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Chapter 165

When there were still about 300 Mongolian cavalrymen left, Zuo Mengeng issued the order for hand-to-hand combat.

The soldiers had no doubts. After attaching bayonets to their muskets, they bravely charged forward.

Mao Yuanyi was extremely surprised.

"It only takes two more rounds of concentrated fire to kill them all, so why let the soldiers rush in and fight?"

Zuo Mengeng stared at the battlefield and gave the answer.

"These soldiers have never fought hand-to-hand with the enemy before, and they will never be able to master the fighting techniques they have learned without actual combat. This is a good opportunity for actual combat. Even if they pay some casualties, it will be better than what they will suffer in the future due to lack of experience.

It is much better to become skilled in hand-to-hand combat and collapse.”

As the saying goes, practice is always the best teacher.

No matter how good the teachings are on the training field, if they are not put to use, it is just a castle in the air.

Only by allowing soldiers to actually assassinate can they master the technique.

More than 2,000 soldiers besieged more than 300 Mongolian cavalry, and the overall situation was still one-sided.

Several soldiers greeted a Mongolian. Because of the strength in numbers, the soldiers' mentality was very stable.

They strictly followed the instructions and formed several teams. Some were responsible for blocking, some were responsible for protecting, and some were responsible for assassinating.

Although these Mongolian cavalry in dire straits are brave and brave, they are still not enough in the face of scientific techniques and tactics.

In less than one stick of incense, they were all wiped out.

In the rear camp, thirteen soldiers were killed and twenty-five were injured. Judging from the battle loss ratio alone, it was definitely a complete victory.

"Clean the battlefield and retreat immediately."

The fighting place was actually not far from Zunhua City. Zuo Mengeng believed that Huang Taiji could have heard the gunfire.

In order to avoid being surrounded and suppressed by the Hou Jin army, we must withdraw as soon as possible.

Huang Taiji did not personally direct the battles against Ma Shilong and Wu Zimian's troops.

After Yuan Chonghuan disappeared, he didn't pay much attention to the other Ming army generals.

At this time, Huang Taiji was standing outside the city of Zunhua, looking up at the corpse hanging on the city gate tower.

He recognized that corpse, and it was someone he was very fond of.

Yao remembers that when the two brothers took the initiative to vote, he stood next to Nurhaci and watched the whole process.

At that time, he was still puzzled, why would any Han people take the initiative to join these barbarians?

With this curiosity, Huang Taiji became the only leader who took the initiative to approach them.

The younger brother told him what it meant to be unrecognized, and the stories of Zhang Yuan, Liu Bingzhong and Zhang Hongfan.

It turns out that in the history of the Han people, there have long been stories of serving other people.

Huang Taiji knew very well that if the Jurchens wanted to rise, they must defeat the Ming Dynasty.

But what the Ming Dynasty looked like and how big it was, the Jurchens did not know.

The arrival of these two Han people made him feel that this was an opportunity.

From then on, he kept this Han man by his side and consulted on government affairs from time to time.

This Han man was diligent, hard-working and very insightful, which really helped him a lot.

Huang Taiji has decided that after returning this time, he will promote these loyal Han people and give them more room to display.


Fan Wencheng turned into two pieces and was hung on the city gate tower like rags, swaying in the wind.

This is a way for the Han people to punish traitors, and it is also a demonstration against them.

Next to me, Ning Wanwo was trembling, obviously frightened.

Huang Taiji felt that something needed to be done, otherwise there would be endless troubles.

But when I think about it carefully, I realize in vain that I don’t know where to start.

Who conquered Zunhua, and where are the Ming troops now?

No one can give him the answer, and the spies hidden inside the Ming Dynasty are also at a loss.

The battlefield that was originally unobstructed now had dark shadows, which made Huang Taiji very uncomfortable.

"Someone, come, collect Mr. Fan's body and bury it properly."

Huang Taiji is a hero after all, and his sadness only lasts for a while.

Fan Wencheng is already dead and cannot be resurrected. It is not cost-effective to waste too much time on a dead person.

Arranging a grand burial for Fan Wencheng was enough to consolidate the loyalty of those Han people who surrendered.

"The kindness of the Great Khan is so great that even Fan Wencheng will burst into tears with gratitude."

After I was done with it, I quickly knelt down and chanted loudly.

He knew that from now on there would be no way out and he could only hold on to the Jurchens' thighs. Otherwise, his end would not be better than Fan Wencheng's.

Huang Taiji pulled Ning Wanme up and asked, "Mr. Ning, are there any other famous generals among Ming people?"

After I finished thinking about it, I slowly shook my head.

"Only Yuan Chonghuan is good enough, and the rest are just mediocre people. Sun Chengzong is old and there is no need to worry about it."

Huang Taiji pointed at the ghostly Zunhua City in front of him.

"Then tell me, who conquered this place? Not only did they kill me, Zhongliang, but they also let all the people in the city go. Now even if we want to get some information, we can't get it."

