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340 Thick-skinned

"Youwen, this place is difficult, so you must be mentally prepared. But I trust your talents, and you should be able to assist the county magistrate Party in restoring the people's livelihood here."

This time, a new government framework was to be established in Mengyin County, and Zuo Menggeng mobilized elite troops and generals.

One of the deputy county magistrates is Qi Biaojia.

After Qi Biaojia came to Linqing with Liu Zongzhou, he entered the government affairs class. After graduating last month, he interned with Chen Zhi.

Chen Zhi spoke very highly of him, saying that with his ability, he could easily control a state or a city.

Although Zuo Mengeng believed in Chen Zhi's vision, cultivating cadres cannot be accomplished overnight and must start from the grassroots level.

This time everything was in ruins, so Zuo Mengeng transferred Qi Biaojia over.

His upcoming position is deputy county magistrate and director of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

In other words, the director of the Civil Affairs Bureau is his main job, and the deputy county magistrate is his concurrent job.

Zuo Menggeng made reference to the official appointment methods of later generations and simplified them.

In later generations, committee members are committee members, and they are separate from department and bureau cadres.

Zuo Mengeng felt that the two could be combined into one.

The director is the deputy county magistrate. In this way, it can not only achieve a balance of power, but also coordinate specific work and improve administrative efficiency.

Qi Biaojia didn't feel any pain.

Coming to Mengyin to be the deputy county magistrate is a good start for your career. As long as you make achievements, you don't have to worry about your future.

After reading preliminary local information in Mengyin, he gave his work direction.

"Come on, in the next month, I plan to visit the entire Mengyin territory. No matter what, I need to get all the household registration and population information, so that I can know how much capital I have."

This practical attitude made Zuo Mengeng very satisfied.

"It has been raining for days and the mountain road is difficult to travel. You must pay attention to safety. I will dispatch a small team of troops to accompany you and put them under your command."

The most difficult thing about Mengyin is the continuous mountains. Except for the county town, the rest of the villages are deep in the mountains and even live isolated lives.

If a place wants to develop, population is an important resource.

Only by counting the population well can we know how powerful we are, and we can also control the local land, nature and other resources according to the population.

Besides Qi Biaojia, there is another person who is also very eye-catching.

This man has a broken hand, but his eyes are like those of a wolf. No matter who he looks at, he makes everyone feel timid.

"Wang Wei, do you have the confidence to be the police chief?"

Different from his attitude towards Qi Biaojia, Zuo Mengeng's tone was much stronger when towards Wang Wei.

Because these are his soldiers.

Wang Wei was originally a team leader in the rear camp. He was injured during the battle at Qingshui Pass and his left hand was broken.

Because of this injury, he could not continue to serve in the army. However, Zuo Mengeng did not abandon these wounded soldiers, but taught them all kinds of knowledge as much as possible, hoping that they could shine elsewhere.

Wang Wei is thoughtful, calm, and unyielding when faced with difficulties, and is not afraid of authority. As long as it is something he thinks is right, he will fight for it even when facing Zuo Mengeng.

What Zuo Menggen wanted was his energy, so he was transferred to Mengyin County this time as deputy county magistrate and police chief.

Wang Wei always kept a cold face and asked: "Come here, in a place where war is about to break out, there must be people who commit crimes and commit crimes. I plan to suppress them with deadly force, is that okay?"

Zuo Mengeng said in a deep voice: "In troubled times, it is naturally right to use heavy codes."

Wang Wei understood what he meant and went to figure out how to carry out the work.

When he saw Zuo Xiang, Zuo Mengeng couldn't help but frown.

"Why are you so fat?"

At the beginning, the eight heroes of the Zuo clan followed him, mounting their horses to fight fiercely, and dismounting their horses to practice martial arts. They were all very strong.

As a result, after not seeing him for a long time, Zuo Xiang turned into a circle. When he lowered his head, there were wrinkles on his chin.

Zuo Xiang was helpless.

"Sitting behind the desk every day, I'm either calculating or plotting, and it's like this before I know it."

Zuo Xiang is now the Minister of Finance of the New Army and controls the finances of the entire camp, so he is very busy.

His appearance is a typical example of office sequelae in later generations.

There was nothing Zuo Mengeng could do about this.

"The body is the capital of revolution, so we must pay attention to it."

Zuo Xiang nodded and put down the big pancake in his hand, as if he wanted to lose weight by eating less.

"Shen Zuo, this time I have brought the most capable talents to you. Lu Fuju, come here and let Shen Zuo take a good look."

Following his call, a cheerful young man ran over.

"Take a seat, I am Lu Fuju, the new deputy county magistrate and director of the Finance Bureau and Taxation Bureau of Mengyin County."

Although Li Banghua guessed that Zuo Menggeng's deputy county magistrate held six positions and was the reference to the six departments of the imperial court. But what he didn't know was that Zuo Menggeng had detailed these six departments.

For example, the extremely powerful Ministry of Household Affairs was divided into three parts in Zuo Menggeng's case, becoming the Civil Affairs Bureau, the Finance Bureau and the Taxation Bureau.

