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Chapter 1317 The attitude of the Japanese people

Chapter 1317 The attitude of Japanese people

The battle outside the Imperial Palace in Kyoto became the trigger for the Japanese Civil War.

No one on either side could grab Emperor Meisho, forming a confrontation.

After the news was passed back, the Tokugawa shogunate and the daimyō immediately stepped up their deployment of troops and generals, and the situation suddenly became dangerous.

Shen Tingyang immediately negotiated with both parties on behalf of Xia Guo.

The Xia Kingdom does not care about the civil war in Japan, but the war cannot spread to Osaka.

After all, this city was newly built by the Xia Kingdom and had just been completed. If it encountered war, wouldn't it be a slap in the Xia Kingdom's face?

In fact, there was no need for a note from the Natsu Kingdom. The Tokugawa shogunate and the daimyō had never thought of placing the battlefield in Osaka.

This emerging city has made both parties realize that it is an endless source of wealth.

Both sides want to defeat their opponents, gain dominance over Japan, and then rely on Osaka to make money.

At this time, the focus of both sides was on Kyoto.

Both sides wanted to take the emperor into their own hands and use their reputation to suppress the other side.

Tokugawa Iemitsu even personally wrote a letter to Emperor Myingsho, hoping to use family affection to impress him and make Emperor Myingsho favor him.

Although Emperor Meisho is just a little girl, he has grown into a powerful animal.

The slogan "Respect the emperor and punish traitors" put forward by the daimyō gave her an opportunity to get rid of the suppression of the shogunate and regain the rule of the world.

Although she also knew that the outside name also had bad intentions, it didn't matter.

The imperial family could definitely benefit from the fierce battle between the Tokugawa shogunate and the foreign daimyo.

This is the situation in Japan.

All parties have hidden scheming and painstaking plans, and the final outcome is doomed.

"Shimabara cannot be chaotic. Shimabara is different from other places and cannot get involved in the war. You rush back immediately and make sure everyone understands the situation. Shimabara can take advantage of the war between the two sides to develop well, but it is absolutely not allowed It has become a weapon used by both sides."

When the situation in Japan was reported back, Zuo Menggeng immediately called Amakusa Tokisada, intending to ask him to rush back immediately.

When the foreign daimyo raised an army, he also sent an invitation to Shimabara.

The reason they gave was that the Shimabara rebels were originally allies of the Daimyo and should work together to fight together.

Many people among the Shimabara rebels were very excited and felt that this was an opportunity to overthrow the Tokugawa shogunate. However, many others felt that the soteri daimyo were just as hateful feudal lords as the Tokugawa shogunate.

There is no need for the Shimabara rebels to contribute to these people.

The two sides were at loggerheads.

After all, Yuan Shengsheng and others were outsiders and could not make decisions on their behalf, so they quickly passed the news back.

The opinion of the Central Committee is that the leader Amakusa Tokisada must rush back immediately to stabilize the morale of the army.

It has been more than two years since Amakusa Shizhi came to Xia Kingdom.

During these two years, Amakusa Tokisada lived in Prince Natsu's palace and went to the military academy for training. He really learned many advanced knowledge that many people have no access to.

Today, he has already completed his transformation. He is no longer the loyal young man he was before, but has become somewhat astute as a politician.

He also knew that only he could maintain Shimabara's situation.

But before going back, there was one more thing that was on his mind. He hoped to get Zuo Mengeng's promise.

"Your Highness, is it possible that after this time, we people in Japan can become citizens of Xia Kingdom and no longer have to suffer?"

Of course Zuo Mengeng knew that Xia Guo's ideas could not deceive anyone who was interested.

"Are you Japanese people willing?"

Amakusa Tokizada burst into tears and nodded frequently.

"Your Highness, you don't know, what kind of life do we Japanese people live? It is not an exaggeration to say that we are worse than pigs and dogs. All Japanese people who have been to Xia Kingdom like this place immensely. If we can also become the emperor of Xia Kingdom,

As a waiting people, what else can we not be satisfied with?"

Many people in Japan know that the Xia Kingdom wants to annex Japan.

The upper class people were worried about this and resisted in every possible way.

But among the people, the more they see the goodness of the Xia Kingdom, the more people's hearts surge.

Because Japan is an island country, its resources are limited, and all the benefits are monopolized by the rulers. The life of ordinary people can no longer be described as "hard".

The people of Xia are wealthy and their human rights are guaranteed, which makes the Japanese envious.

Amakusa Tokisada's attitude really represents the mentality of many Japanese people.

In this era when the concepts of country, race, and region are still relatively vague, as long as the Xia Kingdom can sincerely treat the Japanese people well, then the Japanese people will obviously not resist becoming citizens of the Xia Kingdom.

Seeing the increasingly handsome and tall Amakusa Tokisada, Zuo Menggeng was very pleased and patted his head lovingly.

"This day will not be too far away. After you go back, you must be extra careful. Those ambitious people may try to kill you. I have equipped you with a strong security team, and you must always be vigilant. You should be ruthless

Never be merciful when you are in trouble. Just always know what you want to do, and you won't be confused."

This was Zuo Menggeng's last education to Amakusa Tokisada before he left.

His words were deeply engraved in Amakusa Tokisada's heart.

This young man who created a myth in Japan has now learned the art of slaying dragons and wants to go back to find hope for life for the suffering people of Japan.

Just when Amakusa Tokisada returned home, Xia Kingdom also received an unexpected guest.

"Dear His Royal Highness the King of Xia, we Portuguese people beg for your help to help us get rid of the evil Spaniards. We have a common enemy and can be the best allies."

The Portuguese Governor in Macau, Paulo São Paulo, came to Jinan in person to pay a visit to Zuo Mengeng.

And as soon as they came up, they made a request for alliance.

This incident inevitably made Zuo Mengeng a little surprised, and he couldn't understand what the Portuguese were up to.

Obviously, the Xia Kingdom showed goodwill to the Portuguese several times before. However, the Portuguese turned a deaf ear and continued to have close contacts with the Ming Dynasty.

Why did the Portuguese suddenly change their stance?

The situation is unknown.

After discussing with the center, Zuo Menggen decided to stabilize the other party for the time being, and then asked E Honglue to come forward to inquire about the situation.

E Honglue's ancestral home is Portuguese.

Although he was just a penniless sailor at first, his extraordinary circumstances later became a legend among the Portuguese.

Now he is a general of the Xia Kingdom, making many Portuguese jealous.

It happened that Er Honglue's son was one year old, so he held a grand cocktail party and invited Shi Baoliao and others to attend.

The Portuguese also regarded this former compatriot as the focus of their trip strategy, so they happily attended the meeting.

I hope to use E Honglue's connections at the top to accomplish the purpose of this trip.

At this cocktail party, E Honglue took advantage of the opportunity of chatting and finally found out the whole story.

It turns out that all of this originated from the envoy team sent by the Xia Kingdom to the Netherlands.

(End of chapter)

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