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Chapter 164 Victory and Defeat

Unable to return to the capital, Wang Siyi stayed in the rear camp.

This girl is a restless master, and she's very talkative.

"You don't even have a horse, how dare you attack the Han tribe?"

Zuo Mengeng laughed loudly.

"But we have muskets, and the terrain is favorable to us."

Wang Siyi had already seen the weapons of the rear camp, with a look of disdain on his face.

"These fire sticks are of no use, they don't work at all."

Zuo Mengeng didn't want to quarrel with her.

"Whether it works or not, you will know when the time comes."

The troops moved quickly and arrived at the preset location three days later.

Of course, the key to whether this ambush can be launched depends on Liu Zhilun and Huang Taiji.

For this reason, Zuo Mengeng sent out the entire reconnaissance brigade just to get first-hand information.

At the same time, he also reacted.

The Han tribe arrived at this time. In addition to taking advantage, they also had another mission, which was to help protect Zunhua.

Huang Taiji had to go all out to deal with Liu Zhilun and guard against other Ming armies, so the troops on hand were not enough.

If Zunhua is lost again, then Hou Jin may really have no hope of returning home.

On December 27, Liu Zhilun's troops arrived in Jizhou.

Originally, he wanted to go to Yongping for rescue, and also made an appointment with the commander-in-chief Ma Shilong and Wu Zimian. However, he found that it seemed not feasible to go to Yongping from Jizhou, so he decided to attack Zunhua.

For such a guy who can't even understand geography, I really don't know who gave him the courage to lead the army in battle.

If you want to go to Zunhua from Jizhou, just go east.

I don’t know if this guy got lost, but halfway to Shimen, he suddenly turned south, ran all the way to Baicaogou, and finally stopped at Niangniang Mountain.

Even though Zuo Mengeng ordered the reconnaissance team to monitor the whole process, they didn't even understand what his marching route meant?

Shimen is to the west of Zunhua, between Zunhua and Jizhou. If you want to attack Zunhua, just go east. Moreover, Zunhua at this time is an empty city, so you can capture it without fighting.

Why did you turn to Niangniang Mountain in the southeast of Zunhua?

Where is Niangniang Mountain?

To the south of today's Qiuzhuang Reservoir, next to Wangjiujia Village.

I have to say that I went here to prevent Yongping's Hou Jin army from returning reinforcements, and to provide time for Ma Shilong and Wu Zimian to conquer Zunhua...

But Ma Shilong and Wu Zimian didn’t move!

Liu Zhilun is purely a shaven head guy with a hot head.

He self-righteously proposed a battle plan, thinking that Ma Shilong and Wu Zimian would definitely bow down and follow closely.

But in the eyes of the two generals, who are you?

You are just the right minister of the Ministry of War, but you are also in charge of warehousing. Why do you have the right to command our two field armies?

Besides, look at that crappy place you went to.

How about finding a Feng Shui treasure for yourself?

Niangniang Mountain is not a mountain at all, just a small slope at most. What's even more deadly is that this place is not an important traffic thoroughfare, and is surrounded by great plains.

In other words, if Liu Zhilun wants to play the role of one man, ten thousand men can't do it.

But Ma Shilong and Wu Zimian didn't cheat him either.

Because these two people really went to attack Zunhua.

But Ma Shilong and Wu Zimian delayed their departure for three days, and Huang Taiji arrived before them.

On the 29th, Ma Shilong and Wu Zimian happily prepared to attack the city. Later, the Jin army surged out and attacked from all sides. As a result, the two armies were defeated and retreated to Shimen.

Until this time, both Ma Shilong and Wu Zimian thought that Zunhua had few enemies. Their failure was just because their foothold was not stable.

So we lined up again the next day, hoping to fight back.

Huang Taiji waved his hand, and Hou Jin's entire army was dispatched.

Seeing the overwhelming Hou Jin army, Ma Shilong and Wu Zimian were dumbfounded.

What are you fighting for?

The wind is blowing hard.

I have to say that the Ming army's escape skills were quite good.

Although Huang Taiji immediately issued the order to attack, Houjin only killed five people in the rear and captured one official.

That night, Ma Shilong and Wu Zimian ran away without a trace.

As for Liu Zhilun, he didn't last until the 30th.

When Hou Jin's 30,000-strong army came from Yongping, this guy took the initiative and opened fire immediately. When the second shot was fired, the cannon exploded and the camp was burned down.

With no other choice, Liu Zhilun had no choice but to lead his troops back to Niangniang Mountain.

The generals below all knew that this battle could not be fought, as the disparity was too great. They should take advantage of Huang Taiji in the north to fight, and immediately form a formation and retreat slowly.

In fact, in the west direction of Tongzhou, Sun Chengzong also felt that Liu Zhilun was unreliable, so he sent Yang Guodong to take over.

If he really wanted to retreat, Liu Zhilun could do so.

But Liu Zhilun was incompetent, but he was very loyal. He said he would die to repay his kindness, and he really did it.

From noon to evening, the two armies fought fiercely around Niangniang Mountain.

