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Chapter 637 The Church of Fools Today (2)

Every major technological change can lead the wheel of the times to move forward.

Bonova not only inherited Russell's intelligence and whimsy, he was also an angel of the 'Perfector' path, possessing the ability to turn the ideas in his mind into reality.

Since he regained his humanity and escaped from the control of the Church of Steam, he felt like a fish entering the sea or a bird entering the forest, and his passion for invention was at an all-time high.

Coupled with the guidance of an expert (an enthusiastic citizen named Qiao who did not want to be named), Bonova finally thought of a method of social progress that broke through resource constraints and divine interference.


The magic here can be summarized as occultism.

But it is a brand new academic that is separate from the potion system.

Bonova calls it ‘demon blood technology’.

As for why it is called this name?

Because the principle of this technology is to use the spirituality in the blood of extraordinary creatures to generate electric current after a series of complex processes.

It is a black technology that converts magic energy into electrical energy.

no way.

Due to various restrictions, Bonova can only take a "circular route" for the time being and promote the energy revolution in an alternative way.

But even so, if the results he made were popularized to human society, they would be enough to achieve a leap in civilization.


The premise of everything is that the technology is mature enough.

Perhaps because his words were too pale, Bonois held the instrument that looked like a distillation pot and excitedly invited Bernadette to come and visit.

I saw that he first placed the instrument on the flat table, and then took out a vial filled with black dirty blood from the side.

Bonova explained: "This is the blood extracted from the monsters in the Eastern Continent. Sister, please watch carefully and don't blink."

After speaking, he inserted the entire vial into the instrument.

Under Bernadette's gaze, the inside of the instrument began to rotate wildly, and within four or five breaths, arcs of electricity emerged from the surface!

"It was successful...it was actually successful..." Seeing this, Bernadette couldn't hide the surprise on her face.

With her wisdom, she can naturally understand what Bonova's invention can bring to today's world.

To be cautious, she then asked: "How long will this bottle of blood be enough to run this machine?"

"Sister, let me tell you this, this bottle of blood is only extracted from the lowest level monster in the Eastern Continent, that is, around sequence nine, and such a monster can extract two to three thousand bottles of blood from its body.

A small bottle of blood can keep this machine running for about a month, which is enough to meet the needs of the Backlund family of three for half a year."

Upon hearing this, Bernadette was completely shocked.

This...this is too incredible.

But when she met Bonois's serious eyes, she knew that this unconventional brother was not joking.

Bernadette couldn't help but imagine that if this technology was announced, the monsters on the Eastern Continent would no longer be hideous monsters, but mobile gold mines!

Based on her understanding of human beings, all countries, even Roen and Feysac who had just escaped from the war, would organize fleets non-stop and rush to the legendary land abandoned by the gods to hunt monsters and obtain resources.

The news was so shocking that Bernadette couldn't recover.

In a daze, she thought of what Jon once told her, that the focus of the Church of Fools would be on the Eastern Continent.

In other words, everything is according to "that adult's" plan.

How terrible!

Bernadette let out a long sigh.

After thinking for a while, she asked again: "But, the monsters in the Eastern Continent are limited. What if one day the monsters become extinct?"

"It's good to be extinct. If it's extinct, humans will have new land to survive."

"As for other issues, we can't consider them. When all the monsters are hunted and killed, who can determine the situation then? Maybe there won't be so many rules anymore."

Bonois shrugged disapprovingly.

I heard from Mr. Jon that there was once a thing called "oil" that could be used as a high-quality energy source, but due to changes like this, oil completely disappeared in the long history...

Alas, what a pity.

Bernadette probably understands.

In short, let’s conquer the Eastern Continent first and then talk about other things.


There is also the matter of the ‘Hidden Sage’.

I don’t know what’s going on with Cattleya and whether she has completed her mission well.

Ever since the specific details of going to Backlund were decided, Bernadette left the Future and has never taken the initiative to contact Cattleya these days.

Because of embarrassment.

This mentality is like facing a daughter who has been fostered for many years, wanting to get close but not knowing how to start over.

In the end, I can only run away as if to escape.


