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Chapter 641 A Completely Different World

"Is this young man an official official?"

The behavior of the man in black made Zhang Pu ask.

The man in black raised his hand to his eyebrows.

"I'm a policeman. If you encounter any difficulties in Shandong, you can ask people like me for help. Of course, don't do bad things, otherwise we will arrest you."

Zhang Pu understood somewhat.

The man in black clothes must be the yamen servant.

It's just that in Shandong they are not called yamen, but police.

After the policeman left, Lu Shiyi muttered: "To warn the world and detect danger, this is a very good title, far better than a government official."

Although the others did not speak, they all nodded silently, agreeing with Shandong's approach for the first time.

After a short interlude, Zhang Pu and others walked into the store.

The shop owner was already at the side and said with a smile: "You have come all the way. The weather is very hot. How about a glass of ice water to cool down?"

Sun Shenxing was startled.

"Does your store also have ice water?"

The shop owner was puzzled.

"Why can't we have ice water?"

Sun Shenxing laughed angrily.

"Haha, I'm really not ashamed of my words. In today's world, except for the royal family, how can ordinary people store ice cubes in this hot summer?"

The store owner scratched his head, puzzled.

"Is it difficult? Wasn't it possible to do it in the Tang Dynasty?"

Zhang Pu and others were all shocked by this statement.

They are well-read and boast that their knowledge is unparalleled in the world, but there are actually things they don't know.

"Does the store have a certificate?"

The shop owner didn't have time to chat with them, so he turned around and went to the back.

After a while, he came back with a tray.

There are several transparent glass cups on the tray.

There were liquids in different colors in the cup, and it was hard to tell what they were.

The shopkeeper came over and distributed the cups to everyone.

"This is homemade juice from a small shop. It uses pears, plums, etc.. Ice water is added to it to relieve the heat."

Sun Shenxing looked at the transparent cup and was filled with emotion.

"Nowadays, this product has become popular all over the world, but it's a pity that it's expensive. I didn't expect that even ordinary people in Shandong can use it."

The liquid in his cup was transparent, making him think it was just water.

But when he got closer and took a sip, the cold and sweet taste instantly eliminated all the heat, making him moan in relief.

The face that was originally red also calmed down.

When Zhang Pu and others saw it, they also started drinking.

It must be ice water.

This they were sure of after drinking it.

Nothing can be so refreshing except ice water.

In addition, the sweet taste in the water is also very novel. It is neither sugar nor salt. I don’t know how to make it?

"Seller, you said this ice-making method was available in Tang Dynasty. Do you have proof?"

When the store owner saw that they were still struggling with this matter, he couldn't help but feel annoyed.

"There are teachers in the school, and all my children know it. You all look like they are teachers, so why don't you know?"

As soon as these words were said, Zhang Pu and others' faces turned red.

I didn’t expect that in this roadside shop, I would be taught a lesson.

Guan Yingzhen heard something and asked: "The store is talking about a school?"

The shop owner didn't expect these people to have endless questions, so he simply walked to the door of the shop, pointed into the distance and said: "We don't call it a school here, it calls it a school. It's over there. If you don't understand anything, just go and ask."

Zhang Pu and others looked up to investigate, but they were far away and could not see what was going on.

But they were really unconvinced when they thought that schools in Shandong would actually teach knowledge that they didn't even know.

After eating hastily in this small shop and getting rid of the heat, a few people walked out of the shop and looked for the store's instructions.

After a while, they arrived outside the school.

What they didn't expect was that the place was walled and airtight.

Although you can see from the outside that the area is wide, the houses are continuous, and there is a large open space, you cannot enter.

Several people searched for the road slowly and finally came to the door.

He was about to step inside, but was stopped.

"What do you guys want? You are not allowed in without permission."

An old man blocked the door, preventing them from entering.

Seeing that it was an old man, Lu Shiyi said politely: "Old man, we are here from out of town. I heard that Shandong schools are different, so I would like to go in and have a look. Please allow me."

Seeing that he spoke politely, the old man became kinder.

"I can't make the decision. Wait a minute, I'll ask someone to ask the principal."

The old man was searching around and happened to see a baby.

"Chen Xiaozhu, go find the principal quickly and tell him that guests are coming."

The kid ran around and was full of energy.

Not long after, there were hurried footsteps on the campus, and a few people came.

But when they saw the person in front, Zhang Pu and others' expressions changed.

Because the person who came was a young woman.

It’s just a woman, but she still wears fancy clothes.

The upper part of her body was worn in a small black coat, which tightly outlined her body so that her curves were exposed.

What made a few people even more surprised was that this woman was actually wearing pants on her lower body.

As long as it's trousers, that's fine. Putting a skirt on the outside is also a common attire for women in the Ming Dynasty.

But this woman only had pants, so that her legs were clearly defined, and her waist and hips swayed when she moved, which made several old scholars dare not look directly at her.

The woman didn't feel anything, and quickly came closer.

"Uncle Qin, are these guests?"

The old janitor gave way.

"Principal Lin, they said they came from out of town and wanted to visit the school."

The young woman was about twenty-five or six years old. She was slender and had a stubborn air between her eyebrows. She spoke quite kindly.

"I wonder where these gentlemen are coming from and what do they want to see?"

Seeing that others were trying to avoid him, Zhang Pu had no choice but to step forward.

"I, Zhang Pu, of Taicang, came here to discuss teaching with Mr. Liu Niantai. I passed by here today and heard that your school has a unique style and even teaches knowledge that we don't know, so I came here to ask for advice. Please forgive me for my presumption."

Principal Lin raised his eyebrows.

"It turned out to be Mr. Ximing in person."

Zhang Bo was stunned for a moment, feeling quite proud of himself.

"Do you also know the name of so-and-so?"

Principal Lin chuckled again and again.

"Who in the world knows about the debate between Nian Taigong and Mr. Xi Ming? You have scolded Nian Taigong quite a lot, and his disciples and grandsons hate you. How dare you come to Shandong?"

Zhang Pu said loudly: "Where moral justice lies, even if there are tens of thousands of people, I will go there!"

Principal Lin was not polite.

"I'm afraid that your way is wrong. It will not only mislead others and yourself, but also mislead the whole world."

After saying this, Zhang Pu frowned and became angry.

"The principles of Taoism are the most important thing in the world, and they have nothing to do with a little girl like you."

Principal Lin did not feel dissatisfied and even read a poem.

"Who says women are inferior to men? Women can hold up half the sky. Even the commander-in-chief of my family respects women very much, but you old scholars are poor, conservative, blind and arrogant, and sooner or later you will be swept into the garbage dump of history."

Zhang Pu was furious, but he maintained his identity.

"We are here today just for a visit. We don't want to argue with you. If you allow it, please let us go."

Lu Shiyi stood beside him and asked, "Could it be that these schools specialize in teaching evil ways and mislead the students?"

Principal Lin smiled like an oriole singing on a willow tree.

"A few of them are also world-famous Confucian scholars, but they use this unfashionable method of provocation. We in Shandong are upright and upright, and everything we do is the inheritance and development of China. There is nothing that cannot be said to others, and nothing that cannot be seen by others.

Please come in, and today I will show you what the new world is."

This chapter has been completed!
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