Liu Zhilun didn't have the ability, so he still had to move forward. When Hou Jin saw such a high official, he didn't want to be polite, and all the arrows rained down on him.

Soon, all the soldiers protecting him were dead.

By this time, Liu Zhilun also knew that he was destined to lose.

He was really determined to die, and did not want to escape. He just shouted that he would die and lived up to the divine grace. Then he gave the seal to the servant and asked him to get out and return it to the court.

Then Liu Zhilun was hit with an arrow in his head and another in his knee, killing him on the battlefield.

The generals howled incessantly.

Historical materials say that he admired Liu Zhilun's loyalty, but with Zuo Mengeng's backbiting, he probably felt desperate to follow such a fool.

At the same time that the battle between Zunhua and Niangniang Mountain began, Zuo Menggeng also waited for an unsuspecting 1,500 Han cavalrymen.

What Zuo Menggeng didn't know was that in the original time and space, the Han tribe entered the pass and joined Hou Jin on the sixteenth day of the first month of the third year of Chongzhen.

This time, it was more than half a month ahead of schedule.

He had no time to explore what the problem was.

Anyway, he was in a good mood after hiding on the mountainside and watching the Mongolian cavalry singing songs all the way into the encirclement with a telescope.

Next to him, Mao Yuanyi and Wang Siyi each had a telescope, like children with toys.

Finally, the last Mongolian cavalry passed through Nanchengzi.

Zuo Mengeng immediately asked the messenger to send the signal.

On the top of the mountain behind him, the messengers were already in place.

The mountains and fields are bare in winter, and the visibility is very good. The action of the messenger waving the red flag was received by commanders from all directions at the same time.

Zuo Rong had long been impatient to wait, because the men at the front of the Mongolian cavalry were less than thirty meters away.


A sharp whistle sounded for a long time, and the soldiers quickly stood up from behind the bunker, raising their hands and seeing a hail of bullets.

Dozens of Mongolian cavalrymen walking at the front fell off their horses without any reaction.

It didn't matter if they were dead, the horses without their masters were wandering around in circles, instead blocking the narrow road.

Behind the first row of soldiers, three layers of fire fronts have been arranged in sequence.

After three waves of attacks, the Mongolian cavalry suffered over a hundred casualties and their formation was in chaos.

Troops on both flanks also opened fire.

They were a little farther away from the Mongolian cavalry, about two to three hundred meters. But they were shooting from a high position, and the Mongolian cavalry all gathered together, and the killing effect was amazing.

Under the sound of row after row of gunfire, the Mongolian cavalry fell down like wheat.

Wang Siyi was dumbfounded.

Looking at the helpless Mongolian cavalry, and then looking at his own two hammers, his worldview was severely impacted.

She was just a bit fierce, but not stupid. She knew that under such firepower, she would have no chance of surviving even with her force.

The number of people in the rear camp was already larger than that of the Zahan tribe, and after such a surprise attack, half of the Zahan tribe was wiped out.

The remaining front and rear fractures cannot be commanded in a unified manner, and they can only fight independently.

Seeing that there was no hope of turning around, those in front simply launched a charge.

Having dealt with the Ming Dynasty for so many years, the Mongols are no strangers to weapons such as muskets.

They thought they could rush out by relying on the musket reloading gap, but before their horses could speed up, the second wave of attacks from the rear camp nipped their idea in the bud.

The Mongolians behind him had simpler ideas.


Moreover, as the terrain behind it opens up, the speed of the war horse can be easily increased and it should be able to run away.

Unfortunately, they met Zuo Yong.

After Zuo Yong surveyed the terrain on the spot, he knew that it was impossible to stop the Mongolian deserters with muskets alone.

then what should we do?

He got some iron wire from Zhang Yan, then straightened it and buried it under the soil. The Mongolians walked by on the road and couldn't see anything unusual at all.

But while waiting to block the attack, the soldiers on both sides quickly pulled up several barbed wire fences and hung them on the wooden stakes on both sides...

Well, the fleeing cavalry all hit the barbed wire fence, and immediately they fell on their backs. Some people also stopped their horses urgently, and then slashed with their swords.

The steel knives in the back camp are constantly cutting down the barbed wire fence, how can we still count on the Mongolian iron knives?

The soldiers of the Fourth Brigade were standing behind the barbed wire fence, firing and calling names comfortably.

One shot at a time is easier than shooting birds.

After three rounds of shooting, there were not many Mongolians left standing on the entire battlefield.

Zuo Mengeng ordered everyone to fix their bayonets and squeeze from all sides to the center.

Seeing the Ming army coming out, the surviving Mongols were overjoyed, thinking that they could unleash the power of their bows and arrows. However, the gap in shooting range between the two sides made the Mongols desperate again.

Watching as the Mongolian bows and arrows began to fall within sixty steps, the Ming army's muskets began to kill at a hundred steps away.

Wang Siyi couldn't help but stare at Zuo Mengeng, as if looking at a devil.

This chapter has been completed!
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