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Chapter 339 New Government

Bai Dasheng's appearance surprised Zuo Mengeng.

He originally thought that such a brave and capable leader would be a middle-aged veteran named Youzi. He never expected that Bai Dasheng was only in his early twenties.

After asking about it, I found out that the hundreds of households with a hundred victories were hereditary and did not come by virtue of military exploits.

At this time, Bai Dasheng was prostrate in front of Zuo Mengeng.

After an hour of debate, the White Lotus Sect members who were trapped in the village finally chose to surrender.

It won't work if we don't surrender.

The roads in all directions were blocked, and it was impossible to break out with the strength of the White Lotus Sect.

The stockade was very crude and could not be defended well.

It was the envoy's words that reassured Bai Dasheng and others.

The battle has reached this point. If the New Army really wants to completely eliminate them, they can just attack directly.

Why go to all the trouble to persuade him to surrender?

This is enough to prove that the new army has no intention of killing them all.

"I have already investigated the reason why you became a thief. Because you are helpless and have no evil deeds, I will give you a chance to change your ways."

Bai Dasheng's heart was tense.

"Thank you so much, General, for not killing me. I don't want anything else. I just hope that all my brothers can have a home. I am willing to be cut into pieces even if I am cut into pieces."

Zuo Mengeng laughed loudly.

"Put away your temptation."

He walked up to Bai Dasheng, leaned over and pulled him up, and walked together outside the tent.

"Look carefully. Is this a person who doesn't keep his word?"

Bai Dasheng looked at it intently and was immediately overjoyed.

The brothers who had surrendered were now properly accommodated.

Except for having their weapons confiscated, no one was tied up and detained. Instead, they sat freely on the ground, and everyone held a sea bowl and wolfed down food.

The injured brothers were also gathered aside, and countless doctors were treating them and giving them medicine.

If Zuo Mengeng had the intention to deceive, there was no need to go to this extent.

At this point, Bai Dasheng was completely convinced by Zuo Mengeng.

"From now on, my life will be sold to the general."

Zuo Mengeng waved his hand and said seriously: "I don't need people to work hard here, just do things seriously. You come from a poor family and know how unfair this world is. Work hard, not only for yourself, but also for the sake of being like you.

The poor people are striving for a different world."

Looking at the peaceful and natural appearance of the officers and soldiers in front of them, there was no distinction between officers and soldiers, and no soldiers were beaten, scolded or insulted, Bai Dasheng knew that this place seemed very different.

"I remember it, little one."

Zuo Menggeng told him the arrangements.

"Next, you will be sent to the military school in Linqing to study. After you complete your studies, you will be assigned a military position."

Bai Dasheng didn't understand what a military academy was, nor why he had to study to fight.

"General, I know how to fight."

Zuo Mengeng sneered.

"Now that you know how to do it, why didn't you know that you were sent to the nest? You are still far away. If you want to become a general in the future, just study hard."


Although the New Army's operations were unhurried, the gap in combat effectiveness between the White Lotus Sect rebels and the New Army was too great.

Today, the only territories that the White Lotus Sect can still occupy are the Mengshan and Nishan areas.

"With the speed of our army, I'm afraid we can attack Mengshan in half a month."

Huang Zongyan, who had participated in the whole campaign for the first time and learned a lot, was very excited and had already begun to imagine the scene of the new army setting foot in Mengshan to quell the chaos and reconnaissance.

Rumble... clatter...

Under the heavy downpour, the water level of the Meng River surged, making it impossible to swim across it.

Zuo Menggeng, who was blocked north of the Meng River, looked at the Meng Mountain looming in the rain and fog, and had no choice but to order the army to stop.

"There is no need to worry, everyone. This rain will only last for a few days. Our army can take the opportunity to rest and recuperate before fighting again."

Half a month later, the heavy rain still continued.

The water of the Meng River broke down the dikes and submerged all the farmland and cottages on both sides of the river.

Watching the flood, Zuo Mengeng looked at Huang Zongyan, who looked very unnatural, and wanted to ask...

Are you toxic?

The heavy rain lasted for a full month before it gradually began to subside. However, it seems that it will still take some time before the weather clears up.

Fortunately, Shandong has been beaten to a pulp this year and people's livelihood has been ruined, so we are not afraid of the threat of floods.

Unable to march on either side, Zuo Menggeng simply abandoned military affairs and went to Mengyin County.

