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Chapter 311 The storm is about to come [I wish you all the best in the New Year! 】

As a member of the military department, he is naturally a party to the matter.

Obviously, the credibility of Sun Sanjie's memorial is much higher than that of the keyboard warriors.

In other words, what is the actual situation of the construction of cities in Guangning, Daling and Youtun?

Chongzhen's decree was approved, Zhou Yanru gave instructions, Liang Tingdong took charge of it, Sun Chengzong was helpless, Qiu Hejia carried it out, and the ancestor lived a long life, how could he be responsible for it?

It is worth mentioning that Zu Dashou was also one of those who was coerced.

After the Jisi incident, there is a detail.

Zu Dashou, who returned to Liaodong, never dared to leave the military camp alone.

What is he afraid of?

He was afraid of leaving his protection and being arrested by the court for questioning.

At that time, who in Liaodong would do this?

Naturally, it was Qiu Hejia, the governor of Liaodong.

Qiu Hejia was a loyal minister of Chongzhen, and he rose to power very quickly.

In the first year of Chongzhen, he was just the head of the Ministry of War.

During the Jisi Revolution, he served as Ma Shilong's supervisor. Because of his meritorious service, he came into Chongzhen's sight.

On the day of his triumph, Chongzhen also gave him a gold plaque.

【Diyi Great Wall】

Good guy, now Qiu Hejia has entered the fast lane of his official career and has become the powerful governor of Liaodong.

But in fact, this kind of promotion actually has a huge negative impact.

To put it nicely, it’s called Jian rising from a humble position and receiving orders from the rebel army.

How about it? Doesn’t it sound like Zhuge Liang’s “Chu Shi Biao”?

It is estimated that Chongzhen liked "Chu Shi Biao" very much, so he liked to do it in his attitude towards his ministers.

Starting from Yuan Chonghuan, Liang Tingdong, Qiu Hejia, Yang Sichang, etc., are all among the top leaders.

But to explain this behavior from another angle, it is to flatter the jester.

What's especially terrible is that Qiu Hejia was only a civil servant, not even a Jinshi.

In the entire Ming Dynasty, the only people who promoted people to governors were Hai Rui of the Longqing Dynasty, Zhang Shouzhong and Ai Mu of the Wanli Dynasty.

Qiu Hejia also knew that his background was not righteous, so in order to maintain his authority, he could only act in accordance with Chongzhen's will wholeheartedly.

After the decision to build Daling City was made, he threatened Zu Dashou to do it.

Of course Zu Dashou knew that it was very dangerous to build Daling City, and he didn't want to go there from the bottom of his heart.

Unfortunately, during the Jisi Incident, he had already gained leverage and fallen into the hands of the imperial court. If he disobeys orders at this time, it would be tantamount to open rebellion.

He didn't want to surrender to Hou Jin, so he had no choice but to rush forward and lead his troops out of Daling City.

However, he also harbored a grudge against Qiu Hejia and criticized each other.

Qiu Hejia impeached Zu Dashou for delaying the military flight, but Zu Dashou accused Qiu Hejia of being corrupt and perverting the law.

Disharmony between civil and military forces is a recipe for chaos.

Sun Chengzong saw this and knew that problems would arise if things continued like this, so he secretly made a report and asked for Qiu Hejia to be transferred.

Originally, the imperial court agreed and planned to let Qiu Hejia go to Nanjing to serve as Minister of Taipu Temple.

However, this decision was immediately cancelled, and at the same time, the Ministry of War sent a message to urge him urgently.

The Minister of War was Liang Tingdong, which shows that Chongzhen rejected Sun Chengzong's opinions.

This can be supported by another incident.

At the same time, Chongzhen issued an edict, granting Sun Chengzong the title of Prince Taifu and food minister, and also appointed his son as Shangbao Sicheng, and gave him the title of Shang Bao Sicheng, giving him money, silver coins, sheep wine, etc.

As a result, Sun Chengzong was not accepted.

Of course the old man could tell that this was Chongzhen and Xini.

Military and national affairs were at stake, but the emperor was still playing tricks. Sun Chengzong had already realized the crisis.

However, in the Ming Dynasty, without the support of the emperor, there was nothing he could do no matter how anxious he was.

Although it is just approaching May, many things have not happened yet, and Zu Dashou has not set out to build Daling City.

But through intelligence, Zuo Mengeng had already sensed the crisis.

"The monarchs and ministers are so ignorant that they regard military affairs as trivial matters. Poor Mr. Sun Ge, he will bear eternal infamy."

After Li Banghua read the intelligence, he was furious and sympathized with the plight of his old comrades.

Liu Zongzhou didn't understand military affairs and asked: "Zhongheng, once Daling City is built, will there be war in Liaodong?"

Zuo Mengeng told the truth bluntly.

"Not only will there be war, but there will also be a big fight. Huang Taiji will never sit back and watch Daling City being built."