Bernadette should have stayed in the Joestar Manor and waited patiently, instead of spending time in the laboratory with her unlucky brother.

"Hey, I have to report this to Mr. Jon in person." Not paying attention to his sister's expression, Bonova was extremely excited.

With that said, he was about to walk out.

But at this moment, there was an indescribable fluctuation in the entire Church of Fools.

On the roof, a copper bell sounded.

When, when, when...

It rang sixteen times.

Bernadette and Bonoir looked at each other.

God descends!?

the other side.

Klein's head is covered with black lines.

Cattleya beside him was even more shocked and speechless.

The two had a good chat.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the door of the Church of Fools, the huge power of faith would gather into a thin gray mist and wrap around Klein.

Immediately afterwards, the bronze bell on the top of the church started to move on its own.

For a moment, everyone was alarmed.

Whether it is believers who are worshiping or clergy within the church.

They all crossed their fingers in front of their foreheads and praised "The Fool" loudly.

Klein licked his dry lips.

Used spirituality to forcibly cut off the connection between Source Castle and this place.

I was careless and didn't dodge.

Say it again.

Who expected something like this to happen?

But on the surface, he still had to pretend to be indifferent.

With a straight face, Shi Shiran stepped forward.

"The great master of the spiritual world, the king of yellow and black who controls good luck, and the eternal beacon pursued by all living beings."

"He is in the past, in the present, and in the future."

"Praise the fool."


Don't say it yet.

Gray mist wraps around, and the air of mystery spreads.

Klein really seemed like that at this moment.

Cattleya in the back couldn't help but sigh to herself, "As expected of the true God's favorite, this kind of grace can only be possessed by the patriarch or saint of the church, right?"

Facing those extremely respectful eyes, Klein felt that his expression was a little stiff.

When it comes to acting, he is a professional.

The expression control ability inherited from the 'Faceless Man' period allows Klein to deal with everyone very appropriately.

Both believers and believers were infected by his strong holy aura and couldn't help but want to get closer.

Klein didn't want to chase people away openly, so he could only smile lightly.

Isn't there a saying like that?

When you are at a loss, just smile.

Fortunately, the savior appeared just in time!

But he saw a secret door opened under the signs of the Pupilless Eye and the Twisted Thread.

A beautiful girl with blond hair and green eyes wearing a gray gauze robe walked out.

She has a thin ribbon tied around her head.

Holy elegance.

It is Miss Audrey Hall, the saint of the Church of Fools in Backlund.

"It's you, Mr. Klein." Audrey was as refreshing as ever.

The believers and believers gradually retreated.

Everyone around them bowed in greeting and praised their perfect saint.

"Miss Audrey." Klein had met Audrey before, so they seemed to be relatively familiar with each other. "Mr. Jon asked me to take this Ms. Cattleya to visit our church."

Audrey bowed slightly and said, "Hello, Ms. Cattleya."

Cattleya was already stunned when she saw Audrey for the first time.

She didn't expect that there was such a beautiful woman in the world.

Even more beautiful than the ordinary ‘witch’!

"Since it is Mr. Jon's order." Audrey smiled slightly and looked at Cattleya, "Please come with me."

Cattleya is good at everything.

After all, this is the organization that I will be loyal to in the future.


You said the Trappist Order of Moss.

What Mossy Trappist Order?

Not familiar with it, don’t know it.

Audrey brought Cattleya and Klein to the Church of the Fool.

Talk about it.

Not only Cattleya, this is also the first time that Klein has come to his own territory.

Unlike other churches.

The headquarters of the Church of Fools is in Backlund, where he is now.

"This should be considered my basic base."

Klein thought to himself while looking at the surrounding decorations.

Suddenly, he discovered something subtle.

Why is the architectural style of the Church of Fools so similar to that of the Church of Night?

Except the main color tone changes black to gray.

For a moment, he thought he was at St. Mussel Cathedral or the Church of Serenity.

"Mr. Klein, what's wrong with you?"

Audrey was the 'audience' after all, and she was very keenly aware of the strange look on Klein's face.

Klein thought for a while and felt that there was nothing he couldn't say. He smiled dryly and said: "It's nothing. I just feel that our church is a little too similar to the Church of Night."

