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Chapter 1632 Coup

Chapter 1632 Coup

Author: Hecheng Fengyue

"Scotland is our inherent territory in the United Kingdom and must not be divided."

Prince Charlie almost lost his grace and stated his attitude through gritted teeth.

The imperial mission and the Dutch remained silent, leaving the Scots to quarrel with him.

"Your Highness, we Scots have always had our own national culture and have always remained independent. Although we were conquered by England by force hundreds of years ago, we have never forgotten where our roots are."

Simmons Deville was extremely fanatical and was ready to start a fight if he disagreed.

There was no other way, the imperial mission opened Pandora's box for them.

Breaking away from the English and achieving independence has actually always existed in the bones of the Scots.

The reason why they have not taken action or thought about it in these years is not because they have forgotten, nor because they were suppressed too hard by the British and did not dare to resist.

Instead, you can drink soup like the British.


It's just so realistic.

Although the British regime is full of prejudice and oppression towards Scotland, Scotland can always gain something when Britain makes big profits.

This is like the underworld.

When you get rich, the eldest brother will get more, and the younger brothers below will also get more or less share. Of course, you are good to me, and everyone is good to you.

But once you lose money, you have no mercy.

There are also strange words coming out, and there are more things that go against each other. In the end, the only way to separate the family is to separate the family.

Originally, the Scots did not dare to think about independence from England, but only wanted to gain enough benefits from the civil war.

Because they knew very well that no matter who won the civil war, Scotland was no match.

But it's different now.

The addition of the Empire and the Netherlands gave Scotland a powerful ally.

At least with the mediation of the Empire and the Netherlands, Scotland's hopes for independence have greatly increased.

If you don't try hard at this time, wouldn't you become a national sinner?

Seeing that the Scots were extremely resolute, Prince Charlie had no choice but to turn to the imperial mission and the Dutch for help.

"The weak UK can no longer afford such division, otherwise we will not have enough power to deal with the rebel parties in Parliament."

Liao Zhongjian and others remained silent.

Although dividing Britain is the greatest purpose of the empire, it must not be done by the empire.

I believe the Dutch are willing to play this villain.

Sure enough, Marton Tropp showed up.

"Your Highness, I think you have got the logic wrong. If you can agree to Scottish independence, I believe the Scottish people will be grateful for your kindness and choose to support you unreservedly. Otherwise, I am afraid that will be the biggest crisis.


The subtext is that you are now on the territory of the Scots, and life or death can only be determined by the Scots' thoughts.

If we continue to disagree, the Scots will become enemies.

After all, Prince Charlie is not Charles I. The suffering he has experienced has turned him into a realist.

Since you are a realist, you will naturally consider issues from a practical perspective.

He didn't understand that Scotland's pursuit of independence must have the shadow of the Netherlands and the Empire behind it.

Once Britain loses Scotland, its national strength will inevitably be greatly weakened, and it will be difficult to make its voice heard in Europe from now on.


The biggest question before him and the royal family is how to overcome the current difficulties?

Once the parliamentary army attacks again, and they do not receive enough support, they will have no choice but to perish.

Everyone was wiped out. Whether Britain's national power was weakened or intact, what did it have to do with him?

In other words, even if Scotland becomes independent and Britain is weakened, no matter how weak the king is, he will still be a king and his authority will still remain.

I would rather be with outsiders than domestic thieves!

The Scots only seek independence, the Empire and the Netherlands only want to take advantage, but the traitors in Parliament want their lives.

Prince Charlie can still tell the difference between what is light and what is serious.

Therefore, the thoughts of rulers at all times and in all countries are actually the same.

Forced by severe reality, Prince Charlie's choice will not be too difficult.

"Scotland's independence can be allowed, but it must be maintained under the banner of the Commonwealth and continue to respect the British King as its co-owner."

Prince Charlie took a step back.

It no longer demands the actual right to rule Scotland, but demands to retain the nominal title of king.

On this point, the imperial mission and the Dutch felt that they could agree.

Even the Scots are understandable.

Anyway, it is just a false name. At least Scotland has regained its independent governance and diplomatic rights. From now on, it can decide its own destiny.

"Your Majesty, your wise prince, you will feel lucky for your choice today."

Simmons Deville and others got what they wanted and stood up to salute Prince Charlie.

A wish that has lasted for hundreds of years only needs to be paid a few false gifts, so what does it mean?

Therefore, under the witness of the imperial mission and the Netherlands, Prince Charles signed an agreement recognizing independence with the Scottish Lotteryists in the name of the British King.

As part of the agreement, Scotland will form an army of five to one hundred thousand to participate in the royal family's crusade against the parliamentary army.

Subsequently, Prince Charles and the Scottish Oaths reached a series of agreements with the Empire and the Netherlands respectively.

Britain formally ceded Mainland to the Netherlands in exchange for two conditions: the Netherlands sending troops and providing weapons.

Britain and the Empire formally reached an agreement that the East India Company would no longer enter East Asia and both parties would share their interests in Tianzhu.

Scotland and the Empire reached an agreement to establish diplomatic relations, and the two sides would subsequently send ambassadors to each other. At the same time, Scotland invited the Imperial Fleet to station in Edinburgh Bay and build a base in Leven.

Obviously the Scots' intention is to use the empire to supervise the British royal family's implementation of the agreement and prevent the British royal family from regretting it and making a comeback.

The two sides also have cooperation agreements in agriculture, animal husbandry, navigation, military and other fields.

There is only one purpose, and that is to try our best to help Scotland prosper quickly.

Only Scotland with certain strength can resist England's plans in the future.

This is more important than any agreement.

According to the four-party agreement, the empire will provide technology, assist in the construction of a new military factory in Edinburgh, and provide arms for the royal army and the Scottish army.

This suddenly provided strong support to the royal family, allowing Prince Charlie, Ruprecht and others to see hope of turning defeat into victory.

At this point, Prince Charlie has completed his layout and gained many allies.

"My general, it's time for light to shine in Britain's skies again."

Prince Charlie has shouldered a huge burden, but he is also full of pride.

Following his order, the royal troops who had already surrendered swarmed into the palace.

The ignorant Charles I was relieved of his royal duties while enjoying breakfast and became a prisoner.

Britain officially entered the era of Charles II more than twenty years ahead of schedule.

This chapter has been completed!
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