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Chapter 338

The night was very peaceful, but Bai Dasheng's heart was not peaceful.

After the fighting in the past few days, he was worried.

Don't talk about him, anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

"Brother, these officers and soldiers are evil. The fire cannons are so far and accurate that we brothers can't get close at all. If this continues, we will all have to deal with it here."

Kuang Xiaoqi was injured in the day's battle and limped over with one leg. Apparently he couldn't suppress the fear in his heart and needed a clear way to find a hundred victories.

Bai Dasheng's eyes seemed to want to see through the thick night, but unfortunately, he couldn't.

"We will fight again during the day tomorrow, but if it still doesn't work, let's go down from the top of the nunnery at night tomorrow night and escape."

When he heard that he was going to run away, Kuang Xiaoqi didn't look happy at all.

"But...but where are we going?"

Although Yimeng Mountain is huge, once Meng Lianggu is lost, they will have no place to stand.

Bai Dasheng looked around carefully, and when he saw no one was approaching, he whispered to Kuang Xiaoqi.

"It's not an option to continue making trouble. After we get down from the mountain, let's live anonymously and find a place where no one knows us."

Bai Dasheng definitely didn't want to go to Mengshan to join Murong Cai.

He knew that once he got through like this, Murong Cai could kill him with a thousand knives.

Now that he has seen the terror of the army, Bai Dasheng knows that this uprising has still failed.

The only way to survive is to run far away.

Unfortunately, his wish could not be realized.

In the early hours of the morning, Bai Dasheng, who was in a daze, was woken up in panic.

"Brother, look, the top of the nunnery..."

Bai Dasheng didn't sleep well enough, so he jumped up. When he saw the situation on the top of the nunnery clearly, his feet felt weak, and there was darkness and despair from inside to outside.

On the top of the nunnery, the city has changed into a royal flag, and its owner has changed.

In the faint morning light, hundreds of officers and soldiers had walked out of the camp and began to form an array outside the tent.

The rows of muskets are despairing to look at.

Since it is called Gu, as the name suggests, the top of the mountain must be flat. At this time, it provided great help to the new army's formation and ensured sufficient firepower density.

Looking down at Meng Lianggu from the top of the nunnery, Wei Qiyou was very high-spirited.

"Lieutenant Colonel Zhao, I'm sorry, our knowledge was limited yesterday. You special forces are simply a magic weapon descended from the sky."

Zhao Sanyang's expression didn't change much when he was praised.

"Let's fight this battle first. I see, the White Lotus Sect is trying to escape."

Yes, after discovering that Dayan Ding was captured by the new army at some unknown time, Bai Dasheng immediately understood that the defeat was certain. Apart from running away, Meng Lianggu had no purpose to defend.

Besides, it’s impossible not to run.

The new army at the foot of the mountain has begun to attack. Under attack from both sides, the ragtag group of White Lotus Sect has absolutely no ability to resist.

But even if you want to run away, difficulties are ahead of you.

There are three ways to go up and down Menglianggu.

One way is to run down the ridge from the north, but at this time Huang Sanhu's troops are already close at hand, so this way is impassable.

There are two more ridge roads to the south.

But one line was close to the bottom of the mountain, and had been forced up by the main force of the new army at the foot of the mountain. It was impossible to rush through.

There is another road, which is between Menglianggu and Dayan Ding.

Although the new troops on the top of the mountain were also arrayed in front of this road at this time, there were few people on this side.

Bai Dasheng had no choice but to shout: "Brothers, for the present plan, the only way is to sacrifice your life to fight for a piece of the sky. Everyone rush to the big nunnery, and you will be counted as much as you can get out."

The White Lotus Sect rebels also knew that the fate of falling into the hands of the army would be miserable. At this time, they had no choice but to fight for their lives for the chance of survival.

Thousands of White Lotus cultists, waving various weapons and shouting shrill screams that they didn't know the meaning of, launched an unorganized charge towards the top of the nunnery.

Wei Qiyou was not afraid at all and ordered the soldiers to make use of the terrain to form a musket array in four rows at the front and back, waiting patiently for the enemy to rush over.

Special forces don't have to wait.

Their mortars fired first.

Because everyone is gathered together, there is no need to deliberately aim, just hit the cannonball.

Compared to the Crouching Tiger Cannon, the rate of fire of the mortar is extremely exaggerated.

Watching the gunners firing one after another, although there were only two small cannons, more than a dozen shells were poured out in just one minute. Wei and his friends were dumbfounded.

"This... this thing is so powerful, why can't it just be used by you?"

Zhao Sanyang was observing the explosion effect of the artillery shells and said casually: "So far, only two of them have been built, and they are for us to test. Once the data is stable and put into mass production, they will be installed in various units."

The strike effect of mortars is not very good.

Because the shells are too small and filled with black powder, the explosion range is larger than that of hand grenades.

However, the effect of the high parabola is still there. It will definitely be miraculous against enemies behind bunkers and fortifications. In the same way, it can also be used to suppress the city head when attacking the city in the future.

