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Chapter 228 Debate

When potatoes and corn were harvested, Zuo Mengeng welcomed two groups of people heading south and north at Chaoguan Wharf.

Hou Xun and Liu Zongzhou went south, and Cao Wenheng went north.

Hou Xun is relatively unlucky.

When I inspected the border last month, I encountered a gunpowder explosion and suffered burns in many places on my body. So I resigned from the court and needed to recuperate.

According to the original history, Chongzhen asked him to stay in his post.

But this time Chongzhen valued him very much and thought that he would be reused in the future, so he agreed.

Cao Wenheng came north to replace Hou Xun.

The important town of Jiliao must be garrisoned by capable ministers. Cao Wenheng's political achievements in Dongchang Mansion and Yingtian were very outstanding, so he was promoted.

As for Liu Zongzhou...

Just like in history, he eventually fell out with Chongzhen. On the grounds that his body needed to be recuperated, he reported illness and returned home.

Chongzhen tacitly agreed not to hold him back and let him go happily.

Liu Zongzhou, who went south, was as desolate as this autumn, and he was much older than before he went to the capital.

"I had advised the teacher at the beginning that he should not go to that capital. What good would come of being a slave to the emperor of the same family?"

Huang Zongxi supported Liu Zongzhou with all his strength and was not polite at all.

Zuo Mengeng helped Hou Xun get off the boat.

Looking at Hou Xun's miserable appearance, I couldn't help but sigh.

"If Duke Gu is injured, all his years of hard work will be ruined."

Hou Xun, however, had no regrets and smiled freely.

"It's okay to take a break. Now Zhou Yanru and Wen Tiren regard me as an enemy bandit. If I'm not in the court, I don't think I can survive."

Just this fall, Chief Executive Cheng Jiming also resigned.

Chongzhen also let him go.

So the person in charge became Zhou Yanru, and soon Wen Tiren. In short, the Donglin Party has completely left the center.

Hou Fangyu came forward and saluted Zuo Mengeng honestly.

"I've met Brother Zuo."

After not seeing each other for a year, Hou Fangyu has grown up a lot, and has lost some of his childishness.

"You came just in time, Zhang Lingxi has been talking about you."

Hou Fangyu couldn't wait to hear the names of his playmates of the same age.

He was really bored in the capital. Especially after Xu Ruolin left, there was no one to ask for advice.

Therefore, Hou Xun was happiest when he planned to come to the Qing Dynasty.

Dang Huanchun stepped forward with tears in his eyes, unable to control himself.

"Ruogu Gong, my mentor..."

Hou Xun's face darkened and he leaned over to help him up.

"Everything in the world is impermanent, and everyone has his or her own destiny. If Pu's body was already weak, he should have suffered this calamity."

Just last month, Hou Ke passed away due to illness.

It is really a pity that he is only in his thirties.

The arrival of Liu Zongzhou, Hou Xun, and Cao Wenheng suddenly made Zuozhuang more lively than ever before.

Huang Daozhou also rushed over from Dongchang Mansion with joy, allowing all members of Zuo Mengeng's camp to gather together for the first time.

Liu Zongzhou left government affairs and picked up literature again, and finally read both "The Wealth of Nations" and "The Prince". He also thoroughly read and commented on Huang Zongxi's "The Theory of the Prince".

"Compared with what you and others advocate, my knowledge seems hollow."

Liu Zongzhou has been immersed in old papers over the years, trying to find a new direction for Confucianism. He originally wanted to go in the direction of "prudence and independence", but was influenced by Zuo Mengeng halfway, and his knowledge gradually began to change from being pragmatic to being pragmatic.


Especially after serving as Jing Zhaoyin for a year and witnessing the unstoppable decline of the Ming Dynasty, Liu Zongzhou became even more urgent.

Now, he somewhat understood why Zuo Mengeng was so determined to rebel.

Although I am not yet able to change my identity, I am still very inspired by the ideas born here.

"Zhongheng said that if we want our actions to have an advanced program, we must understand what our goal is. What we want to do is not just as simple as overthrowing an emperor or a dynasty. What we want is

Destroy the old classes and liberate productive forces to improve national strength and people's livelihood."

Zuo Menggeng's continuous indoctrination finally worked.

Nowadays, more and more people are beginning to realize the dangers of the feudal system, and at the same time they are willing to overthrow it.

Take the major families in Linqing as an example. Since they took out their land and invested in the Agricultural Reclamation Group and the Vegetable Group, they have begun to transform from traditional landowners to capitalists.

This coming winter will be crucial.

Once larger-scale vegetable groups make huge profits, exceeding previous land income, these families will become Zuo Mengeng's strongest supporters.

Everything is fake, only interests are the most real.

