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Chapter 640 Zhang Pu's Travel Notes

"Zhang Pu can come whenever he wants. We in Shandong are striving for innovation, openness and tolerance, so how can we be afraid of him, a rotten Confucian old man?"

Regarding Zhang Pu's upcoming visit to Shandong, many people felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Zuo Mengeng didn't think this was a bad thing.

"Only we ourselves know what is good about Shandong. Only when everyone in the world knows how good we are will they turn to us and help us. Often we only rely on us to take the initiative to publicize things, and the effect may not be very good.

Through the eyes of Zhang Pu and others, it may have unexpected effects."

After listening to his words, everyone in Shandong immediately felt at ease and returned to normal.

Zhang Pu's decision to go to Shandong in person aroused great concern from both the government and the public.

Zhang Pu was even more thoughtful and directly sent invitations to scholars all over the world.

[I want to argue right and wrong with Shandong. Is there anyone who can sing tragic songs and walk with me on the Yishui River?]

In the age of Confucianism, there are many people who uphold the old system.

Soon after Zhang Pu's invitation was sent out, he received many responses.

Among them, the most eye-catching ones are undoubtedly Sun Shenxing, a senior official in the officialdom, Lu Shiyi, a great scholar from Taicang, and Guan Yingzhen, a leader of the Chu Party.

These three people and Zhang Pu formed a team heading to Shandong.

Countless people are waiting to see whether these three people can maintain Taoism and revive Confucianism.

"When we go to Shandong, good or bad luck is unpredictable. The courage of the seniors to sacrifice their lives will be deeply impressed by the courage of the younger generations."

When Sun Shenxing and the other two men were reunited, Zhang Pu was extremely excited.

I thought that with the talents of these three great Confucian scholars, they would be able to suppress the rebellious people in Shandong academically.

The origin of Sun Shenxing is not simple.

He was one of the important participants in the original red pill case.

Moreover, his maternal grandfather was Tang Shunzhi, which can be said to be a well-established family tradition.

Although Sun Shenxing was close to the Donglin Party in terms of political stance, in the eyes of Sun Shenxing, a master of Neo-Confucianism, Shandong's current ideas were not limited to crooked ways.

"We, the scholars, uphold the legacy of the saints and serve the world. Why should we fear life and death? If we can use our blood to awaken the world to the right path, that is what I wish for!"

Sun Shenxing is old and mature, and has a firm attitude.

Zhang Pu hesitated a little, and said after careful consideration: "Senior, Shandong Qi Shijiao, Zhou Yongchun and others are also waving flags and shouting, wanting to help our generation, I don't know..."

Zhang Pu was very afraid that Sun Shenxing would fall out after hearing this.

Because Qi Shijiao was a disciple of Fang Congzhe.

During the Hongwan case, Sun Shenxing attacked Fang Congzhe frantically. It can be said that he and Qi Shijiao were mortal enemies.

But there was nothing unusual about Sun Shenxing.

"My fight with the Qi Party is only about government affairs. Now the fight with Shandong is related to the rise and fall of the world and the rise and fall of the Taoist system. They cannot be discussed in the same way."

After hearing this, Zhang Pu fell to the ground with admiration.

"Qi Ao Gong has such a big heart, great things will come true."

After everyone discussed it, they decided to start from the capital and go all the way south.

In just four or five days, we arrived in Texas.

This is already Shandong's territory, so everyone can't help but feel a little nervous.

At the junction of Wuqiao and Dezhou, the New Army has already set up checkpoints here.

Seeing their arrival, there was nothing strange about the new army.

A soldier came forward to ask.

"Why are you here?"

Under the gaze of everyone, Zhang Pu flicked his sleeves, prepared for any eventuality, and spoke out loudly.

"I am Zhang Ximing of Taicang, and I am here with all the senior scholars, just to uphold the right path and to distinguish between good and evil."

After hearing this, the soldier just raised the corner of his eye, then turned around and said, "Let it go."

I saw the New Army soldiers opening the checkpoints and letting them in and out.

Zhang Pu and others couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"You little pawn, have you ever understood what I want?"

The soldier's face became serious.

"If you want to debate right and wrong with me in Shandong, you have your own thoughts on Taiwan. Political Commissar Huang and others will welcome you. We are just soldiers responsible for the safety of this place and are not involved in this matter. You have found the wrong person."

Sun Shenxing and others couldn't help but marveled when they heard that a soldier spoke in such an orderly manner.

Lu Shiyi even became interested and asked: "Have you ever read a book?"

The soldier proudly said: "In our new army, everyone must be able to read and write."

Lu Shiyi asked: "Since you are educated and literate, why don't you follow the path of loyalty to the emperor and commit acts of rebellion?"

The soldier pointed to the distance and asked them to continue moving forward without blocking the road.

"The world belongs to the people of the world, not to the king alone. Since the king harms the public and enriches his private life, causing the common people to live worse than death, of course he must overthrow the matter."

Zhang Pu and others were dumbfounded by what they said, and wanted to refute it, but looking at the New Army soldiers around them who were armed to the teeth, they felt that trying to reason with some Qiu Ba seemed like playing the piano to an ox.

The carriage moved forward slowly and finally entered Shandong.

But the mood of everyone in the car fell to rock bottom.

They also did not expect that they had just arrived in Shandong and had not yet fought against Liu Zongzhou, Li Banghua, Huang Zongxi and other famous Confucian figures, but a small soldier would give them such a huge impact.

The vehicle drove forward shortly, and Dezhou City was visible in the distance.

But looking at Dezhou's appearance, these people were shocked again.

"With such an important town but no city walls, the Shandong rebels are really bold."

Guan Yingzhen also said: "Without the restriction of the city wall, the people can't stop coming and going. In this way, the criminals and criminals can move freely. Over time, the place will be unstable and the people will be uneasy. This is an act of chaos in the government."

But compared to his criticism, the faces of the Texas people passing by were all smiling.

They walked freely on the road, all walking on the right side, without any worry or fear at all.

There happened to be a shop next to the road, and Zhang Puhe suggested: "We have been working really hard all the way, why not take a rest in this shop and take a look at the people's livelihood in Shandong?"

"Xi Ming has a good heart, and this is a very good move."

Sun Shenxing had long been tired of sitting in the car, and the hot weather had already made his robe soaked through.

If there is no ventilation, you may suffer from heatstroke.

Everyone parked their cars on the side of the road and got out one after another. Just as they were about to enter the shop, a man wearing strange black clothes came next to them.

This man also had a machete hanging on his waist, which was very different from the passers-by.

"Everyone, parking is not allowed here."

Zhang Pu's servants came forward to greet him.

"My lords, please don't be arrogant here."

The man in black had a fit on the spot.

"Are you trying to break the law?"

Zhang Pu was afraid that his servant would do something bad, so he hurriedly asked: "What kind of laws are we breaking?"

The man in black pointed to the carriageway: "This is a traffic thoroughfare. The government clearly stipulates that parking is not allowed and blocking traffic. Move the vehicle immediately. There is a parking lot over there, otherwise I will issue a ticket."

Zhang Pu and others did not understand what the ticket was, but they also knew it was not a good thing.

Fortunately, the parking lot pointed out by the man in black was not far away, saving them the trouble of searching.

Zhang Pu then asked his servant to drive the carriage to the parking lot.

The man in black didn't give up and said: "Put a bag behind your horse's butt and don't poop anywhere. If you damage the environment, you will also be punished."

Zhang Pu and others were so worried that they had no idea that the rules in Shandong were so strict.

Will they really be able to go smoothly on this trip?

This chapter has been completed!
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