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Chapter 482

"Dog slave, what did you say?"

Chongzhen's angry voice echoed in the Yangxin Palace, making all the palace maids and eunuchs panic.

Beside him, Wang Chengen didn't even bother to come forward to comfort him.

Because the imperial minister was also shocked by the news that Gao Qiqian had brought him back.

He stood up and crouched on the ground, his scalp numb, but he knew that life and death depended on this.

"Your Majesty, everything my servant said is true. The Dongjiang rebels have indeed been defeated, and Denglai has been recovered."

Chongzhen's eyes were blank, and his thoughts could not be calmed down for a long time. Deep in his eyes, there was full of panic.

Gao Qiqian brought back the news that the Dongjiang rebels were defeated and Dengzhou and Laizhou were recaptured, but this was not a good thing for Chongzhen.

The first thing Chongzhen thought of, who was well versed in the ways of strategizing, was...

Why did I find out about such a big thing at the end?

Who defeated the Dongjiang rebels?

Who regained Denglai?

What are the civil and military officials doing in various parts of Shandong?

Why is such a big thing not mentioned at all?

The hall was as cold as the warm and cold weather, and everyone was silent, waiting for the young emperor who was talking about the Constitution to make a decision.

Chongzhen shook for a moment, and Wang Chengen finally realized what he was doing and hurriedly stepped forward to support him.

Chongzhen didn't go back, he just fell down on the steps and glared at Gao Qiqian fiercely.

"Slave dog, tell me everything you know. If you hide the slightest bit, I will peel off your skin and beat your muscles."

Standing high and staying busy shows loyalty.

"My slave is loyal to the emperor and will remain loyal to him until death. When I think of someone plotting something evil, I have to come back to warn you even if I risk my life."

These words somewhat relieved Chongzhen's anger.

"Who defeated the Dongjiang Rebellion?"

He has grown into a great warrior with high potential, and can be sent to fight in various places. His abilities are definitely not bad. When he comes back this time, what needs to be clarified has already been clarified.

Although the New Army has blocked Denglai's contact with the outside world, it does not care much about keeping the battle situation secret.

"Your Majesty, the one who defeated the rebels was Dongchang Assistant General Zuo Menggeng. After repeated inquiries, I found out that this man recaptured Dengzhou in the late autumn of last year, shortly after the disastrous defeat of Guan Ning's army. Later, he fought with the rebels in

There was a great battle in Huang County. The rebels were defeated, and even Laizhou did not dare to defend it, so both towns were restored."

The evil fire of Chongzhen came up again.

"What happened last autumn, why wasn't it reported to the imperial court? Why did I only know about it?"

Gao Qiqian cried and said: "Your Majesty doesn't know something, and Zuo Mengeng is afraid that he is up to no good. I was sent as an envoy to Shandong by the Emperor's order. But when I got to Pingyuan County, I was stopped by Zuo Mengeng's subordinates, and I couldn't get through at all.

It was my slave who took a detour to Linqing and only then learned the news."

Chongzhen's eyes became subtle.

"You've been gone for so long and you only came to Linqing?"

A few months later, we arrived in Guangdong.

As a result, this guy just ran to Linqing and came back without even getting deep into the hinterland of Shandong.

Gao Qiqian was startled and thought to himself, is there something wrong with this master?

There are bigger things ahead of you, so why bother trying to track down your whereabouts?

At the critical moment, only the eunuch can save the eunuch.

Wang Chengen intervened at the right time, attracting Chongzhen's attention.

"Your Majesty, for such a big event, why didn't Zuo Menggeng report it? Even if Zuo Menggeng is a minor official, where are the other officials in Shandong?"

Chongzhen quickly entered the state, and countless conspiracies and conspiracies flashed through his mind.

"Who is the governor of Shandong?"


Wang Chengen and Gao Qiqian were both stunned.

Shandong... now has no governor.

The previous governor Zhu Dadian was defeated and committed suicide. The court was always in chaos and forgot to re-appoint the governor of Shandong.

