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Chapter 480 The progress brought about by demand

"This junior has discussed with Commander Mao and feels that the Hundred Tigers Running with Arrows in "Army of Arms" can be slightly improved and can be used as a sharp weapon."

Zuo Mengeng put forward his idea, but Bi Maokang frowned.

As a weapons master, Bi Maokang certainly knew what Hundred Tigers Rushing Arrow was. After all, the Ming Army also used it.

"You don't know something. Although the Hundred Tigers' Arrows seem to be overwhelming and powerful when used, they are not accurate. Moreover, the trajectory is erratic, and the lethality is far less than the intimidation power."

Bi Maokang made a very accurate evaluation of A Hundred Tigers of Arrows.

It's just to scare people.

But what Bi Maokang didn't know was that he was facing a highly accomplished military expert.

"If it's just a hundred tigers running together with arrows, it won't be of much use. But I have some new ideas here, and I would like to ask Mr. Dongjiao to help me with some advice."

Zuo Menggen asked for paper and pen, and explained while drawing.

"A Hundred Tigers of Arrows are just ordinary bows and arrows tied with gunpowder, and the gunpowder is used to boost them. Whether it can hurt people depends entirely on the accuracy of the arrow, and the arrowhead is not sharp. Even if it can hurt people, it can only hit one person.

That's it. The younger generation's idea is to make such an oblong iron cylinder, fill it with explosives, and use it to boost the rocket. Install such a sharp warhead in front, and also equip it with a trigger fuse, and the warhead is filled with collodion explosives.

Arrange such an iron cylinder on a small car and place the rockets in it. During combat, you only need to ignite it, and these rockets will fly out, fall in the enemy's position and explode, causing area-wide damage. It seems feasible."

He painted meticulously and spoke even more delicately.

Everyone in Wuyan Academy became more and more excited as they listened, and finally understood what he meant.

Even a young man took the initiative to spread his thoughts.

"You can install a balance wing similar to a mortar bomb on the rocket, so that the flight of the rocket will become stable and you won't be afraid of flying around at all."

Among the technologies here today, which aspect has made the fastest progress, it must be fluid mechanics and aerodynamics.

This is definitely a weird situation, but it’s true.

Because Zuo Menggeng focused on the development of military industry, he came up with many concepts and technologies that transcended the times.

Among other things, the artillery shells of the New Army are of the pointed cone type, and their flight and accuracy effects are very good.

Later mortar shells were shaped by him himself.

The people here are very active and eager to learn. It is impossible not to understand such a design and understand its profound meaning.

As a result, after a long time, the theory and level in other aspects may be normal, but in terms of fluid mechanics and aerodynamics, a lot of knowledge has been summarized.

This is why someone can take the initiative to think of a way to add a balance wing to the rocket's trunk to achieve stable flight of the rocket.

Bi Maokang was not optimistic about this design.

"If a balance wing is added, the rocket will not be able to be placed stably in the launch tube, which will cause great risks."

But the young man didn't just talk nonsense.

"Dongjiao Gong, we can make a groove in the trunk of the rocket, and then install a spring inside. When the rocket is loaded into the launch tube, the balance wings will be compressed into the trunk. When the rocket breaks away from the launch tube and flies into the air,

The clockwork will eject the balance wing, wouldn’t it solve this problem?”

Bi Maokang was stunned, thought about it carefully, and even took out a pen and paper to draw it. He suddenly discovered that this idea was actually very feasible.

Of course it works.

Many rockets and missiles of later generations are like this.

Zuo Mengeng looked at the young man with admiration in his eyes.

"May I have your name?"

The young man was stunned and replied honestly: "Commander, I am Zhu Mengxuan from the Artillery Research Department of the Military Academy."

Zuo Mengeng made a prompt decision.

"From now on, the Rocket Research Section will be established in the Wuhan Academy, and you will serve as the section chief."

Is this a promotion?

