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Chapter 520

Li Maofang arrived in Pingyuan County.

His treatment is no better than Gao Qidian.

"I am the new governor of Shandong, Li Maofang."

"I know."

He announced his home dignifiedly, but was met with a nonchalant response from the junior officer.

Li Maofang was furious.

"Since you know that I am the governor, why did you stop me?"

The young officer chuckled.

"Is there any proof?"

Li Maofang fluttered her sleeves angrily.

"How dare you stop me even though you are just a good person?"

The officer was angry.

With a wave of his hand, more than a dozen muskets were aimed at Li Maofang.

The muzzle of the gun was dark, filled with the fear of the abyss that preyed on people.

Li Maofang broke out in cold sweat.

He was a second-grade official, and if he died in the hands of a group of ignorant soldiers, he would become an eternal joke.

After signaling, the servant came forward and took out the seal and the pardon, which proved his identity.

That's it, still not released.

The young officer hurried away, and after a while, a young man in strange clothes came back.

Li Maofang's eyes widened when she saw the person coming.

It's just that this person has short hair, barely more than an inch. The clothes he wears are not official robes, but a short black dress that he has never seen before.

The local people in Shandong were not surprised at all when they saw it, they knew it was a uniform (Mao suit).

But in Li Maofang's eyes, it was immoral.

Young people are the easiest to change things like customs.

Therefore, after Zuo Menggeng took the lead in shaving his hair and introducing uniforms, older people were still getting used to it, but many young people followed suit.

In Linqing, Dongchang, Anshan Lake, Dongping, Jiaozhou Bay and Denglai, there are many people with short hair.

After shaving their hair short, people quickly discovered the benefits.

Especially in factories, short hair greatly avoids accidents and reduces the rate of work-related injuries.

With actual results, more and more people are cutting their hair short without the government's deliberate promotion.

The same goes for simple clothing.

It's not a matter of customs, it's purely a practical consideration.

Young people in government prefer uniforms.

Because it is light.

They are the ones who run the most errands. It's okay to sit in the office wearing long robes and official uniforms, but once they have to move, it's really a drag.

The young man walking over didn't know that he had become a monster in Li Maofang's eyes.

"Master Li, I am Wang Zesheng from the Protocol Department of the Foreign Affairs Department of the Shandong Administrative Committee, and I have been ordered to come to receive you."

"What...what committee...what...what...Foreign Affairs Department..."

Li Maofang's head was full of paste.

As he gets older, his ability to accept new things is very insufficient. Moreover, listening to these novel terms makes him instinctively feel that something is wrong.

Wang Zesheng is the fourth graduate of the Senior High School. Because he is smart, eloquent, and careful in his work, he just happened to be in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs when it was established, so he took over and was responsible for the reception.

Since Shandong's political power has not yet been established, his current job is more to receive businessmen who come to negotiate with the government.

This was the first time he was responsible for receiving court officials, and he was actually a little nervous.

"I would like to solemnly explain that the Shandong Administrative Committee is the highest administrative body of Shandong Province. In other words, from now on, all government affairs of Shandong Province will be handled by our Administrative Committee."

Li Maofang understood this and became furious.

"Asshole, are you going to rebel?"

Wang Zesheng blinked.

"Didn't Master Li know this before he came here?"



Li Maofang almost wanted to vomit blood.

When Zhou Yanru informed him of the situation in Shandong, he told him that Zuo Menggeng only harbored treason and had not revealed it for the time being.

After Li Maofang takes office, he only needs to strictly monitor and control Zuo Menggen's rebellion with many restrictions.

After the imperial court calmly resolves the civil unrest in the northwest and the crisis in Liaodong, it can send its troops into Shandong and annihilate Zuo Mengeng with ease.

The result...

He was told openly.

Yes, we are rebelling.

Li Maofang's breath was blocked in her chest, and she was speechless and couldn't say anything.

He was considered a capable minister, and of course he knew that since Zuo Mengeng admitted that he wanted to rebel, all the methods he had prepared in advance would be useless.

It is impossible to say that these heavily armed soldiers in front of me will kill them all.

Wang Zesheng stood up straight and his tone was very kind.

"I have made an explanation before, the commander-in-chief. If Master Li wants to return to the capital to resume his duties, please do as you please. If you want to visit our territory in Shandong, you are welcome. I will accompany you personally to ensure the safety of Master Li."

Return to the capital?

Li Maofang really wanted to turn around and leave.

Who would be a decent person and dare to be with a rebel?

It's a pity that he didn't even dare to return to the capital.

If he just went back in despair, Li Maofang didn't think his ending would be better than dying in Shandong.

Gritting his teeth, he made up his mind.

"Humph, lead the way. I want to meet Zuo Mengeng in person and show him my righteousness."

Wang Zesheng smiled.


Li Maofang is a good official.

Historically, when he served as the governor of Shandong, he really stabilized the situation in Shandong.

So when he wanted to leave later, the officials and the people stopped him one after another and refused to let him go. As a result, the court meeting failed, so he was allowed to continue.

After entering Shandong, what Li Maofang was most worried about was that Shandong was being harmed by "rebels" and countless people were wailing.

But on the way south, he wondered if he had gone the wrong way.

In March, the earth is getting warmer, and the farmland on both sides of the road is full of hard-working farmers.

Seeing that the endless fields were plowed, the fields were busy and full of vitality, far beyond the feet of the capital.

Is this still a place plagued by rebel thieves?

What made him even more surprised was that wherever the soldiers escorting them passed, the people along the way not only were not afraid to escape, but also took the initiative to greet them.

"Gua Wa Zi, I'm not afraid of being burned when I'm walking in the hot sun."

An old farmer resting on the roadside saw them coming and actually blocked the way. He picked up the kettle and gave each of them a bowl of water.

Wang Zesheng thanked him, took it and asked a question.

"Uncle, has this water been boiled?"

The old farmer made a face and was very dissatisfied.

"It's been burned, it's been burned. You kids shout and talk every day. No matter how stupid the old man is, he will remember it."

Wang Zesheng then picked up the bowl and drank all the water.

"Uncle, it's not that we are nosy, but there are bacteria in the raw water. If it is not sterilized, people will get sick after eating the water."

The old farmer is not really angry.

"The teacher in the village also said this, so it must be reasonable. Don't worry, we all drink boiled water now."

Li Maofang also got a bowl of water. After drinking it, she felt no longer thirsty.

Watching Wang Zesheng run to the field to look at the soil, he quietly asked: "Aren't you afraid of these rebels?"

The old farmer's expression changed immediately.

Seeing the official uniform he was wearing, he sneered.

"If all the rebels in the world were so good, we people would be burning incense. Unlike you, the thieves of the imperial court, who impose exorbitant taxes and force us to death. But when the Dongjiang rebels come, we will abandon the people."

Run away. How many people died tragically? Has the court ever taken care of it? Such a court must rebel against its mother."

This chapter has been completed!
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