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Chapter 1389 Administrative Division

Zuo Menggeng simplified and unified the empire's reward system.

A series of messy names such as the titles, titles, uniforms, rank, posthumous titles of civil and military officials were cancelled, and were unified into the title of Lord.

In other words, all rewards in the empire are based on title as the sole criterion.

In order to avoid that the assessment of civilian officials is not as clear as that of military officers, detailed explanations are also given.

The selection methods are complicated, but the threshold is clear at a glance.

All in all, in the field of science, industry, education and research, non-officials cannot be crowned king; in the civil service field, non-ministers cannot be crowned prince or above; in the military field, non-group commanders or above cannot be crowned king.

These are just the thresholds. Whether you can be crowned king after reaching this level depends on the specific merits.

However, everyone was satisfied with the entire canonization ceremony.

Overall, although the founding ceremony was grand, it was not complicated, especially since there were not many huge projects invested in it.

The main buildings such as the Legislative Council, the Cabinet, and the General Headquarters were all completed in recent years. They are sufficient for use and there is no need for expansion.

If it were known that Zuo Menggeng had proclaimed himself emperor and established a country, I am afraid that the top management of the Manchu Qing Dynasty would be awakened and step up their defenses.

Everyone's suggestions were very good, and Zuo Mengeng accepted them all.

Zuo Mengeng gave such an answer, which could only make everyone admire him.

Therefore, many people in the world have commented that the Xia Kingdom is stuck in its ways and will suffer consequences sooner or later.

"This arrangement is incredible."

Of course Zuo Mengeng had already thought about it.

After everyone thought about it carefully, they found that this strategy was very clever.

This is related to administrative divisions, which he, the prime minister, is most concerned about.

"Originally we only had Songjiang Prefecture in Jiangnan, so it was directly under the jurisdiction of the cabinet. Now that most of South Zhili has been annexed, what should be the status of Songjiang Prefecture?"

How to live, how to live.

"The news of His Majesty's proclaimed emperor will definitely be known to the Manchu Qing Dynasty. They are afraid that it will cause alarm and be detrimental to future actions."

Zuo Mengeng had a plan.

Both in terms of population and economy, it is above Suzhou, Zhenjiang, and Changzhou in the south of the Yangtze River. Even compared with Songjiang and Nanjing, it is not far behind, and it is enough to serve as the provincial capital.

Since the Jiangbei region is economically backward, increase the weight of the Jiangbei region.

However, when Zuo Menggeng mentioned Nandu, Hou Xun was quite confused.

From the perspective of ordinary people, there is nothing unusual except attending a founding ceremony.

Although there are many complaints among the public about that kind of division, from the national perspective, it is actually very necessary.

Zuo Mengeng also thought of this and proposed a way to deal with it.

But I didn't expect that not only was the effect unsatisfactory, but it also turned Jiangsu into the Soviet Union. Nanjing, the provincial capital, has no majesty as the boss in front of other brother cities.

After all, Luzhou sounds much better than Hefei.

Even the capital is a brand new city, not overcrowded yet.

Li Banghua quickly added.

That is to say, the Xia Kingdom has become a historical term, and from now on, every common people is a citizen of China.

At a time when the world is changing rapidly, he, the commander-in-chief, must never leave the center.

If Zuo Mengeng could tour various places at this time, it would make the Manchus feel that the empire was as usual and would still focus on Li Zicheng.

Jiangsu Province, in particular, has fully considered the balance issue between the developed Jiangnan region and the backward Jiangbei region.

Zuo Menggeng planned to refer to the administrative division methods of Jiangsu and Anhui in later generations.

In addition to the split of Southern Zhili, there is another problem in administrative division.

"Why didn't His Majesty canonize the princess and the prince?"

When the palace where the emperor Zuo Menggen lived did not need to be expanded, the project cost was also saved.

When the Ming Dynasty fell, all forces were expanding rapidly, but Xia Guo was content with the status quo and only used troops in the south of the Yangtze River.

Because of this, after the Xia Kingdom and the Manchu Qing Dynasty signed the treaty, the Manchu Qing Dynasty felt free and bold to pursue Li Zicheng.

"Then we will tour Lianghuai, Nandu and Songjiang Prefecture. I guess by then it will be time for us to fully mobilize."

"The children are still young and don't know what their future achievements will be. Premature canonization is not conducive to spurring them."

"This is inevitable."

Hou Xun, on behalf of the officials, raised questions to Zuo Mengeng.

In the future, Anhui was renamed Anhui, and the provincial capital was placed in Luzhou.

Moreover, the original functional organizations at all levels are already very complete, and even the names do not need to be changed.

This time Zuo Menggeng went on tour, the main purpose was to act, which was different from the last time.

Zuo Mengeng did not choose among several prosperous places in the south of the Yangtze River. Instead, he planned to place the capital of Jiangsu Province in Yangzhou in the north of the Yangtze River.

Everyone agreed.

"It's okay to go on patrol, but you can't go to Nanyang and Jilin this time. Otherwise, if the situation changes, it will be difficult for Your Majesty to return and you will miss the opportunity."

After understanding his intentions, the officials felt relieved.

Others quickly reacted and expressed admiration.

Those dynasties in the past were never afraid that the rewards given to the royal family would not be generous enough. In addition to material things, there were too many titles.

Li Banghua smiled happily and was quite satisfied.

Liu Yiyuan checked and filled in the gaps for Zuo Menggeng from a military perspective.

"The original Southern Zhili, in order to accommodate the location of Zhu Yuanzhang's ancestral home, is too large and is actually very difficult to manage. I plan to separate Jiangsu and Anhui and establish provinces after the unified action begins in the future."

This is not conducive to future military operations.

Nowadays, Yangzhou is also a famous city in the world.

The last time Zuo Menggeng traveled from south to north, it took a year and a half.

"How about placing the provincial capital of Jiangsu Province in Yangzhou?"

Zuo Mengeng was cautious, but he was not as generous as he was to the heroes.

The original intention was to use the developed Jiangnan to drive the backward Jiangbei.

Zuo Menggeng did not change the name of Luzhou, but decided to keep it.

"Originally, Nandu was the seat of the provincial capital of Southern Zhili. This time it was promoted to the capital, but I don't know where the provincial capital of Southern Zhili should be located?"

By placing the provincial capital in Jiangbei, more resources will inevitably be allocated here in the future, thus truly achieving balance.

However, this time Nanjing was singled out and upgraded to the southern capital, so the Jiangsu provincial government needed to make other arrangements.

"How about I go on a tour in a few days?"

Regarding this issue, Zuo Mengeng made arrangements without even thinking about it.

"Songjiang Prefecture is now very economically developed. It covers all provinces in the country as one prefecture. It also occupies the estuary of the Yangtze River and has the convenience of communicating with the inside and outside. To attribute it to other provinces is to put the cart before the horse. It is better to maintain its independent status, even though it is called a prefecture.

It’s a provincial capital, but its standards are comparable to those of other provinces.”

When everyone heard this, they thought this arrangement was quite good.

Since we talked about administrative divisions, Zuo Mengeng also told everyone a little more.

For example, in the future, splitting up Huguang, redrawing the boundaries between Shaanxi and Gansu, dividing Liaodong, the Mongolian issue, the Western Region issue, etc. can be considered as early preparations for the administration.

This chapter has been completed!
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