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Chapter 1388 Merit System

After Zuo Xianmei's canonization, everyone thought it would continue, so they waited patiently.

Unexpectedly, Huang Jing turned around and left the stage.

This order caught everyone off guard and was quite surprising.

Aren't there still the emperor's eldest daughter and the emperor's eldest son who have not been canonized?

Why stop here?

When they saw that Zuo Mengeng, Xu Ruolin and Wang Siyi were at ease, everyone in the venue had no choice but to wait and see what happened.

After Huang Jing, Fu Xinyuan came out.

In his hand, he also held the edict.

However, the person who announced the edict was changed from the palace manager to the emperor's secretary, which obviously means a different meaning.

Huang Jing represents the inside, while Fu Xinyuan represents the outside.

Is it now the turn of the heroes to be rewarded?

Everyone couldn't help but sit up straight and look forward to it.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Fu Xinyuan opened the imperial edict with a normal look on his face.

As Zuo Mengeng's secretary, he was naturally aware of all the previous plans and would not be surprised.

"Literature carries the Tao, inherits the virtues of the sages at the top, and inspires the wisdom of the people at the bottom. The prosperity of the country lies in the unity of the people. The success of the unity begins with the popularity of the Tao. Liu's clan pioneered thought in Zhou Dynasty and shaped the will of the country.

In the present time, the benefit lies in the future. Grant the title: King of Yue."


The scene exploded all of a sudden.

Everyone was astonished. They didn't expect that the reward for the hero would be so exciting from the beginning.

This is the title of king!

And he’s still a prince!

Over the past thousands of years, as the system has become more and more perfect, it has become almost a consensus that foreign surnames are not allowed to be crowned kings. For those who have made great achievements, the limit is to crown princes.

To be a prince, only direct relatives of the emperor are possible.

Liu Zongzhou was at the scene and trembled when he heard that he was named prince.

This reward is really out of line.

He hurriedly wanted to stand up and declined. However, his eyes collided with Zuo Mengeng's, and what he received was a gentle smile.

Zuo Mengeng nodded slightly, signaling him to calm down.

Liu Zongzhou knew that he had ulterior motives, so he could only calm down, but his heart was surging and he couldn't stop it.

Fu Xinyuan seemed to have expected the scene to be like this, and was not affected and continued to issue the edict.

"The rise and fall of a country depends on serving the public good. Those who work hard are the basis for the well-being of all people. Rise and fall are inevitable, and good ministers are hard to find. Since taking office, Prime Minister Hou Xun has ensured the peace and tranquility of the country, promoted prosperity and renewal, and helped open up new territories.

Expanding the soil. Granting the title: King of Yu."

After Liu Zongzhou, the second prince with a different surname was born.

That is Hou Xun, the Prime Minister of the Cabinet.

Compared to the commotion just now, everyone was quiet now.

After all, Liu Zongzhou could be crowned king, so of course Hou Xun could too.

And among the world's senses, Hou Xun's contribution seems to be greater.

After all, he is the Prime Minister of the Cabinet. He has been taking care of national affairs for many years, and he has never neglected anything.

If the empire can prosper and prosper day by day, he must be the first to succeed after Zuo Menggeng.

Hou Xun sat still, his eyes clear, and his hands hidden in his sleeves clenched silently.

He only looked at Zuo Mengeng.

The life aspirations of scholar-bureaucrats are to cultivate their moral character, manage their families, govern their country, and bring peace to the world.

You have to meet the Ming Lord and show your ambition.

"Your Majesty, since you have been so kind to me, I will sacrifice my life to repay you."

In the venue, everyone gradually began to get excited.

Because they have discovered that the empire's rewards for meritorious deeds are so generous.

If the king's title is like this, other titles are naturally out of the question.

Sure enough, after Liu Zongzhou and Hou Xun, six more princes were canonized.

Li Banghua was the King of Ji, Chen Zhi was the King of Yan, Huang Zongxi was the King of Song, Liu Yiyuan was the King of Lu, Zuo Rong was the King of Wu, and Zuo Hua was the King of Qi.

Everyone was impressed by this award and had no objections.

Moreover, there are traces to be followed in the canonization process.

Liu Zongzhou was the ideological leader of the empire. He single-handedly created new ideas that opened up a new era. This made the country take a big step forward and completely get rid of the shackles of the feudal system.

