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Chapter 229

The concepts of Huang Zongxi and Liu Yiyuan were different from the beginning.

Huang Zongxi advocated the complete overthrow of the imperial system. He believed that the feudal emperor was the source of all evil. Only by overthrowing the imperial system could the people be completely liberated and the country returned to the people.

Ryu Il-won's view is that before the people's wisdom is fully awakened, the pace of progress may be smaller to avoid chaos or even division in the country.

The current goal should be to liberate the labor force.

If we want to give an accurate positioning of their ideas, one is radical and the other conservative.

Being radical is not necessarily a good thing, and being conservative is not necessarily a bad thing.

At least from Zuo Mengeng's perspective, he still can't decide which of the two concepts is better.

Politically speaking, he is a novice in learning.

Although there is some relevant knowledge in the inherited memory, it is not enough to support his ability to speak in the relevant fields and convince everyone.

Therefore, such debates are necessary to clarify the thoughts within the camp and ultimately reach compromise and unity, which can become the most suitable political philosophy at the moment.

At the same time, he also noticed that the reason why the two groups Huang Zongxi and Liu Yiyuan had such a huge ideological gap may not be just an ideological issue, but related to their own interests.

Huang Zongxi, who stood on Huang Zongxi's side and supported the complete abolition of the imperial system, was a victim of the old feudal dynasty and was naturally hostile to the feudal monarchy.

Wang Xiuqin is a woman and common people who have been oppressed. After fully enjoying enough respect and rights here, what she fears most is losing them.

Although Chen Zhi, Jiang Wei, Wang Yun and others were scholars, they suffered a lot under the old system. Not only did they fail to enjoy the benefits, but they narrowly escaped death.

After thorough reflection, they also had no favorable impression of the feudal monarchy.

Not only did they oppose the feudal monarchy, they even had some reflections on Confucianism.

Zuo Rong, Zuo Yong and others were born as domestic slaves and gained complete personalities here. They cherished this achievement very much, and therefore became strong supporters of overthrowing the feudal monarchy.

On Liu Yiyuan's side were the wealthy families of Linqing, including Li Banghua, Huang Daozhou, Dang Huanchun, etc.

They did not have any urgent pressure to survive, so naturally they did not have such hatred for the feudal monarchy.

What they value more is that the labor force obtained by liberating the people can be transformed into a tool for them to seize wealth.

Under such circumstances, they would support the monarchy to a certain extent.

Because under the imperial system, they will become an emerging class of powerful people and will control more means of production under the new regime.

If Zuo Menggeng was deeply affected by his memory, he would definitely side with Huang Zongxi unconditionally and completely destroy everything in the old society.

But he has a complete soul of his own.

Under this soul, he is still the son of a military commander, born into a wealthy family, and does not possess a thorough revolutionary spirit.

In many ways, Zuo Menggeng is closer to Liu Yiyuan in terms of interests.

Moreover, as the camp has developed so far, it can be clearly seen that the help provided by these big families and bureaucrats is very huge and plays a decisive role.

This is just Linqing. When we expand to the whole country in the future, there will definitely be more similar conflicts.

If these people are pushed to the opposite side, it will definitely be difficult to move forward, they will be surrounded by enemies, and the possibility of failure will be greatly increased.

This is a realistic consideration, and Zuo Mengeng has to weigh it.

And one thing Yoo Il-won is right about is that the current people's intelligence is indeed insufficient, making it impossible for the political system to make too many leaps at once.

"Everyone, I have a question for you. Is it really a good choice to allow all people to participate in politics?"

Zuo Mengeng's question triggered a heated discussion among everyone.

"Since the country is a country of the people, the people should have the right to participate in state affairs. Only in this way can we ensure that their rights and interests will not be arbitrarily infringed upon."

Tu Yixian is also a supporter of Huang Zongxi. He is the representative of craftsmen and the most diligent person among them. He can already sit here and discuss political issues with everyone.

On the contrary, Yang Gui and others really have no possibility of progress, and in the end they can only end their lives as craftsmen.

Liu Zongzhou was horrified and spoke for the first time.

"Absolutely not. If everyone can interfere in state affairs, then whose opinions should prevail if there are so many different opinions?"

What Liu Zongzhou was thinking of was the recent battle between Donglin and the eunuchs, as well as the entanglement between the reformists and conservatives during the Northern Song Dynasty.

Only among the scholar-bureaucrats, there is already so much disagreement. If all the people were really allowed to intervene in politics, wouldn't it lead to chaos?

Zuo Mengeng also thought about the situation in Western countries in later generations, and couldn't help but break into a cold sweat.

"Nian Taigong is right, everyone can only discuss politics, not everyone can interfere in politics."

Huang Zongxi was unhappy.

"Isn't it just an empty statement that everyone is equal?"

Zuo Mengeng did have some ideas.

"Equality for all means that in a country, all citizens can enjoy the same political rights, survival rights, welfare rights, etc. They can also put forward their own opinions on national policies for reference by the rulers. After all, the people's will

I believe everyone knows the importance of it. However, as Nian Taigong said, once everyone can participate in politics, the country will not be able to run. Because many people have different demands, the country cannot satisfy them all.


