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Chapter 666

I have to admit that experience cannot be taught through teaching.

Generals can only make improvements by working hard on the battlefield and slowly accumulating lessons.

Tang Wenhuan is the best student in the school and is excellent in all subjects.

Now he meets Azige, a veteran on the battlefield.

Azig certainly did not attend any military school.

All of his combat abilities come from hunting as a child and years of training on the battlefield.

Although his combat capabilities are not systematic or professional enough, they are very practical.

This time he used his own experience to teach Tang Wenhuan a solid lesson.

Dorgon faced a well-organized front line arranged by Tang Wenhuan, so he could not think of any way to break it, which resulted in heavy losses for Wu Zhenchaoha.

But Azig was on the side, cruising around and observing.

Azig is like a cheetah, always searching for the weakness of his prey. Once he finds it, he will bite hard.

He actually found it.

Because they were going to fight Wu Zhenchaoha, the formation of the Marine Corps moved forward unknowingly.

This resulted in a gap of more than 400 meters between the front line and the flanks.

Azig's eyes lit up and he immediately made targeted arrangements.

"Smoke, smoke quickly!"

During the Battle of Lushun, the effect of smoke was very good. From then on, the army of the Later Jin Dynasty always had this product.

At this time, in order to deceive the new army, Azig certainly thought of this method.

The Eight Banners cavalry galloped back and forth, throwing smoke.

Soon, the side of the battlefield was shrouded in thick smoke.

Using the smoke, Azig began tactical deception.

"Subai, lead your troops to go around from the left. Attack with all your strength and do not retreat."

Subai took the order and led his troops to break away from the formation and run westward along the edge of the smoke. Then he suddenly turned and headed straight towards the silhouette of the new army.

Guarding the flank of the New Army was the 7th Battalion.

Guan Xinwei, commander of the 7th Battalion, saw that the Eight Banners cavalry finally launched a charge and quickly made arrangements.

"Turn right and prepare to shoot."

Amidst the sound of footsteps, the 7th Battalion faced the charging Subai. Ru Lin's muskets would definitely cause great damage to the enemy.

Guan Xinwei was not nervous at first.

Based on his experience, these Eight Banners soldiers would never dare to rush into the effective range of the muskets.

It's probably another test.

But this time he was wrong.

The cavalry led by Subai showed no intention of slowing down and rushed straight towards the formation of the seventh battalion.

The earth-shattering sound of horse hooves has begun to affect the soldiers of the New Army.

The violent aura that hit their faces made everyone cheer up, just waiting for the order to fire.

Six hundred meters...

The Eight Banners Cavalry did not slow down.

Five hundred meters...

The Eight Banners Cavalry did not turn.

Four hundred meters...


Guan Xinwei didn't dare wait any longer.

The cavalry's speed is too fast. If they don't fire at this distance, it will be difficult to produce enough firepower.

The formation of the 7th Battalion was filled with white smoke, and countless bullets were fired at the Eight Banners Cavalry who were charging desperately.

The high-speed cavalry collided with the even faster bullets, and the bloody arrows flew violently, causing dozens of Jurchens to fall off their horses.

Even so, the Eight Banners cavalry still had no intention of retreating.

Since the Eight Banners cavalry will not withdraw, Guan Xinwei cannot be merciful.

The second row of soldiers stepped forward and opened fire again.

As the distance got closer, the Eight Banners cavalry suffered more and more casualties.

Guan Xinwei did not think that this group of cavalry could rush to the front of the 7th Battalion alive.

Just when he couldn't figure out why these Jurchens were seeking death, from the left rear of the 7th Battalion, a louder sound of galloping horses penetrated his eardrums.

He looked back in shock.

On the right side of the smoke curtain wall, the more numerous Eight Banners cavalry had rushed within 800 meters.

And looking at the intention of this cavalry group, it was obvious that they wanted to insert themselves between the seventh battalion and the frontal battlefield.

Once they succeed, the new army in front will definitely be attacked from both sides.

Guan Xinwei's dead souls emerged, and he didn't have time to think too much. He shouted: "The 19th Company, stop them."

The 19th Company, which was still at the back of the queue, heard the order and turned around and ran away without saying a word.

Although there were only over a hundred of them, and even though there were thousands of Eight Banners cavalry rushing towards them at high speed, they still did not look back.

Cui Zhen, commander of the 19th company, shouted at Guan Xinwei when he left the formation.

"Battal Commander, don't worry, there will never be a Tatar rush over!"

Guan Xinwei's eyes filled with tears and he stared blankly at the back of the 19th Company.

He had no idea how many people in the 19th Company would come back alive after this battle.

But there was no other way. In order to ensure victory and protect the army, he could only watch as more than a hundred people from the 19th Company died generously.

The only thing he could do was to turn his head and look at the cavalry led by Subai.

"Open fire with all your strength and destroy this group of Tatars."

As long as they fight fast enough and eliminate Subai's men, the 7th Battalion will have a chance to rescue the 19th Company.

Cui Zhen didn't know what the battalion commander was thinking, and he didn't have time to think so much.

While leading the entire company to gallop, Cui Zhen made the final deployment.

"The third row, throw nails; the second row, lay mines."

The 19th Company was on the inside, even if it was running on foot, it was faster than Azig.

So they ran to where they could stop Azig head-on.

Cui Zhen knew very well that with just one of their companies, no matter how brave they were, they could not stop thousands of cavalry with just their flesh and blood.

At times like this, of course it's useful for whatever it is.

In this era, cavalry was the absolute king of war.

In order to deal with the cavalry, the new army's equipment had already been arranged.

The third row ran to the front of the line, and the soldiers took out large bags from their backpacks.

Lift the lid.

They poured out the contents while running backwards.

The things inside are all triangular iron nails with spikes, which function like caltrops.

This thing is useless against infantry, but it is definitely a weapon against galloping horses.

The second platoon urgently threw the mines on the ground right behind them.

At this time, we couldn't think about the concealment of the mines, and we didn't have time to dig holes, so we just threw them on the ground.

Anyway, even if the cavalry charging at high speed sees it, can they still avoid it?

Two hurried defense lines were deployed in succession, and the second and third platoons quickly returned to their ranks.

Stand behind the first row and start preparing your musket to fire.

In just a short time, the Eight Banners cavalry led by Azig had already rushed within 400 meters.

Seeing that there were only more than a hundred people blocking the way ahead, Azig showed a cruel smile.

"Kill them and leave no one behind."

The Eight Banners Cavalry increased its speed by one more beat and crashed into the 19th Company at lightning speed.

Cui Zhen felt that the strong wind blowing against him made him unable to breathe.

But you must not back down at this time.

The safety of the entire army is in their hands.


This chapter has been completed!
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