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Chapter 337 Special Forces

"Our department has already clearly detected the terrain of Meng Lianggu, so why would Lieutenant Colonel Zhao bother to do this?"

Sui Zhizhong was very puzzled that Zhao Sanyang had to spend two days reconnaissance of the terrain.

The terrain sand table is right in front of us, and even Zuo Mengeng praised it.

Zhao Sanyang was neither arrogant nor impetuous, and patiently explained: "Captain Sui is unaware that our special forces consider terrain differently from your regular troops. Some terrains that you take for granted will have different uses in our eyes. So we need to

If we want the battle to go smoothly, we all need to conduct reconnaissance in person."

Sui Zhizhong didn't understand what the special forces were, so he couldn't help but look at Zuo Mengeng.

The Special Forces were the unit that Zuo Mengeng invested the most in. He taught him all the skills step by step, so of course he supported Zhao Sanyang.

"You can do it yourself. I will contact you when I need your cooperation."

He then said to Sui Zhizhong: "You still have to attack according to the established plan, regardless of the appearance of special forces. It is not yet known whether they can play a role."

After receiving his order, Sui Zhizhong and Huang Sanhu continued to attack Meng Lianggu.

The higher you go, the more difficult it becomes to attack, and the casualties of the new army begin to increase.

However, with Zuo Menggeng in charge, the two chief officers could still act steadily without being arrogant or impetuous, and at the same time sum up their experiences and lessons.

The greatest benefit to the New Army from this attack on Menglianggu was that it summarized many experiences in mountain warfare.

In the future, these experiences will be turned into valuable assets, allowing the new army to avoid many detours.

The main battlefield filled with artillery fire had nothing to do with the special forces. Zhao Sanyang led his men around Menglianggu for two days and drew a map that belonged only to them.

"Captain, you see, this place has been ignored by the Third Regiment. Although the top of Da'an is the highest peak and seems difficult to attack, this ditch can be climbed up."

The team leader Liu Qicheng reported the blind spots discovered by his team.

Zhao Sanyang lay on the map, measured it himself with a scale, and asked: "Isn't the White Lotus Sect not defending here?"

Liu Qicheng smiled and said: "We were able to defend, but there were only more than a hundred people scattered on the two mountain ridges extending from the top of the mountain. There are lush trees in this ditch, and you can't see clearly from the top of the mountain."

Zhao Sanyang made careful calculations and still had not made up his mind, but he already had a plan.

"If we sneak attack the top of the nunnery and hold on here, won't the White Lotus Church collapse?"

Yuan Chongsheng, the captain of the second team, said firmly: "The White Lotus Sect will definitely be defeated."

He used a scale to measure Zhao Sanyang.

"As long as we occupy the top of the big nunnery, our guns and cannons can hit Meng Lianggu. The White Lotus Sect will be attacked from both sides and will definitely lose."

Zhao Sanyang still didn't dare to make up his mind.

After all, this was his first time leading a special forces unit in actual combat, so he felt quite panicked.

After thinking about it for a while, I finally made a compromise.

"In that case, let's get closer and conduct reconnaissance first to see if the sewer is passable. We'll explore the road first so that even if we launch a surprise attack, we'll be safe."

Several squadron leaders and squad leaders did not raise any objections, and began to carry out the tasks separately after returning.

On a summer day, the sun is shining brightly and there are no clouds in the sky.

Standing on the high Menglianggu and looking down, it can be said that you have a panoramic view.

The White Lotus Sect rebels who were guarding the mountain felt very at ease. They ate and drank in a shady place without having to worry about any officers or soldiers coming upon them.

And in the dense forest at their feet, a dozen caterpillars wearing ghillie suits were slowly crawling at a turtle speed. In an hour, they could not crawl out fifty meters. But these people were very patient, and sometimes the situation

If you are not allowed to do so, just stay where you are.

Their camouflage blends in with the vegetation and is covered by the shadows of the woods, so even if they look down from the mountain, nothing strange can be seen at all.

Far far away in the dense forest at the rear, Zhao Sanyang was hiding here, observing the situation nervously with a telescope.

To his left and right, more than a dozen sniper rifles have been deployed. There are even two mortars in the dense forest behind.

This is a real mortar, not a fake Tiger Crouching Cannon from the Third Regiment.

This is a prototype weapon developed by the arsenal and used for experiments by special forces.

The best verification method is of course actual combat.

The task of these people is to cover the reconnaissance team. Once the reconnaissance team is discovered on the mountain, they must provide fire support and cover the reconnaissance team's withdrawal.

