why don't you take a little more rest?" Benson also cast his gaze over, "Didn't you say you have to go on a business trip for two days? You should adjust yourself at home these days."

It is necessary to mention that in Melissa and Benson's understanding, Klein is an employee of a large company (Jo's Industry) who accidentally acquired extraordinary abilities, and has some unknown connection with the Church of the Night.

Generally speaking, it is not out of the category of ordinary people.

Klein smiled and said, "No, I have to visit Mr. Joestar later."

"Mr. Joestar..." A young and handsome face flashed in Melissa's mind, and she blushed inexplicably.

The first encounter in Tingen City, Backlund's reunion.

In addition, Jon has such excellent external conditions (well-known writer, major shareholder of the company), combining talent, handsomeness and wealth.

Although there are also bad rumors of this kind and that, it is said that he is with many aristocratic ladies, the lady is not sure.

But Melissa thinks.

That must be a slander against Mr. Jon.

Klein took a look.


What's going on, little old girl!

Onii-chan, I will never agree to this marriage.

Without saying much, Klein said goodbye to the two of them, put on his coat and came outside the door.

It is true that life is becoming well-off.

But for transportation, you still have to rely on public carriages.

Nothing happens left or right.

Klein did not use his extraordinary ability and honestly took a car to the Joestar Manor.

He is an acquaintance here, and the restrictions at the door have no effect on him.

Push the door open and enter.

Walk through the door and across the garden.

Klein suddenly saw a certain unfamiliar face.

He is tall and thin, the skin on his cheeks is almost transparent, and the bridge of his nose is uncoordinately high, giving him a sickly feeling.

"'Bloodless' Heath Doyle?" He recalled everything about the other party in his mind.

To be precise, it is mainly the other party's bounty.

no way.

There is too much debt.

In addition, after becoming a high-sequence Extraordinary, the things required for the magic potion formula are too precious, and it is even more expensive.

Klein licked his lips and murmured: "7,600 pounds..."

But he soon adjusted his mentality.

He is now Klein Moretti, not the crazy adventurer 'White Wolf'.

Seeing Klein, Heath Doyle was slightly startled.

He was introduced by his friends and came secretly to inquire about the captain's situation.

Who would have thought that as soon as I ran out, I would meet someone.

Heath Doyle's eyes turned cold.

At this moment, a voice sounded out, "Do you need anything?"

Hearing this, Heath Doyle's expression froze, and his extremely pale face became even more bloodless.

Klein's face also looked a little ugly.

The maid in this manor is as ruthless as Mr. Azik.

I heard that even the former Amon couldn't do anything to him.

He suppressed his thoughts and said with a smile: "Hello, Miss Makima."

The braided maid glanced at Klein and said, "The master is in the study."

"Oh, okay." Klein said no more and left in a hurry.

And Heath Doyle clenched his fists nervously.

Fortunately, Makima had no other ideas and just forced the other party back to the back garden.

Not to mention the unfortunate second mate.

Let’s just talk about Klein.

Walk into the villa on a familiar road.

He happened to see Jon and a strange woman coming down from the second floor.

Klein was stunned for a moment.

Then he made a complicated 'tsk' sound.

Sure enough.

This guy is not a good person. You must keep your sister away from the fire pit!

"Here we come." When Jon saw Klein, he proactively said, "You're here to say goodbye to me, right?"

Cattleya looked at Klein curiously, secretly guessing his identity.

At this time, Jon took the initiative and said: "Allow me to introduce you. This young man's name is Klein Moretti, the favored one by the Fool."

Looking at Klein, he added: "This is Cattleya, the future owner, and Bernadette's..."

"Ahem." Before Jon said the words 'adopted daughter', Cattleya coughed subconsciously, as if she didn't want to accept this identity.

Don't ask, asking is type 7 love.

"Cattleya?" Klein recalled the name in his mind.

Then, he locked on the 'Star Admiral' among the pirate kings.

"37,000 pounds."

Klein's old habit relapsed.

Jon waved his hands and said like a shopkeeper: "You came just in time. Cattleya is going to visit the Church of the Fool. Please help me entertain her."



After all, I came over for a face-to-face meeting.

Now that people have seen it, the mission has been completed.

Klein nodded.

Jon thought for a moment and then said, "When you come back from Hornakis Peak, I will take you to do something big."

He blinked, "Of course, provided you can come back."

Klein's heart trembled.

Although the guy in front of me is often unreliable, he never lies.

As for "doing something big", although he was curious, he was not too strong.

As for the other sentence...


Honakis Peak is terrifying.

Klein nodded seriously.

Knowing this news, his visit this time was not in vain.

Jon waved his hand, "Go ahead and say hello to Bernadette and Bonova for me."

Walking on the streets of Backlund.

Klein and Cattleya kept talking.