Based on this merit alone, he must be the first among all ministers.

Hou Xun, Li Banghua, and Chen Zhi are the heads of civil servants and the top three in the cabinet.

The most commendable thing is that among the rewards awarded by various dynasties in the past, not many civil servants were granted titles.

Even if there are, they are far inferior to military generals.

But in the empire, civil and military affairs are completely consistent in terms of rewards.

Huang Zongxi and Liu Yiyuan were Zuo Mengeng's right-hand men in the army. Together with Zuo Menggen, they built the National Defense Force.

Who dares to disobey the title of king for this reason?

As for Zuo Rong, in addition to being a relative of the emperor, he is also the number one general in the National Defense Forces, and should be given the highest honor.

The same was true for Zuo Hua, who single-handedly built the Imperial Navy and opened up thousands of miles of territory for the country.

These eight princes are eight benchmarks.

He clearly told all officials and even the world that the empire would reward meritorious deeds without being stingy. Moreover, rewards would only be based on merit and would not be mixed with other things.

If only one foreign minister were to be crowned king, it would definitely cause an uproar. But since there are eight, there is nothing to dispute.

But even so, the ensuing canonization of the county king still caused a sensation.

Just because the first person to be canonized as a county king turned out to be a woman, and she was still a young woman.

Lu An was granted the title of Prince of Ningguo due to his meritorious service.

Lu An, who was sitting in the field, was completely confused.

She is actually a prince?

But if you think about it carefully, this reward is really fair.

Who is Lu Anna?

The leader in the medical field of the empire even tried his own poison to cure the smallpox that had harmed the people for thousands of years.

It is no exaggeration to say that she is a living Bodhisattva.

Such a person cannot be crowned king, so how can anyone else be worthy of it?

At the same time, Lu An's reward also made everyone realize that the empire's evaluation of merit is not limited to civil and military achievements.

Sure enough, after Lu An, Qin Luo was granted the title of Prince of Shengguo, and Li Meizhi was granted the title of Prince of Liguo.

These three people are neither ministers in the court nor generals in the army, but their contributions are obvious to all.

After these three people, it was the turn of the civil servants and generals.

Wang Yun was the Prince of Fengwen County, Jiang Wei was the Prince of Mingwen County, Zhang Zhenxiu was the Prince of Xianwen County, and Huang Zonghui was the Prince of Zhangwen County.

These four persons cover the administrative and judicial fields.

The military has canonized the most people, five in total.

Zhou You is the Prince of Wuxian County, Zhang Yan is the Prince of Wucheng County, Zuo Yong is the Prince of Wude County, Mao Yuanyi is the Prince of Wugong County, and Bai Xiaoqi is the Prince of Wuwei County.

Together, these people are the twelve county kings.

The rules are clear at a glance.

Those who are canonized in the field of science, engineering, teaching and research are named Guo Zihao; those who are canonized in the field of administration and justice are named Wenzihao; those who are canonized by military generals are named Wu Zihao.

At this point, all the royal ranks have been canonized.

Everyone noticed that the word "hereditary" did not appear in these canonizations.

But when they picked up the instructions on the table, they finally understood.

These canonized princes are only for those who have made meritorious deeds. As for their descendants, they are not included in this list.

There is no such thing as a prince being demoted to a county king, and then a county king being demoted again.

In other words, the descendants of the prince have the same title as ordinary people and do not receive any preferential treatment.

But even so, he is still a prince!

Throughout the ages, how many people have been able to touch it?

At the same time, everyone was even more excited because since these people could be crowned kings due to their merits, naturally others could too.

This undoubtedly greatly stimulates people's ambition.

List of Dukes:

Chen Shuangjin: Lord Yanguo

Galileo: Duke of Pingguo

Cao Wenheng: Duke of Yang State

Zodiac Zhou: Duke of Fujian

Zhang Jimeng: Duke of Qin

The party is still mellow: Tang Guogong

Sun Chengzong: Lord Baoguo

Bi Maokang: Duke of Shao Kingdom

Lu Shanji: Lord Dingguo

Deng Yuhan: Duke of Wei

Feng Benyu:Korean public

Huang Sanhu: Su Guogong

Lou Fu: Cao Guogong

Hong Qi: Zheng Guogong

Zhang Keda: Wei Guogong

Tang Wenhuan: Duke of Guangdong

This chapter has been completed!
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