Huang Zongxi knew more about the military situation and immediately said: "With the war in Liaodong, it is necessary to mobilize troops from within the pass. But looking at the court's deployment, there are very few places to mobilize troops. If we don't do it well, we will be found."

Zuo Mengeng was more determined than him.

"It's either us or Song Wei."

Nowadays, the only one left with mobile troops is Shandong.

The last time Song Wei advanced rashly, he was defeated by Murong Cai and his entire army was annihilated. However, the imperial court did not allow Shandong to suffer any loss. At the same time, in order to check and balance Zuo Mengeng, Song Wei was ordered to reorganize his army.

This time it was a car camp with 5,000 people, and the firearms ratio was very high.

When a war breaks out in Liaodong, the imperial court will definitely dispatch troops from Shandong.

"We absolutely cannot go to that quagmire in Liaodong."

Li Banghua's statement represents everyone's opinions.

This time is different from what happened in Jisi.

After all, Gyeonggi is not far from Shandong, and is surrounded by the center of Ming court rule. At that time, the rear camp had enough space to move around. Moreover, it did not show mountains or water, so it did not attract attention.

But this time, if they are sent to Liaodong, they will inevitably face the main force of Hou Jin. No matter whether they win or lose, it will be a heavy loss to the new army.

The most important thing is that no matter what the outcome of this battle is, it will not do any good to the new army.

No one knew that Zuo Mengeng actually knew more than they did.

While everyone was thinking about how to avoid going to Liaodong, Zuo Mengeng looked at Dengzhou City.

With the Battle of Daling River coming, the far-reaching rebellion is not far away, right?

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"If you don't want to go to Liaodong, you can't openly resist the decree. Unless there is a necessary reason why you can't go, then the court will have nothing to say."

Huang Zongxi had a flash of inspiration and vaguely grasped the clue.

"you mean……"

Zuo Mengeng smiled confidently.

"I am determined that after I return, the entire army will attack to completely eliminate the White Lotus Sect rebels."

When the topic changed, he said strangely: "Of course, the White Lotus Sect rebels are cunning and clever, and it is difficult to destroy them in one battle. The roads in the Yimeng Mountains are rugged and bumpy, and even with a million troops, it is not possible overnight. Warn the whole army, be sure to

Be wary of arrogance and impetuosity, fight steadily, and don't give the White Lotus Sect's thieves a chance. Even if it takes a long time, we must complete the victory in one battle."

Everyone laughed and said yes, understanding what he meant.

The new army is not idle, it also wants to suppress bandits.

The White Lotus Sect is still raging in Shandong, so it is natural for the New Army to suppress the bandits.

As for chasing bandits into the boundless Yimeng Mountains, there was nothing they could do.

This was the New Army's established plan to take advantage of the suppression of bandits to establish a base in the Yimeng Mountains where the imperial rule was weak.

Now in order to avoid being sent to Liaodong, I just took advantage of the situation.

By then, all the new troops have entered the mountains to suppress the bandits and become involved with the White Lotus Sect rebels. The court can't just ignore it and let the new troops withdraw, right?

Not to mention that the reality is unrealistic. Once the new army withdraws, the White Lotus Sect will revive and take advantage of the emptiness in Shandong to strike again.

It is still unclear what will happen to Liaodong by then. Shandong will be in chaos again, and the court will certainly not be able to bear it.

No matter how stupid Chongzhen and his officials were, they could still distinguish the important and the important.

The only thing they could do was to order the new army to complete the suppression of bandits as soon as possible before going to support Liaodong.

However, the terrain of the mountain is complex. Who can say for sure when the White Lotus Sect rebels will be wiped out?

Everyone discussed for a while and unanimously agreed on the decision.

Li Banghua was still not satisfied, and sighed: "It's a pity that Mr. Sun Ge is seventy years old, but he has to suffer this misfortune, and his reputation will be ruined in one day."

Speaking of this, everyone was also sighing.

Everyone still admires Sun Chengzong very much. Moreover, many people here have been supported by him, and they can't bear to lose him in his later years.

Zuo Mengeng thought for a while and said: "Liaodong is too far away, and we can't reach it. For the current plan, it is better to ask Zhi Sheng to write a letter to Sun Ge Lao, persuading him to escape as soon as possible. It is great to be able to persuade him,

Even if you can’t be persuaded, we will do our best to obey fate.”

Mao Yuanyi was once Sun Chengzong's staff and had a lot of connections. It would be best for him to come forward in this kind of thing, and it is also the only way here.

Everyone knows that there is only so much that can be done.

Since going south, the good mood that has been going all the way has been completely destroyed by the intelligence from Liaodong.

Everyone just wants to move forward quickly, return to Shandong as soon as possible, and prepare faster.

Zuo Menggeng's thoughts were not in Liaodong, but in Shandong.

Avoiding everyone, he ordered Fu Yusun: "Tell Zuo Fu that you can take action."

Fu Yusun received it and went directly to find someone from the Intelligence Department.

Before the New Army's operations had even begun, the Intelligence Department took the lead.

This chapter has been completed!
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