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Chapter 310 The situation in Liaodong

The vigorous literary debate is over.

As a result, it swept across the south of the Yangtze River as quickly as possible, and quickly spread to all parts of the world.

Its impact should be felt soon.

Zuo Mengeng, Liu Zongzhou, Huang Zongxi and others did not show any joy.

Because they understand that winning this debate is just the beginning.

Confucianism has controlled the world's thoughts and public opinions for thousands of years. It has long been deeply rooted and there is no shortage of people who cheer for it.

It can even be said that among these people, Zhang Cai and Fushe are relatively progressive.

When those rotten scholars see Liu Zongzhou's "practical science", they will definitely be furious, and then jump out to criticize him verbally and writing.

This is an argument that cannot be avoided and must be won.

As the saying goes, morality is where it is, and it is our duty to do so.

Only through such debates can the truth be better conveyed.

From this aspect, Zuo Mengeng actually very much welcomes this kind of debate.

On the same day, the trip to Nanjing ended, everyone left the Qinhuai River, returned to the fleet, and set off back north.

As for the Dongyuan won by Wang Siyi, Xu Yinjue pretended to be dead, and Zuo Mengeng and others did not ask for it.

It’s not that I don’t want to come, or that I’m afraid that Xu Yinjue will default on his debt.

The garden is dead and will remain there forever.

When I go to Jiangnan again in the future, I won’t be sure who the owner of the garden is.

When the fleet was about to enter the Yangtze River, a small boat quickly chased after it.

"Nian Taigong, brother Taichong, I still have many things that I don't understand. I urge you to follow the wise men and listen to the holy way. Please accept your permission."

Chen Zilong climbed onto the boat, saluted solemnly, and explained his intention.

If Liu Zongzhou's lectures in Songjiang Prefecture only opened a window for him, then the results of the debate in Nanjing City finally strengthened Chen Zilong's determination.

He was shocked to discover that the like-minded friends who had returned to society in the past were so deficient in their knowledge of the common people.

In this case, in order to make further progress in Taoism, why not ask better people for advice?

As for splitting with Fushe friends because of this, Chen Zilong doesn't care.

He only pursues the Tao. If his friends alienate him because of this, it is because the Tao is not mutually beneficial.

Huang Zongxi liked this high-spirited peer very much and asked: "Who among the people can give up his family fortune in Jiangnan?"

Chen Zilong patted his chest.

"My father is an official in the capital far away and does not need to serve. Although my younger brother has a wife, the power of the lion roaring from the east of the river... ah..."

Chen Zilong got married three years ago, and his wife is the daughter of Zhang Guiduan, the magistrate of Shaoyang County, Baoqing Prefecture, Huguang.

This guy is not a good person.

The love between Chen Zilong and Liu Rushi was disturbed by her.

It was not until later that he could not give birth to a son to inherit the incense, that he had to endure Chen Zilong's concubinage.

Chen Zilong took three concubines in succession, and finally the last concubine, Shen, gave birth to his son Chen Yi.

Nowadays, Chen Zilong has not been married for a long time, but it can be seen that there are already problems in his relationship with Zhang.

I am afraid that if you want to follow Liu Zongzhou and Huang Zongxi to study, you may not have to avoid family concerns.

Chen Zilong was a man with a good face and was unwilling to talk too much about family matters, so he hurriedly said: "By the way, Yi Zhong and his younger brother are of the same mind, and also want to follow Nian Taigong. However, his wife is about to give birth and is not good at work, so Yi Zhong has to return home.

Take care of her. Yi Zhong has said that after his wife has given birth, he will take his family to the north, and he also hopes that Taigong will be educated and educated."

No one knows that Xia Yunyi, the child who is about to make a splash, is the famous Xia Wanchun.

However, everyone still admires Xia Yunyi's talents and character very much.

The fact that such a talented person wants to join us is enough to prove that they are where the hope lies.

When the fleet arrived in Yangzhou, people from the Intelligence Department rushed forward and sent two pieces of intelligence.

"Senate, the minister said these two pieces of information are very important."

Zuo Mengeng opened it and saw that both pieces of information came from Liaodong.

One is from the imperial court and the other is from Hou Jin.

In terms of Houjin, Huang Taiji began to take action on the political affairs of the Eight Baylors.

He overcame public opinion and established six departments.

The reason given was that he wanted to protest against the Ming Dynasty, so he had to catch up in terms of etiquette.

Now that six ministries have been established, Huang Taiji's ambition to become emperor is clear.

However, the focus of the Ministry of Intelligence was not on Huang Taiji's ambitions, but on the candidates for these six ministers.

Zuo Mengeng took a closer look and saw that all the good guys were the younger generation of Hou Jin.

The Jisi Incident brought Huang Taiji into contact with the political system of the Ming Dynasty for the first time, and he was very envious of it. After returning to Liaodong, he actively asked Ning Wanwa for advice.

In the end, under Ning Wanwo's suggestion and adhering to the principle of "joining the Han Dynasty and drinking gold", Huang Taiji established six departments.

The division of functions of the six ministries is basically the same as that of the Ming Dynasty. The person in charge of the six ministries is Hou Jinbeile.

But General Baylor doesn't care about the actual practice. The real executor of the six departments is Cheng Zheng.

Chengzheng was appointed by Huang Taiji, and he only obeyed his orders and did not accept the management of Baylor.