The topics are mostly interesting stories about the sea.

Cattleya discovered that although the bookish young man in front of her looked weak, he was actually as unfathomable as the sea.

A variety of topics can be developed perfectly and put forward one's own unique point of view.

"It's not simple." Cattleya commented in her heart.

It seems that the fact that this person named Klein became the favored one of "The Fool" was not entirely due to luck.

Klein doesn't have that many ideas.

I am simply happy for the growth of the Church of Fools.


Serial war is not about fighting and killing, but about human nature.

As long as the sequences they belong to do not conflict, the more friends the better.

Didn’t you see that brothers Amon and Adam have joined our side?

Of course, Klein also knew that they were doing this for Jon's sake.

But no matter what, as long as we are a team in name, that's fine.

Those people from the Iron Cross once supported Fusac's invasion of Loen.

Aren't they also allies now?

So is Cattleya next to her.

Has some relationship with Bernadette.

And Bernadette is Lao Huang's daughter, rounding up she is equal to her niece...

Unknowingly, Klein's idea went a little awry.

Fortunately, Cattleya didn't notice anything.

Talking all the way.

The two soon arrived at the Church of the Fool in the East District.

Everyone understands the environment in the East District.

But the Church of Fools has followed the mass line from the day it appeared in the public eye.

Speaking of which, the East District is also very different from before.

Although it is still poor, it is still broken.

But the environment is undoubtedly much better.

Priests in gray robes can be seen everywhere giving out the gospel: "He is the past, the present, and the future."

""The beginning of the original, the end of the end."

"Peace and humility, compassion shines in the world."

There are so many believers.

Everywhere you look, everyone 'praises the fool'.

Klein felt inexplicably emotional.

Why was his extraordinary journey so smooth?

In addition to powerful foreign aid such as Jon, as well as the special nature of Source Castle, countless believers are also important reasons.

The anchor point is stable.

He has never even experienced what it feels like to lose control.

Cattleya was also shocked by the sight in front of her.

Many believers.

So many fanatics!

If she remembers correctly, Loen is a multi-faith country, and beliefs such as the Goddess of the Night and the Lord of Storms have also taken root in this land.

But no matter what kind of belief you have, it can't be as pure as the poor people in front of you.

"This beautiful lady, are you interested in learning about the Church of Fools?"

"He is the great master of the spiritual world, the yellow and black king in charge of good luck, and the eternal beacon that every living being pursues. He is the beginning and the end, the condensation of all time, and the symbol of countless histories.


Cattleya paused.

She glanced at the people around her, smiled at the missionary who took the initiative to talk, and said, "I'd like to hear the details."

The missionary in gray robes looked happy and said with great joy: "My Lord lives in the kingdom of God above the spiritual world, and mercy is spread all over the mortal world.

There are six angels beside His seat, serving faithfully.

The Angel of Destiny is the Lord’s agent and the Lord’s right and left hand, judging the fate of all beings;

The Angel of Death is the archon of the underworld, in charge of life and death;

The angel of lust is the embodiment of beauty and love, and is also the messenger of natural disasters and plagues;

The remnant angels protect the kingdom of God and destroy all invading enemies;

The psalm angel recited mysterious sounds for the Lord to make Him aware of the sufferings in the world;

Mercury Angel is the Lord’s most beloved angel, always by the Lord’s side, and enjoying eternal prosperity in the Kingdom of God!”



It is indeed the object of the Queen's faith.

Six archangels serve.

Really awesome!

However, Klein's toes were digging out of the three bedrooms and one living room.

As the "Fool" himself.

As the 'Angel of Lust (Clenne Cape)' in the canon, whenever he heard these words, his body would feel like it was crawling with worms of time, and he would feel unspeakably uncomfortable.

"Ahem, let's go." At the end, Klein said softly to Cattleya.

If he delays a little longer, those Time Worms on his body will form Amon!

Upon hearing this, Cattleya skillfully made a gesture of crossing her fingers in front of her forehead, "Praise the fool."

When the missionary saw it, he was overjoyed and said, "Praise the fool!"

Klein twitched the corners of his lips, "Praise the Fool."

"Praise the fool!"

In a secret laboratory in the Church of Fools, Bonova stared at the instrument in front of him and shouted wildly.

Bernadette pinched her eyebrows helplessly, "So, you really succeeded this time, don't make any mistakes like last time."

"Impossible! I have absolute confidence this time!" Bonova held up the instrument in front of him and said with great excitement: "The era of steam will eventually pass, and next is the era of magic and electricity!"


Although she is knowledgeable, she doesn't know everything.

She looked at her excited brother and didn't say anything to attack him.

Just thought of it inexplicably.

When his father personally created one epoch-making invention after another, was he as happy as a child like Bonova in front of him?

This chapter has been completed!
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