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Chapter 1611 Changes in Myanmar

Chapter 1611 Changes in Myanmar

Author: Hecheng Fengyue

Chapter 1611 Changes in Myanmar

"The conditions you proposed are a bit too harsh. I'm afraid Myanmar will not accept them."

After the Myanmar representative left, everyone in the third detachment held a discussion.

Wan Sihua was kind-hearted and compared his feelings with his own, and felt that Xu Xizhong was a little too open-minded.

Xu Xizhong smiled as if he had done something insignificant.

"His Majesty once taught us that when we have the advantage, we must maximize our interests. Otherwise, your kindness will not be appreciated by the enemy. Furthermore, if the conditions are not harsh, how can the Burmese people be entangled? Don't

Forgot, it takes time for the governor to come over."

To negotiate with Burma on behalf of the empire, the third detachment can do it.

The corresponding plan has been issued to each unit before the operation, but whether the final agreement can be signed or not, the third detachment does not have the power.

After all, they are the military, and according to the law, they cannot sign treaties with other countries on behalf of the country.

In the southern region, the only person with this power is Nanjing Governor Cao Wenheng.

It will definitely take a long time to get to Myanmar from Nanjing.

In other words, Xu Xizhong's lion's big mouth was just to buy time for Cao Wenheng.

At the same time, taking advantage of this period, various departments of the National Defense Forces will see if they can achieve new results.

If the pressure created on Myanmar is strong enough, maybe its lion's opening will become a reality?

The third detachment dispatched a clipper to rush back to Nanjing and reported the situation to Cao Wenheng.

The matter was so serious that Cao Wenheng did not dare to delay. While reporting to the Central Committee and Nandu, he quickly set off for Burma.

While he was still on the road, he sent someone to contact Siam.

This time, the negotiations with Burma also involved Siam, which could be regarded as the fulfillment of the empire's commitment to Siam.

On the Siam side, everyone was ecstatic when they learned that the empire had indeed kept its promise and helped them win a large area of ​​land.

King Pasethorn of Siam personally paid homage in the direction of the Central Plains, and at the same time ordered the construction of a sacred pagoda in the center of the capital. From now on, he offered incense to the empire day and night.

In addition, Bassetthorn even ordered that Siam be fully opened to the empire. The subjects of the empire traveling to and from Siam will not be subject to any interrogation and will be treated completely as the superior citizens of the country.

The biggest benefit was that Siam organized a batch of five million kilograms of grain and gave it to the empire as a gift, which was regarded as a reward for the empire's help.

He also ordered Prime Minister Naskun to personally lead relevant officials to meet Cao Wenheng and participate in negotiations with Myanmar.

When Cao Wenheng rushed to Myanmar, the National Defense Forces had not received orders and of course they would not stop.

On land, the 10th Division on the Northern Front directly invaded Myitkyina after the rainy season.

In this way, there is no need to negotiate with Myanmar, and the empire directly controls this area.

The First Division on the southern front divided into two groups, captured Mengya and Mengban respectively, and began to approach the core area of ​​Myanmar.

The Ming Dynasty court was frightened three times a day, and now it has fled to Naoqiu. It keeps urging the Burmese king Mangda to organize troops to stop the national defense forces.

On the Ava side, Mangda has completely lost the support of the princes, ministers and nobles.

His battle plans were collectively dismissed, and he even began to lose control of the capital.

The group of people led by Mang Bai were also in a state of distress.

They are really unwilling to accept the conditions proposed by the empire, and are trying to figure out how to get the empire to modify the conditions.

However, the speed of the National Defense Force's advance far exceeded their expectations.

Perhaps before they could come up with a solution, the National Defense Forces had already conquered Awa and brought about the collapse of Myanmar.

If that time really comes, will they still be qualified to sit at the negotiating table?

"We can't wait any longer, otherwise, Burma will change hands. The empire is not a kind person, and with strong troops and horses, it is not a bad idea to annex Burma."

After all, the weak people couldn't persist, and Mangbai became anxious.

He also sent Chawenda and others to Yangon, hoping to reach an agreement on the current conditions.

As long as this is done...

Mang Bai looked at the palace not far away with a sinister look.

Myanmar is poor and backward, so there are naturally no conditions for building roads.

From Ava to Yangon, the road was muddy. Chawenda and others walked for ten days and suffered a lot.

"I, Duke Yang Guo, Deputy Prime Minister of the Cabinet, and Governor of Nanjing, Cao Wenheng, are fully responsible for Myanmar affairs."

Cao Wenheng has arrived.

The Prime Minister of Siam, Naskun, stood next to him and acted like a fox and a tiger.

Siam has never been so majestic.

When he heard that high-ranking officials from the empire were coming, Chawenda quickly cheered up.

"It is polite to the public, regarding the conditions for joining the country..."

Unexpectedly, before he could finish speaking, Cao Wenheng raised his hand to organize.

"The military has talked with you before, but these soldiers were not thoughtful enough and the terms were not perfect enough, leaving problems. Now we are officially notifying you that there are other terms to be added."

Are there any conditions?

Cha Wenda's scalp was numb, but he could only listen attentively.

"From now on, when imperial goods enter Burma, Burma needs to cancel tariffs, and other tax rates must not be higher than domestic goods."

As soon as this statement came out, Xu Xizhong and others were all dumbfounded.

They thought that the conditions they proposed before were harsh enough, but now they know that these civil servants bite talents with a fatal move!

Cha Wenda and others stood stunned on the spot, clearly feeling that countless wealth was being lost.

"Master Yangguo, wouldn't this condition make my life in Myanmar worse than death? It is absolutely impossible for us to agree to it."

Cao Wenheng was not angry.

"You still have five days to negotiate. All negotiation conditions will be subject to the battlefield situation in five days."

As he spoke, he looked at Xu Xizhong.

"You can launch an attack on Yangon."

Xu Xizhong and other generals were all in high spirits, and they quickly took orders and went down to make preparations.

Cha Wenda and others were about to cry but had no tears.

Little did they know that the conditions Cao Wenheng said now did not mean that they would still be the same in five days.

If Yangon is lost in five days...

No, Yangon will never be able to stop such a powerful army.

A map of Myanmar quickly emerged in Chawenda's mind, from Yangon to the north, Bago, Hingsetar, Taungoo, Naypyitaw...

They are all prosperous places in Myanmar.

The most important thing is that the capital city of Ava is not far away either.

If we really have to wait five days to pass, how much land will Myanmar have left?

At that time, what will be Cao Wenheng's new conditions?

He raised his head, turned his eyes, and saw countless National Defense Forces pushing artillery and starting to move towards Yangon, and suddenly fell to the ground.

"The country above is lavished with kindness, and the country below is unfailing. I sincerely ask Duke Yang to let Burma have a way out!"

Faced with powerful force, Myanmar finally succumbed.

On the same day, the empire signed a treaty with Burma.

Ten days later, on a very ordinary night, something extraordinary happened.

Mang Bai led the princes, ministers and soldiers who had planned for a long time to kill all the palace, and slaughtered Mang Da, all the concubines in the harem, and the royal children.

Mangbai proclaimed himself the new king of Myanmar and ordered the arrest of Emperor Yongli and others.

At the same time, the National Defense Forces began to build a port at the mouth of the Yangon River, and the 10th Division took over Myitkyina.

Fu Zonglong supported a large number of officials from Yunnan and came to implement rule here.

The empire's forces approached the Brahmaputra (Brahmaputra) basin from the southwest.

Not available today!

(End of chapter)

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