This move actually emptied out Baylor's real power in the six departments, and brought Huang Taiji another step closer to the emperor's centralization of power.

The Chengzheng appointed by Huang Taiji are all the younger generation of Houjin. The power of the original Baylors is declining.

Seeing this, Zuo Mengeng somewhat understood what the Intelligence Department meant.

After much thought, he drew a circle on Mang Gurtai's name, and then gave it to the intelligence personnel to take back.

Another piece of information attracted Zuo Mengeng's attention.

Since taking office in Liaodong in January, Sun Chengzong actively prepared and at the same time surrendered Zu Dashou.

After completing the initial deployment, Sun Chengzong began his strategy.

However, when he arrived at the court, Sun Chengzong's plan was modified.

Sun Chengzong's original intention was to strengthen Jinzhou's frontline defense, and then the imperial court would provide military expenses. After training elite soldiers, he could then plan to make progress.

But when this plan was reported, Chongzhen, who was eager for quick success and quick success, was obviously very dissatisfied.

Zhou Yanru, the chief minister of the cabinet, had an insight into Chongzhen's thoughts, and he began to act recklessly as he was bent on seeking the holy family.

Later generations talked about the Battle of Daling River, and there were many voices criticizing Sun Chengzong. Some people even used this to evaluate Sun Chengzong as a disciple who was worthy of his reputation and was the culprit that led to the deterioration of the situation in Liaodong.

But as long as you study the historical data carefully, you will find that Sun Chengzong's battle at Dalinghe is actually a bit innocent.

The construction of Daling City in the first place may not have been Sun Chengzong's idea.

The Battle of Daling River began with the advice of Sun Yuanhua and Qiu Hejia, the governor of Liaodong.

Sun Yuanhua's opinion was to withdraw the troops on each island, move them outside Shanhaiguan, and take advantage of the opportunity to regain Guangning, Jinzhou, Haizhou, and Gaizhou.

The records in historical materials show that this strategy is very sketchy and seems a bit confusing.

It would be easier to understand if you describe it as retracting your fist and punching it out again.

Qiu Hejia, the governor of Liaodong, suggested using island troops to recover the three cities of Guangning, Yizhou and Youtun.

The two governors had different opinions. Liang Tingdong, the Minister of War, could not make up his mind, so he naturally wanted to consult Sun Chengzong.

What did Sun Chengzong say?

According to historical records, Sun Chengzong said: The city of Youtun has been destroyed. It can be defended after it is built. If it is built, the enemy will come. It will be restored to a large and small Linghe River to connect Song, Xing and Jinzhou. Jinzhou is surrounded by the sea and is surrounded by enemies, making it difficult to transport it by land.

Behind Youtun is the sea. According to this, food can be provided and soldiers can be gathered, and then the starting point can be found.

People who studied history in later generations mostly used this passage to conclude that it was Sun Chengzong's intention to build Youtun and Da and Xiaoling River City.

But a detailed analysis of Sun Chengzong’s words is as follows:

First, Guangning and Yizhou will not be repaired for the time being;

Second, Youtun is important because it is close to the sea and is convenient for transporting grain. It should be built and defended first. But if Youtun is built, the enemy will definitely come to fight for it.

Third, in order to protect Youtun, Xiaolinghe City and Dalinghe City must be built to become its corners.

Fourth, Dalinghe City, Xiaolinghe City, Youtunwei City, Jinzhou City, as well as Songshan, Xingshan, and Ningyuan are connected in series to strengthen the Ningjin defense system.

When your boss proposes a task that is difficult to handle and almost impossible to succeed, but you don’t want to do it as a subordinate, how should you stop it?

Do these conditions mentioned by Sun Chengzong make people smile?

It's a pity that this is a national affairs matter involving life and death, and it cannot make people laugh.

Sun Chengzong encountered a headstrong boss, and his method failed.

[Tingdong advocated it, so there was a proposal to build a city on the Daling River.]

Therefore, the decision to build Daling River City was passed by the court.

Was this really Liang Tingdong’s idea?

There is another piece of historical data that can prove Sun Chengzong's innocence.

After the Battle of Dalinghe, the Military Department wrote a memorial to Sun Sanjie who was involved in the incident.

[The leader of Yanru occupied Kuilu and wanted to use his personal Sun Yuanhua, Qiu Hejia, but he had no skills. This is Liang Tingdong's theory of employing people out of the rules, thinking that he was the first person. He knew clearly that Yuanhua, Hejia had no merit, and he took advantage of the moral axe, which was not enough to convince people.

Then it was assumed that the proposal was to restore Guangning, Tujin, restore Hai, and Gai. Since nothing was accomplished, I was afraid of being severely punished, so I secretly led the construction of Daling to stop the blame. I sent the best of the country to throw it away.

The central government assisted Sun Chengzong to settle the case, but Qiu Hejia suddenly became the official of Yanshan, Yong, and Jingqing! How amazing is the role of Yan Confucianism in extricating people!】

This memorial directly points to the responsibilities of Zhou Yanru, Liang Tingdong, Sun Yuanhua, Qiu Hejia and others.

Even from this memorial, we can see why Sun Yuanhua was executed by Chongzhen.

I'm afraid it's not as simple as the rebellion in Dongjiang Town that he solicited. Sun Yuanhua's actions in the Battle of Daling River should also be a crime.

This chapter has been completed!
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