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Chapter 230 Seiko

In today's camp, the development of ideas is the slowest.

This is mainly because China’s original ideology has its own system and is very developed.

This has formed an extremely strong inertia, making it difficult for current scholars to achieve breakthroughs.

The ideas from the West will open their eyes. However, there is still a lack of a better opportunity to gain their recognition and learning.

After all, although today's Ming Dynasty is surrounded by crises, it is not at a moment of national survival, and naturally it cannot have a great impact on thinkers.

As the saying goes, if you don't break it, you can't stand it.

Since the existing social structure and stability have not been broken, new ideas cannot be promoted to take root.

There was nothing Zuo Mengeng could do about this situation.

We can only let the people below continue to debate and summarize, waiting for the day when it will bear fruit.

At the same time, we vigorously develop industry and commerce, and then use advanced productive forces to force the advancement of ideas.

With this approach, Zuozhuang's craftsmanship level improved very quickly.

Deng Yuhan gave him a huge surprise.

"Zuo, in order to thank you for your support, I made a gift for you."

When the things were placed in front of him, Zuo Mengeng was overjoyed, while Xu Ruolin, Zuo Xianmei and others were amazed.

This is actually a desk clock.

"I really didn't expect that Mr. Deng actually knows how to make clocks."

Deng Yuhan did not come by himself, but also brought several young people with him.

"About clocks, I only know the principles, but don't have the corresponding skills. It was the help of these young people that allowed me to complete the production of clocks."

Zuo Mengeng knew all these young people because they were all students of Zuozhuang Academy.

"Yan Yucun, didn't you go to the smelting factory? Why are you making clocks again?"

Yan Yucun's original name was Yan Xiaoer, and he came to Linqing with his father to escape famine. Later, when he entered school, he thought his name was not nice, so Zuo Menggeng changed it to him.

Zuo Mengeng remembered that he went to Yang Gui's place after graduation to learn ironmaking.

Yan Yucun scratched his head, feeling quite embarrassed.

"After I went there, I discovered that I was not strong enough to swing the hammer, and Uncle Yang Gui disliked me. Later, when he saw that I was good at carving, he asked me to go to the workshop to help make armor and knives. That day, Mr. Deng came and said that I had

Talent, let me help."

Zuo Mengeng asked other people, and it turned out that they were all discovered by Deng Yuhan.

Yan Yucun and others didn't know Zuo Mengeng's attitude towards this matter, so they said cautiously: "Come here, we are just helping. We will go back and work hard tomorrow."

Zuo Mengeng was a little stunned.

"Go back? Go back to where?"

Yan Yucun said: "Go back to the workshop."

Zuo Mengeng was angry and funny. He pointed at the clock in front of him and said: "You can make this thing, why are you going back to the workshop?"

This was the first time Zuo Menggeng saw a seventeenth-century clock, and its exquisiteness far exceeded his imagination.

The basic dial has appeared, with hour divisions on it, as well as hour and minute hands.

Many people may think that if it’s not just a clock, what’s so great about it?

And it is precisely the level of watches that represents the level of craftsmanship of an era.

Why did clocks appear?

It is precisely because of the rise of astronomy and the refinement of craftsmanship.

It can be said that if you can master the craftsmanship of clocks and watches, it will lay the foundation for many industrial projects.

Under the guidance of Deng Yuhan, Zuo Mengeng opened the cover of the clock and saw the structure inside.

This is a typical escapement-driven clock, and the complex components inside are enough to dazzle those who don’t understand.

"You made all of these?"

Zuo Mengeng looked at this group of young people with joy. He did not expect that there would already be a group of people with such exquisite craftsmanship in the land of China.

Yan Yucun said: "It took us several months to build these parts, but if we do it again next time, it will be much faster."

Practice makes perfect, Zuo Mengeng understands this truth.

He noticed that this desk clock was driven by a pendulum.

"Mr. Deng, have you mastered the formula of the pendulum motion?"

Deng Yuhan nodded.

"This is what my friend Galileo told me. He discovered that pendulums have isochronic properties and can be applied to timekeeping."

Galileo again.

Zuo Mengeng desperately wanted to see that great power.

He stroked the clock and said with emotion: "This is definitely an amazing craft, it can even be called a work of art. But is there any way to miniaturize it?"

Zuo Mengeng was not satisfied and began to propose new topics to this group of people.