After Ning Wan, I had no choice but to say: "Great Khan, we are fighting in enemy territory after all. Even if our army is at its peak, its strength may be insufficient. There is nothing we can do about some omissions."

Ning Wan, I found a reason.

It’s not that the Hou Jin Dynasty couldn’t fight, nor that there were famous generals in the Ming Dynasty. It’s just that the place was too big and the Hou Jin Dynasty had too few people, so the Ming army took advantage of it.

This reason makes Huang Taiji very comfortable.

Of course he doesn't need a reason, but the other senior leaders of Houjin do.

There must be a decent reason to convince everyone that the failure of Zunhua City was not Huang Taiji's fault, but the Ming army's bad luck.

You see, as soon as I, Huang Taiji, came back, didn't I defeat the two generals of the Ming army?

Ning Wan and I had already understood what he was thinking. These words were so precise that they scratched Huang Taiji's itch.

He was just about to gather his troops' morale when suddenly bursts of muffled thunder-like sounds were heard from far away in the northeast.

The distance is already very far, and when the sound reaches a close distance, it is almost as if it is not there at all.

But the people present were all experienced in battles, and they immediately recognized the sound of a volley of musketry.

Northeast direction?

That is Hongshan Pass.

This is where Huang Taiji entered the customs in person.

Isn't that area already occupied? Why is there a war?

Huang Taiji knew the layout of his army and horses very well, and immediately knew that this battle must belong to the Ming army.

When, and without his knowledge, did the Ming army find their way out?

Huang Taiji was extremely angry and ordered: "Saharian, take someone to take a look."

Saharian took the order and immediately went with a group of cavalry.

The wait was long, and after two hours, Saharian came back in panic, looking as if he had seen a ghost.

"The Great Khan, who inserted Han troops to help the cavalry, was ambushed. The entire army was wiped out, and no one survived."

As soon as these words came out, all the generals were shocked and felt a chill.

They had all heard the gunfire just now, and it only lasted for more than half an hour. The Han troops were all cavalry, but they were all wiped out in such a short period of time.

How many people did the Ming army have?

Huang Taiji was also a little panicked and even suspected that Sahalian was lying.

"Can you see clearly?"

Saharian was sweating profusely.

"I saw it clearly, and even inspected the corpses myself. Most of the Han soldiers were shot to death with muskets, and a small number were stabbed to death. The wounds of the stabbed victims were very small, and it was impossible to tell what kind of weapons they were. Obviously

The people set up pocket formations and surrounded the Han tribe in Miaowa Valley and destroyed them."

Huang Taiji took this route to enter the pass. Of course he knew the topography of the Miaowa Valley area.

"Where did those Ming troops go?"

If the Han tribe is gone, it is gone. There is no point in regretting it at this time. The key is to seize the shadow of the Ming army and eliminate it as soon as possible.

Saharian was dejected, but he could only answer.

"No sign of the Ming army was found. When I arrived, the battle was already over. However, the Ming army must not have gone far and must be nearby."

Azig scolded: "Since you know that the dog is not far away, why don't you chase it?"

Saharian wanted to cry but had no tears, and thought to himself, can you blame me?

"I have sent people to look for it. I think there will be news soon."

This wait lasted until the early morning of the next day before the scouts sent by Saharian came back covered in dust.

"Thanks to the Great Khan, my servants searched for them all night and finally found a group of Ming troops heading towards Sandaohezi."

Huang Taiji sat up with a puzzled expression.

"To Sandaohezi? Do these Ming soldiers want to go to the Great Wall?"

Logically speaking, after ambushing the Han tribe and exposing their traces, the most important thing for this group of Ming troops to do is to retreat towards Qian'an and find a way to get support from the Ming troops in Shanhaiguan.

But they actually went west and went along the Great Wall. This was so counterintuitive.

Huang Taiji asked: "How many people are there in this Ming army?"

The scout's face froze, but he answered honestly.

"The minions didn't see it, they just encountered this group of Minggou scouts. We lost half of our manpower, so we reluctantly withdrew."

Jierhalang angrily shouted: "Trash, you can't even deal with the mere scouts of Minggou?"

The scout complained endlessly.

"Master Baylor didn't know something. This group of bright dogs is different. They are just like ghosts, they don't know where they are hiding. When we got close, they suddenly attacked. Several brothers were killed without any precautions."

As he said that, in order to win the trust of everyone, he also took out something.

"This is the Ming Dog Crossbow Arrow that the slaves desperately picked up. It is obviously different. It is fast and accurate from dozens of steps away. The slaves wearing two layers of armor cannot stop it."

Dorgon stepped forward and took the crossbow, but his hand suddenly sank. Looking at it again, he couldn't help but change his color.

"Great Khan, this crossbow arrow is actually made of steel."

At this time, all the generals changed their colors and finally stopped making noise.

What kind of god is the Ming army who can make crossbows out of fine steel?

This chapter has been completed!
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