Mengyin, as the name suggests, is located in the north of Mengshan Mountain.

In fact, it is not impossible to call him Mengyang.

Because the county seat is on the north bank of Meng River.

"Now there are only more than 200 households and a population of more than 1,000 left in the county. I have also visited several surrounding villages and towns, and they have all been destroyed. It is expected that food support will need to be allocated this winter, otherwise many people will starve to death."

Speaking of the gloomy current situation, the party still looked gloomy.

After being poisoned by the White Lotus Sect, this place was destroyed. But how to restore it, he had no idea.

However, Zuo Mengeng does not regard these as the same thing.

I have seen even worse destruction than this in my memory, but I still didn't recover my strength in the end.

"Are the local officials still here?"

The party is still full and the hands are spread.

"The county government offices have been burned to the ground a long time ago. I can't even find a single official. Thanks to Gongshi Xiankunzhong's help, otherwise, I would have been helpless."

Gongdian and Gongsu did not take credit.

"Mengyin is the ancestral home of my father-in-law. Naturally, my brother cannot sit idly by and ignore it."

The current situation is that Mengyin's imperial rule has completely collapsed. And it seems that not only is the imperial court unaware of the situation here, but it also has no power to interfere.

In this case, Zuo Mengeng would certainly not be polite.

Ten days later, a team of people came from Linqing after a long journey. They were traveling in heavy rain and were extremely embarrassed.

But these people have fiery hearts and know that there is a world and a career waiting for them.

"Everyone has seen that this is the current situation of Mengyin. Although it is very bad, because the original foundation has been completely destroyed, it has given us the opportunity to reshape it. I decided to implement a new administrative management method here, and also

It can be regarded as opening up the direction of our political structure."

Li Banghua also came.

Everything involving the appointment of officials falls within his scope of authority.

"Are you going to start over?"

Li Banghua was a little cautious about Zuo Menggeng's intention to abandon the Ming Dynasty and re-establish a political system.

There is nothing wrong with changing the dynasty and the world and at the same time reforming the political system.

But many times, if a reform is not good, it will have the opposite effect.

He planned to see what Zuo Mengeng did.

Zuo Mengeng, on the other hand, was much more straightforward and copied it directly.

"First of all, we first establish the Mengyin County Government. As the highest administrative organ of Mengyin County, the county government handles all local administrative affairs. The county government has a county magistrate and six deputy magistrates, forming the Mengyin County Administrative Standing Committee.


Everyone is relatively familiar with the Standing Committee.

After this period of operation, administrative committees in various places have shown great vitality.

Everyone discovered that the efficiency of the Administrative Committee far exceeded that of the Ming Dynasty's local governments, and its control over local areas was also ahead of its time.

Zuo Mengeng continued: "In addition to the county magistrate who is in charge of the overall situation, the other six deputy county magistrates are in charge of six different areas."

Almost at the same time, everyone thought of a similar concept——Six!

"Are you planning to move the six departments of the center to the local area?"

Zuo Mengeng nodded and shook his head.

"Yes and no. In fact, the division of labor among the six departments is somewhat out of date. Today's government affairs are so complicated that more than just six departments can handle them. The six areas that the deputy county magistrate is responsible for will also be included in similar areas in the future."

Li Banghua still had doubts.

"If you do this, will the number of officials be too many?"

More officials mean that the government's expenditure on officials' salaries will also increase, which will impose a huge burden on the finances.

But Zuo Mengeng was very determined.

“Without enough officials, our regime cannot reach the grassroots level and completely control local areas.”

Obviously, Zuo Mengeng could not accept the situation that the imperial power would not go to the countryside.

Hearing that Zuo Menggeng planned to bring the countryside into administrative management, Li Banghua, Gongdian, Gongsu and others all looked very excited.

They all come from wealthy families, and their families have great influence in the local area.

To put it bluntly, the power of wealthy families in the countryside is easier to wield than that of the emperor.

Once Zuo Menggeng continues to implement the regime, these big families will inevitably lose the capital to dominate the local area.

Fortunately, the world is in chaos and the situation is changing, so these big families don't have much thought about becoming local emperors.

Moreover, in a remote and remote area like Mengyin, even if they control the place, the Formula people do not think it is important.

What they didn't know was that it was precisely because Mengyin was remote and desolate that Zuo Mengeng made up his mind to do this.

Once Mengyin has achieved results, and it can be promoted in the future, the resistance will be much smaller.

This chapter has been completed!
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