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Chapter 476 The role of literature and art

"A big river with wide waves..."

In front of thousands of people, Li Xiangjun's voice sounded timid and cowardly.

But the clear and pure singing voice of the little girl is the purest beauty.

No one could bear to make even the slightest sound, and they were all intoxicated by the singing.

Li Xiangjun sang a short section very hard and gradually adapted to the scene. Seeing the joyful expressions of so many people, for some reason, she suddenly fell in love with this scene.

A plain hand stretched out from the side and put it on her shoulder. At the same time, the high-pitched and exciting singing voice was filled with powerful power.

This is a beautiful motherland

It's where I grew up

in this vast land

There is bright sunshine everywhere...

Zuo Mengeng stood in the distance and had nothing but recognition and admiration for Li Zhenli's performance.

I never expected that Li Zhenli is actually an all-rounder. Not only can she perform Kunqu opera with a small voice to perfection, but she can also sing such songs with great ease and ease.

Only the surroundings are disharmonious.

"Humph, you can't compare to my little pity."

Zuo Menggeng was furious because his good opportunity to appreciate it was broken.

"Master Zhang, if you don't just hang out in Linqing, why did you come here to me?"

Speaking of this, Zhang Haogu became very angry.

"I said, second left, you have to take good care of the people below you. It's really too much. I just want to eliminate violence and keep good people safe, but that Li Jiu held on to my son and caused him to lose his face. This revenge will not be avenged.

, What else can I say about this young master?"

Zuo Mengeng looked over with meaningful eyes.

"What's the matter? You got into a fight in a brothel. Is it wrong for Director Li to punish you by sweeping the street?"

Zhang Haogu's face turned red, and then he argued forcefully: "I can't bear to see a weak woman being bullied, so I took action. Don't you understand my ambition to defeat the strong and support the weak?"

Zuo Mengeng couldn't stand his shamelessness.

"If you want to hoe the strong and help the weak, go find Wang Siyi."

Zhang Haogu scratched his neck and said matter-of-factly: "Wang Siyi is too strong."

Speaking of the reasons for running away, Zhang Haogu was actually able to express his emotions.

"Hey, since the abolition of slavery was announced, many girls have chosen to be good, and brothels are no longer as fun as before."

Zuo Mengeng sneered.

"If I weren't afraid of excessive turmoil, I would have banned the brothel directly."

Zhang Haogu was shocked.

"You are trying to kill all the men in the world!"

Zuo Mengeng gave him a blank look.

"No man in the world is as virtuous as you."

The mother-daughter performance of Li Zhenli and Li Xiangjun was very successful, and the atmosphere at the scene reached its peak.

By the time they sang the second time, it had become a chorus.

Zuo Menggen didn’t understand art or music. He just thought that such a good patriotic song could be used to help publicize it, so he came up with it. Seeing the remarkable effect, he was naturally happy.

What he didn't know was that compared to the mainstream literature, folk arts and popular music of this era, the advantages of later generations were really great.

The most important thing is that the effect is stunning and easy to understand.

Especially in an environment like the New Army, songs like "My Motherland" and "Serve the Country with Loyalty" are far more popular among soldiers than the babbling Kunqu Opera.

"It's not that you don't sing well, it's just that the occasion is wrong."

Seeing that Li Zhenli was so popular, but the whole place was filled with cold wind during her performance, Jing Xiaolian cried in grievance.

Others were just trying to persuade, but Zuo Mengeng saw it clearly.

"Commander, how about...I...I'd better go back."

Jing Xiaolian was hit hard and thought of quitting.

Zhang Haogu was very excited.

"Yes, yes, let's go back. In this world, I am the only one who understands you."

Jing Xiaolian was stunned.

"Actually, it's okay not to go back."

Zuo Mengeng tried to analyze Jing Xiaolian's problem.

"The army is full of tough guys who are straight-tempered and bold in speech. They are strong-blooded and rarely feminine. So if you sing the soft and feminine Kunqu opera here, you will naturally hit a wall. I think you can learn from Director Li and change it.

Think about it and see if you can combine your own advantages to create a work that is more in line with the military and unique."


Jing Xiaolian was particularly moved by what Zuo Mengeng said, but she was at a loss as to what to do.

Due to his limited knowledge, it was impossible for him to have any inspiration all at once. Among other things, he had not yet fully understood the staff Luo Yagu taught them.

Yes, Zuo Mengeng had to cheat.

He checked his memory and said: "I have thought of a story about Emperor Ming of the Tang Dynasty and Concubine Yang. Combining Kunqu Opera with this new singing method may have a different effect."

Seeing that he was about to take action again, everyone was looking forward to it.

I don’t know how this commander-in-chief has a brain, but he is always able to come up with amazing things.

Zuo Mengeng brewed up his emotions and sang softly.

That year's snowflakes fell and plum blossoms bloomed on the branches

There was so much sadness left by the Huaqing Pool that year

Don't say who is who, it's not about feelings, wrong or right

I just want to get drunk with you again in my dream...

Although everyone heard the soft but plain male voice, they thought it was normal.

At the same time, I also felt that singing such a song to Jing Xiaolian seemed to be a waste of his accent.

But just as he was thinking this, Zuo Mengeng suddenly sang with a pinched throat, like the sound of an oriole exploding, causing hundreds of birds to bow their heads.

Love and hate are in a moment

Raising a glass to the moon as loving as the sky

Love and hate are boundless

I asked you when did you fall in love...

Jing Xiaolian was like being struck by lightning and couldn't recover for a long time. When he looked at Zuo Mengeng again, his eyes were full of water, rippling and full of emotion.

The world is vast, and he who knows himself is the commander-in-chief.

Zuo Mengeng happened to see this look and immediately became angry. The last few lyrics were all out of tune.

Darling, no wonder rich people like to have sex with male actors.

This arouses people even more powerfully than a peerless beauty.

He doesn't know that since ancient times, the word "beauty" actually refers to a handsome man.

"If it is a work like this, I believe that the public will definitely like it. In short, my request to you is that when you perform on stage in the future, the work should be as close to the public as possible. Less of the snow, more of the lower class. What we have to do is to liberate mankind.

Great cause. Those things that are in full bloom have nothing to do with the general public for the time being. We must use literature and art to awaken the public's subjective initiative to recognize themselves, self-respect and self-love, and to pursue truth, goodness and beauty. If you achieve these, you will definitely have great achievements and be remembered in history.


Zuo Mengeng had high hopes for these first batch of literary and artistic workers.

Under his guidance, these people found the right path.

As long as they put their enthusiasm into it and given time, it won't take long to change the atmosphere of today's era.

These first-generation literary and artistic workers used to perform either on the theater stage or in the streets and villages.

The people you meet are both elegant and vulgar.

I was just asking for a meal and a life. I never thought that the livelihood in my hands could be so important.

But when Li Zhenli and her daughter sang just now, the sensational and enthusiastic scene was still vivid in their minds, and they knew that Zuo Menggeng's words were extremely correct.

When these people realize how glorious their profession is, their enthusiasm will naturally erupt like a volcano.

Behind the scenes, in the center of the venue, Pang Panghai, who was typing a quick book, received a warm welcome, no worse than Li Zhenli.

Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang.

"The bamboo boards are so beaten. If we don't praise anything else, we will praise the new army's heroes..."

This chapter has been completed!
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