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Chapter 711 Undefended City

On the day when Fang Yuegong and Xu Erxuan massacred Qingpu Town, Jiangnan's report was sent to the capital.

After learning about the situation, Chongzhen immediately became energetic.

"We know our loyal ministers when we are in trouble, and we miss our good generals when the country is in trouble. At this time of crisis, we still have loyal ministers like Fang Aiqing. It is really our great luck to the Ming Dynasty."

Chongzhen walked as fast as flying, circling back and forth in the hall, thinking about the impact of this incident.

Wen Tiren is not so optimistic.

"Your Majesty, will Fang Yuegong act rashly and anger Shandong? What if Zuo Mengeng avenges his father-in-law and sends troops brazenly..."

When he said this, Chongzhen woke up with horror, and then he remembered that there was an evil tiger beside him.

This evil tiger can eat people.

However, Wang Chengen knew that the power of the Ming Dynasty was deteriorating day by day, and that Chongzhen was severely hit and needed some happy news.

"This slave thinks otherwise."

When Chongzhen looked over, he prepared the words.

"Those who hate the Xu family today are the people of Songjiang. This is the people's heart and the foundation of the world. Even Shandong Zuo Ni talks about the people's heart all day long. If he wants to use force for this, wouldn't he be breaking his promise? By then

If the people of the world recognize his hypocrisy, how can he still have a foundation to establish himself?"

After hearing this, Chongzhen couldn't help but smile.

"That's right, that's right. What Daban said is sincerity. Since the people's sentiments are like this, what can Shandong Zuoni do?"

Wen Tiren was overwhelmed with lawsuits and felt that the Human Emperor's thinking was too simple.

"Your Majesty, in the final analysis, both Shandong and Songjiang Prefecture are the territory of our Ming Dynasty. If Shandong Zuo takes risks and uses force to disrupt the country, the vitality of our Ming Dynasty will be damaged. I secretly believe that I should immediately send an order to Fang Yue Gonghe

Jiangnan Civil and Military Affairs. This matter must be handled, but it must be done skillfully and without giving Zuo Ni any reason to use force."

Chongzhen's sweet dream was awakened again. Although he was very unhappy, he also knew that Wen Tiren was right.

Still the same sentence.

In terms of force, Shandong has an absolute advantage.

As long as Zuo Menggeng wants to fight, we don't know what will happen to Jiangnan. At the very least, the capital will definitely fall.

If the capital falls, can he, the emperor, still survive?

"According to your wishes, how should this matter be resolved?"

Wen Tiren was indeed an old bureaucrat, and he quickly thought of a solution.

"If you want this matter to be flawless, you should punish the crime and leave the person behind. In this way, Shandong Zuoni will not be able to find any reason and wantonly cause chaos."

Wen Tiren’s meaning is very clear.

That is to let Jiangnan Wenwu and Fang Yuegong determine the crimes of the Xu family and the Songjiang merchants and gentry, but without causing personal harm to them.

In this way, the imperial court was tantamount to seizing the right to justice, and instead pushed Shandong into a corner.

Chongzhen thought about it carefully and admired Wen Tiren's sophistication.

"Just do it like this."

The capital and Jiangnan are thousands of miles apart, so even if we work hard, it will take a lot of time to send information back and forth.

Such a long time is enough to change the color of heaven and earth.

On the Yangtze River, the mighty fleet traveled all the way backwards. Wherever it passed, everything was smooth and unimpeded.

All the way to the gates of Nanjing, the fleet encountered no obstruction.

At this time, the city of Nanjing had already turned into a mess.

"What should we do? Zhu Guobi, Liu Kongzhao, and Fang Yuegong were defeated and lost territory. Their crimes are difficult to punish."

Xie Sheng, the Minister of Civil Affairs, wanted to cry but had no tears.

He will leave office soon.

The decision to replace him with Zheng Sanjun was already on the way, but something like this happened.

It is impossible to say that it will leave a stain on his official career.

