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Chapter 1316 Chaos in Japan

Chapter 1316: Chaos in Japan

"Gentlemen, the reason why the Xia Kingdom is strong is that it abandons the old and embraces the new. If Japan wants to rise again, it can only learn from the Xia Kingdom and become independent. The current Tokugawa shogunate is stubborn and stubborn, which is the root of the poverty and weakness of Japan.

.Now that we have learned something, we should return to our country immediately, throw down our lives, shed our blood, overthrow the shogunate, honor the emperor, and restore Japan to its orthodoxy. This is the hope for the country's rise."

At the Linqing Army Officer Academy, Yamada Yuei's excited propaganda made all the officers studying abroad in Japan get excited.

They are all derived from foreign daimyo.

There is only one purpose.

That is to learn the strengths of the Xia army and strengthen the strength of the foreign daimyo army after returning to fight against the Tokugawa shogunate.

Nowadays, the situation in Japan is extremely tense, and these officers can no longer sit still.

They elected Yamada Yuei and others as representatives and went to see Huang Long, the dean of students.

"Teacher, the domestic situation no longer allows us to sit in class with peace of mind. Please allow us to return to the country and fight for our country and our people."

Huang Long looked at these Japanese students with a very complicated expression.

From a teacher's perspective, he likes these Japanese students very much.

Because after entering the military academy, these students studied extremely hard and put in more than three times the effort of the Xia Kingdom students.

Due to the language barrier, they stayed up all day long and mastered basic communication terms in just a dozen days.

They were weak and could not keep up with the speed of the large army. They gritted their teeth and persisted. Although they ran slowly, they would never stop. For this reason, many of them were so tired that they vomited blood and did not care.

In several assessments, the results of these Japanese students were among the best.

As a teacher, who doesn't like such students?

But from a national perspective, Huang Long knew very well that they would definitely become cannon fodder on the battlefield after they returned.

Among the more than 300 students, I am afraid that not even one tenth will survive in the end.

Just because the Tokugawa shogunate also sent a large number of military trainees to Xia Kingdom.

Huanglong's level can naturally know the situation at the Songjiang Prefecture Military Academy.

Those students from the Tokugawa Shogunate also worked hard and were not inferior to these people at all.

Once on the battlefield, the two sides will compete, and the fight will definitely be fierce. And under such attrition, there will be no winner.

And this scene and result are exactly what Xia Guo needs to see.

Huang Long also knew the weaknesses of Japanese students very clearly.

Almost all of these people are brainless and do not know how to turn around.

Regarding the application of tactics and strategies, they can only copy the books and do not know how to be flexible at all.

But the situation on the battlefield is ever-changing, so where is the battle that completely conforms to the textbook?

But Huang Long had no intention of mentioning them.

The Japanese students on both sides don't know how to adapt, and they only know how to get into trouble. This will make the fight more brutal on the battlefield, and consume more of Japan's national power, so that Xia can reap the final fruits.

"You fight for your ideals, and the school has no reason to stop you. I can only wish you good luck and hope that we will see each other again one day."

The Japanese student was not aware of the evil in Huang Long's heart at all, but he was still very moved. After bowing deeply to him, he reluctantly left.

On that day, more than 300 students sent by foreign daimyo all packed their bags and set off on their way home.

At the same time, in Qingdao's harbor, dozens of ships were loading weapons.

These muskets and artillery were all purchased by foreign daimyo.

Today's Japanese people blindly follow Xia Guo in all aspects, learn in all aspects, and imitate in all aspects.

They felt the power of Xia's weapons and knew that they were the weapons that determined the outcome of the battlefield.

Several foreign lords pooled together a large sum of money and purchased 200,000 muskets and 1,000 artillery pieces from the Xia Kingdom.

Among them, Satsuma Domain also ordered two third-level battleships from Natsu Kingdom.

As for making money, Xia Guo was naturally happy to see the results, and he also provided training to the sailors of Satsuma Domain very considerately.

The mighty fleet crossed the East China Sea and sailed towards Japan, adding fuel to the fire of the upcoming war.

On Kyushu Island, the foreign daimyo were full of confidence when they saw the weapons coming ashore one after another and the majestic and sturdy warships docked on the shore.

With such weapons, they were more confident in defeating the Tokugawa Shogunate.

But they didn't know that the same thing was happening in Edo Port at the same time.

The Tokugawa shogunate also purchased a large amount of weapons and equipment from the Xia Kingdom and returned with the students from the Matsue Military Academy.

Through arms purchases from both sides, many people in the Xia Kingdom have seen the benefits of arms trade.

Normal trade has been exhausting and busy for a year, and the returns are very limited.

Not like selling arms, this time alone brought more than 7 million taels of silver to the Xia Kingdom.

Everyone knows that this kind of arms trade has definitely happened more than once.

As the war between the Tokugawa shogunate and the gaibō daimyo gradually deepens, both sides will definitely continue to purchase weapons and equipment.

At that time, all the wealth reserves on both sides will become the property of Xia Kingdom.

Xia Guo, on the other hand, can sell weapons with a smile while waiting for both sides to exhaust their energy.

Xia Guo is like a majestic rooster, his greedy eyes are always staring at this Japanese worm.

As long as the time is right, you will never be lenient in your words.

In a land the size of Japan, it is impossible to truly conceal anything.

The Tokugawa shogunate quickly received information about the purchase of weapons by the foreign daimyo from the Natsu Kingdom.

Similarly, the actions of the Tokugawa shogunate could not be hidden from the eyes of the daimyo.

"Those daimyo are ambitious and want to subvert moral norms and will do anything. I am afraid that they will offend His Majesty and commit an unforgivable crime. Immediately send people to Kyoto and invite Your Majesty to come to Edo to pay your respects."

Tokugawa Iemitsu was afraid that Emperor Meisho would fall into the hands of the daimyo.

The slogan "respect the emperor and punish rape" is very popular in Japan today, and the public debate is boiling. There are indeed many people who are on the side of the foreign daimyo.

If a foreign daimyo threatens Emperor Meisho and the Tokugawa shogunate loses its righteousness, I am afraid it will really be passive.

"I'm afraid those outsiders have already taken action, so we must dispatch capable people to ensure that nothing goes wrong."

Doi Toshiki reminded.

Tokugawa Iemitsu was shocked and realized that he had been negligent.

"Let Uwajima Domain go."

After receiving the order, Date Hidemune immediately led three thousand soldiers and horses to rush to Kyoto day and night.

Date Hidenune was already very fast, but the daimyo also knew the importance of the emperor.

Just outside the imperial palace in Kyoto, Date Shunaka and the general of the Choshu clan, Maemoto Tōichi, ran into each other.

Both sides knew each other's purpose and naturally couldn't let the other succeed, so they started fighting without saying a word.

This was the beginning of the Japanese Civil War.

(End of chapter)

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