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Chapter 1631 Conditions for Peace

Chapter 1631 Conditions for Peace

Author: Hecheng Fengyue

Like Chongzhen, Charles I successfully used a series of tricks to force himself into a situation of betrayal and alienation.

Now, even his most loyal commander Ruprecht couldn't stand it anymore, and instead pinned his hopes on Prince Charlie.

Faced with this high expectation, Prince Charlie couldn't believe it at all.

That is his most beloved father!

As a filial son, he opposes his father...

"We need more friends."

Prince Charlie quickly made his thoughts clear.

He never wanted to experience the life of displacement and precarity again.

How can being a prodigal son be as comfortable as being a king?

Since Charles I had already ruined all his family wealth and everything would be ruined if he continued, it was up to him to turn things around.

Ruprecht was overjoyed to see Prince Charlie so happy.

"The military has already reached an agreement, and I will introduce you to some like-minded people."

That night, many elite officers of the royal army accepted the call and gathered at Prince Charlie's side.

"This is Colonel Robert Sydney. He fought very bravely and was a very trustworthy general."

The first person Ruprecht introduced had an indissoluble bond with Charles II.

Charles II was a dissolute man who had numerous mistresses in his life.

His son with Lucy Walter was James Crofts, 1st Duke of Monmouth and Buccleuch.

Charles II recognized this son, but his brother James II did not.

James II believed that Crofts was the son of Lucy Walter and another lover.

Lucy Walter's other lover was Robert Sydney.

In short, the relationship between the British upper class is extremely chaotic, and there is always a blood relationship between them.

Prince Charlie didn't know that he would have such a relationship with Robert Sydney in the future, so he was naturally very happy to see the powerful people in the army also join him.

It can be seen that the royal army has lost confidence in Charles I.

Everyone understands that if they continue, they will be completely wiped out by the parliamentary army sooner or later.

To reverse the situation, a new commander is needed to change the current policy.

Prince Charlie's return gives everyone hope.

However, although everyone has reached a consensus, it is not that easy to launch it.

"We desperately need the support of the Scots at the moment and if they don't agree it will be catastrophic for us."

After the royal army retreated to Scotland with Charles I, it no longer had strength and was extremely weak. Logistics and supplies needed to be provided by Scotland.

If you want to overthrow Charles I, you must understand the attitude of the Scots.

"The ideas of China and the Netherlands are also crucial. Their military force is too powerful."

China and the Netherlands came under the pretext of supporting Charles I. If they intervened, the royal army would have absolutely no chance of success.

The summarization of opinions from all parties gave Prince Charlie a clear idea.

In order to complete the coup, it will definitely not be possible for people like them to launch a coup in a flash.

The attitudes of China, the Netherlands and Scotland are crucial.

Ruprecht checked again to fill in the gaps.

"Prince, not everyone in the parliament is hostile to us. I think that after gaining the name, we can win more friends."

The Presbyterian faction that currently holds the real power within the parliament actually has no intention of exterminating the royal family.

After all, these people are basically big landowners, big capitalists and aristocrats. In terms of interests, they have a certain intersection with the royal family and the old aristocracy.

The idea of ​​the Presbyterians was actually to use their strength to force Charles I to agree to reforms and achieve further division of power.

Who would have thought that Charles I was so aggressive that he overturned the table and started the civil war.

Once the war started, the moderate Presbyterians had to give way to the independents, which led to the rise of Cromwell and others.

Ruprecht advised Prince Charles to try to win the friendship of the Presbyterians once he came to power.

This can serve the purpose of dividing the parliament and gaining more initiative.

Prince Charlie accepted all these suggestions and acted quickly.

He first went to visit the imperial mission.

These days of getting along have made him realize that the imperial mission is the group that interferes most strongly in British affairs.

In contrast, the Netherlands was dragged in.

Moreover, the Netherlands is too close and the empire is too far away. It is not that Europeans do not understand the strategy of making friends at a distance and attacking at home.

No matter how many benefits are promised to the empire, there are limits.

On the contrary, the Netherlands will definitely be Britain's main competitor in the future.

"Your country came from afar and extended a hand of friendship to us. We will always remember such a great kindness. The current strategy of the royal family must change and find any way to defeat the Parliament. Here, I sincerely request that your country

can provide necessary help.”

Liao Zhongjian's eyebrows narrowed and he immediately realized something.

"Thank you to His Highness the Prince for attaching great importance to the friendship between our two countries. This is a great achievement of our diplomatic work in Europe. We also sincerely hope that peace can be restored in the UK as soon as possible so that the suffering British people can live a happy life."

What about the conditions?

Awaiting price.

"We hope to receive arms assistance from your country, and we will raise the corresponding purchase funds as soon as possible."

The first condition is revealed, purchase arms.

Prince Charles was on board the ship during the battle with the Parliamentary fleet, and he had long been salivating over the weapons of the Empire.

"In the name of the British King, I will order the East India Company to maintain the status quo and not enter East Asia. In the future, all business dealings with East Asia will be cooperated with your country."

This is a promise.

As a rising star in the colonial world, Britain has been working hard to expand, and the East India Company is the pioneer.

Over the years, the East India Company has tried every means to gain a foothold in East Asia, but this will undoubtedly upset the balance in East Asia and infringe on the interests of the empire.

For the current situation, Prince Charlie decided to give up.

Both conditions are very beneficial to the empire, but they are obviously not enough.

The empire's purpose was to dismember Britain and hinder its development, so it demanded more.

But Liao Zhongjian and others also understood that the true purpose could not be revealed from their own mouths. Otherwise, with the empire's weak strength in Europe, nothing could be gained.

"In view of His Highness the Prince's open-mindedness and wisdom, I believe you will have more friends."

Next, led by the Imperial Mission, the Dutch and Scottish Oaths also joined.

Because the preliminary work has been done well, the Dutch and Scots will not be polite.

The Dutch directly asked for Mainland as a condition for sending troops.

Prince Charlie, Ruprecht and others quickly negotiated and both felt that this condition was acceptable.

Mainland is far away from the British mainland, so even if it is ceded to the Netherlands, it will have no impact.

But the Dutch troops sent in exchange for this will greatly reverse the situation.

But when the Scots offered independence in exchange for support, Prince Charlie and others were completely stunned.

This chapter has been completed!
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