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Chapter 123 Prepare for War

"Qianzao once taught us that war is never a tit-for-tat confrontation, but an act of finding the opponent's weaknesses and giving the opponent the most fatal blow. Taking the Battle of Sarhu we have learned as an example, Nurhaci's actions

The same goes for the strategy of only going all the way. Now that the Tatars are no longer threatened by North Korea, Pidao, Barbarian Jurchen, Chahar and other tribes, in terms of strategic situation, they have completely crushed the Ming Dynasty.

Under such circumstances, in order to weaken the opponent and supplement oneself, the best way is to move the battlefield to the interior of the Ming Dynasty."

"The Ningjin Defense Line has continuous castles and a narrow terrain, which is not conducive to the deployment and maneuvering of the army. Therefore, if the Tatars want to achieve the above goals, they will inevitably choose to detour through Mongolia and break through the Great Wall."

Zuo Yong was talking eloquently in front, and his performance made Zuo Mengeng extremely happy.

Unexpectedly, among the eight people who enjoy glory and wealth forever, there is also a military genius.

His analysis is not only proven to be absolutely correct historically, but is also the most feasible from a tactical perspective.

The Western Liaoning Corridor has always been a bad place for war.

It is bordered by the sea to the east and Yanshan Mountain to the west. It is only a narrow area, but it is also hilly and crisscrossed with ravines, which is not conducive to the deployment of the army at all.

During the Battle of Liaoshen, why our army did not adopt the method of encircling the enemy troops advancing westward to provide reinforcements, but only blocked them, was also due to this reason.

Although the combat effectiveness of the Hou Jin Dynasty was much stronger than that of the Ming army, it was really overthinking to penetrate the Liaoxi Corridor one castle at a time.

At the very least, it is absolutely impossible with Houjin’s current strength and reserves.

After Zuo Yong's analysis, Zuo Mengeng stood up again and asked everyone questions.

"The current enemies include Tatars, government troops, rebels, pirates, and foreigners. I would like to ask, who can fight best?"

The answer to this question is obvious.

Everyone spoke one after another.

"Tatars, of course."

"Who doesn't know that the Jurchens are invincible if they are less than ten thousand?"

Zuo Mengeng waited for everyone to become quieter and asked again: "Then, can we be considered a strong army?"

No one needs to answer this.

"In my opinion, it doesn't count. Because we have no record and have not competed with any enemies. Compared with those opponents, we are like newborn babies."

His words were recognized by everyone.

After all, an army that has been on the battlefield and an army that has not been on the battlefield are really two different things.

"If we don't touch the most powerful army in the world, we will always be working behind closed doors. How about it, everyone, do you dare?"

Regarding the changes in Jisi, Zuo Mengeng's thoughts were very simple.

It is to participate in a hand, use Hou Jin to show blood for the Hou camp, practice your skills, and gain experience. At the same time, take a big bite to prevent Hou Jin's gains from being so big, and pay a higher price.

He never thought that with his participation, he could wipe out Hou Jin and leave Huang Taiji behind.

This is an impossible task, even if he knows the entire story of the Jisi incident.

The gap in strength is there, and no amount of planning can make up for it.

Do you really think that between 800,000 and 600,000, I have the advantage?

And then went straight to a?

It is true that the Ming army has more people, but there is no guarantee how many of these Ming soldiers are human beings.

After all, if the Houying participated in Jisi's change, they would actually be a lonely army.

Even though you are in Ming Dynasty's land, you won't get any help.

Irony or not?

Thinking about Lu Xiangsheng, everything becomes clear.

There are only three thousand people in the Hou camp, and they want to defeat Hou Jin's tens of thousands of troops...

Give me some weapons, tanks, and machine guns first...

When they heard that they were going to fight Houjin, the officers present were both excited and worried.

But overall, it seems that most of them are eager to try.

Just because Zuo Menggeng never failed to instill in them the difference between the rear camp and other armies during daily training.

Moreover, the weapons in the rear camp are indeed very powerful, which somewhat increases everyone's self-confidence.

Zuo Menggeng convened this meeting to unify thinking from top to bottom to avoid chaos when war comes.

"As I said before, sweat more in peacetime and bleed less in war. If you don't want the relatives of the soldiers to ask you where your children are when you return to the army in the future, do you know what to do?"

All the officers could not help but shudder. As long as they thought about the scene where the villagers and elders they knew stopped to ask people, there was no trace of luck or slackness.

Of course, in order to cope with the changes that have already occurred, war preparations must also be done well.

The troops and horses have not moved, but the food and grass go first.