But even so, under the bombardment of mortars, hundreds of White Lotus cultists were still killed. A huge gap appeared in the crowd of people who were attacked, which also made those who were still alive even more crazy.

When the White Lotus cultists rushed closer, the Crouching Tiger Cannon also began to show its power.

The soldiers of the New Army did not abide by the restrictions on the firing distance. The enemy was still 400 meters away, and the volley started.

It is true that they are condescending, and the enemies are densely packed together. If you shoot in any direction, you will hit.

Compared with mortars and tiger squat guns, the killing effect of volley guns is too terrifying.

Visible to the naked eye, the White Lotus cultists were thinned layer by layer. In just one stick of incense, they were unable to advance even half a step. Because all the people at the front were killed, and the people behind just filled in the gaps in front.

Just blank.

Mixed in the crowd and seeing the fruitless charge, Bai Dasheng's heart sank to the bottom.

He saw with his own eyes that Kuang Xiaoqi was running forward on crutches, and then was hit by a bullet and flew backwards. Before he died, his eyes were still looking at him, hoping to save him.

Under the torrent of firepower from the New Army, even the most crazy people lost their fanaticism. After leaving more than two thousand corpses, the surviving White Lotus cultists no longer had the courage to fight, and retreated all the way back to the village on Meng Lianggu, fighting

I dare not come out until I die.

It's as if as long as they don't come out, everything outside has nothing to do with them.

Bai Dasheng climbed to a high place and watched the officers and soldiers from all directions approaching step by step.

He knew that he might not see the sun tomorrow.

"If you take a seat, in just one hour, we will be able to completely annihilate this group of traitors and achieve a complete victory."

After being frustrated for many days, with victory in sight, Sui Zhizhong finally became famous and exhaled.

He did not notice that Zuo Mengeng stood on Meng Lianggu, looking around, his eyes full of nostalgic reverence.

Didn't this battle embarrass the ancestors?

"Send someone over to ask Bai Dasheng to surrender."

Sui Zhizhong was unhappy when he heard that he was being persuaded to surrender.

"Come here, you are all demons and heretics, why are you trying to persuade them to surrender? Our regiment has sacrificed so many people, so it's time to sacrifice his head to the flag."

Zuo Mengeng looked over funny.

"You are a soldier, not a hero. Two armies are confronting each other on the battlefield, and the outcome is inevitable. How can you use personal grudges to consider issues?"

Seeing that Sui Zhizhong was unhappy and confused, Zuo Menggeng patiently explained: "This Bai Dasheng is very organized in setting up battles and is a talented person. Our army has been expanding, and the most lacking thing is qualified military personnel. His

You have also seen the information. He has not done anything treacherous or evil, nor is he a stubborn White Lotus cultist. He can be absorbed and transformed completely."

After hearing this, Sui Zhizhong felt slightly better.

"Okay, I'll send someone there."

The White Lotus cultists hiding in the camp were all waiting fearfully for the end to come, but what they waited for was an officer slowly approaching with a white flag.

"I am an official and military envoy. My general sent me here to meet with you, one of the top 100 leaders."

After a while, Bai Dasheng heard the news and came to the wall of the village. He looked at the envoy suspiciously, wondering what tricks the officers and soldiers were trying to play after this.

The messenger was very straightforward.

"Master Bai Da, my general has heard about you. He knows that you were forced to become a thief, and the crime will not lead to death. It is rare for someone to miss you. My general said that as long as you lay down your arms and surrender, you can forget the blame.

You can also find a way to make a living under our army."

In an instant, everyone's eyes were focused on Bai Dasheng.

Among them, those who earnestly hoped that he would agree actually accounted for the majority.

Bai Dasheng is very calm.

"Does the imperial court want to play the trick of recruiting people and then beheading them again? Grandpa will not be fooled."

The messenger smiled contemptuously and spoke bitterly.

"Don't be pretentious. It's already this time. Why do we still need to play tricks with you? It's just a matter of artillery fire. Can you, a weak village like you, be able to stop me?"

Bai Dasheng blushed at the words, but couldn't refute.

This stockade is not big, and it only has a ventilated wall built with wood. Not to mention bombarding it with artillery, even a strong man can knock it down.

However, the envoy's words also proved that the surrender of the officers and soldiers did not seem to be a forgery.

It is not unreasonable for Bai Dasheng to be loved by so many people. At this time, he still takes care of his brothers.

"Your general said he wanted to surrender me, but what about my brothers? How are they going to be settled?"

The messenger passed it on one by one.

"The rest of the people will not be blamed, but they must give up their identity as White Lotus believers. If they are found to be preaching and practicing religion again in the future, they will be seeking death. After surrender, they will be assigned to various places. They can work or farm."

This condition was very harsh, but it made Bai Dasheng breathe a sigh of relief.

"Can you allow me to discuss it and give you an answer in an hour?"

Upon hearing this, the envoy sat cross-legged outside the camp.

"I'll just wait here."

This chapter has been completed!
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