Liu Ning was no longer as arrogant as he was some time ago, but was frightened to the point of confusion.

"Is this Shandong Zuo Ni really a heavenly soldier? Why did he suddenly appear under Nanjing City, but there is no news from anywhere?"

No one among the civil and military nobles in Nanjing could answer his words. Everyone had only one feeling...

That means the sky is falling and the earth is falling.

"The matter has come to this, and it is useless to say more. How should Nanjing defend itself? We must quickly come up with regulations."

Defend the city?

The civil and military officials in Nanjing looked at each other, stunned that no one wanted to come forward.

It's not that they are humble.

First, Nanjing's armaments were depleted, and the army could not fight at all, and there were not even enough soldiers to defend the city;

Secondly, these people are ignorant of humanities and have no idea how to defend the city and fight.

If I really go to the battlefield, I'm afraid my head will be chopped off by the Shandong New Army.

"Information to all my lords, the enemy troops have arrived at the city gates."

After hearing the report, the faces of Nanjing's civil and military officials became even more pale.

Lu Weiqi, the Minister of War, was very worried, but there was no way to avoid it.

Who said he was the most powerful official in Nanjing and was in charge of Nanjing's military?

"Let's go, we can't bear the crime of losing the city and the land. Now we have to defend the city physically. If we want to come to Shandong Zuoni, we don't dare to risk the disapproval of the world and use force brazenly in the land of Taizu Longxing."

All he could say was that he was lucky to think so.

As for whether the Shandong New Army dared to fight, he had no idea.

But he can't run, otherwise everything will end well.

Nanjing's civil and military ministers climbed to the top of the city in fear. Just one glance at the river made everyone dizzy.

Nanjing has been prosperous since ancient times, with endless business exchanges.

When Zhu Yuanzhang and Chen Youliang fought for the world, the mighty navy set out from here, and finally fought with Chen Youliang at Poyang Lake and won.

However, the events of more than two hundred years ago have not left any glorious traces in the minds of these civil and military officials.

But today, the battleships of the Shandong New Army are all over the river, and their towering flags and sails are connected to the sky, like moving castles. The overwhelming power oppresses people and they can't breathe at all.

On the boat, E Honglue asked: "Minister, shall we fight or not?"

Although they arrived at the gates of Nanjing, there were endless debates within the navy.

There is no unified internal opinion on whether Nanjing should be attacked or not.

A voice cannot be played.

Once Nanjing is attacked and things get serious, the imperial court is likely to overturn the table and fight Shandong until death.

Although Shandong is not afraid of war and does not feel that the imperial court can bring any threat to Shandong. However, once a full-scale war breaks out, it will still disrupt Shandong's established deployment.

Another voice believes that Nanjing should be attacked.

As long as Nanjing is attacked, Xiaoxiao will definitely be shaken. From now on, the government and officials in various parts of the Ming Dynasty will no longer dare to embarrass the people and businesses of Shandong.

To put it bluntly, they were using Nanjing to scare the monkeys.

The two voices were equally superior, so everyone's eyes were focused on Zuo Hua.

The only one who can make a decision at this moment is him, the Minister of the Navy.

Zuo Hua, however, did not feel any pressure. He held the telescope and took a leisurely look at the charm of the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties.

"No wonder the young master said that Nanjing is a place of ecstasy, but it is not the foundation of the dynasty's hegemony. Look, this city is just an appearance, and it cannot prevent foreign enemies from attacking."

Everyone has already clearly observed the situation in Nanjing.

Even the trembling officers and soldiers on the city wall came into view.

In other words, if the navy really wants to attack, the glorious and magnificent city in front of it actually doesn't have much resistance.

Thinking that one of the two capitals of the Ming Dynasty had opened its arms to us, everyone in the navy couldn't help but feel excited.

If we really have to fight, I'm afraid that the writings of people like them will be indispensable in future history books.

This chapter has been completed!
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