Zuo Mengeng named Zhang Yan.

"The barley will be harvested soon, and the wheat will be harvested in another month. You should contact the major local families immediately. We want all this year's grain. We also need to ask the grain merchants in the city to help buy grain from various places. The more the better."

Once a war breaks out, the consumption of supplies will be massive.

Zuo Menggen didn't want his army to go hungry, so he started preparations months in advance.

Zhang Yan accepted the order and was full of confidence in completing the task.

The local wealthy families in Linqing are basically involved in Zuo Menggeng's business and stand on the same front as him, so it is not difficult to prepare food and grass.

Zhang Yan is just a little worried.

"Qianzao, our department may not have enough funds."

Zuo Mengeng is not a fool.

"Let's make it clear to everyone that we will owe it for the time being and repay it later with Fuyao Group's earnings."

This is also a trial.

Those who agree are allies, those who do not agree...

Pray that Zuo Mengeng will not show his butcher knife.

Zhang Jimeng watched the entire meeting without saying a word.

He was preparing for the war and did not want to put pressure on Zuo Mengeng.

Furthermore, he discovered that there was no room for him to interfere in the way the back camp was run.

However, when the two of them were alone together, Zhang Jimeng couldn't help but raise objections.

"We can notify the court in advance."

Zuo Menggen poured tea for Zhang Jimeng and asked: "Will the court believe it?"


Zhang Jimeng paused, thought about it, and realized that the court might not believe it.

In other words, I don’t want to believe it.

To be more precise, even if you believe it, you can't do anything about it.

It is said that if the imperial court believed this judgment, Hou Jin would invade.

So what can the court do?

Send troops to strengthen border defense and nip problems in the bud?

Where do soldiers come from?

Where did the money and food for deploying troops and generals come from?

Just now, due to the financial collapse, the reduction of troops in Xuanyongji and other places led to a mutiny.

If we have money, do we still need to disarm?

Even if he managed to raise money, he could get enough money and food to deploy troops and generals.

What if the back money doesn’t come?

"The strategic initiative does not lie with the imperial court. Hou Jin can come and leave whenever he wants. He can come whenever he wants. Only those who can catch thieves in a thousand days, how can they guard against thieves in a thousand days? Hundreds of thousands of troops are deployed

At the border, the imperial court simply cannot afford it in the long run."

After explaining the objective reasons, Zuo Mengeng finally showed his cold side.

"Besides, this court...is not weak enough."

As long as the Ming Dynasty still has considerable strength, his rebellion will be more difficult to handle. Therefore, it is actually in Zuo Menggeng's interests to see the Ming Dynasty weakened.

Zhang Jimeng looked at him faintly.

"Did you know that hundreds of thousands of people may have their families destroyed because of your thoughts?"

Zuo Mengeng looked back.

"Then what should we do? If we don't let this old dynasty fall, more than hundreds of thousands of families will be destroyed in the future. By that time, the whole world will be destroyed."

Zuo Mengeng's words also contained anger.

"Also, it's not me who brings disaster to the people, it's the decadent old dynasty. If they really did a good job, why would the Eastern bandits rape and the mobs wreak havoc?"

Zhang Jimeng clearly knew that what Zuo Mengeng said was right, but he just couldn't accept it for a while.

He also didn't want to quarrel with Zuo Mengeng on this issue.

After waving his hands, he asked: "What are you going to do next?"

Zuo Mengeng said matter-of-factly: "I have to go to the capital once to talk to you adults. Without their care, I would not dare to send troops."

A general cannot lead his troops to leave flooded areas without orders.

This was also one of the crimes for which Mao Wenlong was killed.

Therefore, whether the rear camp can participate in the Jisi Incident requires the order of the imperial court.

Without the cooperation of several adults in Beijing, no one would care about such a "small" camp.

Moreover, Zuo Menggeng had to maintain the independence of the rear camp and could not be ordered around by the imperial court.

In that case, there is no need to fight. Just wrangling will make you exhausted.

Zhang Jimeng strongly agreed with this idea.

"It's best. When will you leave?"

Zuo Mengeng was also afraid of long nights and many dreams, so he said: "We will leave tomorrow. I will take the reconnaissance team with me."

Zhang Jimeng was startled.

"You want to lead troops to the capital? This is a recipe for death."

Zuo Menggeng hurriedly explained: "The military constitution has misunderstood. I am the only one going to the capital. The reconnaissance brigade will disguise itself as a caravan and go to various places in Jifu to conduct reconnaissance and mapping to provide information for our army's subsequent operations."

This chapter has been completed!
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