It stands to reason that every bureau should have a director. But nowadays there are not many talents, and there are even fewer talents who understand finance and accounting.

This Lu Fuju was taken out of Zuo Xiang's hand.

When Zuo Mengeng was about to transfer people, the boss Zuo Xiang was unwilling and even had a quarrel with him.

In the end, Lu Fuju resigned from his position as director of the Audit Department of the Ministry of Finance and came to Mengyin County to serve as the deputy county magistrate and the Finance Bureau and the Taxation Bureau.

Zuo Mengeng asked him to sit down and asked: "From now on, you will be the God of Wealth in Mengyin County. Look, everyone is staring at you. Tell me, what are you going to do?"

Lu Fuju didn't have stage fright at all, he came up with a sentence right on the spot.

"There's nothing to say. With the current situation in the county, tax exemption is the only option. We have to let the people take a breath, otherwise they won't be able to survive."

Mengyin County has just experienced war and is full of wastes waiting to be revitalized. Even the feudal dynasty would implement a tax-free policy under such circumstances.

What Lu Fuju did was not unexpected.

Li Banghua asked a pointed question.

"If there is no tax exemption, where will the money for your reconstruction come from?"

Mengyin County will definitely need to be rebuilt.

This is the camp’s experimental field in the Yimeng Mountains.

In addition to serving as a secret base, it is also a template for exploring the economic development of mountainous areas.

Although it is far away from taking over the world now, everyone has already begun to make various preparations.

If an effective development path can be found in the Yimeng Mountains, there will be experience to draw from in managing so many mountainous areas across the country in the future.

Lu Fuju also had another advantage, which was also displayed at this time.

"Don't Meng Angong know that? Since I came from the Finance Department, how can the Minister still watch me suffer? I don't know, please help me."

Zuo Xiang's eyes widened.

"What do you want to do?"

Lu Fuju said matter-of-factly: "Borrow money. Without money, this place cannot develop. If it cannot develop, it will remain poor. Minister, you don't want to see your old subordinates accomplish nothing, right?"

Zuo Xiang regretted this and was so angry that his teeth were broken.

"Don't even think about it. The finance department has a lot of money, and every penny must be spent wisely."

Lu Fuju wrapped him around and refused to let him go.

"My Lord Minister, I have a knife here too. Don't worry, I'll calculate the interest for you. I'll pay you back double when the time comes, so you'll still make money."

Watching the two bargaining, Zuo Mengeng, Li Banghua and others laughed one after another.

Everyone is still happy to see this situation.

With the six deputy county magistrates in place, Mengyin County Government was officially established.

This time, the listing was done openly and the whole county was notified.

All the people in Mengyin County know that the official in charge of them now is not the county magistrate, but the county magistrate.

There is not only one county magistrate, but also six deputy county magistrates.

This kind of thing really caused a lot of discussion.

It just goes as quickly as it comes.

The common people who are waiting for food are more concerned about how to survive. As for whether the official is called the county magistrate or the county chief, they don't care at all.

Only Gongdian and Gongsu were a little depressed.

The two of them helped a lot, but in the end, none of the six deputy county magistrates got anything.

"It makes sense to ban local officials. The official is a local big family. If you are allowed to be local officials again, how can the government control the local area?"

Sensing what they were thinking, Zuo Mengeng spoke frankly and frankly about the key points.

Serving as an official in a different place is a personnel system that has been implemented since the Western Han Dynasty. Although it has never been explicitly stated, everyone knows its significance.

Only Zuo Menggeng was so honest, but he really eliminated the dissatisfaction of Gongdian and Gongsu.

"If you two want to become officials, I suggest you go to the government affairs class in Linqing to study for a while. After you master the methods and rules of doing things, I will make arrangements for you."

If we make another arrangement, then it will definitely not be a cover-up.

After hearing this, Gongdian and Gongsu smiled bitterly and gave up happily.

"The eldest brother and the second brother are all away from home. There is no one in charge of the house. I cannot serve you. Please forgive me."

This was basically the case in ancient families, with a clear division of labor between brothers.

Some people are officials, some are in business, and some are in charge of the family. In short, the purpose is to maintain the interests of a family.

Gongdian and Gongsuhui's rejection was also expected by Zuo Mengeng.

"That's great. Although you can't be an official, you can still work in the government. With your experience, I believe it can be of great help."

Although officials need to implement the system of serving as officials in different places, civil servants do not.

This will not be avoided in future generations.

The Gong family is also a wealthy Mengyin family, and many tasks in the future will be inseparable from their help. So Zuo Mengeng gave a little sweetener at the right time to keep Gongdian and Gongsu motivated.

Although they cannot be officials at the level of county magistrate, deputy county magistrate, or director, they can still thrive in the county government, civil affairs bureau, finance bureau and other departments.

Maybe they will become the earliest prototypes of civil servants in the world.

Gongdian and Gongsu didn't know the significance yet, so they couldn't help but be overjoyed when they heard that they could still enter the government. After thanking each other, they began to think about which department they should go to.

This chapter has been completed!
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