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Chapter 187 The Frustrated Alliance

"I thought I was dead."

"No, you just rose from the ashes."

Huang Zongxi thought for a while, nodded and smiled.

Although he lost an arm, it was obvious that his entire mental state was different.

In the past, Huang Zongxi was unruly, like a fighting dog. He didn't like everything he saw, and he acted vigorously and resolutely, and he didn't tolerate any sand in his eyes.

But when he woke up from a coma, he had a little more light tempered by the true fire of Samadhi, and he also had a pair of piercing golden eyes that could see through the world.

Zuo Mengeng understood that Huang Zongxi had the ability to see through the world.

"It's a pity that I won't be able to go to the battlefield from now on."

"A true strong man is always strong in his heart. I think Huang Zongxi like this is the person the back camp needs. Your presence will inject a different soul into this army."

Zuo Mengeng disagreed and would not give up on Huang Zongxi.

What happened to the one-armed one?

There are several one-armed generals he admires.

Huang Zongxi's most valuable asset is never his force, but his thoughts.

After being polished in the battle of Qingshui Pass, Zuo Menggeng is also making progress.

He knew that in addition to strong military force, the rear camp also needed to enrich its spirit to become a truly invincible army and a benevolent and righteous army.

Only in this way can we have the ability to change the world.

Huang Zongxi was silent for a moment, nodded slightly, and accepted it calmly.

Just as Zuo Mengeng expected, Huang Zongxi is now transcendent.

Someone has caught up with the rear camp, and it's not just one person.

"Mr. Mao, why are you here?"

Looking at Mao Yuanyi appearing in front of him, Zuo Mengeng couldn't believe it.

Mao Yuanyi was in high spirits and laughed. She had never felt so happy before.

"Didn't I tell you that I will work with you from now on? I can tell you that I have given up on Mr. Sun Ge for this. Don't let me down."

Zuo Mengeng had nothing to say. He opened his arms and hugged tightly this comrade who had fought side by side and would fight side by side in the future.

"Let me introduce you, this is Huang Daozhou Huang Youxuan, the new magistrate of Dongchang."

Zuo Mengeng was shocked.

"Mr. Shi Zhai has left Beijing?"

Zodiac Four is in his teens, but he doesn't have the stability of a middle-aged person. He looks like a furnace about to explode, and he doesn't know who he is angry with.

"I heard people say you want to rebel?"

Zuo Mengeng was a little overwhelmed by such an abrupt and sharp question.

However, Zuo Mengeng noticed the way Mao Yuanyi was stroking his beard and smiling, and felt certain in his heart.


The zodiac week takes a step forward.

"Little Huangkou boy, do you still have a king and father in your eyes? Do you still have loyalty and righteousness? Do you know the fate of rebellious officials and traitors?"

Zuo Mengeng's momentum suddenly changed, like a divine sword piercing the sky.

"The emperor is the emperor, why is he my king and father? Why should I be loyal to him? When it comes to loyalty, it is also for the common people in the world. The Zhu family dynasty has made the people miserable and the world unstable, so why do I need him?"

Zodiac Week was not intimidated.

"If you become emperor in the future, won't you be afraid of others doing this to you?"

Zuo Mengeng is magnanimous.

"If I feel sorry for the people of the world, why should the people of the world be loyal to me? As an emperor, the greatest responsibility is to benefit the people of the world. If you can't do that, you deserve to be overthrown."

The questions in the zodiac week are more and more sharp.

"How can you guarantee that after becoming emperor, you will be different from the emperor of the Zhu family?"

Zuo Mengeng laughed loudly.

"I don't rely on land for support. Of course I won't be like the emperor of the Zhu family, leaving the people of the world with no place to stand."

Huang Daozhou had no problem anymore and just stood quietly. After a long time, he suddenly burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, okay, if you rebel, you should rebel! If the emperor doesn't treat the people of the world as a human being, why should the people of the world treat him as the emperor."

Zuo Mengeng was a little puzzled.

He still knew Huang Daozhou. Why did a famous loyal minister of the Ming Dynasty in history support the rebellion so radically?

Little did he know that all of this was Hou Xun's fault.

After Hou Xun recommended Huang Daozhou as the prefect of Dongchang, he went to see Huang Daozhou in person.

Huang Daozhou was very dissatisfied with this appointment, was angry, and was still writing a memorial in protest.

He thought he had been belittled.

Although the prefect of Dongchang was promoted from Pinyi to a general who was much higher than his Hanlin editor, Huang Daozhou knew that he had done something wrong to Chongzhen by releasing him at such a sensitive period.

"I mentioned to Your Majesty that you should be the prefect of Dongchang."

"Why did Mr. Ruogu do this? At this time of turmoil, we, the ministers, should speak up, uphold justice, and persuade the emperor to return to the right path."

