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Chapter 481 Calculus

The emergence of propeller blades can be said to be an accident, or it can be said to be inevitable.

The process of industrial construction is very fast.

Although the entire world's industrial production now relies on water power, Dongping Industrial Zone's utilization of water power can be said to be at its peak.

Workers here have discovered that relying solely on naturally flowing water to drive machinery is very inefficient. Therefore, countless large and small water warehouses have been built along the entire Dawen River.

It is a common practice here to use a water tank to store water to a certain amount, and then increase the impact of the water flow by pressurizing it to provide greater kinetic energy to the machinery.

Xiong Wanshui came up with slanted waterwheel blades, which is actually the same reason.

However, Zuo Mengeng knew that the blade he made was very crude and not the most scientific and most powerful blade at all.

But how to make qualified spiral blades, Zuo Mengeng is also a layman.

Zuo Mengeng didn't even understand the calculation of blade curvature alone.

But he knows the principle.

The research team from the School of Mathematics stationed here in the industrial zone was called, and Zuo Menggeng made a request, hoping that they could find a way to calculate better blade curvature data.

With this data, the casting of the blade can be carried out.

Of course, the material problem of the blades must be solved later. Otherwise, the cast blades may not be useful.

However, the problems need to be solved one by one.

Zuo Mengeng did not expect to be able to directly apply this kind of propeller blades to ships at once.

If it is only used on industrial machinery, the strength should not be that high.

He is the leader and only responsible for asking questions.

But the research team was worried about this.

This research team was sent here by the School of Mathematics for internship. In addition to helping industrial production solve some calculation problems, it also came to increase practical experience.

As a result, Zuo Menggeng's demands exceeded their capabilities.

Seeing that there was no progress, the group leader gritted his teeth and wrote a letter to the School of Mathematics in Linqing.

Just five days later, Zuo Xianmei came with Zhang Lingxi.

"Brother, you are the same. How can they solve such a difficult problem? You almost drove them to death."

Looking at the angry Zuo Xianmei, Zuo Mengeng couldn't help but feel happy.

"Can you solve it?"

Zuo Xianmei proudly raised her neck as beautiful as a white swan. "Hmph, if I can't solve it, then no one in this world can solve it."

As she spoke, she took the information, laid out various tools, and wrote one symbol after another on the paper that made Zuo Mengeng dizzy.

"If you want to calculate a reasonable radian, you can only rely on calculus..."

Zuo Mengeng was shocked and asked hurriedly: "Calculus? How do you know calculus?"

It's not his fault, it's just that it was so surprising.

Zuo Mengeng clearly remembered that when he first taught mathematics knowledge, there was absolutely no calculus involved.

Because his mathematics level is not up to that level.

Moreover, calculus in today's world is still in its infancy and is not systematic, let alone the concept of calculus.

Why did Zuo Xianmei come so quickly?

Could it be that this sister also has a soul in her head?

Zuo Xianmei didn't understand why he was so surprised.

"Xunzi said: The smallest is the greatest, the smallest is the greatest. I call it calculus. Why not?"

Zuo Mengeng was stunned. In addition to giving a thumbs up, he was also full of curiosity.

“How did you discover calculus?”

Zuo Xianmei blinked and found his head.

"It's not the piano you made, brother. Dean Deng Yuhan said that the piano seems to be able to solve the proportional relationship between wavelength and string length. I was very curious, and after asking more, I discovered that rhythm seems to be quite similar to mathematics and physics.

Later, I asked Nian Taigong for advice, and he told me that my discovery seemed to be able to solve the problem of Lulu records in "Historical Records"."

Zuo Mengeng was in a daze, and he never imagined that the piano he made, originally just to make him the king of musical instruments so that he could sell it for money, actually solved mathematics and physics problems.

Does this count as unintentional planting of a willow tree?

He did not know that the twelve equal temperaments were the source from which the piano was born.

The person who discovered this pattern was a prince of the Ming Dynasty.