The venue fell into silence, everyone was thinking about his words.

Zuo Xianmei hesitated for a long time and then spoke bravely.

"So when the country cannot satisfy everyone's rights and interests, how does it decide whose interests it will harm?"

Zuo Mengeng used his brain and tried to search for memories.

"This is determined by the class the ruler belongs to. For example, the current Ming Emperor's approach is to satisfy the fundamental interests of the landlord class, thus abandoning the ordinary people. If we are in power, we will also benefit from the interest class we belong to.

Set off."

Jiang Cai asked: "Can we represent the interests of ordinary people?"

Zuo Menggeng said seriously and solemnly: "Then the next step depends on the direction of our political philosophy. At least at this stage we can still represent the interests of ordinary people. I am afraid that in the future when the emerging class we cultivated takes power,

They will become new exploiters like the landlord class."

He looked at Liu Yiyuan and the others.

These words shocked everyone, and they couldn't help but feel vigilant in their hearts.

Thousands of years of history tell us that the fact that a dragon slayer eventually becomes an evil dragon is one of the reasons for the rise and fall of dynasties.

Zhang Zonghuan smiled bitterly and said: "It seems that we must not forget our original intention, otherwise, sooner or later in the future, we will also become the villains who are overthrown."

Lu Hao also said: "My Lu family is based on business. Nowadays, we are often bullied by the powerful, and we almost want to destroy the family. In the future, when we break through the barriers, we should also pay attention to this, so as not to make the same mistake again."

Zuo Mengeng didn't have much feelings about the words of these wealthy families.

What they say now sounds nice and they can do it, but that doesn't mean their descendants can do it too.

After all, in the face of interests, propriety, justice, integrity, and the good and evil of human nature are not important at all.

He could just keep this kind of thing in mind, but he couldn't say it out loud. Otherwise, the camp would probably split immediately.

Secretly, he had to think of a way to restrain these young dragons in the future.

The first general meeting was not a success because the differences were not resolved.

That night, Huang Zongxi, Zhou You and others directly found Zuo Mengeng.

"Zhongheng, do you disagree with our point of view because you plan to become emperor?"

When asked this question, Huang Zongxi was very nervous.

Here, he saw the hope of creating a new world. But if Zuo Menggeng, as a leader, chooses the Nine-Five Lord, he really doesn't know what will happen to him after his ideals are shattered.

Zuo Mengeng also knew that this was a life-and-death tie for a close friend.

He didn't dare to neglect.

He thought about the problem seriously and then gave his own thoughts.

"If we are successful in the future, I am still not sure whether we will need an emperor. Taichong, Sigui, you have to admit that politics often needs to compromise with reality."

This statement made Huang Zongxi, Zhou You and others look gloomy, feeling disappointed but also powerless.

In fact, they have been spreading the idea of ​​abolition of the imperial system among the ordinary grassroots. Huang Zongxi himself is the head of the Political Department, which is within the scope of his functions.

But to be honest, the effect is very bad.

Even the people who believe in them the most cannot figure out what to do in this world without an emperor.

However, Zuo Mengeng used a different concept to ignite hope again in Huang Zongxi and others.

"In my opinion, the people need an emperor. To be more precise, the country needs a leader and symbol. So under this premise, can the future new emperor be separated from the feudal emperor? Why are the emperors of the Ming Dynasty so harmful?

Just because they enjoy supreme power and status, in the minds of ordinary people, they are as high as gods. Can we let the emperor return to the mortal world? Since everyone is equal, then the emperor can too

Aren’t you superior?”

Traveling around is jaw-dropping.

"Then is such an emperor still an emperor?"

Zuo Mengeng laughed loudly.

"How many people can figure out what an emperor is? All they need is a title that can win people's hearts."

Seeing that Zuo Mengeng really didn't mean to be greedy for power, Huang Zongxi smiled again.

"This is good, it's the best choice."

Zuo Menggeng said to them: "The next thing you have to do is to comprehensively consider the position of the emperor under the new regime. For example, military, administrative, judicial and other powers should be separated. As the symbol of the country, the emperor can control

Military power is used to maintain the overall situation, and at the same time it has a certain influence on national affairs. But the real administrative power can be returned to the hands of administrative agencies to avoid problems such as national turmoil and decline caused by the emperor's fatuousness."

Zhou You thought for a while and asked a very pointed question.

"Then how do you ensure that you or your descendants can seize more power without relying on strong force?"

Zuo Mengeng said sincerely: "I haven't thought of this yet. Give me some time and let me think about it. Or you can all think about it carefully. Only by brainstorming can we come up with the best solution, right?"

His words touched everyone's heart.

As a new camp, everything is blank. In the process of creation, we need to keep exploring and trying.

Although this aspect seriously cannot keep up with the speed of military expansion, there is nothing we can do and we cannot rush it.

This chapter has been completed!
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