You must know that although people from the Wuhan Academy do not go to the battlefield or fight, even the most ordinary researchers have the rank of captain.

As for the section chief, he is a proper school-level officer.

But after thinking about the solutions mentioned by Zhu Mengxuan, everyone understands that promotion depends on true ability.

The rocket Zuo Mengeng proposed to make was the reference Congreve rocket.

In the Battle of Baliqiao, the British and French forces defeated Senggelinqin, which actually mainly relied on this thing.

Gu Qi

However, even with the Congreve rocket, Zuo Mengeng knew that there were many shortcomings, so he made further improvements.

For example, launch vehicles and launch tubes have the prototype of later rocket launchers.

The addition of balance wings and the elimination of balance rods will give this new rocket even more amazing stability and accuracy.

As for the range, Zuo Mengeng believes that there will definitely be bigger surprises.

However, the design ideas for the rocket are now available. Whether it can be realized depends on the manufacturing department.

Zuo Mengeng had no time to spare. Under the guidance of Zuo Dai and Jiang Wei, he came to the foundry.

"If the shell is made of wrought iron, it won't be difficult."

The factory director here is called Xiong Wanshui, Yang Gui's second apprentice.

Yang Gui could no longer keep up with technological progress and retired early. Xiong Wanshui took over the management of the foundry and was very capable.

After seeing the drawings and listening to the description, I gave a happy answer.

Just saying that was not enough, he asked the workers to get a batch of blanks and sent them to the forging press.

I saw him standing next to the console, casually dropping the wrench, and saw that the impeller that was originally stationary in the water suddenly started to rotate due to the impact of the water flow.

Several connecting rods and gears on the machine tool began to rotate, driving the forging hammer weighing hundreds of kilograms to rise high, and then fall heavily.

Zuo Mengeng observed carefully and found that this forging press was completely different from the model he originally took out.

The workpieces in various parts have long been no longer made of wood, and are even made of steel. Moreover, the structure is more complex, and the forging hammer that can be driven is larger.

Under the continuous beating of the forging hammer, the blank is formed while rotating and receiving force.

Zuo Mengeng counted the numbers and found that such a large forging hammer could actually hit about fifty times per minute. From this, we can see how excellent the drive of this machine tool is.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help walking to the impeller and wanted to take a closer look.

But after just one glance, he was stunned.

"Who made these impellers?"

Xiong Wanshui thought something had happened and was frightened. He stopped the machine and hurried over, saying very anxiously: "Commander, I did it. I...I will change it right away."

Zuo Mengeng waved his hand, even jumped on the driving platform himself, touched the blades with his hands, and his face became brighter and brighter.

“How did you come up with the pitched blade?”

Xiong Wanshui observed carefully and found that Zuo Mengeng didn't seem to be angry, and felt more or less relieved.

"Just... not long ago, the drive of the second workshop was damaged by water. I went over to check and found that the crooked impeller was stronger than the blades that were installed for some reason. I tried it here and found that

It is indeed true. Commander, is it not possible?"

Seeing his naive appearance, Zuo Mengeng laughed heartily and felt extremely happy.

"No? Why not? This is great."

He asked further.

"Then do you know why the driving power of the inclined blades is stronger than that of the straight blades?"

Xiong Wanshui said in a huff, "I've listened to the class a few times, and it seems to be called something... fluid or something."

He was the disciple brought over by Yang Gui. He had already reached adulthood, so he had not received any orthodox intellectual education.

Zuo Mengeng still knew that there were cultural differences among the craftsmen, so he specially arranged correspondence classes in the factory and forced them to attend the classes.

Obviously, Xiong Wanshui is not a good learner.

But he is a very lucky man.

Because he accidentally discovered the secret of the paddle.

People in later generations have become accustomed to paddles.

Aren't they just arranged in a zigzag pattern according to certain rules, something that can be used to drive ships and planes forward?

But professionals know best how advanced technology and technology is involved.

Now, this door is opened in advance.

This chapter has been completed!
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