Huang Daozhou was indignant and dissatisfied with Hou Xun.

"Youxuan is from Fujian?"

Hou Xun, however, took up the household chores.

Huang Daozhou had no choice but to say: "Exactly. The younger generation has a poor family. Fortunately, he can study well and is where he is today."

Hou Xun continued to ask: "As far as I know, people in Fujian live a very miserable life. In your opinion, is there any good strategy?"

Speaking of his hometown, Huang Daozhou couldn't help but sigh, full of bitterness.

"Fujian is mountainous and narrow, with a large population. Even without the pain of land annexation, the people would have no land to cultivate."

Hou Xun had never been to Fujian and knew many things now, so he asked: "What do the people in Fujian do for a living?"

Huang Daozhou looked at him carefully and finally said.

"What else can I do? Either dig mines or just... go to the sea."

Hou Xun had known this for a long time.

"During the Longqing period, my senior Donglin proposed opening up the sea and setting up a customs in Yuegang, Fujian. Does Youxuan know about this?"

The Zodiac Week was filled with sorrow.

"How can the younger generation not know this? Although the younger generation was not born at that time, the people in Fujian had many discussions and often complained. The opening of the sea was originally a good thing to benefit the people, but why did the middle road collapse and millions of people were ignored?"

Hou Xun looked around and saw that the surrounding area was empty. He was not afraid that the walls had ears.

"You know, when you opened the sea, it was obvious that the south was straight and Zhejiang was more prosperous. Why did you choose Fujian? Why was the great feat of opening the sea ruined?"

Huang Daozhou was indeed interested and looked over eagerly, hoping to find out the truth.

Hou Xun did not continue, but suddenly asked: "Youxuan, you have been an official for many years. In your opinion, why are we, the loyal people, struggling?"

Huang Daozhou instinctively wanted to say that the traitors in the court were rampant, flattering and seducing the superiors, and controlling the government, so it was like this.

When the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back.

No one is a novice and has passed the age of enthusiasm. Especially after so many years of political career, what should be understood has long been understood.

The only thing Huang Daozhou didn't expect was that Hou Xun put these situations that everyone knew well in the sun.

But can the true nature be said?

For a moment, Zodiac Zhou couldn't help but sweat dripping with cold sweat, but he also felt a sense of relief and relief.

Hou Xun said softly: "If we want to realize our ambition, our hope cannot be pinned on that person. He...is not from our side!"

"Mr. Ruogu..."

The zodiac week is puzzling.

During the Jisi Incident that just passed, Hou Xun rose to fame and became a celebrity in Chongzhen.

But such a person is actually thinking about rebellion.

This makes Zodiac Week feel even more ridiculous.

"What we do is only for the country and the people, but not for this court or that person. From the Wanli period to the present, many of our ancestors in Donglin sang songs and wept blood and sacrificed their lives. Has there been any change? I

After many discussions with Nian Taigong and guidance from experts, I found the right path. You Xuan, I also hope that you can give up the simple and absurd way of loyalty to the emperor and his ministers, and come to serve the world and the people of the world with true justice.

to do something.”

Everything is figured out.

Zodiac Zhou was very indifferent.

He was not angry, nor did he mean to rebuke Hou Xun. Of course, he also had no intention of reporting on Hou Xun.

If it was last year, if Hou Xun had told him these things, he might have turned against him immediately.

But this time, the changes in Jisi and Chongzhen's performance really disappointed the ministers.

Especially the people in the east forest shed tears and bleed.

Seeing how many seniors were expelled from the court, the young people who once brought trouble to the world celebrated their victory again. Deep down in his heart, Huang Daozhou was actually a little discouraged and disappointed with this court.

In addition, Hou Xun used his origin and the situation in Fujian as examples, which moved him even more deeply.

After thinking about this, Huang Daozhou had no objection to going to Dongchang and went happily. At the same time, he was also full of curiosity about the young man Hou Xun mentioned.

Is that young man who is famous all over the world and killed Amin in a formation really so magical?

If Huang Daozhou is still a little concerned about the Zhu family dynasty, then the person who appears in front of Zuo Mengeng next is a truly desperate and decisive person.

"My new appointment as magistrate of Mengyin County is still a good one."

The party that defended its beloved hometown still appeared in front of him, and Zuo Mengeng was confused by assuming his new position.

"Why did the party county magistrate be transferred?"

He was embarrassed to say that this was demotion.

Although Liangxiang and Mengyin are both county magistrates, one is a fertile land in Gyeonggi and the other is a remote mountainous area in Yimeng. How can they be considered the same?

And for the merits of using the party to defend the good hometown and to protect the city from destruction, he should be promoted. Why was he demoted?

Dang Huanchun smiled sadly, and the evil fire in his body seemed to burn everything.

"Why else? It's just demolishing the houses of a few wealthy families."

This chapter has been completed!
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