"Miniaturization? You mean making the clock smaller?"

Zuo Mengeng realized that Deng Yuhan had misunderstood what he meant, and hurriedly said: "It's not just the style, I mean, wouldn't it be more meaningful if the clock could be carried around?"

Deng Yuhan couldn't help laughing.

"Zuo, as you can see, a clock cannot be carried around. Its operation requirements are too stringent. Once it shakes, it will be distorted."

Zuo Menggeng doesn't understand watchmaking, but he knows a principle.

"Mr. Deng, have you seen the reeds used on flintlock guns?"

While Deng Yuhan nodded, he added: "We all know that the reed is elastic. So can we use the elastic function of the reed to replace the pendulum and drive the clock? For example... we can make a device like this

The spring is installed in such a box, and then the gear is driven by the stretchability of the spring. Of course, the force provided by the spring in the loose and tight states is completely different. So can we use the characteristics of the torque?

To take advantage of this?"

Deng Yuhan was dumbfounded. He stared at Zuo Mengeng's drawing for a long time and suddenly said with emotion: "Zuo, if you come to engage in learning, you will definitely be famous in history."

Zuo Mengeng smiled slightly and did not continue.

His own family knows his own affairs, and he can still provide ideas for people of this era with this small flash of inspiration. If he really puts his heart and soul into it, he is not even a scumbag.

The problem of how to balance the force transmission of a clockwork through torque is not difficult for physicists.

The difficulty lies in the craftsmanship.

But as a scholar, Deng Yuhan is obviously very willing to go into public relations.

"This issue has been left to me, and I hope we can produce results soon."

Zuo Menggeng was happy to see the success, and told Fu Yusun: "Let the Finance Department allocate funds and materials to them, and give them full support no matter what they need."

Xu Ruolin couldn't put it down and asked, "If it is made smaller, will it be difficult to see clearly?"

Zuo Mengeng drew a picture of a watch and a pocket watch on the paper and said: "If the watch can be of this size and covered with a glass cover, it can be carried around. No matter where we are, we can carry it with us.

Check the time."

When he said this, everyone's eyes were opened and they were conquered by his imagination.

Deng Yuhan lamented: "This will drive our young man crazy."

Because according to Zuo Mengeng's settings, the parts in the clock must be so refined that they must be so precise.

But Zuo Mengeng knew that this was the process of technological development.

He looked at Yan Yucun and others and offered temptations at the right time.

"If you complete this subject, you can be directly promoted to Master Craftsman."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was in an uproar.

Nowadays, in Zuozhuang, the master craftsman is definitely the most admired person.

A lofty status, generous remuneration, and a good life have become the goals of many people.

Yan Yucun and others had no idea that they could be promoted to master craftsmen by making just a few clocks.

This time, their motivation was unprecedented.

Zuo Mengeng was afraid that they would patronize the research, so he added: "You must insist on making such a clock. In terms of craftsmanship, practice always makes perfect. Only through continuous production can you hone your skills. It was made separately.

The clock can also be sold to outsiders. You will receive a commission from it, which is considered part of your income."

In order to stimulate the enthusiasm of the craftsmen, Zuo Mengeng also used all kinds of methods.

In addition to generous treatment and status, he also made great efforts in terms of the income of the craftsmen.

In Zuozhuang, the craftsmen are the first to benefit from any benefits brought about by the technical improvements of the craftsmen.

It can be said that currently in Zuozhuang, soldiers and craftsmen are the two top groups.

Zuo Mengeng specially ordered to select a site for Yan Yucun and others to build a watch workshop.

He also asked Zuo Xiang to select a special person and opened a counter in the Fuyao Glass Main Store specifically for selling clocks.

For such an exquisite and useful thing, it costs him a hundred taels of silver per unit. Isn’t it considered expensive?

With this income, Yan Yucun and others will not need to invest specifically in the future, and they will have enough funds to conduct in-depth research and development.

"Senzuo, if the clock is to be sold, it must have a name. Please give it a name."

Yan Yucun was very good at naming things, so he left the naming to Zuo Mengeng.

Zuo Mengeng thought for a while and then said: "As the saying goes, the weather, the right location, and the people. Since this clock tells the time, it means the weather is good."

I believe that timepieces will definitely become famous brand products in the near future.

This chapter has been completed!
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