Hearing this, Audrey smiled slightly, "Because this was originally the Church of the Night, but it was only half-built and temporarily turned into our church."



Do not know why.


It's a bit embarrassing.

Klein has never cared about the church's affairs.

First, he has no money.

Second, the sequence is too low.

Almost everything is delegated to Jon.

And Jon entrusted it to Audrey.

Audrey explained to Cattleya: "My Lord is compassionate and merciful, and will not care about such small things."

No no no, I care!

Klein really wanted to say this to Audrey.

But the words come to your lips.

He couldn't help but ask himself.

Does he really care?


Still care.

But I don't care that much.


It is unrealistic to build a church of this size in one year.

After picking up something ready-made, the most important thing for him is to enjoy it secretly.

Can't ask for too much~

"We are all fellow villagers. What's yours is mine, and what's mine is still mine." Klein thought like a small citizen.

The goddess of the night has a great family and a great cause.

It's just a church, nothing.

Speaking of which, Audrey seemed to have said this in prayer.

But at that time, I was busy killing pirates to earn commissions, so I casually said a few words like "You can figure it out" and dismissed the other party.

Now that I think about it, it turned out to be my own instruction.

Hehe, that's okay.

But there is one thing to say.

Although the overall style is very similar to the Church of the Night, the Church of the Fool also has its own characteristics.

Such as a divination room.

Just like the divination club that Klein once hung out in.

The Church of the Fool has hundreds of rooms dedicated to divination.

In and out, in addition to the common people who came for help, there were also dignitaries.

There are even extraordinary people from other official churches!

Audrey introduced: "The gray fog condensed by the believers' faith gives us the eyes to see through our destiny."

To put it simply: Divination in the Church of the Fool will give you super buff blessings.

Not to say 100% accurate, but at least 70% to 80% correct.


After the divination, how much money is left depends entirely on the other party.

A penny or two is never too little, and a hundred and eighty thousand gold pounds is never too much.

What matters is fate.

Klein felt more and more that there was not much difference between his church and this temple and that temple.



Just talking.

Two people came up from the underground stairs.

When Cattleya saw her, her expression felt a little unnatural, but she still took the initiative and said: "Queen."

"Cattleya, why is it you?" Bernadette was slightly startled.

Then, she set her sights on Klein.

Klein nodded in greeting, "Your Majesty Bernadette."

Regarding my eldest niece, I can only talk about it in my heart.

He looked at Huang Beibei's still unique style of clothing and sighed inwardly, "Obviously Bonova's eldest nephew also came from that era, so why didn't he get into the bad habit of mixing and matching styles?"

Bonova blinked and said nothing. He walked up to Klein and sniffed it like a dog.

He turned around and gave his elder sister a look that said, "That's the guy."

Bernadette understood.

He looked up and down at Klein.

Klein felt a little uncomfortable being looked at and said, "What's wrong?"

"The Great Fool just sent down His power, do you feel anything?"

Ah this...

Klein was speechless for a moment.

Different from Audrey.

Bernadette and Bonois are genuine saints and angels.

What can be hidden from others may not necessarily be hidden from them.

After thinking about it for a while, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "The Lord issued a will and said that He is very satisfied."


What are you satisfied with?

There is so much that can be interpreted here, and whatever Che Zuluo says makes sense.

Audrey will feel that she has done a good job in the church.

Cattleya will feel that her joining has been valued by the true god.

Bernadette and Bonoit will feel that the new results make "The Fool" very happy.

As soon as the words were spoken.

Everyone's faces showed expressions of joy, and they all praised the Fool.

Even Cattleya is no exception.

Klein was helpless, but had no choice but to follow the trend.


Suddenly, many torrents of knowledge poked out of the void like poisonous snakes.

Faintly, seems to be choosing a target

Klein was stunned.

Audrey and the others were also stunned.

what's the situation?!


It seemed that he had received some kind of provocation.

The Origin Castle on Klein suddenly shook and broke through the spiritual blockade.

The gray fog dispersed like a tsunami.

Several people present disappeared instantly.

This chapter has been completed!
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