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Chapter 521 Conditions

The emotions of the common people are the simplest.

Therefore, when the most simple anger broke out, Li Maofang was shocked and could not stand steadily.

Has the imperial court lost the support of the people?

Wang Zesheng came back and happened to hear the conversation here.

"Lord Li, have you seen it? This is the people's will. The court is immoral, the emperor is unjust, and the people of the world are forced to rise up. How can the law of heaven be tolerated if these lone men and thieves are not destroyed?"

Li Maofang was so distraught that she couldn't say a word.

If only Wang Zesheng debated with him, he would have countless long arguments to refute.

But facing the contempt of the simplest people, he was really ashamed.

The group continued southbound.

Along the way, there are vibrant scenes everywhere.

"This was originally the land of King Deok. After King Deok was killed by the Dongjiang rebels, all these lands were taken back to the public. The administrative committee took out half of it and distributed it to the people who had no land. Look, the people

How joyful it is for us to cultivate our own land.”

After hearing that King De's land had been divided, Li Maofang finally understood that the rebellious beliefs of these Shandong people were irreversible.

Two days later, we arrived at the mouth of the Daqing River.

After crossing the Daqing River, you will arrive in Jinan.

However, the bustling scene at the Hekou Pier in front of her made Li Maofang feel in a trance.

I could see a fleet of boats coming from the west as far as the eye could see, crowding the entire river. One boat after another, things were being unloaded.

The piles on the shore are as high as mountains, seemingly endless.

When Wang Zesheng escorted Li Maofang to the other side, he suddenly showed a look of surprise.

"Nian Taigong, you are here too."

Liu Zongzhou was checking things, and when he heard this, he turned around and happened to face Li Maofang.

Li Maofang stared blankly at this literary tycoon. The frustration he had felt for many days finally burst out.

"Hmph, the master of literature knows his skills well."

This is a mockery of Liu Zongzhou's betrayal of Confucian spirit and rebellion.

When Liu Zongzhou asked about Li Maofang's identity, he smiled freely.

"Taizong of the Tang Dynasty once said that the people are the water and the king is the boat. The water can carry the boat, but it can also capsize it. Today's monarchs and their courts are ignorant and decadent, and they are trying to destroy the people. It is just the right time to capsize their boats."

Isn't it just promoting orthodoxy? How could Liu Zongzhou be afraid?

Emperors throughout the ages have said this, isn’t it weighty enough?

Li Maofang had veins popping out on her forehead and finally lost her elegance.

"Liu Niantai, aren't you afraid that your family will be ruined and your reputation will be ruined?"

Liu Zongzhou waved his sleeves and his tone was shocking.

"I recommend Xuanyuan with my blood, and history books will mold my eternal name!"

The surging Haoran Zhengqi hit him face to face, causing Li Maofang to take several steps back and almost fell into the river.

Fortunately, Wang Zesheng had quick eyesight and quick hands to help him.

Liu Zongzhou was very busy and had no time to talk to him.

"Master Li, since you have come to Shandong, let's walk around and take a good look. See what the common people in the world want, and see what nostalgia there is for this ridiculous court? What will be left of the feudal emperor who harmed the world and gained weight for himself?


Li Maofang looked as if she had been fished out of the water, dripping with sweat, but she really had become a drowned dog.

Just at this time, another fleet docked on the shore, and the sharp whistle made him tremble as if he had been electrocuted.

When I looked back, I saw countless soldiers starting to disembark.

Under the sun, the muskets shone brightly, and the artillery flowed continuously.

Gu Xie

The energetic warriors, with a fierce spirit that swept everything, lined up on the shore almost in the blink of an eye.


The sound of uniform footsteps disappeared from the pier into the distance, but it still shocked Li Maofang's heart.

Coupled with Liu Zongzhou's decisive words, he finally understood where these people had the confidence to rebel.

Li Maofang was at the construction site when she saw Zuo Mengeng.

Jinan became lively in a short period of time.

The people who had been hiding in the mountains came back one after another.

Seeing their homes destroyed, they didn't know what to do except cry.

It was under such circumstances that major construction began.

The Engineering Department and the Logistics Department even suspended support for the frontline troops and devoted all their efforts to the reconstruction of Jinan City.

In addition, the Administrative Committee also relocated 50,000 people from Linqing and Dongchang, plus organized 50,000 refugees, forming a mighty construction army.


A section of the city wall was reduced to ashes in the powerful explosion, which made Li Maofang's heart tremble.

"General Zuo demolished the city wall, how to resist foreign enemies?"

"Master Li has never seen the might of our army, right? We don't need to rely on the city wall."

Li Maofang didn't understand military affairs, and she didn't know where Zuo Mengeng's confidence came from.

Seeing the dust flying everywhere in Jinan City, it seems that everything that belonged to the Ming Dynasty in the past is being destroyed.

"Nowadays, the imperial court is facing internal and external troubles. Even if His Majesty spares no efforts to maintain it, it will be difficult for him to withstand it. General Zuo does not want to serve the country, but he has Wang Mang's plan. Aren't you afraid of being reviled by the world?"

Zuo Mengeng didn't care.

"If Mr. Li is here to persuade me, then I'd better avoid it. People in the world have been suffering from the Zhu Ming Dynasty for a long time. Even if I don't rise up, the rebels in the northwest will fight to the end."

"Those are rogue bandits, thieves who rob homes and homes, destroy cities and destroy families."

Zuo Mengeng smiled sarcastically.

"Is your Ming army better than those rebels?"

Li Maofang was unable to argue.

Facts speak louder than words.

It's not like he didn't hear about the virtues of the Ming army.

"In that case, please ask General Zuo to take off my head from my neck, sacrifice it to the flag, and let me see how General Zuo saved the world after he ascended the throne."

Zuo Mengeng waved his hand, not polite at all.

"Even if we have to take the oath to fight, your head is not enough. Besides, haven't you seen that we are busy with construction here and have no time to care about your Ming Dynasty affairs."

Li Maofang was confused.

"Since General Zuo has decided to rebel, why didn't he fight?"

Zuo Mengeng looked over with sharp eyes, which made Li Maofang tremble with fear.

"What we want to build is a brand new world. In this new world, everyone is equal and every family is peaceful. No one will go hungry, and no one will sell their sons and daughters. Everyone can live.

Have dignity and will not be slaughtered like pigs and sheep. If Jinan is destroyed, we will build it; if Shandong is destroyed, we will also build it. Please rest assured that in the future, even if the entire Ming Dynasty territory is destroyed, we will also build it.

Build it.”

Li Maofang understood.

It wasn't that Zuo Mengeng didn't rebel, but that he didn't take the Ming court seriously at all.

Or in his mind, although overthrowing the Zhu Ming Dynasty must be done, it is not that urgent yet.

Thinking of the strong soldiers he saw at the dock, Li Maofang felt a little lucky for some reason.

At this moment, Zuo Mengeng made a condition.

"Master Li, please convey my will to Shandong when you go back. From now on, all matters in Shandong will be handled by me, Shandong, and will have nothing to do with the imperial court. If the imperial court agrees, then we will be in peace; if the imperial court insists,

When armies meet, let the battlefield speak for itself. However, Mr. Li would like to remind everyone in the court that when the canal is blocked and the north and south are cut off, the court will bear all the consequences."

This chapter has been completed!
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