That is the little Zheng Wang Zhu Zaiyu.

Zuo Mengeng didn't know this person, and neither did Zuo Xianmei.

However, through the piano created by Zuo Mengeng, the twelve equal temperaments were deduced inversely.

According to this law, Zuo Xianmei deduced the calculus inversely.

Not only that, Zuo Xianmei said excitedly: "Brother, I discovered that the calculation of calculus can be expressed through geometric coordinates, and it is currently being improved. If successful, it should be able to help you calculate the curvature of the blade."

Zuo Mengeng looked at the horizontal and vertical axes Zuo Xianmei drew casually, as well as the coordinates of the lines above, and he became numb.

Well, analytic geometry has been figured out.

This sister, who was originally very traditional and elegant, gave him a big surprise.

I really don’t know where her limit is?

Perhaps in the future world history, she may become even more shining than herself.

Seeing Zuo Xianmei leading a research team of more than ten people to work on calculations, Zuo Mengeng wisely did not interfere and left space for them.

He just ordered Zuo Dai to do his best to meet the needs of these people in terms of logistical support.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Zuo Menggeng, who continued his journey south, arrived at Mengyin.

By this time, the weather had begun to get warmer, the land was civilized, and the construction of the Mengyin Reservoir, which had been suspended, began again.

"Hey, I actually had a fight with Fu Yusun in order to rob someone."

There is a red mark on Dang Huanchun's left face that has not faded yet. It seems that he was really involved in a fight.

Regarding this, Zuo Mengeng could not say anything except suppressing a laugh.

The source of this batch of manpower that Mengyin County has acquired today is worth pondering.

It is no longer just people from Gyeonggi, Henan and other neighboring Shandong who come here to seek a living, there are even people from Shanxi and Huaiyang.

Because in October last year, an earthquake occurred in Shanxi, causing a large number of people to be displaced.

Except for some who ran away to join the Northwest Rebel Army and some who starved to death, there were also some stubborn ones who came all the way here after hearing that Shandong was rich.

The same is true for the people of Huaiyang.

The famine in Huaiyang last year was very serious, and countless people died on the roadside.

In order to survive, one has to either fall into the trap of a bandit or have to travel far away from home.

Unknowingly, the news of Shandong's prosperity had spread far and wide. Therefore, people from Huaiyang and Shanxi also rushed here.

Today's manpower gap is so huge, naturally everyone here is welcome, and all these manpower have been digested in a short period of time.

Even in order to grab more labor force, the chief officials in various places did not hesitate to stage all-out martial arts.

Dang Huanchun was a pure literati, well-read in poetry and books, but of course he was powerless. Against Fu Yusun, who used to be Zuo Menggeng's secretary, it didn't take much thinking to know that he would definitely not be able to make good money.

But the Party still didn't care. The more than 3,000 laborers it grabbed allowed the construction of the reservoir to start, and he was satisfied.

Zuo Menggeng was also quite satisfied and put forward new requirements for the party to return alcohol.

"Leave the matter here to Qi Biaojia. Go and take charge of Yizhou."

Want to change places?

Dang was stunned for only a second before he readily agreed.

Mengyin is just a county, a poor county in the mountains.

Yizhou is different. It is an important town in southern Shandong and has a wide radiation. Moreover, because it is next to South Zhili, it will definitely be very important in the future.

When he was in the Ming Dynasty, he was a county magistrate. Now here, he is still a county magistrate.

Now, I'm finally going to get a promotion.

Fu Yijian ran from a distance, panting, but the information he handed over was very important.

"Commander, the Dongjiang rebels have moved and are going straight to Yidu."

Zuo Mengeng didn't even read the information and laughed on the spot.

"Hahahaha, I finally made a move, I'm so sorry to have to wait."

Not caring about anything else, he immediately left Mengyin and rushed all the way to Yishui.

This is the headquarters of the Third Division.

Next, the third division will play the leading role.

This chapter has been completed!
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