In addition to several major families, Hou Xun, Qu Shiqi, Cao Wenheng and others have already felt the power of the emerging industry.

So far this year, their wealth has more than doubled through dividends from Fuyao Group.

This is only the first year. As many industries slowly expand, they will definitely become an emerging class.

In the face of huge interests, these people's rebellious spirit to overthrow the feudal system that restricted their own development has surpassed Zuo Menggeng.

Zuo Menggeng was still based on the concept of saving the Chinese nation, hoping that this ancient nation could catch the fast lane of the Age of Discovery and continue to stand among the powerful nations.

Others, on the other hand, basically opposed the feudal system from the perspective of their own interests.

"Everyone, I have been thinking about it recently. It has been drafted. Please correct me."

Liu Yiyuan was not idle either and also came up with his ideas.

Completely opposite to Huang Zongxi, Liu Yiyuan's starting point was not reflection on the emperor, but focused on thinking about the problems of common people.

The title of his article is "The Harmfulness of People's Current Situation and Feasible Suggestions for Improvement", which is a typical Zuo Menggen style essay.

In the article, Liu Yiyuan summarized the difficult survival problems faced by people in today's world and mentioned a key issue at the same time.

That is, if we want people to get rid of the crisis of survival, we must lift the restrictions on people. We can allow people to freely choose careers, freely choose regions, and find more ways to survive.

His theoretical basis comes from "Book of Rites Datong Chapter".

"Confucius said: ...the way of the great road is to make the world a public institution, to select the worthy and capable, to be trustworthy and to cultivate harmony. Therefore, people do not only love their relatives, nor do they only have sons and daughters; so that the old will have their end, the strong will be useful, and the young will have their own achievements.

, Those who are widowed, lonely, disabled, and sick all have something to support them; men have their share, and women have their own homes. It is hateful that goods should be thrown away on the ground, so there is no need to hide them; power, it is hateful that they do not come from the body, and there is no need to keep them for oneself. That’s right.

Therefore, planning is closed but not prosperous, and thieves and thieves are not committed. Therefore, the outside houses are not closed, which is called great harmony."

Liu Yiyuan believes that artificially dividing people into fixed occupations and confining them to fixed areas is the greatest harm to the people.

Over time, the world has become very different, and the carrying capacity of the land has also determined that farming alone cannot support a larger population.

Therefore, we must liberate the people and allow them to obtain survival materials through other channels.

On the surface, this article is discussing the living conditions of people in today's world, but in fact, there is only one core, which is to liberate the population and labor force.

It is completely a challenge from the emerging bourgeoisie to the landlord class.

Because once the identity liberation of the people is completed, the landlord class will be the most harmed.

There is no one to farm for them!

In the process of development, apart from constantly improving technology, what does the emerging bourgeoisie need most?

Of course there is a steady stream of labor.

At any time, labor is the foundation for creating wealth.

This article made Zuo Mengeng very satisfied, because he saw that the emerging class was finally beginning to have a challenging spirit.

Similarly, this article also made Huang Zongxi, Zuo Maodi and others very dissatisfied.

The reason for their dissatisfaction is that they feel that the views here are too conservative.

"It is clear that the monarch is the greatest scourge in the world. As long as this greatest scourge is eliminated, the people's survival crisis will naturally be resolved."

Liu Yiyuan debated with him for a long time and became angry.

"The monarch has existed for thousands of years and is deeply rooted in the minds of the people. If the monarch is rashly eradicated, what should the country's administration do?"

It was Zhou You who stood up for Huang Zongxi.

"Since the country is a country of the people, the affairs of the country should be decided by all the people."

Zodiac Zhou does not agree with this view.

"Most of the people today are ignorant and their wisdom has not yet been enlightened. It is not a blessing for the country to rashly hand over the country's affairs to others."

Today is the general meeting, and all relevant people are here.

Therefore, Wang Xiuqin also participated in the debate.

"If the common people are not enlightened, then they should be enlightened."

Li Banghua asked back: "How long will this process take? How many years, decades or hundreds of years? Today, nine out of ten people are illiterate. Not to mention the major events in the world, even the situation outside their own village is ignorant. Such people

, participating in state affairs, isn’t this the source of trouble?”

Zuo Yong also has a reason.

"Are you afraid that if you don't do this, if things go on like this, the national government will be in the hands of a few people, and how will it be different from the Ming Dynasty?"

Xu Ruolin is also here.

Hiding next to Zuo Mengeng, looking at the scene of extremely fierce fighting, he couldn't help but murmur softly.

"Are they going to fight?"

Zuo Menggeng smiled and was not nervous.

"No. They are just looking for a future direction and have taken different paths. Different paths lead to the same destination, but the result is still the same."

This chapter has been completed!
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