So far, the operation seems to be going very smoothly.

People in this era have no concept of special operations at all, and they would never imagine that danger is approaching in broad daylight.

The people in the reconnaissance team were cautious every step they took, but the people covering them were a little bored.

"Li Wangdong, how is your research on fixed gliders going?"

"Hey, don't mention it, my head is going to explode."

"Hehe, with your level of mathematics and aerodynamics, be careful not to fall to your death."

"Bah, just leave what grandpa said here. Grandpa will definitely come up with the fixed hang glider."

While listening to his subordinates chatting and chatting, Zhao Sanyang couldn't help but chuckle.

These guys have unconditional trust in Zuo Mengeng's words.

In one class, Zuo Mengeng mentioned that fixed gliders could be used to fly in the air and accomplish tasks such as attacking mountains and cities, and Li Wangdong took it to heart.

This guy was thinking about it when he had nothing to do, and he didn't know how much various materials were used for this purpose.

Even though he was not good at mathematics, he went to ask Xu Ruolin and Zuo Xianmei for help in calculating the radian of the fixed wing.

Zhao Sanyang recalled the time when he was thinking about the sniper rifle. Not only did he not stop Li Wangdong from his persistence, but he encouraged all the team members to use their brains to think about more things that would be beneficial to special operations.

In the afternoon, the reconnaissance team climbed to the edge of the woods.

Further up, there is a section of more than 100 meters with bare rocks. You cannot go out, otherwise you will be exposed to the view from the top of the mountain.

So the reconnaissance team lurked down and waited patiently for the opportunity.

The time always seems so long when waiting in silence, so much so that it can make people fall asleep.

As the team leader, Liu Qicheng didn't dare to sleep. He had to be responsible for his team.

While I was patient, a muffled sound came from behind.

He didn't dare to move too much and imitated the chirping of birds.


A team member responded quickly.


He immediately understood that someone had been bitten by a snake.

This made him very nervous. After carefully observing that the top of his head was very quiet, he dared to turn his head slightly to look.

Then I saw the team member bitten by the snake, grabbing a bloody thing and stuffing it into his mouth.

He could clearly see the remaining section, which was a non-venomous snake.

He breathed a sigh of relief and continued to lurk peacefully.

When night fell completely, the entire special forces brigade followed quietly.

The lurking people are not just waiting around, they have already figured out the situation above them.

"An hour ago, the sentry was changed up there. I heard the noise, and there were probably about a dozen people up there."

This number gave Zhao Sanyang a lot of peace of mind.

Suffocating the brave to death and starving the timid to death, he made a decision immediately.

"Go up and capture the top of the nunnery."

The four teams immediately separated and moved up the hillside in the dark.

Because people on the top of the mountain are at a high place, they can see it very clearly from below.

A White Lotus thief was leaning against the stone, his head moving slightly. It seemed that he was of low status, so he was sent to stand guard.

The special forces did not take action immediately and waited patiently for more than half an hour.

Finally, there was a sound from a grass nest on the left.

It turns out that this Bai Dasheng actually arranged a secret whistle, which is enough to prove that this guy has real talent and learning.

Immediately, four special forces touched two places respectively. When there was no movement at all, they wiped the necks of both the open and hidden sentry.

Even if the White Lotus Sect's mob can set up secret sentries, it's already a big deal. No matter how advanced the knowledge of setting up a camp is, let alone Bai Dasheng, even a top 100 household like Bai Dasheng may not know it.

The special brigade successfully occupied the top of the nunnery without firing a single shot.

There were more than a hundred White Lotus Sect thieves killed by them in their sleep.

Originally, Zhao Sanyang's plan was to capture the top of the nunnery and cooperate with the main force to attack from the front and back to disrupt the White Lotus Sect's deployment.

When he found out that the battle went so smoothly, he immediately changed his mind.

He quickly sent people back to the military camp and informed Zuo Mengeng and Sui Zhizhong of the capture of Dayan Peak.

While Sui Zhizhong was still shocked, Zuo Mengeng made a decision immediately.

"Immediately send a battalion up with the Tiger Crouching Cannon. At dawn tomorrow, the winner will be decided."

Sui Zhizhong reacted quickly, and did not care to marvel at the power of the special forces. He immediately mobilized a battalion and asked Wei Qiyou to lead it himself. They followed the ditch and climbed to the top of the nunnery overnight.

The new army had already set up their positions, and the White Lotus Sect didn't even know it had been invaded by the center.

This chapter has been completed!
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