Chongzhen remembered it himself, slapped his forehead in annoyance, and continued to ask: "What about the left and right envoys? Where are the various patrols? What are the prefects and prefects doing in various places?"

Wang Chengen and Gao Qiqian could not answer.

Even if I know, I can't answer.

They are just eunuchs. If they get involved in this kind of thing, they will probably die faster.

Chongzhen also understood that what he was asking was not human and began to think of countermeasures.

After a long time, he gave the order: "Go and tell Mr. Zhou Ge and Mr. Wen Ge to come. Don't disturb others. Well...I also called Wang Wanxiang."

The three officials arrived soon.

Two pavilion elders and one censor, the lineup is strange, and they all have no idea what they are doing.

I gave the little eunuch money on the way, but the little eunuch didn't know it.

When they arrived at the Yangxin Hall, Chongzhen had restored his dignity as emperor and ordered Wang Chengen to clear out all the idle people before starting the discussion.

"Do you know, my dear friends, that the Dongjiang rebellion has been defeated and the two states of Deng and Lai have been restored?"


Zhou Yanru, Wen Tiren and Wang Wanxiang stood up in surprise, all frightened by these words.

Among them, Wang Wanxiang is the most concerned.

"Why don't you know this?"

Chongzhen looked at him.

"As far as I know, Aiqing has lived in Shandong for a long time and has countless relatives and friends. Do you really not know?"

This was the purpose why Chongzhen asked him to come.

As a Shandong official, after the rebellion in Dongjiang Town, Wang Wanxiang was the most active person in the fight when he saw that Sangzi suffered a lot of harm.

Logically speaking, such a person should be very concerned about his hometown.

But now it seemed that he had heard what Chongzhen said for the first time.

Wang Wanxiang said honestly: "This is the first time I have heard of it."

Chongzhen didn't believe it.

"Ai Qing never sent a letter home?"

Wang Wanxiang said bitterly: "Since the defeat of the army in Shahe, the capital has lost contact with Shandong. I...I haven't heard the local accent for a long time."

Recalling Gao Qiqian's words before, Chongzhen understood that it seemed that Shandong was really blocked.

Zhou Yanru didn't think much about it. The news that the Dongjiang rebels were defeated shocked him to death.

"Your Majesty, there are no troops to send now. I wonder where the news of Dongjiang's defeat came from? Are you lying about the military situation?"

Gao Qiqian's expression changed immediately.

Zhou, you want to kill our family?

"Haha, Mr. Zhou Ge, all the information came from my servant's personal inquiry. I wonder if there is anything suspicious?"

Seeing Gao Qi's sinister and pitiful expression, Zhou Yanru secretly said something bad.

I offended the eunuch.

Now he is competing with Wen Tiren for government affairs, and he has rashly offended an important official in the inner court, which may lead to his death.

"Hehe...hehe... Since Eunuch Gao personally took action, there must be nothing wrong. I am just surprised. The Dongjiang rebels are so vicious, but I don't know at whose hands they were defeated?"

Zhou Yanru's correction was timely. Gao Qiqian's face brightened slightly, and he followed Chongzhen's order and told what he had seen and heard again.

Zhou and Wen couldn't care less about the quarrel, they were all confused by this sudden new situation.

Wang Wanxiang was even more miserable. He was really happy when he thought that Sangzi could be saved and thousands of acres of land in his hometown could be saved.

"Oh, why are Shandong civil and military officials so negligent about such a big event?"


The atmosphere in the hall instantly turned a few degrees colder.

All the people present are smart people.

No one who is not smart can get here.

Wang Wanxiang trembled and tried hard to come back.

"Maybe... maybe the war situation is critical, Shandong Civil and Military..."

Zhou and Wen controlled the government and had a relatively clear understanding of the official situation in Shandong.

"Your Majesty, no new governor has been appointed in Shandong. There is only one left and right chief minister, Chen Yingyuan. Wang Daoyuan, the former Shandong governor, also died at the hands of the rebels. The whole group has long been leaderless."

Only then did Chongzhen realize that Shandong was so out of control.

For a time, I was even more worried.

This chapter has been completed!
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